Stellaris - Stellaris Wiki (2025)


Stellaris - Stellaris Wiki (1)

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Base game

Release date / Patch

2016-05-09 / 1.0

Store: Base game

Stellaris is a sci-fi grand strategy game set 200 years into the future. It is being developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive.

Stellaris is a grand strategy game, such as Europa Universalis 4 and Crusader Kings 3, with a focus on exploration and the notable exception of being based in space.

It is Paradox Development Studios' first new major IP in 10 years.


  • 1 General information
    • 1.1 Release date
    • 1.2 Main features
    • 1.3 Editions
    • 1.4 Pre-orders
    • 1.5 Sign-up campaign
  • 2 Videos
    • 2.1 Cinematic trailers
  • 3 Dev diaries
  • 4 References

General information[edit | edit source]

Release date[edit | edit source]

Stellaris has been released on May 9, 2016 at 18:00 CEST.[1]

Main features[edit | edit source]

Stellaris' game features[2]:

  • Discovery Events – Emergent Storytelling.
  • Deep & Varied Exploration.
  • Enormous procedural galaxies, containing thousands of planets.
  • Vast number of unique random species.
  • Advanced Diplomacy system.
  • Ship Designer
  • Stunning space visuals.
  • Multiplayer support for upwards of 32 players (no real limit apart from map size).

Editions[edit | edit source]

Beside the Standard Edition, Stellaris is available with premium content:

  • The Nova Edition includes all the content of the standard edition, plus the Digital Original Soundtrack, an Arachnoid exclusive alien race and a Nova forum icon.
  • The Galaxy Edition includes all the content of the Nova Edition, plus the Digital Collector’s Book, the Stellaris: Infinite Frontiers novel by Steven Savile (e-book), an exclusive forum avatar and Galaxy icon, as well as a signed wallpaper.

Pre-orders[edit | edit source]

Pre-orders include the Creatures of the Void DLC portrait pack, ringtones and message alert sounds, and a Blorg forum avatar.

Sign-up campaign[edit | edit source]

The sign-up campaign, Project Augustus, ran from March 16 through April 2, 2016. It consisted of a click game that unlocked cosmetic content DLCs: a Platypus alien portrait, a flag and empire symbols packs, as well as a forum icon and forum avatars. These DLCs bonuses were freely released in Patch 1.1.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Cinematic trailers[edit | edit source]

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Dev diaries[edit | edit source]

Main article: Developer diaries

All developer diaries about the post-release patches, patch 1.1 (aka Clarke) and patch 1.2 (aka Asimov).

Patch 1.2 (Asimov)
No.Title and LinkDescriptionDate
4Asimov Patch (part 1)Diplomacy improvements, border access, and embassies2016-06-14
5Asimov Patch (part 2)Better looking battles, map modes, nomad fleets, slave factions, new wargoals, diplomatic incidents2016-06-20
6New SkyboxesVariation added to the universe with the introduction of new Skyboxes2016-06-27
Patch 1.1 (Clarke)
No.Title and LinkDescriptionDate
1The Maiden VoyageParadox's plans for the next three Stellaris patches2016-05-16
2Clarke PatchUI, AI and empire builder improvements, balance changes, bug fixes2016-05-24
3QA in SpaceA little light on QA work2016-05-30

All developer diaries about Stellaris (base game).

No.Title and LinkDescriptionDate
1The VisionDesign goals2015-09-21
2Art VisionArtistic choices2015-09-28
3Galaxy GenerationHow galaxies are generated2015-10-05
4Means of TravelAbout FTL propulsion2015-10-12
5Empires and SpeciesWhat sets species apart2015-10-19
6Rulers and LeadersRole that characters play2015-10-26
7Science Ships, Surveys and AnomaliesScience ships and events2015-11-02
8The Situation Log and Special ProjectsEvent journal2015-11-09
9Planets & ResourcesPlanetary differences, resource collection methods2015-11-16
10The Spaceport and rare resourcesSpaceport upgrades and rare resource use2015-11-23
11Research & TechnologyThe hidden, semi-random tech tree2015-11-30
12Policies & EdictsEmpire-wide policies, temporary edicts2015-12-07
13Primitive CivilizationsStudy, enlighten, or infiltrate the natives2015-12-14
14Uplifting and SubspeciesUplift and tailor pre-sentients, alter your own people2015-12-21
15Fallen EmpiresPowerful, isolationist AI empires2016-01-04
16Colony EventsEvents to set your planets apart2016-01-11
17Ship DesignerChoose a design's sections, and fill their weapon and utility slots2016-01-18
18Fleet CombatWeapon/defense types, hands-off combat, and emergency FTL2016-01-25
19Diplomacy & TradeTrade negotiations and subject types2016-02-01
20War and peaceWar goals and war score2016-02-08
21Administrative SectorsFew directly managed planets, AI-managed sectors2016-02-15
22Alliances and FederationsMultilateral alliances and closely cooperating federations2016-02-22
23Multiplayer32-player multiplayer and enhanced stability2016-02-29
24AIUnique personalities, threat assessments, AI budgeting2016-03-07
25Reverse Engineering and Unique TechnologiesStudying debris2016-03-14
26Migration, Slavery & PurgesPolicies concerning Migration, Slavery and Purges2016-03-21
27Music & SoundThe soundtrack and sound design of Stellaris2016-03-28
28Project Lead speaksThe project lead of Stellaris, Rikard "Zoft" Åslund speaks2016-04-04
29Pop Factions & ElectionsAbout populations (pops), factions and elections2016-04-11
30Late Game CrisesAbout late game crises2016-04-18
31Modding (Scripting Anomalies)About modding in general, and scripting anomalies in particular2016-04-25
32Modding (Art)About modding art, with a focus on characters and ship modding2016-05-02

References[edit | edit source]

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Stellaris - Stellaris Wiki (2025)


How long does it take to 100% Stellaris? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Stellaris is about 31½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 337 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How many pops is too much Stellaris? ›

Pops start to decline when a planet is 25% overcrowded. Planet capacity is capped at 500, regardless of free housing or unblocked districts. Pops can go over 500 and will not stop growing (or decline) until the required housing exceeds available housing by 15% (or 25%). species growth by −0.5%.

What happens at 2500 Stellaris? ›

2500 is considered endgame, but its not technically over until the endgame crisis around that time point is defeated. End game crisis can start as soon as 2400 by default.

What is the longest war in Stellaris? ›

The Terran-Compact War, also known as the Long War among the belligerent nations of the Galactic North, was a series of conflicts which together constitutes one of the longest and bloodiest wars in both the Galactic North's history as well as the Milky Way as a whole, lasting nearly 232 years, from February 2263 to ...

What happens if war exhaustion reaches 100% Stellaris? ›

War exhaustionEdit

Armageddon Bombardment), and a passive accumulation over time called Attrition. When a side's war exhaustion hits 100% they can be forced into a status quo peace after 24 months.

Is Stellaris grindy? ›

This new DLC, Stellaris: Apocalypse, and the major update to the base game, overhaul some serious systems, but the root problem of the title still remains. It simply is too grindy, too 'bureaucratic,' and simply takes too long to do anything interesting.

How many people is one pop worth Stellaris? ›

Interestingly, dividing 12.5 billion by 24 Pops gives a value of 1 Pop = 500 million people, which isn't actually that bad a metric either.

How many armies does it take to invade a planet Stellaris? ›

12 armies should be enough for a size 20 planet, but it's gonna be a while and you'll probably suffer casualties. I usually start with 20+ assault armies, with sizes increasing as the game goes on.

What is the average size of planets in Stellaris? ›

Planet size

Planets have a size between 12 and 25. Moons have a size between 10 and 15. Homeworlds have a size between 18 and 21, unless otherwise determined by the empire's origin.

What is the average lifespan in Stellaris? ›

The mean lifespan with no modifiers is 88 years, 6 months. Gestalt Consciousness empires are immortal.

What is the end goal of Stellaris? ›

Players take the role of a single FTL-capable civilization, referred to as an empire, with the goal of exploring and claiming systems, colonizing habitable planets, and expanding their economy to outcompete rival civilizations progressively encountered through first contact events.

What is the oldest empire in Stellaris? ›

The Screk Empire is perhaps one of, if not the oldest, known interstellar nations in the whole Milky Way, one that predates even the ancient polities such as the Vran, the Ti-Zru and the Baanthurians.

Which war is endless? ›

The war on terror has often been cited as a perpetual war, being a war with "no specific battlefield and the enemy isn't an army." The war on terror has been directed at countless "enemies," as it has no clear target.

How long does it take to colonize Stellaris? ›

Colony ships[edit | edit source]

Pops are neither consumed nor transported in this process. Once constructed, the colony ship may be sent to any habitable world within an owned system to start a colony. Colony ships take one year to build and their upkeep cost is maintained throughout the whole colonization process.

How long does it take for primitives to advance Stellaris? ›

Primitive civilizations can advance through ages by themselves as their history is written. The mean time for this to happen is 160 years for all advancements up to the Steam Age, and 100 years for all advancements after that.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.