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History of Conflicts in Lebanon. A Critical Perspective
Carmen Hassoun - Abou Jaoude, Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Risha Jagarnathsingh
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The Breakdown of the State of Lebanon By Farid El-Khazen. London: I. B. Tauris and the Centre for Lebanese Studies, 1999. Pp. 432. Price HB 39.50. 1-86064-320-5
Jens Hanssen
Journal of Islamic Studies, 2001
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Lebanon after the Civil War: Peace or the Illusion of Peace
Faten Ghosn
Middle East Journal, 2011
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Conflict in Lebanon
Yuri Khomchenko
The contemporary world faces numerous conflicts on virtually all continents and with many countries being involved, which threatens security and safety of the international community and local residents. Moreover, the number of conflicts recorded in the modern history is huge, which calls for a thorough consideration of each particular conflict in particular in order to comprehend their underlying causes, dynamics of the conflict, and other peculiarities with a view to preventing similar conflicts from occurrence in the future. The present paper provides a brief overview of the conflict in Lebanon as of the beginning of 2017, thereby analyzing this particular conflict with respect to its background and evolution.
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jamal wakim
This article argues that, contrary to mainstream liberal school claim, Syria did not act as a destabilizer of the Lebanese confessional system which led to the breakdown of the system and to civil war between 1975 and 1990. Rather, the Syrian regime, driven by the interests of the Damascene bourgeois class closely associated with the transit trade between Beirut and the Gulf region via Damascus, chose to contain the crisis and rehabilitate the confessional system which is a system of hegemony that hinders class struggle to the benefit of the Lebanese mercantile bourgeoisie.
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The Historiography and the Memory of the Lebanese Civil War
Sune Haugbolle
Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence, 2011
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Revisiting Lebanese Civil War
Murat Tınas
Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017
Although the confessional system in Lebanon seems to guarantee the political representation of different groups, it is far from a centralized nation-state model based on the idea of citizenship in modern sense. On the contrary, it has prevented the consolidation of modern nation-state and the integration of different sectarian groups. Additionally, after the independence, the feudal lords could be able to hold their socio-economic privileges, and certain families could establish their leadership in various sectarian communities. This complex social structure has been further fragmented during the civil war years from 1975 to 1990. Although there is a fairly extensive literature on the Lebanese civil war, revisiting the war once again is believed to be a very timely study as the intensification of sectarian conflicts leads to the Lebanonization of the whole Middle East. This study aims to analyze the civil war by dividing it into certain periods and argues that socio-economic disparities fed by sectarian differences turned into identity-based conflicts with the intervention of regional and international actors, which further deepened the sectarian fragmentation in Lebanon. As a qualitative research, this study draws its sources from both primary and secondary sources in addition to a field work in Lebanon. Mezhebe dayalı temsiliyet nedeniyle farklı grupların yönetime katılımını teminat altına alan bir sistem gibi görünen Lübnan’daki siyasi yapı modern bir ulus-devlette esas olan vatandaşlık kavramının toplum ve birey nezdinde yerleşmesinin önünde engel olmuş ve ülkedeki dini/mezhebi grupların uzun dönemde birbirine entegre olabilmesinden ziyade bu cemaatlerin sınırlarını çizerek gruplar arası iletişimin dini/mezhebi kimlikler üzerinden yürütülmesine yol açmıştır. Ayrıca, bağımsızlığın kazanılmasından sonra eskinin feodal beyleri sosyo-ekonomik üstünlüklerini elinde tutabilmiş, belirli aileler farklı mezhebi gruplarda öne çıkarak liderliklerini tesis edebilmişlerdir. Bu karmaşık sosyal yapı, 1975-1990 Lübnan İç Savaşı ile derinden parçalanma sürecine girmiştir. Lübnan iç savaşına ilişkin literatür oldukça zengin olmakla beraber, mezhep bazlı söylem ile çatışmaların giderek yoğunlaştığı Ortadoğu’nun giderek Lübnanlaştığı bir dönemde, bu çalışma bahse konu iç savaşı belirli periyotlarda inceleyerek başlangıçta yerel ve daha çok sosyo-ekonomik eşitsizliklere dayanan sosyal sıkıntıların, süreç içinde yerel, bölgesel ve bölge dışı aktörlerin de katılımıyla kimlik çatışması çerçevesinde algılandığını anlatmaktadır. Bu anlatımda bahse konu dönüşümün, siyasi söylemi ve toplumlar arası ilişkileri daha derinden ve şiddetli bir biçimde mezhebileştirdiği vurgulanmaktadır. Nitel bir araştırma olan bu çalışma, birincil ve ikincil kaynakların yanı sıra Lübnan’da gerçekleştirilen saha çalışmasına dayanmaktadır.
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Understanding the Geopolitics of the War in Southern Lebanon
Emmanuel Kotia
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War Is Coming: Between Past and Future Violence in Lebanon SamiHermez (Ed.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. 280 pp. $50.22. ISBN-13: 978-0812248869
najib hourani
Digest of Middle East Studies, 2018
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Forcing the Lebanese Back to Dialogue. The May 2008 Beirut Clashes from a State-Building Perspective. [MA thesis]
Nora Stel
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