Masonry Construction Manual
The original German edition of this book was conceived and developed by DETAIL, Review of Architecture Authors: Gunter Pfeifer, Professor, freelance architect Department of Design and Construction I, Darmstadt Technical University Rolf Ramcke, Prof. Dipl.-lng., architect Department of Planning Theory and Building Technology, Humboldt University, Berlin Joachim Achtziger, Dr.-lng. Forschungsinstitutfur Warmeschutz e.V. (Thermal Insulation Research Institute), Munich Konrad Zilch, Prof. Dr.-lng. Martin Schatz, Dr.-lng. Chair of Monolithic Construction, Munich Technical University Published by: Institut fur internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH, Munich Editorial services: Andreas Gabriel, Dipl.-lng.; Christian Schittich, Dipl.-lng.; Sabine Drey, Dipl.-lng.; Cornelia Hilpert M.A.; Johanna Reichel-Vossen, Dipl.-lng.; Heike Werner, Dipl.-lng.; Drawings: Marion Griese, Dipl.-lng.; Kathrin Draeger, Dipl.-lng.; Martin Hammel, Dipl.-lng.; Oliver Katzauer, Dipl.-lng.; Emese Koszegi, Dipl.-lng.; Nicola Kollmann, Dipl.-lng.; Peter Lingenfelser, Dipl.-lng.; Isabel Mayer Translators (German/English): Gerd Sbffker, Philip Thrift, Hannover; Elizabeth Schwaiger, Toronto A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., USA Deutsche Bibliothek - Cataloging-in-Publication Data Masonry construction manual / [publ. by: Institut fur Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH, Munich]. Joachim Achtziger... [Transl. (German/Engl.): Gerd Soffker; Philip Thrift, Elizabeth Schwaiger]. Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhauser; Munchen: Ed. Detail, 2001 ISBN 3-7643-6543-9 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the right of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in databases. For any kind of use, permission of the copyright owner must be obtained. This book is also available in a German language edition (ISBN 3-7643-6478-5). ©2001 Birkhauser - Publishers for Architecture, P.O. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Member of the BSpringer Publishing Group. Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp. TCF ~ Printed in Germany ISBN 3-7643-6543-9 987654321
Part 1 • Masonry in architecture Rolf Ramcke
What is masonry? Positions in history Design Masonry - today and tomorrow
9 10 30 51
Part 2 • Fundamentals
Material Konrad Zilch, Martin Schatz
Masonry units Natural stone units Mortar for masonry Plasters
55 63 63 67
Masonry bonds Konrad Zilch, Martin Schatz with Christina Radlbeck
General Formats and specials The relationship between dimensional coordination and unit format The rules of bonding Masonry wall bonds
72 72
Structural masonry Konrad Zilch, Martin Schatz
76 78 79
The building of masonry Konrad Zilch, Martin Schatz
Mixing and using mortar on site Protecting masonry against moisture Laying during cold weather Suitability and quality tests Perpends and bed joints Junctions with intersecting walls Chases and recesses Building and cleaning facing masonry Jointing Joint design Gauged brickwork Mechanical fixings in masonry Rationalization measures
144 145 145 145 146 146 148 149 150 151 153 153 155
Building science Joachim Achtziger
Thermal insulation Climate-related moisture control Sound insulation Fire protection Units and symbols for building science
160 179 186 196 202
Part 3 • Construction details Gunter Pfeifer, Rolf Ramcke
Flat roof Shallow pitched roof Pitched roof Floor junction Openings Balconies Junction with terrace Plinth Stairs Re-entrant corner Corner Free-standing walls
212 214 215 221 222 228 230 231 232 232 234 234 236
The loadbearing behaviour of masonry The principles of masonry design Deformation and crack formation Natural stone masonry Reinforced masonry Prefabricated masonry elements Masonry in earthquake zones
92 96 105 112 113 119 121
Masonry details Konrad Zilch, Martin Schatz
Part 4 • Built examples in detail Gunter Pfeifer
External walls Internal walls Columns and free-standing masonry walls Party walls External basement walls Natural stone masonry Openings in walls Vaulting and arch floors Point loads Connections
122 129 132 133 133 135 137 139 141 141
Built examples in detail Overview examples 1 - 34
Appendix Directives and standards Bibliography and references Subject index Index of names Picture credits
384 385 388 392 392
"The brick is a different master. How ingenious: a small, handy, usable format for every purpose. What logic there is in the bonding. What spiritedness in the joints. What wealth there is in even the simplest wall surface. But what discipline this material demands." Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
When it was first published more than 15 years ago, the Masonry Construction Manual immediately established itself as a standard work dealing with all the issues and problems of masonry construction. Its great success is evident in the fact that it became necessary to reissue the book a total of five times. Although each new issue had been adapted to take new technical developments into account, changes to the standards and regulations governing the building industry, likewise changing architectural fashions and aesthetic values, had assumed such dimensions over this long period of time that a completely new edition of the work had by now become essential. This new edition would allow the authors to present, demonstrate and assess the current state of the art in masonry construction. There are many indications that masonry construction will, in future, be paid more attention in the building industry. Although masonry was just as popular as ever during the late 20th century, in terms of respect and significance it had taken a back seat behind elegant designs of metal, stone panels and glass. Today, we detect a need for a style of architecture that puts a personal imprint on a structure to contrast with the anonymously controlled production process. Masonry construction can achieve this. The requirements of energy conservation, which play an ever increasing role in building, can be realized in masonry in a way that is compatible with our modern lives. In its infinite number of possibilities we see the spirit and charm of an ancient but never outdated trade. The revolutionary technical inventions of the 19th century, which made possible constructions of concrete, reinforced concrete, steel,
glass and many other materials, also brought about fundamental changes in the production and use of masonry materials. Since then the very essence of building has had to be redefined and relearned at regular intervals. During this evolution, masonry construction, like all other forms of building, adapted to the technical conditions in a way appropriate to the material, thus proving its unique, fascinating character. However, realization and aesthetic accomplishment did not always correspond to these developments; shortcomings are evident which must be attributed to the designers and observers but not the masonry construction itself. This new edition of the Masonry Construction Manual provides a fresh, apposite means of expression for the latest developments in this field. It acts as a textbook for planners, teachers and students, as a work of reference for all today's issues in masonry construction, and also as a source of inspiration for individual creations in masonry, a material which immediately inspires engineering faith, which quickly reveals the limits to its engineering and architectural strengths, and thereby exerts a unique incentive to draw artistic vigour from this dilemma. The simplicity of the masonry material allows the observer to experience the design process, as it were, including him in the creation - watching and supervising. This compulsion to establish clarity leads to a vitality which fascinates us again and again on buildings of masonry. The Authors
Part 1 • Masonry in architecture
What is masonry?
Positions in history Masonry materials • Clay brick masonry • The unifying force of building • The plastic spirit in Greek and Roman architecture • Technical advances in Roman antiquity • Technical development in the Middle Ages • Geometry and system in the Middle Ages • The world as a representational system • The functional method • Technical developments in the 19th century • The technical aesthetics of brick • Historicism and dogmatism • Jugendstil - a new path • The United States in the 19th century • Actionoriented building • The power of expression in continuous space • System rationality and structural analysis
Design Basics • Manufacture • Formats • Colours and surfaces • The bond • Natural stone • The joint • Division in masonry • Vaults • Openings and lintels • Columns and piers • Plinths and ramps • Terminations and junctions • Sills • Framework • Free-standing walls
Masonry - today and t o m o r r o w
Masonry in architecture Rolf Ramcke
What is masonry?
In each instance, we aim to answer the question: What is masonry?
We rarely see the simplicity of building - the layering and jointing - at work on modern construction sites. Today, the scene is dominated by "montage", assembly and prefabricated building components. "Montage", it would seem, has come to dominate our everyday lives. Robert Musil even likened a person's character, his nature, to a "montage". What we experience as nature is merely naturalized. On closer inspection, the fiction of untouched nature is rapidly debunked. These internal and external conditions of daily life are rarely at the forefront of our thoughts. It takes images of catastrophic events - a car accident, a building after an explosion - to open a window and look behind the mask of stability. The main task of the mask is to provide a visual representation of stability without being stable itself. If we are only too willing to accept the daily "montage" of architecture as an image, it is because we live in an image-driven world. Images have more clout than the objects they represent. Hence the importance of the observer and his perception. He must decipher the illusion and judge the veracity of the image in its deciphered state. In other words: the act of looking shapes the object that is looked upon. And the image formed by the act of looking is also changed. On closer inspection, the image of our highly artificial world is revealed as a web of relationships between its components.
The question of authenticity is a natural byproduct of this investigation. Illusions, even forgeries can be legitimate means of design. The observer is deliberately addressed. The person shapes the perception. A phenomenology of perception would lead to the question of what is illusory in an illusion, what is forged in a forgery. The question of authenticity and verisimilitude is one of image interpretation and discovery.
turns out to be antagonistic. Being simple is not the same as being accommodating. Simplicity tends to baffle and amaze because it contains what is basic and renders it visible.
Today, building is a deliberate and carefully planned intervention in this vast array of mutual dependencies, in an effort to render them accessible within the planning limitations and to subjugate them to our intention. Unintentional effects must be taken into consideration.
Building a wall is an activity that obscures its own process. A wall is impenetrable, its core is inaccessible. Layering and jointing enable the surface to communicate this activity in extraordinary variety, as if the surface held out a promise to provide insight into the plan of the internal design. The observer is always in search of traces. Traces intentionally and unintentionally left behind on the surface of the wall are self-referential signs, the legacy of its mass. It has appropriately been referred to as mimesis, a play of gestures and expressions. The interpretation of the observer produces a different cipher for each age, thereby forming a new image of history. All surfaces - even those that are hermetic - are visible and hence open to interpretation.
In this interpretation of building, material is but one interchangeable aspect of planning, dependent on supply, The formative and aesthetic power of the natural resistance inherent in a material is simply eliminated through substitution. This "virtual" approach to design makes building materials arbitrary in a synthesizing manner. Resistance is not tolerated. Layering and jointing, the simplicity of building
The following sections explore a variety of positions against the background of the history of masonry. They are by no means intended as examples for contemporary building but allow us to draw conclusions with regard to our own perception. These conclusions, in turn, can alter our present perspectives, thereby making a contribution to current issues in designing masonry structures.
Another question arises from the fact that the technical development in building and the perception of building have grown in opposite directions, with no parallels or converging lines. Thus far, there are few convincing answers that provide a clear differentiation from the perspective of design - between the meaning of layering units as a half-brick curtain wall or as a bonded wall. Where does this deficit originate? Is it a poverty of theory? And finally, there is yet another conflict to be addressed, one that has arisen only recently in the urban renewal of Berlin and in the current debate of tectonic versus geometric architectural interpretation. The morphological challenge that a building's character must express its function seems to contradict another challenge, namely that the facade must reflect the building's functions. In other words, the facade is understood as a mirror of internal relationships. Is the expression in masonry an extension of the building's character, directed at effect? Or should masonry be an informative reflection of internal processes relating to structure, building science and use? We've come full circle, back to our original question: What is masonry?
Masonry in architecture
Positions in history When people shifted from a nomadic to a settled lifestyle, they began to build walls to create solid, self-made security, enduring foundations for settlements, to differentiate between identity, beginning and end. Such concepts are only insufficiently explained by metaphors of establishing roots or by indigenous customs. However, giving form to that which is formless is a basic human need, as is the instinct to explain the exotic, to conquer fear, to oppose the overwhelming onslaught of nature with order, to transform the heterogeneous outside into a homogeneous inside. Transferred to the interior domain, the hidden materiality of masonry is expressed in how the mass of the wall, its weight, is designed. The history of masonry is the story of how this problem has been approached and newly interpreted in design across the ages. If we were to present a material chronology of these history-making designs to derive and explain the current state of our culture, or yet, if we were to attempt to discover a causality between historic phenomena and ourselves, we would inadvertently fall into the trap of two questionable misconceptions. First, when we look at buildings from the past, our interpretation is always informed by contemporary knowledge, that is, we look at historic manifestations through the lens of modern contexts. And second, we are far from being distanced, uninvolved observers. Rather, we are participants who cannot escape our own history and - in that sense - we're always too late. Every age rediscovers history. History only exists through our own awareness of it. Hence, the history of building does not unfold in a continuity of meaning. It is a record of events that change what came before, interpreting it, creating new contexts, and, paradoxically, resulting in a reverse chronology. Events make or alter history. What follows is therefore not a chronology or even a documentation of progress. Instead, we propose to illuminate specific positions in history and the changes in production and manufacturing techniques across the ages.
Masonry materials
With the building of walls came the manufacture of specialized building materials: mortar as binder and masonry units. Bitumen ("mineral pitch") as a binder for or additive in mortar can be traced back to prehistoric times in Mesopotamia. Hand-moulded clay bricks found in the lower layers of Nile deposits in Egypt date back as far as 14.000 BC, while the knowledge of preserving clay bricks by firing has been documented for circa 5000 BC. Natural stone
was already quarried and cut in the same era. With the discovery of bronze (circa 2500 BC), ashlar stones could be cut with great precision. By that time, fired brick had already undergone a long evolution. In the river basins of the Nile, the Euphrates, the Tigris and the Indus, archaeological traces have been discovered and researched of early civilizations that used both fired and unfired, i.e. sun-baked, brick. In Mesopotamia, bordered by the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers, builders employed bricks of different colours, and even glazed brick or tile, as early as 3000 BC. The Tomb of Menis, circa 3000 BC, was built with sun-baked clay bricks. The lower reaches of the Indus River were home to sophisticated cultures with major urban centres, e.g. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, where houses up to five storeys high were built with fired bricks. These structures offered an impressive degree of comfort. These cultures, among the earliest to be documented, and other building cultures in Asia and on the American continents, relied on natural stone as well as fired and unfired clay brick for building, and most continue to do so to this day. A large percentage of the world population still lives in buildings constructed of clay in a variety of processing methods.
Clay brick masonry
Loam is a mixture of clay and siliceous sand. The clay components consist of ultrafine platelets of broken-down primary rock, such as granite, gneiss or feldspar. The crystalline structure of the platelets binds the clay particles. When moisture is added, the water adheres to the platelets, surrounds them and causes the clay to expand and grow slick in consistency. Pure types of clay, which exist in all parts of the world in alluvial deposits, are unsuitable as building materials since they lack dimensional stability and tend to shrink and crack during the drying process that follows
moulding or shaping them with moisture. They must be blended with siliceous sand and othe aggregates. Straw or chaff are common aggre gates that have been used for the past 16 000 years. They improve the tensile strength of loam and dry out more evenly. The sandy filler provide the supporting and loadbearing function. Loam prepared in this way can be worked in moist consistency. During the drying process, the clay particles form a solid envelope around the coarser sand grains, decreasing the degree of shrinkage and ensuring that it is evenly distributed, to produce a stable structure. Clay soil that is the product of wind erosion tends to more blended even in its natural state and not as "rich" (in clay content). In other words, clay does not set like hydraulic lime or cement, but simply hardens. This process is reversible. As soon as moisture penetrates into building components, they lose hardness and cohesion. This vulnerability to water, more specifically to rain, is countered in a variety of ways. We need only look to northern Germany to understand that all methods basically aimed at providing protection against wind erosion and rain washout. Here we find farmhouses in the northern plain which feature contained rammed earth screeds in their living areas and barns well into the 20th century. Coupled with a core of packed stone these screeds are impervious to moisture rising from the ground, for clay can be waterproof when used in layers. Clearly, building with clay was (and is) not only common in arid, equatoal climate zones. The properties of the material and its workability, the excellent insulating and thermal storage characteristics of this monolithic construction method, and finally the low energy consumption in manufacture, were obviously equally appreciated in mountainous countries and in the lowlands of northern Europe. Nor does the list of advantageous properties end here; the high dead weight also provides good sound insulation, low natural resonance and fire resistance. Clay has the ability to absorb, store and release air humidity. Although this is a positive characteristic in principle, it can also result in unhealthy living conditions in humid climate zones. The plinth was usually built in natural stone, as protection against splashing rainwater and washout. Even the early cultures of Mesopotamia protected their walls with reed matting suspended in front of the external surfaces, with bitumen additives, or by facing solid clay brick walls with fired bricks on the outside. Material erosion is also minimized by the shape into which the clay mortar daub is formed, a softly rounded roof parapet covered with stones, or sharp points that offer little resistance to rainwater runoff, a solution whose or disadvantage is that it requires constant maintenance (fig. 1.1.4).
Positions in history
A simple means of rain protection is to build beneath a rocky overhang; this is common in the south-west of North America and in Mali in Africa (fig. 1.1.2). It goes without saying that roofs with wide cantilevered projections also provide rain protection for clay walls. Similar climatic conditions and building materials have obviously resulted in equally similar architectural forms in all areas of the world for millennia. However, this alone should not be understood as a cultural criterion: the urban clay structures in Yemen, for example, are distinctly different from those in Mali even though they are subject to identical external conditions (figs. 1.1.3 and 1.1.4). In addition to hand-beading techniques and rammed earth technique with sliding formwork, masonry construction with clay brick has been the most common building technique worldwide from the beginning of recorded history. Wall thickness ranges between 400 and 650 mm. As we describe later on, there are a number of shell-like or rhomboid brick formats whose stability under load is improved with joggle jointing, in addition to orthogonal bricks with a nominal size of 100 x 200 x 400 mm. Clay brick construction is suitable for multistorey structures. The above-mentioned limitations in construction technology have produced architecture of stunning sculptural variety within the framework of these parameters. The material can be formed and worked by hand, and allows for a plasticity of design, which can be highly expressive.
The history of advanced civilizations abounds with examples of structures built with unfired brick, many of which have gone unnoticed as such, Even large sections of the Great Wall of China are built from clay that is still stable today. And in the age we generally associate with the monumental stone architecture of the pharaohs, most Egyptians lived in dwellings constructed of unfired clay bricks. Rome, too, evolved from being a city of clay to a city of marble (or, to be precise, marble facing).
1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4
Tunnel entrance to the stadium at Olympia, Greece, 300 BC Pueblo in Mesa Verde, USA Clay architecture in Yemen Clay architecture in Mali
Masonry in architecture
The unifying force of building
The urban Sumerian and Babylonian cultures were the first to develop baked and glazed brick successfully and to use coloured bricks in surface ornamentation. This achievement stood at the end of a long development beginning around 3500 BC. The most stunning example among excavated fragments from this period is the Ishtar Gate in Babylon (fig. 1.1.5). It was built under Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BC. The complex at the Ishtar Gate was both processional roadway and defence fortification. The gate was ornamented with over 500 animal reliefs on the front and side walls, integrated into the faced wail as brick reliefs. The size, splendour and artistry of the individual figures of lions, bulls and mythical creatures in the masonry on either side of the processional roadway of the Ishtar Gate is a
masterful example of relief. Similar brick reliefs had appeared once before, on the great temple at Uruk, where perfectly preserved niche figures from circa 1400 BC have been excavated (fig.1.1.7). The most significant structures of the Sumerian and Babylonian cultures were soaring temple buildings, called ziggurats, erected as stepped pyramids on whose uppermost platform stood a temple reached via one or several continuous stairways. The earliest ziggurats were constructed from unbaked bricks and presumably faced at a later period in baked brick. The best known are the Ziggurat at Ur (2300 BC; fig. 1.1.6) and the Tower of Babel, which was destroyed and reconstructed several times. The last, and largest, reconstruction of the tower had a 90-m-wide foundation and rose to an equal height. Calculations estimate that 85 million bricks were used in the construction. A monu-
mental stairway led to the top platform from which a two-storey temple rose into the sky. The tower was part of a temple complex on the shores of the Euphrates. Archaeological findings of inscribed clay tablets indicate that each section of the tower had a specific meaning. The same tablets also give us fairly good insight into the liturgical rites practised there. What is important in the context of this study is the fact that the building of the ziggurats was undertaken as an act of promoting culture and unification. "[...] let us build a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven [..] lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." (Genesis, 10, 11:4) Babylonian culture declined only when the ziggurats ceased to be effective symbols of the unifying force of communal building after 1800 years of continuous building and reconstruction. European humanistic tradition has
Positions in history
frequently explored this symbol as a metaphor for the unifying force of language or the confusion that results from a Babylonian profusion of languages. In his short story The Coat-of-Arms of the City, Franz Kafka describes how building intended as a unifying activity in fact undermines unity, concluding that architectural perfection breeds a yearning for destruction. Architecture owes one of its most significant inventions to the "Land Between Two Rivers": the vault. Excavations at Ur, on the lower reaches of the Euphrates, led to the discovery of Sumerian tombs of kings with brick vaults constructed circa 3500-3400 BC. The shift in early Sumerian culture towards durable, baked brick, vaulting and the invention of cuneiform script mark a spiritual and intellectual liberation whose profundity is unique in human history. It was a victory over the force of gravity that seemed to emanate from unworked stone. In northern Europe, efforts to overcome this force during the same period were expressed by assembling huge boulders into dolmens or cromlechs on barrows (burial mounds) and by engraving the surfaces with symbols. Stones were regarded as sacred objects with magical powers. Working the stone created a sense of coming to terms with, or perhaps even taming, these powers, and appropriating stone as a building material and vehicle to express one's own ideas and perceptions.
Despite many highly inventive efforts, the transitory nature of buildings constructed from sunbaked clay bricks was demonstrated all too frequently in the erosion and subsequent oblivion of even the most monumental structures. There had been a prevailing sense that this was an inevitable fate. These two achievements in building technique responded to those fears and, in combination with the invention of cuneiform script, satisfied a need for permanence. Man's domination over the material world had begun. Ever since we have become accustomed to building with other materials (iron, glass, concrete), the sense of the power of worked stone has increased. What seemed like a natural manner of building for millennia has become not only a symbol of life in the past or of a natural state of things, but also a key symbol of cultural evolution, of human activity. The towering structure of the ziggurat is an expression of the superhuman effort to create order through a communal effort, of opposing the risk of being "scattered" and falling into obscurity by setting a monument, of linking heaven and earth with a stairway. In short, of
1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7
Ishtar Gate of Babylon, circa 570 BC Ziggurat of Urnammu in Ur, circa 2100 BC Detail of wall relief on Innin temple in Uruk, circa 1430 BC 1.1.7
Masonry in architecture
reacting to life's uncertainties by creating permanence through self-determination. Taken to the extreme, this approach can lead to paradoxical solutions, as it did under the pharaohs in Egypt when quarried stone was manipulated to simulate sun-baked brick in a tribute to the , emancipating value of man-made units.
The plastic spirit in Greek and Roman architecture
The architectural knowledge of Mesopotamia, Egypt and India reached Greece, regarded by many as the cradle of architectural development in Europe, by many different routes: trade, war and migration. Masonry laid in courses of fired and unfired bricks and natural stone was the standard building material for most building tasks, even for major tasks such as the city wall of Athens (fig. 1.1.9), royal palaces and temple interiors. Vaulting techniques were also widely known. At its best, however, masonry from this period is sculpture built of finely worked ashlar stone. The plasticity in Greek temple structures stems from the mastery of representing the human form in sculpture and drama as a swelling body held in tension by pulsating liquids. This idea applies to the temples of the classic Hellenic era. Ashlar stones were subtly modified with carefully calculated minimal deviations in measurement (fig. 1.1.8). This "animation" of the stone and of the structure would remain a secret for millennia. Entasis, the very slight curvature on columns and plinths, has been a familiar term only since the early 19th century. Schinkel referred to these optical illusions as "irrational tumescences". His buildings contain inclines, curvatures and banks that are so subtle that one has to look long and hard to discover them. And even the "unaware" observer cannot escape their effect.
1.1.8 of looking, objects are brought to life as drawings themselves. The term "vision" defines the principle of designing as an act of remembrance, awareness, and communicating knowledge, whose prerequisite is self-knowledge rather than knowledge of the world. To recognize or determine knowledge of the world, origin, references and influences-these are what make Roman architecture so attractive to the educated observer. Fascinating though these aspects are, they do not help us to evaluate its achievement. To do proper justice to the grandiose technical and visual feats of engineering, we would do better to undertake a technological and historical inquiry into the science of building. In the first century AD, Vitruvius authored just such a treatise on building in 10 volumes. It is a systematic, scholarly
compendium that contains all that is necessary for building, from material selection to material manufacture, and from design to the execution of a variety of building tasks. Vitruvius engages in a polemic condemnation of "disfiguration" and the lack of expertise among certain architects and builders. He aimed to develop a unifying technical language of building. Two of his basic ideas have been revisited over the past two millennia. In analogy to proportion in human anatomy, Vitruvius demanded that the internal proportions of a building must similarly be derived from the building itself and to ensure that each building component relates to the others in scale. This is indeed a challenge worth supporting in our modern world of ubiquitous external standardization, where too much attention is paid to unifying scale and too little to the internal relationships within a building.
Hellenic buildings, especially their isodose ashlar masonry (fig. 1.1.10), demonstrate perfect technical mastery of the task of breathing life into each stone, each joint as an individual element, achieving buildings that are based on an intrinsic scale. Viollet-le-Duc gave us an antithetical definition of this design law of antiquity by noting that as the real scale of a (Greek) temple increases, man becomes smaller, while the soaring height of a medieval cathedral has no such influence. The building grows independently. Viollet-le-Duc's remark indicates that the inherent laws of Hellenic architecture are linked to effect, much like an antique statue. The readability of its distinct character - which the observer can reconstruct in his own mind - is self-referential. Outside is inside, and this inside reflects our own character. The object we are looking upon is shaped by our interest in looking. In the act 1.1.9
Positions in history
Technical advances in Roman antiquity
The basis for the development and outstanding quality of Roman engineering lay in the rationalization and commercialization of the building task, Construction materials and cladding materials were systematically separated, which led to tremendous advantages in organization. In the Augustan era (around the time of Christ's birth), Rome consisted largely of buildings constructed from unfired clay brick. They were rendered or faced with ceramic tiles. Fired brick became a cost-efficient, industrially manufactured construction material that was, however, rarely in evidence in the form of facing brickwork. The brick industry had its own differentiated hierarchy: there were state-run brickworks and the legions in the provinces operated their own brickworks to satisfy public and private supply needs. In addition, there were private brick manufacturers, who usually set up field factories next to construction sites. We have fairly precise information about the manufacturing processes and the variety and quality of the products as a result of excavations of entire brickworks and manufacturing tools. One of the largest brick-firing kilns from the 3rd/4th century was discovered in Rehlingen near Trier in 1999. The kiln alone measures 8 x 13 m. The bricks used in buildings within the sphere of Roman culture measured between 200 and 800 mm in length and between 20 and 100 mm in thickness. They were rectangular, square or divided along the diagonal, that is triangular, to use the material as efficiently as possible and to achieve a better bond between shell and infill. They were often laid in header courses between natural stone masonry. The bed joints were up to 30 mm thick. Perpends were kept to a minimal dimension, The effect of this masonry, which came to light only as Roman buildings began to decay, is one of powerful stability with rigorous courses enhanced even further by the nearly imperceptible perpends. Vaults were easily built with this brick material as the wedgeshaped joints were never too widely spaced because of shallow prefabricated bricks. Wedge-shaped bricks (voussoirs) were also used and openings were often covered by several layers of arches (figs. 1.1.12 and 1.1.13),
1.1.8 1.1.9 1.1.10 1.1.11 1.1.12
Poseidon Temple, Paestum, 460-450 BC Athens city wall at Karameikos, in 1900, clay brick on natural stone base Antique isodone ashlar masonry at the Temple of Nike, Athens, 421 BC Roman masonry charts, after Rondelet Imperial Baths, Trier, begun 293 AD, main apse 1.1.12
Masonry in architecture
Masonry generally consisted of exterior leaves, clad and ornamented with precious materials or plaster. Coarse rubble was used to fill the space between these leaves. At times, the cavity was also filled with a mass of gravel and broken rubble bound with trass, reinforced at regular intervals with three to four layers of brick masonry (Vitruvius: Greek method) or simply filled without header courses (Vitruvius: Roman method). The filler mass (opus caementitium) corresponds to modern concrete. Opus caementitium was also used without masonry as a substructure in large buildings, such as amphitheatres, cast in formwork as walls or even in loadbearing vaults. The ring wall construction of the Pantheon (120-25 AD) is an example of this type of brick construction with opus caementitium filling. Roman architecture was highly sophisticated in the vaulting technique. It was evolved further and perfected
in the East Roman Empire. The cupola of the Hagia Sophia in Byzantium, for example, was built in 532-537 AD: spanning 35 m, it is one of the most impressive and famous masonry cupolas in the world. With the fall of the Roman Empire, this knowledge was lost in the West for some time. We need only look at the Kaiserdom in Speyer, built some 1000 years after the Pantheon (span approx. 40 m) as the first, fully vaulted church space north of the Alps. It was to span barely 14 m, yet even this proved a daring feat at the time and it succeeded only after several failed attempts and structural modifications. Another area in which Roman engineering excelled was aqueduct and bridge construction in stone. The aqueduct at Segovia, circa 100 AD, is part of a 17-km-long water conduit that bridges a valley and leads to the high town of Segovia in a succession of 119 arches, at
times in two storeys. What we see here is naked masonry of huge granite ashlar units, without mortar and joggle jointing (fig. 1.1.14). The adaptation of the Greek universe of gods, their philosophy, the copying and reproduction of Greek works of art and architectural form are universal characteristics of the Roman culture of antiquity. But Roman architecture is also distinct for the widespread use of facing and cladding elements. The organizational division of construction tasks into components with specific functions led to the development of architecture marked by a high degree of structural sophistication. Parallels with the schematic repetition that is quite frequent in today's architecture of cladding and sheeting are obvious and, perhaps, cause for concern. In the sophisticated context of rational Roman architecture, the Tomb of Theoderich in Ravenna (first quarter of 6th century), topped by a
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monolith of massive proportions, appears almost atavistic. After the technical and organizational knowledge and traditional experience had disappeared almost completely in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire, marginal influences of upper Italian, Byzantine and Arabian architecture reached the countries to the north of the Alps in the age of the Carolingians (800 AD onwards) and the Ottonians (950 AD onwards).
Technical development in the Middle Ages
We cannot describe here the full range of problems that arose in building tasks in the Middle Ages, such as the endless difficulties in transport and mortar production, or the quarrying and cutting of stone, and brick manufacture. The latter took several years from digging clay to storage, chilling in winter, forming, drying and firing to the final step of sorting out nearly 40% rejects. In contrast to construction with natural stone, building now became a matter of long-term planning and obtaining materials far in advance. Important advances occurred between the 10th and 11th centuries in natural stone masonry, all aimed at reducing the time required for construction and improving efficiency in manufacturing. This goal was achieved by means of rationalization and series production. When stone was first quarried, the practice was to break off as large a block of stone as possible and cut it into ashlar stones, which were then made to fit into the masonry. The cutting, transport and laying of stone had to be carried out consecutively and this slowed the progress of construction quite considerably. Preparatory work in winter did not help to speed up the laying process and continuous bed joints were simply not possible. The masonry in the west tower on the north side of St Cyril in Gernrode from the 10th century is an example of this working method (fig. 1.1.16), while the immediately adjacent masonry of the west choir from the 12th century reveals a more methodical, organized approach. Quarrying and cutting stone in advance meant that the masonry could be laid much more rapidly. The masonry bond in Chartres Cathedral (fig. 1.1.15) is horizontal with embedded joints. Wall and piers had to be built simultaneously. While preparation and storage had become possible, they were still cumbersome tasks. The nave of St Denis, on the other hand, shows piers that were manu-
1.1.13 1.1.14 1.1.15 1.1.16
St Denis
Roman masonry, Imperial Baths, Trier Roman aqueduct in Segovia, circa 100 AD Masonry bonds of the cathedrals at Chartres and St Denis Collegiate church St Cyril, Gernrode, 10th and 12th centuries 1.1.16
Masonry in architecture
1.1.17 1.1.18 1.1.19 1.1.20 1.1.21 1.1.22 1.1.23
1.1.17 factured, laid and staggered independently of the masonry. The masonry between the projections was constructed with a great quantity of prefabricated pieces in frame construction. By improving the arrangement of joints, the moulded bricks were standardized and the number of types reduced. The ultimate goal was to develop ashlar forms that would minimize the need for pitting and reduce cutting time, transport and waste. Without this extraordinary development, the speed with which church buildings were erected in the 13th century would not have been possible. The sophistication in design is matched by an equally sophisticated approach to planning and labour organization.
Geometry and system in the Middle Ages
Early Romanesque churches express the weight and strength of masonry and enclosed spatial volume in an elemental, "cubic" manner. With the rise of the Cluniac order in France, Burgundy became the centre for sacral architecture in Europe. The Jurassic limestone of Burgundy was processed into rubble stone, which marks the stunning simplicity of the capitals at St Martin (fig. 1.1.17) at the transition from the square cross section of the arched vault to the column in pure geometric form. Its brittle roughness gives the stone a particular plasticity and supports the demi-columns, as if this were completely natural. The Michael
St Martin, Chapaise, Burgundy, 1030/1040 AD St Philibert, Tournus, Burgundy, 1020 AD St Etienne, Nevers, 1063-97 AD St Mary's, Stralsund, first half of 15th century Prague Cathedral, 1344-85 AD St Nikolai, Stralsund, south tower, second half of 13th century Tracery on St Catherine's in Brandenburg, 1401 AD
Chapel at St Philibert shows the same capital motif some 20 years earlier in a geometry that is even more economic and elemental (fig. 1.1.18). The primeval, dense, heavy, almost otherworldly power of the wall speaks directly to the senses, without any need for intellectual interpretation. Over the subsequent centuries, a concept of masonry would develop out of the elemental-geometric division of space and the systematic organization of the plan, whose main objective was to dematerialize the wall. The architectural forms seem to negate their own volume and weight, and draw our attention away from their material self. Indeed, the massive material dimension is but a representation of something greater. In other words, they do not derive their right to exist solely from the gaze of the observer. They demand no opticalspatial comparison or visual perception, but the viewer's identification with a speculative construct of meanings presented as a wall that aspires to an intellectual superstructure, an allegoric interpretation. In complete contrast to the sensuous-spatial presence of stone in St Martin in Burgundy (fig. 1.1.17), the theme here is to tame this primordial power of the stone, to transpose and integrate it into a transcendent hierarchy of meanings. The observer is challenged to grasp the meaning of the wall. This presupposes that he already has an idea of the meaning and is willing to subordinate himself to its abstraction by reconstructing, as it were, the "train of thought contained in the masonry". This makes a high demand on the observer indeed, triggered by the feeling of identifying with the wall. During this period of the Gothic age, masonry - especially in churches - is a thoroughly systematic, cleverly calculated geometric game and a mathematical game, too, in which the smallest part visualizes the whole. It is a functional construct in the purest sense, in which all parts reciprocally create, cause, explain and derive from one another. Such masonry systems do not create spaces. Instead, they represent a wholly independent, transcendental world of their own, inhabited by flows of energy. Space is only manifest within the diaphanous, translucently formed wall,
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which creates its own boundary by means of its visual divisions. This idea of masonry is perfectly expressed in the triforium of Prague Cathedral (fig. 1.1.21). Peter Parler lets the triforium arcades swing into the attached colonnettes and back again. This movement is continued in the clerestory windows. The result is that the entire plane of the wall comes alive in a surge that leaps from the internal wall volume, which the wall creates by its own boundaries, to the adjacent borders, exposing the internal energy of the wall in an animated surface. Such artificial masonry concepts are not dependent on the design potentiality of the material. They are equally effective when applied to brick. The fenestration in the south tower of St Nikolai
Church (fig. 1.1.22) is a textbook example of Gothic masonry: the four-part recesses demonstrate the energy at work in the depth of the masonry. The rendered tracery panels - like the entire three-dimensional treatment - are images of the diaphanous nature of the interior space. The tracery that stretches like a membrane across the north and south gables of the St Catherine's Church in Brandenburg (fig. 1.1.23) is one of the richest and most precious facades of the Hanseatic Gothic. The north gable especially is realized in complete independence from the building task itself; it perfectly embodies the paradox of minimizing material by maximizing the effort put into working it, in order to express the spiritual, referential goal.
In later developments of Gothic masonry the forces represented in the masonry are resolved with Mannerist aloofness, until vault ribs traverse space freely and unencumbered and then return to the surface. In other examples, sharp-edged, sinewy profiles rise from surfaces soft as putty in an equally eloquent expression of internal energy. The resolution of forces in vault ribs sometimes misses the springing, landing next to it instead. With the advent of the more playful Mannerism in the 16th century, the immaterial-spiritual interpretation of masonry begins to wane.
Masonry in architecture
The world as a representational system
The Palazzo Pitti in Florence (1457), a structure built for defence like all Florentine palazzi of its day, features a plinth storey of barbaric, almost violent, rusticated ashlar stones of mammoth proportions. Stone with such rough surface treatment and an almost "natural" appearance was chiefly a building material for fortresses with little artistic value. It had no relationship to the elemental, pure cubism of Roman architecture. Its purpose was simply to be coarse so that one might tap into the violent force of the material as a design element - an interpretation of the natural power of stone that harks back to ancient beliefs in the material's magical powers in Norse barrows. The reference here is not to the power of the spirit or yet the religious power of healing, but to political might and the power of wealth. The oversized dimensions had no practical purpose for defence, for it was no more than facing bonded to a masonry backing. Rustication, introduced here as a new motif in architecture, has recurred in the history of architecture in a variety of forms ever since, most recently in the form of citation. Another feature worth noting in Renaissance architecture is the emphasis on the quoin. The corner, where two walls converge, was structurally reinforced in ashlar masonry by choosing larger formats with deeper bonds and in brickwork frequently by means of random bond or ashlar bonded with masonry. This reinforcement by projecting the corner stones from the wall or visually emphasizing them by means of a pier, indicates a new attitude born from looking back at the lessons of antiquity. It was a means of creating a clear contrast between buildings and surroundings, volume and space. If the keystone was a metaphorical completion of the flush system of wall and vault in medieval
Gothic architecture, (indeed, its meaning was so significant that it was placed beneath the vaulting crown in a detached, plastic manner in the Late Gothic) then the spatial boundary of volumes is now emphasized in a downward, lateral and upward direction. The spatial relat i o n s h i p s - t h a t is, top/bottom, right/left, and in front/behind - become the principal theme. This made it possible to create perspectival sequences. Gothic walls, on the other hand, had been designed to materialize energy set into a void and not to enclose space. Differentiation of planes - front, rear and lateral engaged the mind of the observer, demanded the purifying, creative effect of looking. It also required specific constructional means. Perspective transforms the world into a new system of representation. It aims to condition the eye to recognize and comprehend clarity. Transposing the material character of unprocessed stone to a processed wall as if it were unprocessed, as seen on the Palazzo Pitti, is an idea that would become an enduring formative element for the development of architecture in the modern age. Palladio's application of the Greek temple front on the facades of his Venetian churches resulted in presentations of the facade as a series of images staggered in relief (fig. 1.1.24). By translating, modifying or multiplying the original figure of the temple, the architect transforms the facade into an image of the same. Applied to material characteristics, this approach of mental and visual paraphrases creates architectonic quality. To reconstruct rough-hewn ashlar in rendered brick masonry is a deliberate deception undertaken to enrich the visual experience (fig. 1.1.26). Plaster instead of stone, stucco vaulting instead of stone vaults, colour instead of relief - in short, illusion and revelation - contribute to the complexity of the observer's experience. When material is borrowed for artful purposes
for which it was not originally intended, when it is masked, when what is actually false is cleverly put right again, the observer is enchanted and the link with reality is multiplied and modified through the visual reality of the architecture. The question of what is masonry actually, is answered here with a proposal that takes us by surprise: it is an altered reality that is open to interpretation. All the world becomes a stage on which everything is a show. The Hofbibliothek in Vienna (fig. 1.1.27), whose elaborately designed rendered facade has in fact been achieved with only a few projections and recesses, can serve as a perfect example of plasticity in plaster design. The facade contains only a small number of natural stone components. A disciplined concept achieves this elaborate effect by resorting to the Baroque stylistic vehicle of crossover. Thus the plinth in the central projection rusticated with horizontal grooves and batter has a more powerful presence than the incline at the corner projections, which has been reduced to a delicate, angled edge projecting from the vertical surface. By continuing the rustication upwards into the surfaces between the projections, the plasticity is reversed: the window reveals retreat and the observer, seeking order, is confused. The same can be said of the two-storey-high main windows in the projections. A string course, which runs along the surface between the first and second floor, and which seems to have been placed there as an afterthought, lies behind the projecting pilasters but in front of the rusticated surfaces and pulls the openings back into the facade relief. More confusion for the eye! In the vertical, the same visual ambivalence is achieved by repeating the arch above the main windows on the second floor in the tympanum of the lateral windows on the first floor. This puzzling articulation of depth in the facade is played out on planes that are
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differentiated by no more than a few centimetres. Here is refinement of a rare beauty, executed in humble plaster. It is founded in the artistic challenge that we must borrow the properties of a different material to reveal the artful truth hidden within the illusion. An effect that can only succeed if the relationship between familiarity and alienation is explored independently each time and brought into harmony. The concept that design is always a process of translating an idea into material form is the very foundation of the most powerful spatial inventions of the 18th century. An observer who surrenders to these relationships also becomes a calculated element in the drama. He must prove his "worth" through his own clever interpretations. This attitude heralds the idea of exploring the sequence of action itself. Or, to stay with the image of the world as a stage: the actors are aware of themselves as actors. This idea would become the dominant theme as the second half of the 18th century unfolded, and ultimately, the point of departure for the dissolution and revolution of all previously familiar laws of building.
The functional method Conscious experience, that is, an awareness of one's own action as action, transforms origin and destination into a theme. Indeed, it is awareness of history in a dual sense: the studied recognition of something as historical simultaneously recognizes itself to be "historical". This thought process of the Enlightenment exploded all previously established contexts and moved on to the next logical step: dividing the history of building into distinct, readable periods. To begin with, the focus was on external features as criteria for this division. Later, the division, catalogued as a compendium of styles, gave rise to studies on the conditions of style and, by extension, to the need for establishing one's own stylistic position within this context of order, which in turn led to the challenge of defining "style in itself". This approach was soon revealed as too superficial. Building was divided into further categories: measurement, space, physics, structure and production.
1.1.27 principle which had inspired a critical study of the actions of living creatures, especially of humans. Actions, sequences of actions, the relationship between action and man (society), action and object (work) became determinants of building. The challenge that building forms should be made to satisfy the needs of human activity is a purpose-driven demand, which can only apply to the realization of buildings for individual uses. It must be differentiated from the aforementioned functionalistic method, although it is easily confused with it. Here, we are confronted by yet another influence that changes our understanding of what masonry is: it is an envelope, a skin stretched around actions. The distance, which the so-called architecture of the revolution had already put between itself and the past in the 18th century, is evident in the Utopian drawing by architect Etienne Boullee (fig. 1.1.28). The doll-like, diminutive Greek temple appears like an eye
that looks straight at the viewer. The representational system has been overthrown! The pyramid, built in masonry of alternating scale (one course corresponding to nearly one man-height) renders the temple abstract, that is it sets the temple apart, makes it selfsufficient. It is transformed into a historical set piece.
1.1.24 1.1.25 1.1.26 1.1.27 1.1.28
II Redentore, Venice, begun 1577, architect: Andrea Palladio Palazzo Pitti, Florence, begun 1540 Gustrow Castle, 16th century Hofbibliothek, Vienna, 1721-26, architect: Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach Etienne-Louis Boullee, design
As an extension to the catalogue of definitions, the individual elements of masonry become independent of their respective tasks: loadbearing, insulating, blocking and cladding. Immaterial tasks are not part of the equation in this analysis. This (pseudo-)scientific, or rather, functionalistic method of inquiry has been applied to building ever since, and changes have evolved and still evolve on the basis of ideas that raise the system of self-sufficiency to a new level, either by reflecting on one's own ideas or by an awakening to new ideas. Another direction evolved out of the 18th-century 1.1.28
Masonry in architecture
Technical developments in the 19th century
Set in motion by the principles of the 18th century, a drastic change took hold of the process of building in the 19th century: the technical and machine development. The manufacture of masonry bricks was revolutionized by two inventions. In 1854, the Berlin manufacturer Carl Schlikeysen invented the extrusion press, which consisted of a worm-like ram and an interchangeable die through which premixed clay was extruded and cut into pieces with a wire. The process of brick manufacture could thus be transformed into one continuous operation from preparing the material to firing, whose every step could be controlled, regulated and automated. The same goal had been pursued for some time, and experiments had been undertaken in England since the beginning of the 17th century. Prior to Schlikeysen's invention, bricks were manufactured by hand in a variety of forming and moulding methods. This had been linked to a far greater risk of shrinkage and cracking, as well as greater energy requirements and longer production times. A few years later, in 1858, Friedrich Hoffmann, also from Berlin, invented the continuous ring kiln, in which brick could be fired more quickly, more economically and using less energy. Fixed-cycle operation for firing had already been introduced in England some time before. That is, two or three kilns were heated from the outside in alternating cycles. As soon as one load of bricks was fired and had cooled, it could be removed and the kiln reloaded.
The novelty of Hoffmann's invention was that the fixed cycle was developed into a continuous process by arranging at least two firing chambers in a circle and by shifting the firing or heating process from the outside to the inside (fig. 1.1.29). The chambers are separated from each other with iron dampers. As soon as one chamber is loaded with "green" bricks, a stoking apparatus is lowered from the top through a shaft to add fuel. The bricks themselves serve as a heating grate. When the firing process is completed, the stoking apparatus is drawn up and the damper is opened in the direction of the next chamber, closed and so forth. Ring kilns can be operated continuously for decades. They were called "efficiency kilns" because the heating of one firing chamber also preheated the neighbouring chamber. This effect was even augmented by integrating fans to increase the performance despite existing savings in energy and fuel. The inventions multiplied the production capacity of a brickyard fivefold. One weak point in the process was the manual loading and unloading of the firing chambers. The invention of the tunnel kiln, which came into use only 10 years after Hoffmann's invention, albeit with some hesitation at first, made it possible to automate even this step in the process. Some ring kilns are still in use today. They achieve a livelier surface and distinct manufacturing traces by means of scale modifications. In the tunnel kiln, green bricks were transported through a 40-50 m long firing tunnel, heated from the sides and from above. By blowing the oxygen required for combustion into the tunnel from the far end, the fired bricks were automatically cooled down and reached the end of the tunnel ready for unloading. Today, tunnel kilns increase the productivity of a comparable brickyard twelve fold. Full automation has made heavy manual labour redundant. Berlin, of which Mark Twain wrote admiringly (in The Innocents Abroad) that it was built entirely of stone and immune to conflagrations, consumed 550 million bricks during its growth spurt in the Grunderzeit in 1871. The bricks were transported into the city from surrounding brickyards on barges. By 1905, the figure had risen to 1775 billion bricks. The ziggurat of Babylon consisted of 85 million bricks. The performance capacity of the new building industry increased through the production of prefabricated elements in the last quarter of the 19th century. Prefabricated steel structures such as Paxton's Crystal Palace or the Eiffel Tower are not the only examples worth mentioning in this context. In addition to construction "kits" for balcony balustrades, cast-iron fountains, zinc-sheet oriels and prefabricated stucco pieces for interior finishing, the catalogues of the day offered complete building kits for the ceramic elements of masonry: columns, lintels, consoles, crowns e t c , which looked liked oversized stone building kits by Lilienthal and which were intended
to inspire a playful treatment of masonry and trims and, above all, sales. At the same time as Schlickeysen's and Hoffmann's inventions revolutionized brick manufacturing, the first lever pumps were introduced for a material that had always been an essential component for building with masonry: mortar made of sand and lime. The Romans had already tried to manufacture building bricks from mortar, or to use it as filler in twin-leaf walls. However, two prerequisites had to be fulfilled to achieve the necessary compressive strength: the ability to press the material for greater density and solidity, and the ability to accelerate the setting process, which usually took two years. Thirty years would pass in experiments before an accelerated and practical setting process was discovered. In 1880 a patent application for a steam-hardening process was filed; the first automated, industrial cylinder press for the production of calcium silicate units was set up in Neumünster. From there, the building material soon spread throughout Europe. In structure, calcium silicate units are similar to natural stone and at first they were used in much the same manner. The inexpensive units were initially produced in field factories set up right at the construction site. The units were immediately used for private and public buildings, as well as for industrial building projects. This development was much helped by the fact that the manufacturers formed an association as early as 1900 and established quality standards in 1902 that would become the model for brick standardization. To demonstrate that the units were also suitable for facing masonry, buildings were erected shortly after the start of the 20th century in exposed calcium silicate masonry. However, calcium silicate units were only "discovered" on a large scale as facing bricks in the 1960s. The aesthetic appeal of the material lies in its blend of a severe, technical character and a natural grain that distinguishes it from all other stone building materials.
1.1.29 1.1.30 1.1.31
Hoffmann ring kiln, patented in 1858 St Matthew's, Berlin, 1844-46, architect: Friedrich August Stuler Jugendstil window in Nancy
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passionate as it was unremitting. Had sentiments and dogmatism of this nature existed in an earlier time, there would have been no Renaissance (no Bramante, Palladio, Alberti, Raphael, Michelangelo ...) in the era when antiquity was rediscovered. The buildings of the various schools of the 19th century certainly demonstrate great knowledge of history, but they are often unimaginative and "dry" despite the excellent detail in material treatment.
Jugendstil - a new path
1.1.30 The technical aesthetics of brick
Historicism and dogmatism
The first half of the 19th century saw a number of improvements in the quality of brick materials. We should perhaps note Karl Friedrich Schinkel's efforts in this context. Impressed by the industrial brick buildings he had encountered on his journey to England in 1862, Schinkel began to pursue a style of building in which the character of the material determined the architecture. From the character of brick as "a single material", he developed a technical conception of building, whose theory he formulated in his "Treatise on Architecture" and whose influence was felt well into the 20th century. Several of his students continued to evolve this building style, in which the material set the tone for the design (fig. 1.1.30).
The naïve and superficial application of historical styles gradually evolved into a profound and structural penetration over the course of the century. Architectural competence was increasingly measured by historical knowledge, and theorists of architecture engaged in heated debates over style and concept. "Gothic" and "classic" schools developed. Proponents of dogmatism formed their own opinion in opposition to the emerging functionalism, although the intellectual premise was basically identical. Hard lines were drawn in the development of architecture in the second half of the 19th century. Indeed, opinions were so inflexible that historicizing schools of building were founded (the guilds) whose doctrines many architects adopted with fervour, while others were "converted" to them. Nine schools existed in the German-speaking countries alone: the Nuremberg, Cologne, Kassel, Hannover, Vienna, Aachen, Berlin, Munich and Karlsruhe schools. They proselytized a German-Christian Gothic revival with a fervour that was as
Even the silhouettes of buildings, whose stylistic revetment was basically laid onto the surface like a veneer, such as the Houses of Parliament in London (1836), are characterized by a severity and clarity that is comparable to a brick building by Schinkel.
Style had now been freed from the context of building and established itself as sufficient unto itself. As a result, style became the theme that defined the external character and was then reintegrated with the remaining components of building; in other words, following a path that was reversed, from the outside in. During a short phase of 20 years at the beginning of the 20th century, this path was successfully practised by a small group of architects in cities such as Vienna, Paris, Brussels and Glasgow. Artificial ornament and structure merged in a feverish and at times bombastic fusion that perfectly expressed the fin-de-siècle sensibility. The synthesis was characterized by the fact that architectural elements were deformed and warped less by the tectonic or spatial forces of architecture than by ornamentation (fig. 1.1.31). This style, which flourished briefly under various names and was called Jugendstil in German, was more or less a way station along the new path toward transition, for it demanded further exploration of the very conditions that make stylistic thought possible in the first place. In this sense, it was but the final, rebellious phase of historicism.
Masonry in architecture
The United States in the 19th century
Action-oriented building
In the United States, architecture emancipated itself over the course of the 19th century, especially in the industrial centres. A brick building such as the Monadnock Building in Chicago (1890-91) - executed with such rigorous restraint from using any facade ornamentation-would have been inconceivable in Europe for at least another 20 years. Masonry was the standard material in the 1920s for the construction of skyscrapers in Chicago, New York and other major cities in the USA. It was reinforced with iron frames, a building method that found its way back to Europe. Many larger masonry structures of the 1920s, e.g. Chile House in Hamburg (Fritz Hoger, 1923-24) and the warehouse of the Gute-Hoffnungs-Hutte in Oberhausen (Peter Behrens, 1921-25), were built around steel cores (fig. 1.1.33).
As historicism was being rejected for the hypocrisy of its stylistic aspirations, a number of factors combined to give rise to a new view of architecture. These were chiefly the Arts and Crafts movement in England, and a new awareness of nature, of the social problems of living and working and of the building process itself. The principal focus of architecture shifted towards the simple act of manufacturing buildings and their uses. At the start of the 20th century, this movement gathered under the umbrella of the Werkbund. In Austria, the Wiener Werkstatten set the same goals. The Werkbund was as passionate in its moral demands on building as the guilds of the 19th century had been. The Viennese architect Adolf Loos decided to dispense with ornamental trimmings altogether. This went so far that he wanted to build the windows on the upper floors of his commercial building on Michaelerplatz in Vienna without frames. He defended his position with furious energy and such high ethical demands on building that a public scandal ensued. Meanwhile, in a small town in northern Germany, Walter Gropius succeeded at exactly the same time in a pioneering act of architectural perfection that has rarely been matched since: the Faguswerk shoe last factory (fig. 1.1.35). The harmonious scale of the facade is subtle and differentiated. (Gropius was originally commissioned exclusively for the facade design.) The corner areas of the glass facade are only a few centimetres wider than the glazed sections in the walls. By the same token, the upper windows are again a few centimetres taller than the windows on the lower floors. The structure is pure brickwork. The columns are recessed by one face length. The
The best-known forerunner in the United States of building that rigorously realized the intellectual tradition of the 18th century was Robert Louis Sullivan. His famous statement "form follows function" is one of the most misunderstood and, owing to this misinterpretation, trivialized quotes of the day. What Sullivan meant was that individual functions seek expression in form. He explained it with the example of an oak tree in which each part - trunk, branch, leaf, flower, fruit - is pure oak and applied this image to the skyscraper: "It must be tall, every inch of it must be tall. It must express the power and violence of height [...]." Function is an organic force of expression, not inane fulfilment of purpose.
number of courses of the masonry in the entrance projection, rusticated by recessed single courses, alternates between these recesses, which are harmonized with the glass facade. The design c o n c e p t - incidentally, also a clever response to Behrens's AEG Turbine factory in Berlin - is geared towards creating a sense of fragility, both in its totality and in its details, down to the choice of brick and brick colour, of bond and brick quality. This fragility is the result of design characteristics that seem to contradict one another. The most prominent detail is the absence of a corner column in the glass wall as well as the ambiguous architectural response to the question whether the curtain wall supports or is supported by the brick cornice! In all this, the recessed columns are the least conspicuous and yet the most effective element in this aesthetic feat. This design marks the beginning of a new phase in the development of architecture and yet another answer to the question of what is masonry. Here, it is the exploration of support and load. Yet masonry isn't seen in relative terms. It no longer defines supporting and being supported, outside and inside, but derives its tectonic and spatial expression from the potential of transposition. In the evolution from the Palazzo Pitti to the Hofbibliothek and on to the Faguswerk, this shift is clearly legible in the rustication of the Faguswerk (which, in turn, is an interpretation of Behrens's rustication on the AEG Turbine factory). Gropius's design is independent and convincing by comparison to the narrow, dogmatic Arts and Crafts ethic of truth, honesty, justice, sincerity, decency, clarity and loyalty. Once upon a time, these principles had been a polemic call to arms of the arts against the stultified orders of historicism. Faced with the
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1.1.32 1.1.33 1.1.34 1.1.35
Monadnock Building, Chicago, 1890-91, architects: Burnham and Root Hannover municipal library, 1929, architect: Karl Elkart, during construction as in fig. 1.1.33, after completion Faguswerk, Alfeld, 1911, architects: Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer
vacuity that marked the pose of the latter, these principles made as much sense as did the moral revolt of the Impressionists against the pomposity of salon painting, which - much like architecture - had allowed itself to be (ab-)used as an ancillary art that expressed the interests of the state. These retrospective "declarations of war" expressed in the moral principles of building at the decline of the 19th century reverberate even today. Perhaps because they seem to offer ready and comfortable solutions without the need for an exhaustive, and exhausting, investigation of facts. Thus, they run the risk of becoming a cause for opposition themselves. To Gropius, however, they were appeals worth taking to heart and he adopted them as the principles for the Bauhaus. But, like Mies van der Rohe, he was always conscious of the superiority and persuasiveness of the design. The purifying intent of the Bauhaus is expressed in liberating architecture from its character of being a means, of giving rise to and directing feelings and moods. The Bauhaus seeks to establish immediacy by looking upon building as a social task directly linked to work and society, that is, the sphere of the human activity, certain that these tasks can be transmuted into building forms without styles that cloak the intent. In doing so, the movement unconsciously delves so deeply into aesthetic principles of the architecture that the final built products take on a common, unmistakable character. To stay with the metaphor: the intended "naked reality" unintentionally becomes a cloak, as if it were naked. Ultimately, historicism was rejected out of the same spirit from which it had been born. 1.1.35
Masonry in architecture
The power of expression in continuous space
Simultaneous with the rather bourgeois tone of the masons' guild and the Werkbund, there emerged a strong movement towards the spiritual creative forces of man. Embracing and reflecting primordial, natural elements, these tendencies met with widespread approval. But they came dangerously close to "cosmology" and exaggeratedly "earthy" evocations of the forces of the soil and the elements. Still, the combination of turning away from civilization and towards the mythology of nature and the enthusiasm for Utopian, futuristic concepts released creative energies that encouraged an abandoned, violent and inspired development among artists. Antonio Gaudi's buildings had none of the offensive, occasional character of the Faguswerk or the scandalous effect of Loos's architecture. They were immediately popular. Academically speaking, they were a blend of clear, precise, structural-constructive thinking and a baffling transposition of primeval power into masonry that reveals the basics of tectonics and is reminiscent of the equilibrated structure of tectonic plates (fig. 1.1.37). From this perspective, the Bauhaus (with its outward focus on social relationships and work) and Expressionism (with its inward-looking focus) are but logical developments of the
functional method. The common interest in material-construction-production is subsumed in the pre-eminence of action and use: all building tasks and building goals are projected onto the human canvas. Another strong influence on the building concepts of the following decades was provided by the De Stijl movement in the Netherlands, whose founder. Theo van Doesburg, sought to gain a feeling of space, of floating, from the wall by translating time into pictorial movement. Gerrit Rietveld realized these ideas (fig. 1.1.36). Mies van der Rohe's interpretation of masonry was equally influenced by this movement in architecture. His residential buildings from the 1920s demonstrate an open flowing sense of space (fig. 1.1.38). Van der Rohe established the spatial movement of walls and openings as the principle theme of architecture in the 20th century. During the same period, the Amsterdam School, represented by Michel de Klerk, Piet Kramer and others, translated ideas borrowed from the visual arts into plastic masonry, whose curved or vertical bed joints and folded openings qualify its loadbearing property, yet by this very device also emphasize the original spatial quality (fig. 1.1.40). Van Doesburg explored a duality that is a recurring topic in the history of masonry, namely that masonry is both mass and surface, by stressing colour as a two-dimensional, all-
encompassing design element, a determinant in addition to the elements of mass and space. Fritz Schumacher, who greatly influenced the development of masonry in the first three decades of the 20th century as both an architect and an author, referred to examples of Backsteingotik (the impressive and very simplified Gothic in northern Germany) to draw attention to the importance of the surface and the difficult relationship between colour and plasticity in the surface. These ideas on two-dimensionality, surprising as they may be at first, also identify the qualifying relationship between columns and loadbearing, outside and inside, that we encounter in Gropius's work as a new attitude. Building mass is an image of building mass, uniting two-dimensionality and cubic form, a visualization of the spatial concepts of movement. The aesthetic influences of photography and, above all, film are evident here. The new laws of cinematography begin to show their impact, which would continue to grow stronger as the century advanced. In contrast to German Expressionism, which was founded in the internal dynamic of spiritualemotional forces, De Stijl and the Amsterdam School were more intellectual, but at the same time also more geometric-cosmic in orientation. Both were open to exploring the problems of industrial production and its impact on society. Housing shortages after World War I led to a building boom in the Netherlands and in Germany, which made it possible to translate the previously theoretical-speculative developments into practice. Red bricks and engineering bricks were the building materials of choice. The latter are marked by a weather-resistant quality resulting from the sintering of clay and lend themselves to expressive wall articulations with projecting and recessed blocks and courses. The effect of buildings by Fritz Schumacher and Fritz Höger differs from the Amsterdam School in that it is created by the rhythmic design of the masonry surfaces.
Positions in history
To Schumacher, brick as a material is a unique opportunity for discipline in design in the sense of concentrating on the building purpose as well as on the unity of material and form. In analogy with musical composition, the masonry bonds and unit projections were to emphasize and illustrate the functional relationship of the walls. Fritz Höger is a master of this art of illustration in engineering bricks. He transforms the exterior image of building through projections and recesses, dog-toothing and inventive vari-
ations on masonry bonds into a fabric that breathes rhythm. To look upon the surface image exclusively in terms of its importance as a dynamic effect of functional internal references is simply the logical continuation of the fragmenting building analysis. New structural possibilities opened up with the bracing of masonry by means of a surrounding steel structure, which nevertheless maintained the massive character of the masonry.
1.1.36 1.1.37 1.1.38 1.1.39 1.1.40
Schroder House, 1924, architects: Gerrit Rietveld and Trus Schrdder-Schrader Chapel crypt Santa Coloma, 1898-1914, architect: Antonio Gaudi Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, study for country house in brick construction, 1923 Sulphuric acid treatment plant in Luban, 1911-12, architect: Hans Poelzig De Dageraad housing complex, Amsterdam, 1921-23, architect: Pieter Lodewijk Kramer
Masonry in architecture
1.1.41 1.1.42 1.1.43 1.1.44
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India, 1962-74, architect: Louis I. Kahn "Morris Gift Shop", San Francisco, USA, 1948-49, architect: Frank Lloyd Wright St Peter's, Klippan, 1963-66, architect: Sigurd Lewerentz Saynatsalo town hall, 1949-52, architect: Alvar Aalto
materials is the direct expression of a complex structural analysis. The buildings gain an abstract internal tension by means of the paradoxical manner in which the materiality is intensified and simultaneously dematerialized, reducing the masonry to its basic conditions. The planning laws and building regulations of today are lasting symbols of the analytical autonomy of individual aspects of living. At the dawn of the 21 st century a new autonomous component has been added, that of environ1.1.41 System rationality and structural analysis
Based on the aforementioned tenets of the Bauhaus and Expressionism, extraordinary new exponents of architecture were developed by the succeeding generations, although they remained true to the fundamental theories of the 18th century, which we have discussed in detail. Its artistic variety notwithstanding, Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture is always firmly grounded in working with primary geometries. In one of his later works, the "Morris Gift Ship" in San Francisco (1948-49), a circular matrix and a linear, dynamic matrix overlap (fig. 1.1.42). The Roman brickwork, which Wright had already employed in Windsor House (1893) and Robie House (1909), supports the basic geometricdynamic idea. Alvar Aalto's buildings are a continuation of the formal canon of the Bauhaus (fig. 1.1.44). Here, the division of volume is more original than the expression of the plan, which once again traces the plot in the interior. As architecture continued to evolve in the subsequent decades, it began to divide the city into individual sections for living, work, recreation and traffic. The mid-20th century saw the rise to prominence of an abstract, performanceoriented order that strove to address the purpose of building. The rational approach of exploring the function of each purpose and to create strategic alternatives as a self-referential system, now culminated in a structural analysis that would have an impact on the subsequent development of masonry.
The basic premise of the autonomy of each individual element became an independent system itself. In the work of Herman Hertzberger, for example, buildings answer to the requirements of use; but the latter are held captive in the structural scheme of the building. The architectural language of Louis Kahn is characterized by a demonstrative play with the structural conditions of building, above all the compression and tensile forces. Kahn invites the viewer to experience the elemental forces of masonry. Two examples in particular illustrate this approach: the segmental arches at the Indian Institute for Management at Ahmedabad (fig. 1.1.41), where the shear is visibly absorbed between the springings with the help of a concrete tension anchor, and the circular walls cut open with spherical vaults in the government buildings in Dhaka, Bangladesh (fig. 1.1.116). Each of these examples is achieved independently of the relevant building task. Kahn views masonry as independent of history, discovering the truth of building in this basic premise.
This is a different kind of demand for truth than the retrospective moral imperative of the masons' guild and the Werkbund. It also incorporates the demand that traces of production should remain visible - and not hidden, as had been an unspoken rule in the history of building. In this regard, Kahn's structural approach is not unlike Le Corbusier's. Both architects show the simple and hence elemental conditions of building. The late brick buildings by Lewerentz are designed with an archaic flavour (fig. 1.1.43). The seemingly simple combination of sparse 1.1.43
Positions in history
mental protection, opening up new design considerations in a planning approach that is increasingly characterized by fragmentation. In recent decades there has been no let-up in the development of a unifying building concept. Post-modernism and deconstruction, for example, are terms borrowed from literature and philosophy, to provide a theoretical underpinning for the new architecture. It is difficult to imagine, however, which kinds of architectural postulates could be derived from Paul de Man's textual concepts. The term architectural minimalism - borrowed from the visual arts in this instance - is simply a new name for design in the tradition of Mies van der Rohe. These attempts at theoretical adaptation by means of literary catchwords are still caught up in the tradition of historicism and do not reveal any traces of change in masonry. What remains today is the need to explore the ideas of the Werkbund, which have become stale and hackneyed, in more depth and with less obedience to the "bogged-down scheme" (Ernst Bloch), to confront them with the problem of modern incrustations. Only then can we answer the question of what is masonry in the full knowledge of our current situation. We should remember that the functional method of rationalization has permeated all areas of human activity. New construction methods with materials such as steel and reinforced concrete, developed for increased performance, relegated masonry to the secondary role of facework and infill over the course of the 20th century. Moreover, the same developments in masonry itself meant that the wall structure was divided into individual functions to reduce material consumption and construction effort. With few exceptions, this development no longer allowed for the homogeneous treatment of masonry, which in turn has resulted in great uncertainty in design. The common reaction is to quote, with much bravado and little thought, the typical argument of the trade that masonry - which is usually a curtain wall today - should show what it is. Conventional arguments of honesty etc. are dragged out as justifications, a stance that is as phlegmatic as it is bigoted. The situation hasn't changed, but the conditions have. However, this too is no novelty. Design doesn't end at this point; it's just beginning.
Masonry in architecture
Design Basics
Design has less and less to do with realizing ideas, sketching out concepts and defining details. The division between the abstract world of drawings, numbers, measurements and the subsequent implementation activities all the way to the construction site, has been lamented for some time. By now, the division has become so great that the profession is at risk of being degraded to mere draughtsmanship. Some may regard this as an advantage, a lightening of the workload. But it has had a profound impact on the built results, making them less diverse, levelling out differences. Consequently, many feel a growing need to re-establish contact with the construction site, to return to the real, material problems of building in order to achieve authenticity in design and accountability in execution. The masonry unit - natural stone, concrete blocks, calcium silicate units and especially clay bricks - is an effective tool to achieve this goal. The ease with which elements are substituted in today's progressive architecture, the relentless search for equivalencies in material and construction, leads us to remember the formative, real power of material resistance. To use the trade jargon: when you work with masonry, you've always got one foot on the construction site. Masonry makes us aware of the challenges of the material; we can feel its weight and design for it. Masonry is by its very nature equipped to age. This is expressed in the fact that when materiality and purpose grow apart, as they inevitably will, a kind of objectivity that is independent of purpose gradually evolves in the relationship between materiality and workability, which ultimately produces material waste. The rigidity of masonry, the limited design range imposed by the units, course depths and spans, constantly force the designer into a tight corner. It is a struggle against the constraints of the material, its limited ability to fulfil the purposes of construction, use, manufacturing requirements and many other factors. Yet anyone who has noted these conditions has also praised the abundance of design options that arise from this difficulty. The creative secret lies in overcoming these constraints in an assured manner and in the lessons of simplicity to be learned from processing masonry materials. The limitations of the material are a defining aesthetic criterion. The success of masonry across the millennia is founded in its ability to offer stunningly simple solutions for a number of individual problems. It would be unjust to describe masonry units as prefabricated units. The workability of these
units and the abundance of applications go beyond such a simplistic definition. Like all simple devices or tools, the masonry unit is an ingenious element of everyday life. Its typology is deeply rooted inside us and has grown impervious to misuse.
Design must re-create the link between designer and observer. Conversely, the observer, too, is called upon to "design" by looking, recognizing and drawing conclusions, and by his observation make the building what it is.
Let us introduce another vital relationship that is particularly evident in masonry buildings: the link between design and observation. Observation, the act of looking, is always an act of deciphering, recognizing and interpreting contexts and connections. We are only able to look because we are taught to do so from birth and we practise this ability until it becomes a routine of which we are no longer even aware. Whenever we want to understand a building or architecture through looking, our mental repertoire of deciphering is automatically set in motion. By applying this knowledge "in the light of theory" as Karl Popper put it, we learn what lies behind the surface by looking at the surface: we know how to decipher the core by looking at the skin. Yet this is a highly complex process, in which looking and being looked upon merge into a single event. By covering and uncovering connections between outside and inside, exposing the invisible, the observed object is transformed into a mirror of the observer. The observer deciphers a building in much the same manner he applies to himself. The design of the wall surface, which is difficult to grasp as matter, its structural, plastic, material, colour and tactile characteristics, each shed light on another relationship with the wall - t h e design relationship. The surface reflects these relationships in ever-new connections or is cleverly self-referential, a topic that has been explored in detail in the historical section. To design means to develop this relationship.
One example of extraordinary refinement in design is Jean Nouvel's idea of copying the image of the facade, itself an image, and transferring it back onto the facade, making, as it were, the copy into an image of the copy, which in turn is a copy of an image. In this instance, the tectonic is lost in itself. When designing and building with masonry, this intellectual-aesthetic link is inescapable because it has come to define architecture, design and the fine arts. But not only that. Today, it also means exploring the idea that the surface, the exterior world of masonry, has its own interior world, whose fascinating qualities it communicates to the observer so that he may reconstruct the logic, tectonic, imagery and mimesis (the "as if") in his own mind. Unlike most building methods, masonry is suited to meet this demand not least of all because it has an inherent power that calls for simplicity.
The manufacture of masonry has changed fundamentally as a result of technical development. Nevertheless, it can still be carried out by hand at any time and without great effort (fig. 1.1.45-47). In the meantime, the entire process from digging clay or other materials to firing has become a fully automated process in all industrial countries, as we have already described.
a unit is the combined effect of colour and surface texture with the colour, surface and design of the joints, a point we shall return to in more detail.
1.1.47 Formats
Clay bricks come in a wide variety of formats and shapes. There are shell-shaped, irregular, compacted bricks made to fit into courses. They are always dimensioned to be gripped in one hand. The manufacture and processing of sun-dried clay or earth bricks is the most ancient building method still practised today. The problem of vulnerability to rain is addressed in a number of ways. In the early Mesopotamian cultures (4000-2000 BC) panels of woven reed, fabric or skins were suspended from fired ceramic rods in front of the wall, presumably as rain protection. Clay brick was also used as backing for exterior leaves built from fired brick. In northern Europe, clay or earth walls were erected beneath wide roof overhangs and protected with a neat lime wash that was renewed each year. This method was also common to Asia. In Africa (Mali) the structural timber members of floors and bracing were pushed through the wall like a scaffolding to facilitate any repairs in case of washout (see fig. 1.1.4). Until very recently, the rule of thumb that each masonry unit should be of a size and format that could be lifted and laid with one hand also applied to bricks, calcium silicate units and concrete units. One historical exception is Roman bricks, which, as we described in the historical chapter, were manufactured as flat elements and laid in alternating straight and diagonal courses, In Catalonia, Roman bricks are used to this day. In addition to the Roman/Catalan bricks there may be other unique regional formats, which are, however, not fundamentally different and still comply with the aforementioned basic requirement of the "one-hand lift", We are used to seeing a single format in one building. In the past, this was not necessarily
so. The buildings on the Place des Vosges in Paris, built in 1612, feature walls of large bricks of monumental appearance on the facades overlooking the square. The formats of the units in the cross-vaults in the colonnades surrounding the square are adapted to the scale of the space and the detail work in the spandrels. Apart from units in large formats, which are unsuitable for facing masonry, the selection of standard formats is fairly limited today. On the other hand, the industry offers and uses a tremendous variety of moulded bricks. But it is a mistake to try and improve masonry with moulded bricks.
When it comes to evaluating the cubic, plastic and rhythmical disposition of the building components and the building volume, the quality of architectural design is evident without taking material into consideration. On the contrary, it would even impede our judgement. However, this is not true of brickwork buildings. In these buildings, the quality of the architectural design is inextricably linked to the material used to build them. It would be impossible to imagine the one without the other. Anyone designing with this material must be willing to get involved with it. The quality of the masonry is less distinctively expressed when the surface is treated with colour. A white or red coat of colour moderates the moulding without erasing it. To a lesser degree, the same rules apply to calcium silicate units, although the colour scale in these units is more or less limited to the natural colour of the material in a few variations of grey. The similarity with the various grey hues of concrete and the interaction with it can achieve a subtle iridescent effect that transforms the oft-maligned coldness of exposed concrete into a velvety warmth. This iridescence, a changing atmospheric veil, comes together in front of the observer's eye out of a series of elements: first, the unit surface - its colours created by fire, shine, cinder holes, blisters, tears and grooves; next, the joint - its width, colour, surface and relief; and finally the bond - its horizontal, vertical and diagonal relationships and interactions as visible reminders of invisible deeds.
Colours and surfaces
In contrast to formats, the selection of colours and surface treatments is quite manageable. Brick colour is influenced by the composition of the clay and the firing method and temperature. Two colour scales are predominant: the red scale, from dark purple through all shades of red to orange; and the yellow scale, from dark leather brown to red-brown, yellow-brown, ochre, light yellow-pink, sienna, beige and yellow. But nearly all other colours are available as well: from black through all shades of grey, and from blue to white. The surface of the brick is the other important feature of appearance. There is the grainy surface of hand-moulded brick, the various horizontal and vertical grooves and notches created by the nozzle of the extrusion press, the sintering traces from the firing process and plastic characteristics from firing, slag marks, surfaces smooth as tile and sand coatings in a variety of hues. Inexpensive units are often treated with an imitation grain to simulate the fine surfaces of expensive units. A decisive factor in selecting
1.1.45 1.1.46 1.1.47
Tomb model of brick production, Egyptian wood sculpture, circa 2000 BC, Berlin State Museums Brick production in Pakistan, 1999 Building site in Mali, 1999
Masonry in architecture
The bond
Header bond
English bond
English cross bond/St Andrew's bond
Gothic bond
Gothic bond - variation
Flying bond
In masonry, the bond is the most important means of design in two regards: first, it has no model in nature, but is entirely based on abstract calculation. It is a system of rules for the creation of a readable, but largely invisible composition, of which the observer is constantly reminded. And second, while its function today is to guarantee the stability of a wall, it is also a representation of a world order, a fetter, a constraint imposed by a system, as indeed the word "bond" intimates. Any keen observer of masonry that has been laid and jointed with expertise will experience this captivating tension. The unique beauty of Cistercian masonry is widely appreciated and has been the topic of much praise. The Cistercian Order was founded on a philosophy of fulfilling the promise of salvation in the Christian faith by serving the community in practical ways. Walls were raised, as they still are today, in accordance with a basic system, the bond. The profane, functional character is replaced by a metaphorical reference to the overriding logic in the geometric plan of the universe. Herein lies the core of the forces at work: exposing the invisible. The same forces are still felt today when knowledgeable observers stand in front of a building with an expert bond and make an effort to reconstruct this discriminating rapport, an effort that requires a great amount of systematic thought, spatial vision, concentration, imagination and experience. Yet the naturalness, simplicity and clarity are convincing in their own right, even without the aforementioned references. Small movements, projections and recesses of no more than 10 to 20 mm are sufficient to produce significant architectonic effects. This is because the eye measures the wall in units of bricks and since
this narrow range of expression - which we have called "resistance" - harbours an abundant reservoir of invention, which stirs receptivity in a most unusual manner. In the following, we shall present and describe the most common bonds among the great variety of systems in use today. Each has its own unique effect, which is important for the quality of the design, since a carefully planned building will offer an attractive visual image from any distance. The scale seen from a distance should be harmoniously reflected and logically interpreted in each intermediate scale from distant to close-up, where the character of the material, the surface texture and the bond are in the foreground. A bond must always adhere to a distinct precision and yet appear perfectly natural and without artifice.
Header bond (fig. 1.1.48) Header bond derives its name from the fact that it reveals only the headers or end faces of the units. Structurally, it is rather a poor solution because the load distribution is compromised in the longitudinal direction of the wall. It's adaptability is chiefly exploited in curved walls and arches. From the very beginning another common application of this bond has been to create patterns with polychrome or glazed bricks. Plain brickwork surfaces (see St Mary's in Stralsund, fig. 1.1.56) can be enriched with diamond patterns. The facing masonry has been integrated into the backing as an incrustation. Header bonds were widely used during the Grunderzeit at the end of the 19th century, an era of rapid industrial growth. The principal rationale was its efficiency. The visible external surface consisted of quarter and half bats, frequently even of quarter and face slips made of high-precision extruded elements, similar to today's split-faced units. With these elements, the effect of expensive, fine facing masonry could be simulated cheaply. The result, however, is a surface that is obtrusively perfect and without tension or interest. The Faguswerk in Alfeld, Germany, on the other hand, designed and executed by Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer beginning in 1911 and well into the 1920s (fig. 1.1.35), is a subtle play with contradictions. It is a brick masonry building, although the glass curtain facade would have us believe otherwise. It paraphrases the monumentality of Behrens's Turbine factory into a parody. As Julius Posener comments, Gropius contradicts the "natural" relationship between support and load. The result comes as a shock to the observer. The choice of header bond, known for its low loadbearing capacity as mentioned above, is another case in point. Used, for example, at the point of highest stress, the junction between the angled masonry column and the tympanum, it is a clever device to create an effect of extreme fragility. The cubist
residential block design by architects Kahlfeldt (see example 20 in part 4 "Details of built examples") is intended to provide a stark contrast to the frame structures in the courtyard. To achieve such cool neutrality, the half-brick masonry facing is executed in header bond. It comes alive above all through the firing marks on the bricks. English bond (fig. 1.1.49) English bond is the most sober and powerful masonry bond, which can, however, achieve remarkable effects in the hands of an expert precisely because of the simplicity of its arrangement. The extremely sparse and sober volume of the Catholic Church in Güstrow, designed by Paul Korff-Laage with masonry in English bond (fig, 1.1.57), is distinguished by its impressive lighting strategy. A large west window illuminates the church interior and two choir windows allow light to fall onto the altar from the north and south sides. Only a narrow slit between the column and the wall behind it illuminates the vestibule. In the former provincial bank of Pomerania in Stralsund (fig. 1.1.54) shallow projections and recesses of no more than 10 mm between the stretcher and header courses give the volume an effortless, layered monumentality. The English bond on the Meyer warehouse building designed by Hans Poelzig (fig. 1.1.55) is structured by two narrow stepped projections, one in front of the other, whose vertical edges produce a four-course-high zigzag pattern set off from the regular bond. The windows diminish imperceptibly in width from storey to storey. Towards the cornice, the stepped reliefs grow increasingly dense. The reliefs frame the building at the top and yet maintain a measure of openness. A surface with a vibrating tension has been created on this building with efficient, deliberated discipline.
English cross bond (fig. 1.1.50) The technical quality of English cross bond is only evident in masonry depths greater than 365 mm, because this thickness allows for both the longitudinal and the transverse bond to be staggered, which alternates the joint pattern on both external surfaces by one course each. By shifting the stretcher course by one half brick length, a diamond pattern develops on the external surface, more or less visible depending upon the angle of the light and the precision or clarity of the joints. Fritz Höger mastered this diagonal cross pattern with its changing, atmospheric moods - especially apparent when bricks of iridescent colours and a glossy surface are employed - w i t h tremendous
variety (by projecting and recessing individual headers). Gothic bond (figs. 1.1.51 and 1.1.52) Gothic bond is often called Flemish bond (especially in North America and the UK). Both bonds illustrated above were used as early as the German Backsteingotik. Apart from flying bond, most monumental buildings of that time are executed in Gothic bond. The dogmatic severity we usually apply to bonds was still unknown then. It was not unusual to see flying bond alternate with Gothic bond in different components of the same building. This may be explained by the duration of the building phase, spanning several generations or even
1.1.54 Former provincial bank of Pomerania, Stralsund 1930, architect: Adolf Theßmacher 1.1.55 Meyer warehouse building, Hannover 1921-22, architect: Hans Poelzig 1.1.56 St Mary's, Stralsund, 15th century, west facade detail 1.1.57 Catholic Church, Güstrow 1929, architect: Paul Korff-Laage 1.1.56
Masonry in architecture
Flying bond - variation
Silesian bond
Silesian bond - variation
Flemish bond
American bond
Stretcher bond - half-brick overlap
centuries. Irregularities in the hand-moulded monastery brick format also imposed changes on bond design. Projections, recesses and perforations in a church courtyard wall in Prague perfectly illustrate the tremendous opportunities for variety in working with this bond (see fig. 1.1.115). The large side wall to the nave of the Sacred Heart Church in Prague, designed by Josef Pleonik (fig. 1.1,64), is faced with bluish-purple engineering bricks in Gothic bond. The plasticity of projecting concrete bricks in the neverending pattern register adds a second scale to the surface, which flares outward at the top, changing the value of the concrete units from bas-relief to spatial components - a highly unusual and inventive design. Mies van der Rohe preferred thin formats for his brick homes in the 1920s because of the precision in scale they offer. One of his most beautiful designs, Villa Wolf in Guben on the Neisse River, is realized with carefully proportioned, expansive brick masonry walls in Gothic bond (fig. 1.1.67). The captivating texture, terminating in soldier courses set into the bond, is almost painfully incised with openings without lintels, no doubt a horror to naïve purists of brickwork.
diminished, resulting in a rather stolid overall appearance. Fritz Hoger proves his mastery of working with facing bricks in the church on Hohenzollernplatz in Berlin (fig. 1.1.65). The gilded headers glow softly in the dark brown brick fabric of the nave. Despite the expressive sequential disposition of vertical wall components, the volume is characterized by a hermetic and disciplined cohesion,
Flying bond (fig. 1.1.53 and 1.1.58) Flying bond, also called monk's bond or Yorkshire bond, is an ancient bond like Gothic bond; these two bonds dominate the image of medieval buildings in northern Europe. The oldest brickwork church building, the Jerichow monastery church (1114 AD) is largely executed in flying bond. Influences from northern Italy in many details may also indicate that the bond originated in Lombardy. Flying bond does not have the same two-dimensional tension as Gothic bond. By doubling the stretcher component in each course, the tension is slightly
American bond (fig. 1.1.62) American bond, also called English garden wall bond, is a modified English bond in which three or usually five courses of stretchers are laid in half-brick overlap between two header courses on the face of the wall. It is largely unknown in Europe. The classic brick architecture on the East Coast of the United States, in Boston, New York or Philadelphia for example, as well as Thomas Jefferson's famous estate at Monticello, Virginia, do not feature this system, but the bonds described above. Due to the high component of stretcher courses, this bond
Silesian bond (figs. 1.1.59 and 1.1.60) An artful variation of the Silesian bond, also called Flemish garden wall bond, and similar to the Flemish bond in the diagonal cross pattern, features one header in each course alternating with three stretchers and a register of 12 courses. Flemish bond (fig. 1.1.61) Flemish bond is also called Dutch bond or English cross bond. It derives its lively character from a loose, seemingly random diagonal arrangement of five stepped headers per pattern segment. The result is a slightly hyperactive image that is shown to best advantage on large surfaces (fig. 1.1.66).
1.1.64 1.1.65 1.1.66 1.1.67
offers little stability. The simplicity of the pattern, transparent even at a brief, casual glance, lacks the discriminating sophistication of the "European" bonds.
through-bonded to form an indivisible whole: the masonry structure. Developments in building science and scientific studies on wall composition have separated these components into independent parts according to the task they need to fulfil. The principal tasks are loadbearing, insulating, blocking and cladding. Each is now represented in an independent wall layer. What may seem a simple and logical step had far-reaching consequences for the aesthetic of the whole. This may come as a surprise at first glance, since the basic theoretical problems of this new concept of wall composition have always been considered in many
Stretcher bonds In masonry, we always differentiate between an external, visible, weatherproof and attractive layer and the material behind it, consisting of backfilling (in hollow masonry), unfired bricks, backing clay bricks, natural stone, concrete, reinforced concrete, steel cores, etc. Until very recently, however, this facing masonry was integrated with the internal part of the wall or
Church of the Sacred Heart, Prague, 1921-32, architect: Josef Plecnik Church on Hohenzollernplatz, Berlin 1929, architect: Fritz Hbger Flemish bond on Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin, 2000, architects: Titz, Wolff, Breune Villa Wolf, Guben 1925-26, architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
different ways throughout the long history of architecture, as we have shown in the preceding section. In the functional context of building science in multilayered wall composition, masonry is simply "suspended", usually in half-brick, in front of the other layers for reasons of economy. Since the connection to the rear is achieved with the help of wall ties and storey-high brackets supporting, the technical task of this facing is reduced to one of integrating the longitudinal forces. And, as was explained at the beginning, it is a common and generally ignored misconception that the design task is simply limited to fulfilling this function. Stretcher bond - half-brick overlap (fig. 1.1.63) Stretcher bond with half-brick overlap (raking stretcher bond) as a curtain wall of clay or calcium silicate units is a very popular and widespread application. Owing to its even scale it is, however, quite banal and even boring, especially in surfaces that stretch across large areas. Justifying its use by referring to the honest, sober and functional quality of the bond merely reveals a poor understanding of the true quality in the design of a masonry surface. Honesty cannot be experienced as an abstract value; it must find concrete expression and is, moreover, too superficial a basis for aesthetic judgement. It does not reflect the complexity at work in the perception and evaluation of visual phenomena. This process of evaluation is always informed by the observer's own conscious and unconscious concepts, beside which morality can only play a secondary role. Moreover, truthfulness in design can also contradict the structural or engineering truth. And which "truth" would then be valid? The claim to truthfulness can thus only be regarded as an attempt at justification. It can
Masonry in architecture
Stretcher bond - quarter-brick overlap
Stretcher bond - variation
Stretcher bond - variation
never equal the elemental power of aesthetic conviction. Truth in design as an artful lie has always been stronger in the history of building than other forces. This is equally true for tunctional justifications, since functionality is an aesthetic term in origin; that is, it belongs to the same category.
Stretcher bond - variation
Stretcher bond - quarter-brick overlap (fig. 1.1.68). The simple, quarter-brick stretcher bond (also known as raking stretcher bond) demonstrates a variety of compositions with ease, which create a rhythm in the vertical joint disposition that guides the eye (from one joint to another) and stimulates the visual imagination. It is reminiscent of a repetitive rhyming scheme - a tercet, for example - making the logic and wit of the scheme readily accessible. In a variation of this bond, the horizontal weight of the predominant stretcher courses is contrasted with a vertical course and diagonal "cross-knots" (fig. 1.1.69). The vertical pattern in the bond shown in fig. 1.1.70 has the rhythm of four-four time in music, with alternating accentuated and non-accentuated measures. The half-brick facing on a bridge abutment shown in fig. 1.1.71 is visually grounded by means of slightly darker headers. The continuous register of stretchers is transformed into a finite and defined surface through the contrapuntal grid of the headers. The aesthetic here
lies in the discreet colour difference between stretchers and headers. The observer is presented with a changing image hovering between confusion and clarity. A masterful tour de force! In the trade, these bonds are now commonly, and erroneously, referred to as "ornamental bonds". To interpret bonds as ornament, as mere decoration, is in direct contradiction with the tectonic quality of these bonds. However, beyond tectonics, masonry has also found expression in a wealth of embellishments since the very beginning. One possibility of enriching the bond is to use coloured or colour-glazed brick patterns on the surface, The round choir columns of the main aisle in St Gotthard's in Brandenburg (fig. 1.1.72) feature green glazed headers staggered into a spiral in Gothic bond. Expressionist architecture of the 20th century favoured relief styles with projecting and recessed bonds in engineering bricks. Another possibility of treating masonry as an "ornamental bond" is to abandon the usual practice of laying bricks as headers and stretchers, but to place them on vertically and diagonally. This design form has been employed throughout history in endless variations. During the 19th century in particular to decorate verges and gables. The dovecote in Varangeville-sur-Mer, Normandy (fig. 1.1.73), demonstrates the playful
abundance of materials, colours and relief in the horizontal bands of masonry whose plasticity increases as the colours grow more subtle towards the cornice. Here is an example of bond as ornament.
Natural stone
Magnificent buildings have been erected in natural stone by all advanced civilizations around the world. Today, this material is used chiefly for cladding and - with the exception of repairs to old buildings and historic reconstructions - it no longer plays an important role in building. Still, it is important to mention several design characteristics. Three types of natural stone are used in building construction: Primary rock (plutonic and igneous rock) such as granite, porphyry, diorite, diabase, basalt. They all have a random crystalline structure, are extremely hard with high compressive strength and are difficult to process. Stratified rock (in flinty, limy or argillaceaous compositions) such as sandstone, calcite or limestone, shell lime, calcareous sediment, Jurassic limestone, marble, quartzite and slate. Owing to their geological origin in consolidated sediment they have a layered structure, subjected to additional geological pressure in some cases, e.g. in slate. The layered structure must be taken into consideration when processing stratified rock or using any of these rocks in walls. Conglomerates such as calcareous tufa and nagelfluh. The structure of conglomerates is amorphous and random in character, making them suitable for many applications. Natural stones must be processed and combined into masonry according to their origin.
Some examples follow to illustrate this principle. Crystalline plutonic rocks, such as granite, result in a block-like, stocky image in the masonry (fig. 1.1.74). A geological exception is the boulder (also called erratic block), a granite polished into a round shape by the movement of glaciers in the last great ice age and transported across vast distances in the process. In earlier times, boulders were used in their original shape for foundations and battlements, as in this example in Rheinsberg (fig. 1.1.75). It takes great skill to erect high walls with these rounded rocks. When boulders are split into natural shapes, they can be joined into powerful random rubble masonry with spauled joints (fig. 1.1.76). In contrast to random crystalline primary rock, slate - which can be split easily along its natural layers - should be used in masonry that shows these layers to the best effect. Owing to its natural horizontal supporting surfaces, slate can be used for dry walling that is stable even without mortar. It can also be set vertically without a batter (fig. 1.1.77). These highly different parameters for working with stone have evolved into rules on how to build walls, which have been followed in traditional masonry ever since Vitruvius's drawings and definitions from the 1st century AD. The unspoken rule in all these traditions is that the artistic quality in natural stone masonry is in direct proportion to erasing any traces of construction. This evaluation, beginning with coursed random rubble masonry, culminated in the polished surface without (visible) joints. Even when architecture began to focus on human activities in the 18th century, increasingly making them the topic of building, another 150 years would pass before the same principle was reflected in how buildings themselves were executed. Whenever possible, any trace of how a stone was lifted, laid and fastened was hidden in the finished wall.
1.1.68 1.1.69
Stretcher bond, quarter-brick overlap Stretcher bond with interspersed flying bond I 1.1.70 Stretcher bond with interspersed flying bond II 1.1.71 Bond pattern in bridge abutment in Hannover, 1995-96, architect: Kai-Michael Koch 1.1.72 Choir pier, St Gotthard's, Brandenburg 1.1.73 Dovecote, Varangeville-sur-Mer, Normandy, Manoir d'Ango 1.1.74 Romanesque portal, St Gotthard's, Brandenburg, 12th century 1.1.75 Medieval city wall at Rheinsberg Castle 1.1.76 Monastery wall, Chorin, 1827 1.1.77 Dry walling with slate, Pyrenees
Masonry in architecture
Le Corbusier was the first to draw the observer's eye deliberately to signs of the building process, the work itself. The manufacture of ashlar stone and processing the stone into the most challenging architectural components was and is a crowning cultural achievement. In all this, the disposition of the joints, the joint layout, is of prime importance. Bed joints must always be arranged perpendicular to the compressive load; perpends between ashlar stones must never occur in an angle, coving or corner of the volume, but always at inconspicuous orthogonal positions. This attitude towards joints is directed at reshaping tooled pieces and combining them artfully in the masonry (fig. 1.1.78). It is fundamentally different from the bonding rules of clay brickwork. Only terracotta relief is divided according to ashlar stone rules. One of the astonishing and alarming facts in the history of building is that the knowledge of working with ashlar stone has become nearly obsolete within just two generations after millennia of expertise and practice. Today, the upright joint in ashlar jambs is (horribile dictu) often set into the window sill slab. Depending upon hardness and composition, natural stone surfaces can be processed from the natural cleft (or quarry-faced) condition by sawing, bossage, pointing, bush hammering, charring, smoothing, grinding and polishing. Nearly all these processing steps can be machine-tooled today.
The joint
The joint characterizes the masonry, it is an enduring testament to the intelligent and artistic achievement of building, that is of "jointing", the wall. In Old High German the word "Fuge" (joint) signified both the place where two pieces were joined as well as the dexterity and skill in making the joint; originating as a term in this trade, it gradually took on a figurative meaning in many other areas of life. The joint reveals how the pieces are linked: it defines the bond. It has always sparked theoretical debate in architecture, e.g. the "joint dressing" metaphor in the Semperian theory of cladding. The treatment of joints is invariably an indicator of the architectonic stance. Hence, it plays an important role in the design.
In facing masonry with clay, calcium silicate and concrete bricks, the aesthetic and technical importance of the joint is often underestimated. It is even more important here than in natural stone masonry. The joints cover the surface like a dense mesh and give it scale. In the case of masonry units, the width of the joint is dependent on the format of the unit. By accentuating or downplaying the importance of the joint, the designer can influence the tone, liveliness and character of the surface to a great degree, even so far as to reverse its effect completely. The colour repertoire ranges from pure black to dark blue, red, muted greys and yellow to pure white. One rule of thumb is that the colour of the stone is intensified the darker the colour is in the joint. A pure white joint tends to appear clumsy and bleaches colour from the units. It pushes itself into the foreground, becoming too dominant in the overall image and thereby violates another rule: namely, that the joint design must never become the primary feature, but always support the overall visual intention in as inconspicuous a manner as possible. Creative solutions such as tinting the mortar - for example, in order to emphasize the horizontal in the masonry by tinting the perpends in stone colours or moving them closer together, while executing the bed joints in the usual m a n n e r were applied in many different ways in the 1920s. Today, these solutions have almost fallen into obscurity. Colour effects in joints are at their best when the difference in colour between joint and unit is imperceptible in the overall appearance of the surface and is only
discernible upon closer inspection. A certain liveliness or, in the most successful cases, an iridescent tension is, however, not merely a product of attuning the differences in colour between unit and joint. The scale, which is defined by the network of joints, is just as important. It is also influenced by creating a harmony between the size of the unit and the width of the joint, and for this reason we must deviate briefly to the topic of format. The relationship between joint and unit is harmonious with the formats commonly used today, the standard format or the thin format. In facing masonry with 2 DF formats, the joints are already out of balance. This is one of the reasons why 2 DF masonry is never truly satisfactory from an aesthetic point of view. In the past there were a number of larger and smaller formats, always appropriate in size for manual handling. This was chiefly a result of the technology then available, but also because of the quality of the clay and other practical reasons. The medieval monumental buildings of the Hanseatic Gothic were constructed with bricks in monastery format with an approximate joint width of 15 mm. The decisive factor in these structures was the greater elasticity offered by pure lime mortar with coarse aggregates compared with brittle masonry units. At the same time, consideration was given to the lower loadbearing capacity of mortar. But the overall effect in colour and tectonics of these expansive walls, as well as the treatment of the joint network to scale, is also in harmony with the large formats. One basic rule is that the scale of the building and its subdivisions should
establish a specific, deliberate relationship with the scale of the joints. Smaller formats, such as the Dutch or the Oldenburg format, can easily tempt one towards a more decorative treatment of joints with widths ranging from 15 to 20 mm - especially in the case of fine Dutch handmoulded bricks. The tectonic context is lost. The units float in a mass of joints because the intention is not to integrate them into the overall context of the masonry but to highlight them as individual features. The manner in which the joint surface is produced is important for both the durability and the (visual) effect of the joint. The joint material is always less durable than the adjoining masonry unit. The simplest and most costefficient manner of creating a durable joint is "flush pointing", that is filling the joints of brickwork or blockwork with wet mortar and striking excess mortar off flush with a trowel. Any subsequent working of the joint with jointers, or even better with a piece of hose or a sliver of wood, has the sole purpose of matching the roughness of the joint surface to that of the surrounding stone. In that case, the entire mass of joint mortar must be premixed in the desired joint colour. The common method, however, is to rake out the joint to 10 to 20 mm depth during the bedding process and to fill in (point) the joints later, thus gaining more control over achieving the desired visual effect. This methods allows for colour differentiation in the joints, projecting or recessing the joints, plastic rendering of the joint, scoring the joint, embossing, pressing gravel, porcelain or similar materials into the joint. When joints between hard-fired units are recessed, the resulting shadow lines articulate the masonry surface in a particularly impressive manner. Again, there are a number of rules to be considered. Thus, the roughness of the joint should match the degree of roughness of the unit's surface. The same is true of the hardness of the joint, which also should correspond to the hardness of the unit. A soft facing unit should be jointed with pure lime mortar and siliceous, gritty aggregates. Fig. 1.1.79 shows a carefully executed battlement wall, which has already been subjected to weather abrasion.
The lime-bonded grit is especially easy to recognize. Catalan masonry of prefabricated brick elements, 200 x 420 x 40 mm, similar to Roman bricks, such as Antonio Gaudi used in his buildings in Barcelona, have been used. Sintered units required cement additives. The surface of the joint must never be "ironed out" with the jointer because this will concentrate the binding agent on the surface of the joint; this results in fine fissures whose capillary effect "draws" rainwater into the joint. The "clinker disease" (masonry saturated with moisture on the inside), dreaded in the 1920s, was partly due to such erroneous joint design. Irregular units, e.g. hand-moulded bricks, should have flush joints whenever possible. The following four historic examples illustrate different approaches and interpretations of working with joints:
veins on an anaemic, thin-skinned body. At the time of Ludwig I, the Munich school promoted a style of masonry in which the joints were elegantly and artfully reduced to a millimetre-thin minimum. This is achieved with facing bricks which diminish into wedges towards the interior of the wall or by creating an approx. 20-mmwide bearing area for both the bed joint and the perpend, behind which the brick is reduced in width and height. As in Friedrich Gartner's saltworks administration building in Munich, the joints are often almost invisible in the buildings designed by his students (fig. 1.1.81). Specials were manufactured to achieve the interior angle at the projecting pilaster. The beauty of this solution lies in the enchanting interaction of colours on the planar, delicately stretched brick surfaces. The world-renowned curtain wall of the Faguswerk is one example of a group of brickwork buildings in which fragility and extreme tension became the thematic focus of the design in a
The masonry of the Friedrichswerder Church (fig. 1.1.80) is stretched like a membrane. The joints project in pronounced half-rounds, like
1.1.78 Notre-Dame de I'Epine, Champagne, 1400-1527 AD 1.1.79 Self-supporting battlement wall of a fortress, Collioure, Pyrenees, end of 17th century 1.1.80 Friedrichswerder Kirche, Berlin, 1824, architect: Friedrich Schinkel 1.1.81 Kunstmuseum Hannover, 1852-56, architect: Conrad Wilhelm Hase 1.1.82 Faguswerk, Alfeld, 1911, architects: Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer 1.1.83 Madsack House, Hannover, 1972, architect: Fritz Hoger 1.1.82
Masonry in architecture
masonry and the stone treatment increases proportionately to the delicacy and restraint in the joint design. There are few opportunities today to revel in the organizing power of stone in quite the same manner, since natural stone is rarely used as masonry, but most commonly as mere stone facing in panels with open slits. The material appeal of natural stone is lost. Without the importance of the joints, the stone is deprived of its authenticity, its true self. It can only deteriorate into a "natural" veneer.
Division in masonry
fascinating manner. The pure header course masonry in third grade bricks features careful jointing by means of undercutting at the brick edge and pencil-thin beads of mortar in a wellbalanced, graceful harmony (fig. 1.1.82). Fritz Hoger's masonry surfaces are designed with true virtuosity, both optically and aesthetically. In a private house, designed in a Cubist spirit, the angular projecting bed joints provide the sole optical division, carried throughout the wall with great consistency (fig. 1.1.83). The entire house has a reserved, solid presence achieved primarily by the simple expedient of the divisions created by the joint design. The joint in natural stone masonry The ashlar masonry of antiquity - especially in ancient Greece - is characterized by a degree of precision in the joint design that surpasses the mere necessity of scale and takes on a monumentality of its own. The aesthetic goal is to create a visible reference of the independent value of masonry as a designed volume - a piece of nature reassembled by human hands through the technical perfection in the visible trace of this "assembly", that is in the joints (fig. 1.1.84). This philosophy sheds light on the contradiction that the tension in the appearance of the
1.1.84 1.1.85 1.1.86 1.1.87
In the first third of the 20th century there was a heated argument about whether division in masonry should be flush or three-dimensional. Various schools of thought formed which defended their claim to representing the only valid dogma with arguments based on theory and examples drawn from the history of building. With the perspective of time, it is perhaps difficult to comprehend fully how passionate the disagreement was at that time, for convincing examples exist in support of both principles. In northern Europe, where climate conditions are harsh, it was common to create smooth external masonry with flush window frames. The timber frame and the window casement are flush with the external surface. The casements open outwards, and the prevailing strong winds press them firmly into the rebate. The graceful appearance of Dutch or Danish homes in facing masonry is the product of a small-scale texture consistently combined with flush window frames. Even upscale bourgeois homes in Lubeck or Danzig (today Gdansk) were characterized by fairly discreet and sparse divisions.
Another dogma prescribes that masonry must always be divided in the vertical direction because the material allows only for limited span widths. Once again, there are convincing built examples that support this rule and equally convincing examples that argue against it. Figures 1.1.85 and 1.1.86 demonstrate that the schools of thought we have discussed are both true and false. The first building is just as convincing and differentiated in its plastic division as the second is by means of its rigorous planar tension. What both buildings have in common is the rhythmic tripartite division and the additive facade development, bordered by very simple and sparse means on the left and right sides. In the Bewag base in Berlin, the narrow plinth and the five-storey-high half-brick muntins, which are flush with the face and projecting by one full brick, are brilliantly conceived. Mies van der Rohe (fig. 1.1.88) shows that such doctrines invite contradiction, that design is more than the mere effort to satisfy a certain dogma, that good architecture cannot be restricted by such narrow, superficial rules. He demonstratively dispenses with window sills, negates that there might be any limitation to spans in masonry and offers a contrapuntal response to the narrow, theoretical attitude of purists "who would like to diminish all architecture to prose" (Goethe). He cuts masonry
Fortifications at Messene, Greece, 4th century BC Hohere Webeschule (Weaving College), Berlin, 1909-14, architect: Ludwig Hoffmann Bewag base, Berlin-Neukolln, 1926-27, architect: Hans Heinrich Muller West facade of Chorin monastery church, 13th century, gable of south aisle 1.1.85
Conversely, three-dimensional divisions in a cubist spirit can look back on a tradition that is just as long and continues to this day. The west facade of the Chorin monastery (fig. 1.1.87) is the most compelling historic validation of the plastic spirit in masonry. Since the monastic rule forbade any excess, the spiritual power of the design is expressed precisely in its ascetic restraint.
Masonry in architecture
surfaces open to reveal the dynamic of the joint in a new light: the fluctuating ambivalence between outside and inside. This approach interprets structural analysis as a design component, which is optically enhanced, one might say, in order to develop a heightened spatial connection through the negation and to portray it as a contradiction.
Masonry units can bridge openings horizontally, or nearly horizontally, but not areas. One simple form of creating the ceiling is the blind vault in which the bricks are corbelled by degrees and piled towards the apex. In southern Italy this method is still in use. A more sophisticated solution is to arrange the
bricks into an arch in such a manner that they would fall were it not for the support provided by other, similarly arranged bricks. This dynamic is even echoed to some degree in the terminology used in the trade for the most important components of such a construction: the bearing point of the vault is called the "springing", the last and decisive brick, which produces the retaining thrust, is the keystone. The achievements in vaulting, which were discussed in detail in the historical section, are a testimony to breathtaking struggles against the force of gravity. One famous example is Balthasar Neumann's nearly horizontal vaulting in the staircase of the Bishop's Residence at Wurzburg.
tion, naturally, of historic reconstructions. One highly efficient 19th-century vaulting technique, the "Prussian Cap", in which segmental arched sections are spanned between steel columns, is still used from time to time. Prussian caps generate enormous horizontal thrust in the direction of the vault, which must be resisted by horizontal edge masonry or by a buttress set in front of the wall or (as in the shallow tunnel vaults in Le Corbusier's Jaoul Houses, fig. 1.1.89) by means of ties. From the perspective of design, the demise of the vaulting technique is regrettable since it represents the highlight in the art of masonry.
Volumes on the history of vaulting techniques fill entire bookshelves. Yet very few masonry vaults are constructed today, with the excep-
Openings and lintels
Anyone who has read the account of how Rat Krespel built his house and went about creating the wall openings, will understand the planning challenge this procedure poses, E.T.A. Hoffmann's eccentric storytelling style notwithstanding. Throughout the history of building, the relation of wall to opening, the design of the wall penetration, has provided the answer to the question of what is a wall. It also reflects how the architect, and the era, view the relationship between outside and inside, separation and connection, corporeality and space, shelter and danger - ultimately, how they view the world. A Baroque "ceil de boeuf" speaks volumes on this issue when contrasted with a diaphanous tracery rosette. The technical problems of how to span openings are identical to those encountered in vaulting. Small windows can be spanned with cantilevered stones, as the following four examples demonstrate. Fig. 1.1.90 shows a window composed of monastery brick formats in a bond with bricks
placed on end as window reveals. This solution is stunningly simple and natural. The window in fig. 1.1.91 is set into the bond and is covered by two projecting stretcher faces, supporting one stretcher which serves as a keystone and is braced with chamfered joints, an idea that is as ingenious as it is convincing. The window in fig. 1.1.92 is set into the bond and features a semicircular arch of stretchers, continued as a vertical jamb, which in turn is interlaced with the bond. The lintel with stepped, cantilevered headers in the English cross bond wall in fig. 1.1.93 exudes a reserved naturalness. Such stepped solutions were used for windows twice the width of the example shown in this figure (approx. 750 mm). For wider window openings, considerable spans can be achieved with the vaulting technique. For reasons of expediency, however, most masonry is simply used as facing over arches constructed from other loadbearing materials, although the lintel stones used for this purpose tend to part into wide gaps along the top of the vault. A good solution to this problem is to create two or more arches one above the other, a technique that was already used in Roman masonry (see also fig. 1.1.13). During the last third of the 19th century, the aforementioned Grunderzeit in Germany, the rapid expansion in the number of building tasks led to the predominant use of the segmental arch since it offered the best loadbearing capacity. When repeated in one and the same building, the segmental arch can appear uninteresting and undecided. The nearly horizontal, socalled cambered arch offered a solution to this problem. (figs. 1.1.55 and 1.1.94) As a building form, the cambered arch had been familiar for centuries and it was frequently used for lintels in bourgeois homes in northern Europe. In the past, it was constructed across spans of up to 2.5 m without any difficulties or technical aids. To achieve this construction, there are, however, several prerequisites. It should always be carefully bricked up with full joints. It should be formed with a barely visible rise of several millimetres. In the past, this rise was created by applying a fine layer of sand onto the centering. Moreover, it should not exceed a span of
1.1.88 Esters House and Lange House, Krefeld 192830, architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 1.1.89 Brick vaulting in Jaoul Houses, Le Corbusier, Neuiliy-sur-Seine, 1952-56 1.1.90 Chorin monastery, 13th century, sexpartite window in brewery 1.1.91 as in fig. 1.1.90, window in brewery 1.1.92 as in fig. 1.1.90, window in west facade 1.1.93 Barn window, Hannover, 19th century 1.1.94 Stables on estate in Neustrelitz, 1870, architect: Friedrich Wilhelm Buttel 1.1.95 Faguswerk, Alfeld, smithy, 1911-14 architects: Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer
Masonry in architecture
2m - especially in half-brick leaves. The cambered arches in the brilliantly conceived masonry of the smithy in the Faguswerk (fig. 1.1.95) were processed from extruded material and subsequently installed as individual moulded units, fitted into the lintel bond across five courses. Even in the era dominated by the Werkbund spirit, which held that masonry should only be constructed with genuine masonry materials, leading architects such as Fritz Schumacher and Fritz Höger took the liberty of resorting to auxiliary means to solve the problems that arise in spanning openings. The horizontal cambered arches composed of specials in the entrance pavilion to the Kunstgewerbeschule (fig. 1.1.96) are suspended from the steel beams of the loadbearing structure. This solution in no way diminishes the aesthetic quality of the arches because the observer perceives the entire band of masonry beneath the cupola as a loadbearing component. All the elements are effortlessly subordinated to the conviction of the design concept.
In the Hanseatic regions on the North and the Baltic Seas, frames set into the windows, socalled sash frames, were used to span larger wall openings, additionally braced with centre muntins and wooden transoms in openings with even greater dimensions. The sash frames did double duty as falsework. This continues to be a frequent method in building with masonry in the Netherlands.
relieved by a lintel stone set above it. The joint between lintel and beam is left open to avoid load transfer. The joint between the window sill slab and the ashlar stone beneath it is open for the same reason, to prevent the window sill from bending upwards and breaking as a result of the stress exerted by the weight of the reveals in the rigid vertical joints.
The next two examples serve to illustrate specific problems in creating lintels with masonry. The Jurassic lime door jamb illustrated in fig. 1.1.98 features corbel bricks on the top of the opening on which one-third of the ashlar lintel rests on either side. The profiles in the corbel bricks are harmonized with the beam width to achieve a natural and attractive ornamental head to the opening. The community hall is carefully executed with pebbled sandstone in regular courses. The design of the window in fig. 1.1.99 is a textbook example of correct ashlar treatment. The sandstone lintel beam bridging the opening is
Columns and piers
Next to vaulting, erecting columns from masonry has always been a high art. This is where the architect demonstrated his expertise. One need only remember the monumental order by Claude Perrault on the east facade of the Louvre. These columns could only be loadbearing due to their iron cores, a sensational solution at the time. Since Vitruvius, ideas on proportion in the order of columns have filled the prototype books of nearly every generation of architects. The confusing, albeit structurally logical, design of Gothic multiple rib pillars was breath-
takingly artful in execution. In modern design practice, masonry columns no longer play a role. For free-standing masonry columns, we must consider that, for the context of the masonry in the whole building volume, 240 mm columns can only be constructed with a half-brick overlap. For 365 mm columns, the choice lies between half-brick overlap and quarter-brick bond, which requires a large number of cut units. Moreover, the scale in such a column can no longer be harmonized with brick-onedge or soldier courses. To achieve a continuous soldier course in the column surround shown in fig. 1.1.97, the remainder is recessed as a slit and emphasized with a fluorescent orange colour.
Plinths and ramps
Plinths have the practical function of protecting a wall from dampness, splashing water, moss and dirt. They mark the boundary between building and ground and emphasize the stability of the foundation. Until the 18th century, people believed that the ground was home to mysterious, terrifying forces, that harmful rays emanated from the soil and dangerous spirits dwelled in the earth. Accordingly, plinth walls were often engraved with symbols, presumably to repel such evil spirits. To give the storeys rising above the base a more significant and refined air, fortresses, castles and palaces often featured storey-high plinths in rusticated masonry. Another method was to create emphasis by means of an inclined or angled wall, a ramp. It, too, had the task of underscoring the massiveness of the base in contrast to the living areas above. The motif of the ramp continued well into the 20th century. Peter Behrens employed it in several of his buildings.
Entrance to kunstgewerbeschule Hamburg, 1911-13, architect: Fritz Schumacher 1.1.97 Anderten clubhouse, Hannover, 1991, architect: Rolf Ramcke 1.1.98 Stables at Chateau de Nieuil, Perigord, France, 17th/18th century 1.1.99 Buchau community hall, Upper Franconia, 1879 1.1.100 Transformer station, Berlin-Neukolln, 1927, architect: Hans Heinrich Muller 1.1.101 Rectifier substation, Berlin-Zehlendorf, 1928, architect: Hans Heinrich Muller 1.1.101
Masonry in architecture
The monumental buildings of the Hanseatic Gothic show only a frugal use of the plinth motif. The granite plinths constructed of roughhewn boulders were at most 300 to 500 mm high. Many large and smaller buildings rose straight from the ground without a plinth. While rendered buildings require a waterproof plinth of at least 300 mm height for protection against splashing rainwater, faced brickwork buildings appear at their most natural without a plinth or only with a slight gesture in that direction, e.g. a brick-on-edge or soldier course, which is flush with the street front as shown in the industrial building in fig. 1.1.100. In this building, a brick-on-edge course projects by one half-course depth, sufficient to "carry" the five-storey building.
1.1.102 Terminations and junctions
Flat roof terminations Owing to roofing guidelines, which stipulate that horizontal edges of the coping must have a min. 50 mm overlap, the proportional balance of facing masonry is considerably compromised because this is a dimension that does not fit into its natural scale. Many older buildings are ruined by the clumsiness of the new termination when the roof edge is repaired. The argument that rainwater is driven behind the roof covering by wind and saturates the wall with moisture is erroneous. On the contrary, rainwater is virtually drawn up by the negative pressure that exists in the leeside cavities within the sheet metal capping. A simple solution to this problem is to seal the upper wall areas with bitumen or PVC sheeting, which also makes it possible to minimize the overlap to the ideal optical dimension of 10 to 15 mm. If the surround is constructed from hard-fired units, calcium silicate or concrete units, roofing felt welded flush to the wall will suffice, the only prerequisite being that the joints are flush and that the entire horizontal area is carefully bonded. Ornamentation and decorative profiles in the coping have become a thing of the past. The powerful cantilevers are reduced to minimum measures. The sober facade of the industrial building in fig. 1.1.101 is realized in flying bond. The closed surfaces are divided by diagonal oriels, supported by stepped, cantilevered courses. The building terminates in stepped, projecting headers. This design achieves a powerful impact with a few simple means. The only area where the otherwise smooth wall surfaces take on a three-dimensional expression is in this 1.1.104
upper cornice. The slight increase in the projection of each course completes the masonry wall in a harmonious manner. This clever device more or less leads to a natural termination of the wall: it simply cannot go any further. In the pumping station shown in fig. 1.1.102, the roof and parapet rest on cantilevered piers at the corner of the wraparound walls. Like the lintels in the bond, the soffits are integrated into the floor formwork. The soldier course beneath the window sill is continued as facing on the external wall. The continuous dividing scheme with recessed courses on the Faguswerk (fig. 1.1.104) also provides the final motif at the top of the building. The only difference is that the brick-onedge course is projected by the same dimension used for the recessed courses; this doubling enhances the shadow cast in this area. It should be noted, however, that this construction required the use of steel flats at the corners, In all these examples, the zinc plate enclosure is rolled (a stable sheet metal edge, easily manufactured on a folding press). The pavilion of the university canteen in Eichstatt (fig. 1.1.105) features a highly successful surround on the rendered parapet. The razorsharp edge consists of galvanized sheet iron, bolted to the wall surface with a 20 mm projection. The butt joints have a sheet metal lining to the expansion joints. Verges The transition between roof and wall at the verge of a steep roof invariably inspires some interesting design solutions. Some may look to historic predecessors, such as traditional Black Forest houses or alpine styles for inspiration.
It is important to reiterate that the quality of masonry lies in simplicity. Two examples demonstrate this admirably. In fig, 1.1.106, roof and wall are constructed from the same limestone. The roof slabs are pushed from below and from the sides underneath the cantilevered stones of the tower wall rising above. The verge unabashedly reveals the roof construction above the carefully executed courses of ashlar masonry. The masonry in fig. 1.1.103 is expertly "tumbledin" perpendicular to the roof slope. The roofing tiles are laid in mortar and project only slightly beyond the gable.
unchallenged although it is false. Before sheet zinc ever existed, structures were built that were the technical equivalent of modern solutions and far superior in design. The chimney junction was usually realized by thrusting the roofing tile underneath the chimney base at the sides and at the bottom (see also "Construction details", fig. 3.10.2). The joint was filled with fibre-reinforced mortar. This type of junction is easy to execute and many examples built in this manner remain in immaculate condition after many decades.
Steep roof junctions One of the issues in creating junctions to steep roofs is the junction between chimney and roof, The rule that chimney and roof junctions must be equipped with zinc flashings remains widely 1.1.105
1.1.102 Pumping station, Hannover, 1996-96, architect: Rolf Ramcke 1.1.103 Kozal estate, Cologne, 19th century 1.1.104 Faguswerk, Alfeld, 1911, architects: Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer 1.1.105 Eichstatt college canteen, 1988, architect: Karljosef Schattner 1.1.106 Former priory church at Ougy, Burgundy, first half of 12th century 1.1.106
Masonry in architecture
1.1.107 Sills
Prior to the invention of zinc sheeting, one major problem was how to conduct water away from the facade, and handling this difficulty required great experience, know-how and imagination. Medieval buildings treated this problem in an almost playful manner. Gothic churches, especially, are often covered in winding gutters on flying buttresses with canal ducts through column projections, re-routed into sloping open and closed gutters through which water was conducted to the gargoyles from whose mouths it was spewed clear of the building. Sills serve to drain water away from windows, from the reveals and the external surfaces of window sills. They are a rather inconspicuous wall detail. Although one might presume that conducting water away from a build-
ing should pose few problems, many deficiencies in this area occur in building practice. The design of the sill is generally a good indicator of the quality of detail in the overall planning. The recently restored 19th century building in fig. 1.1.109 demontrates that rendered surfaces without sheet coverings can also be a sustainable solution. Upkeep and a new surface coat are necessary every two to three years, although this is a small price to pay in view of the clean profile of render without sheet coverings. Calcium silicate units are hard and dirt-repellent. A drip detail is therefore not required, and the concrete sill can finish flush with the wall (fig. 1.1.110). If, as in this example, the sill has the same surface density and dimension as the adjacent masonry unit, it will fit inconspicuously into the surrounding surface. The lateral per-
pends are filled with mortar and do not normally crack across standard spans. The example in fig. 1.1.111 illustrates how the problem at the three critical junctions can be solved. The rendered reveal is undercut to prevent water from penetrating into the joint between reveal and sill. The sill consists of galvanized sheet metal and features a recessed drip edge finished with a riveted steel angle. The rear edge is slid beneath the window frame profile. In masonry of fired bricks, the tried-and-tested method of forming the sill is to lay a brick-onedge course which is pushed beneath the window frame and projects by 10 to 20 mm beyond the faced of the wall at a slight angle. Flush joints and carefully executed joints in the brick-on-edge course are essential. (See also "Construction details", pp. 224, 226.)
One of the many applications of versatile masonry units is to use them as infilling between other structures built with timber, steel and reinforced concrete. In this case, the unit is non-loadbearing. One of the most widespread combinations in the past was the half-timbered framework with infill masonry panels (bricknogging). It was used nearly everywhere because it was such an economic building method. In these constructions the masonry unit demonstrates its property as an infill element in a variety of ornamental bonds, usually just a half-brick thick. As illustrated in the northern German 18th-century warehouse in fig. 1.1.107, the infill panels and windows are always flush with the exterior to offer a minimal corroding surface exposed to the effects of wind and weather. The industrial buildings of the 20th century, especially in regions with heavy industries such as iron and coal, proved that masonry units can also be combined with steel framework construction, which gives them an entirely new, streamlined, "engineered" appearance. Early examples are the water tower in Posen designed by Poelzig, as well as the industrial buildings by Hertlein and Behrens. Large steel mills in Germany's industrial Ruhr region, such as the Zollverein Colliery (fig. 1.1.112), took advantage of this economic and structurally sound construction method, adding a new, sinewy character to the landscape. Today, this method is no longer used in industrial building due to the problems of insulation in the steel construction. Mies van der Rohe's campus buildings at the Illinois Institute of Technology (fig. 1.1.108) are reduced to scale, number and proportion. Steel framework and English bond masonry infill express an elemental simplicity in which even the smallest part is significant and defining. This invests the image in its entirety with an inimitable universality.
1.1.107 Half-timbered wool warehouse, Gustrow, 18th century 1.1.108 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1952, architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 1.1.109 Town house, Brandenburg, first quarter of 19th century 1.1.110 Kindergarten, Hannover, 1967, architect: Rolf Ramcke 1.1.111 Eichstatt college canteen, 1988, architect: Karljosef Schattner 1.1.112 Zollverein Colliery, Essen, south entrance 12/1/2, 1928-32, architects: Fritz Schupp and Martin Kremmer 1.1.112
Masonry in architecture
Free-standing walls
External walls follow their own building rules. Apart from their role as a boundary, they must also be impervious to decay. The walls can easily be protected from dampness rising from the ground, an aspect that must not be overlooked. Protection against frost and rain is more important, however. Frost protection is guaranteed primarily by selecting frost-resistant units. This is especially true for fired clay bricks. Calcium silicate and concrete units are inherently frost-proof. Joints fully filled with mortar are equally vital, for water penetrates more easily into cavities in the masonry of a free-standing wall, which leads to frost-induced cracks. Rendered walls require an overhanging coping with lateral drip edges. This requirement is often overdone for walls with facing masonry. What is necessary is to achieve a workmanlike joint surface, not completely "ironed out" or smooth. The ancient and massive wall in fig. 1.1.113, which serves as a flood barrier for the church, is able to withstand the rough climate on the North Sea coast without any special coping. Driving rain and gusty winds in the Pyrenees have eroded, but not destroyed, the masonry and joints of the wall coping in fig. 1.1.114. The perforated facing masonry, shown in fig. 1.1.115 in Gothic bond, remains without a coping, while the plaster pillars are protected by flared pagoda roofs. The retaining wall in fig. 1.1.117 in the flood plain along the River Leine is constructed from Oldenburg bricks. The column and lintel at the end of the wall form an open window that frames the changing views of the river.
1.1.113 Churchyard wall in Katwijk, The Netherlands 1.1.114 Battlement parapet wall at Fort Collioure, France, 18th century 1.1.115 Church wall, Prague, 1920s 1.1.116 Parliamentarians building, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1962-74, architect: Louis I. Kahn 1.1.117 Retaining wall on the bank of the River Leine, Hannover, 1993, architect: Rolf Ramcke 1.1.115
Masonry - today and tomorrow When we look at the plastic treatment of walls across several millennia, we are astonished by the technical continuity in a building method that continues to express what building has always signified by means of simple layering and jointing. Manufactured units still fulfil their loadbearing and aesthetic task in much the same manner. Thus, the high thermal storage capacity of masonry is superior to other methods of thermal resistance. No insulating material, no matter how advanced, can equal the advantages of thermal storage. The concept of slowing thermal transmittance by means of insulation is not a sustainable method of energy conservation per se. Since time immemorial, masonry as a building envelope has fulfilled a full range of tasks, both in terms of structure and building science. With a plaster finish it was shaped into panels and rough-hewn ashlar, or helped to create subtle, artistic effects such as in the Hofbibliothek in Vienna. If Erich Mendelssohn had used masonry for his Einstein Tower instead of a mix of materials with concrete, he would have been able to avoid building deficiencies. Regardless of the differences in how the internal structure of the wall is designed, natural stone or fired clay brick produce a surrounding shell. Thus, in the Oldenburg method it provided protection from wind and driving rain in the form of an external envelope set off from the actual wall by a cavity, long before such demands were made by the requirements of building science. We can only admire the variety and inventiveness with which masonry has adapted to new demands and resisted misuse without compromising its own intrinsic character over the course of the history of building. What has remained of this constancy in the contemporary debate on architecture?
1.1.116 Incrustations will develop into design elements in their own right; this is a simple fact in the history of building. It was, however, heatedly refuted towards the end of historicism, because incrustation had degenerated into routine decoration. What the debate ignored was the enclosing function, which had always existed, and whose aesthetic challenges had inspired specific solutions as an autonomous design task. This is why we still use the metaphor of cladding, that is "a cloak" around the structure, for the skin, a term that originated with Gottfried Semper's cladding symbolism. Semper viewed the building as an unformed mass across which symbolic, referencing design characteristics are cast in the design process much like a cloak is thrown around a body. This view betrays its roots in historicism. While it is a step on the road towards considering external characteristics in relation to internal context, the symbolism limits the goal to one of meaning rather than function. The action-related challenges of designing, which have become the dominant development in architecture since the beginning of the 20th century, cannot be addressed with the help of this theory. The premise of this new focus in building is that envelope and core, skin and structure, are
an integral and inseparable whole, which must also be treated as such from the perspective of design. Yet what we see beneath the skin, the surface, is not pure building, naked reality, as had been the desired aim of this new design philosophy, but simply another surface with all the familiar properties we had hoped to leave behind. Moreover, the action-oriented attitude of building also results in a logical dilemma. Actions are but fleeting temporal sequences and can therefore not be transformed into a sustainable built substance. Purpose seems to offer the key to solving this dilemma. Purpose is to give permanence to the action. Even this approach is doomed to fail, however, for purposes are also subject to change. Hence, in the course of the 20th century purpose has been transposed into an enduring system rationale. Purpose is integrated with strategic equivalents of action by posing the question as to the function of each purpose. Conversely, experience has shown that historic buildings, which do not adhere to a logical purpose rationale, retain a material "surplus" and are thus equipped to age. Such buildings can accommodate new purposes even when their framework no longer supports the original vision of the function/purpose relationship.
Masonry in architecture
1.1.118 Museum of Roman Art, Merida, Spain, 1985, architect: Jose Rafael Moneo
that has been trapped in the world of things is liberated, transformed and awakened to new life. Since the beginning of the 20th century, inside and outside, load and loadbearing, and hence our interpretation of masonry, have undergone fundamental changes as a result of qualifying spatial relationships. Now, we are called upon to do justice to these changes with our perception. The analogy of the human body, which had been our unconscious emotional reference point, no longer applies. The definition of the skin, that is, to be a barrier between outside and inside, has ceased to be an appropriate metaphor for building.
1.1.118 These buildings derive material resistance from the masonry quality, The perceived inaccessibility creates a sense of alienation, which can metamorphose into familiarity with new uses. Such buildings become "places to be". Even masonry conceived as an envelope for reasons of rationalization has a specific relationship to the building, which is reflected in the design. This relationship must go beyond simulated symptoms of a fictitious building function or tectonic. The demand for honesty, for baring the purpose of the building, has seduced architects into decorating or enriching buildings with visual facade symbols of functions that do not exist inside the building. Thus, a multistorey apartment building can be made to appear like a shed-like structure by linking the window fronts across two or three storeys. We have to look closely to distinguish the divisions and to uncover the simulated function. It is even easier to simulate building tectonics. Buildings that feature an ornamental blend of functional and tectonic props have the noncommittal character of cinematic scenarios, made even more complete through the use of architectonic illusions.
Yet these approaches cannot fulfil the design tasks and the new problems they need to address; Novalis expressed it thus: "The exterior is elevated to become a secret expression of the interior." The open-minded observer who believes that he has long since grasped all the relationships and denies the existence of any secret, is taken aback and yet stimulated to tear himself away from everyday perceptions, The pictorial transformation of things - the interior transformed into secret expression on the exterior - is the aesthetic domain. Seen in this light, the contradiction between aesthetic effect and functional reflection, which we set forth at the outset, no longer exists. What we have instead is the outer world of the inner world. And this is a perfect illustration of the position which perception occupies in design. Through the approach of alienation we are confronted with a manner of perception from the outside, from a type of perspective that compromises and destroys contexts that seemed familiar. This is the case, for example, when cultural developments are explained by economic conditions, unleashing a new perception of the same developments. The spirit
The impending danger is that the image may no longer reflect reality, but become an autonomous entity itself without making reference to reality. Masonry is no longer presented as the impenetrable mass it is, but as an image of solidity assembled and presented with a noncommittal, superficial attitude. This undermines the need for authenticity, believability and reliability. It cannot be regained by resorting to building methods that clearly display a nostalgic yearning for the past, nor can it be bridged by a design philosophy whose building forms express an ironic distance. In Gothic buildings we experience massive, suspended weight precisely because of their antithetical treatment of stone. In the Renaissance, the full force of the masonry in the palazzi is wrested from incompatible elements. In the Baroque, weight was the product of a cycle of meanings, investing the stone with more meaning than it had before in an immaterial manner. All three examples prove that authenticity is not a problem of the material, the masonry material, but an intellectual and spiritual achievement of accepting the challenge of what we are given and transforming it. The chapter "Built examples in detail" presents a selection of current examples to explore this very same topic: namely that the "inner idea", the design stamped upon the mass of exterior matter, is the essence of masonry construction.
Part 2 • Fundamentals
Material Masonry units Clay bricks • Calcium silicate units • Autoclaved aerated concrete units • Concrete and lightweight concrete units • Granulated slag aggregate units • The designation of masonry units • New types of masonry units • Testing the mechanical properties of masonry units Natural stone units Mortar for masonry Forms of production and supply • Types of mortar • The properties of mortar and the requirements it has to meet • Mortars for natural stone masonry New types of mortar Plasters Plastering mixes • Coating materials • Plasters and plastering systems - applications and requirements • The application of plaster
Masonry bonds General Formats and specials Historical formats • Standard formats • Large-format elements • Special formats, special units The relationship between dimensional coordination and unit format Dimensional coordination in buildings • Modular coordination in buildings • Dimensional tolerances and permissible deviations The rules of bonding Masonry wall bonds Wall bonds • End bonds • Column bonds
Structural masonry The loadbearing behaviour of masonry Compression • Tension and tensile bending • Shear stresses The principles of masonry design The evolution of European and national standards • Method of analysis • Safety concept • Determining the cross-sections from the loads • Three-dimensional stability • Analysis of concentric and eccentric compression • Analysis of safety against buckling • Analysis of tension and bending tension • Analysis of shear Deformation and crack formation Deformations in masonry • Cracks in masonry • Causes and prevention of cracks in masonry
Natural stone masonry Design • Consolidation of natural stone masonry Reinforced masonry Materials for reinforced masonry Protecting reinforcement against corrosion • Structural reinforced masonry • Non-structural reinforcement • Shallow lintels • Prestressed masonry Prefabricated masonry elements Materials • Production • Design • Safety during transport and erection Masonry in earthquake zones
Masonry details External walls Single-leaf external walls • Twin-leaf external walls • Non-loadbearing external walls • Gable walls Internal walls Loadbearing internal walls • Non-loadbearing internal walls Columns and free-standing masonry walls Columns • Free-standing masonry walls Party walls External basement walls Stability of external masonry basement walls • Waterproofing Natural stone masonry Openings in walls Arching action over openings • Beam-type lintels • Shallow lintels with masonry above • Masonry lintels and arches Vaulting and arch floors Vaults • Masonry arch floors between beams Point loads Connections Connecting walls to floors and roof frames • Ring beams and capping beams
The building of masonry Mixing and using mortar on site Mixing mortar • Using mortar Protecting masonry against moisture Laying during cold weather Suitability and quality tests Quality control of prescribed masonry (RM) • Quality control of masonry according to suitability test (EM) Perpends and bed joints Laying with mortar to the perpends • Laying without mortar to the perpends
Junctions with intersecting walls Bonded junctions • Butt-jointed junctions Chases and recesses Building and cleaning facing masonry Construction principles • Cleaning facing masonry Jointing Flush and "bucket handle" joints • Pointing Joint design Types of joints • The sealing of joints • The spacing and width of joints Gauged brickwork Mechanical fixings in masonry Anchors • Nail anchors Rationalization measures Building to save space and costs • Rational laying techniques • Rational working with large-format masonry units • Modular masonry
Building science
Thermal insulation Heat transfer, thermal insulation parameters, terms • Thermal conductivity of building materials • Thermal insulation provided by layers of air • Determination of design values for thermal conductivity • Thermal performance of external walls • Windows • Translucent thermal insulation (Tl) • Solar gains of opaque external walls • Heat storage • Thermal bridges • Airtightness • Requirements for thermal insulation • Energy-savings Act • Method of calculation • Thermal comfort • Thermal insulation in summer Climate-related moisture control Humidity • Hygroscopic moisture • Capillarity • Water vapour diffusion • Calculating the quantity of condensation within components • Moisture behaviour of masonry • Water vapour convection • Protection against driving rain Sound insulation Terms and definitions • Requirements • Sound insulation against internal noise • Sound insulation against external noise • Single-leaf walls • Twin-leaf party walls • Flanking components • External walls Fire protection Building material classes • Fire resistance classes • Types and functions of walls • Requirements • Fire walls • Complex party walls • Classification of proven components External walls with thermal insulation Units and symbols for building science
Material Konrad Zilch, Martin Schatz
Masonry should be considered as a composite building material consisting of masonry units and mortar. The minimum requirements regarding mechanical properties, quality and quality control of the units and the mortar are covered by numerous standards. Quality control is divided into the manufacturer's own measures during production and those of outside centres. In the factory, quality control is carried out by the manufacturer of the material independently at specified intervals. Monitoring of the production by acknowledged test and certification centres is carried out unannounced at regular intervals. Products for walls that owing to their technological innovation are not yet in general use and not fully proven in practice, or cannot be standardized because of their particular properties, are covered by temporary general building authority certificates. Such certificates are issued by the Deutsche Institut fur Bautechnik (DIBt - German Building Technology Institute) in Berlin. The quality control of these materials is again guaranteed by the manufacturer's own measures during production, backed up by those of independent centres.
Masonry units Masonry units are divided into man-made units and natural stone units. The man-made units are in turn divided into clay, calcium silicate, autoclaved aerated concrete, normal-weight concrete, lightweight concrete and granulated slag aggregate units, depending on their raw materials. The natural stone units, which these days are primarily used for the repair of stone masonry and rarely for new building work, include all naturally found types of rock that exhibit adequate minimum compressive strength without structural and weather-induced damage. While the natural stone units are all covered by the German masonry design code .DIN 1053 part 1, the man-made masonry units are dealt with in various standards according to their raw materials. In terms of geometry, the man-made masonry units are distinguished both by their dimensions
and also by the percentage and arrangement of any perforations (circular, rectangular, cellular, slotted). Furthermore, there are differences in strengths, deformation behaviour, building science properties and surface finishes. The different properties are the result of the various raw materials used or the method of production. In geometric terms, the man-made masonry units are divided into bricks, blocks and elements. In terms of perforations, they are classified as solid (max. 15% perforations) or perforated (hollow block, horizontally perforated, vertically perforated). The perforations are introduced either to provide a better grip for the bricklayer or to improve the building science properties. And finally, man-made bricks can be distinguished by the type of mortar bedding (thin-, medium- or thick-bed masonry) and the form of the perpends (with or without mortar). Units for thin-bed masonry are described as precision or gauged units; these differ from standard units in that they are subject to tighter tolerances regarding their height and length. The header faces of units can be arranged in such a way that during construction either the complete perpend or only part of it is provided with mortar (thin- or thick-bed) or that the units are simply butted together. This type of perpend is increasingly used to satisfy building science requirements and for rationalization. In masonry the choice of unit is primarily dependent on the structural and building science specifications for the particular wall to be built. The criterion for the structural requirement is the strength of the masonry units; the building science aspect is influenced by the dry gross density. Masonry units with high strengths exhibit a high dry gross density and hence good sound insulation characteristics as well. On the other hand, masonry units with good thermal insulation properties have a low dry gross density and usually a low compressive strength. Further aspects to be considered when choosing a type of masonry unit are resistance to freeze-thaw cycles and water absorption, as well as economic issues such as cost of materials and rational workability. The resistance to freeze-thaw cycles and water
absorption are decisive factors in the choice of materials for facing work subjected to frost and driving rain. Thermal conductivity values for the most important masonry materials are specified in EN 1745 in relation to the gross density. The values given in the tables are statistical evaluations of large numbers of test results from several European countries. As an example of the various masonry materials, fig. 2.1.1 shows the results of 446 separate tests on aerated concrete samples with their mean value and upper and lower tolerances. The figures specify the thermal conductivity values for the dry state as mean value and upper tolerance with 90% certainty for a 90% confidence coefficient. These values serve as the basis for calculating the thermal conductivity of a masonry construction. For building work in Germany the thermal conductivity design value for calculating the thermal insulation of a construction is based on moisture content equilibrium at 23°C and 80% relative humidity.
Clay bricks
There is verifiable evidence that fired clay bricks have been used for about 5000 years. In Mohenjo-Daro on the River Indus, part of present-day Pakistan, great quantities of these were used in walls, floors and canal building instead of the air-dried bricks used hitherto [59]. Therefore, clay bricks are the oldest and best-known man-made masonry units. They are produced from the natural materials clay and loam, or mixtures of the two. Preparing the materials for production involves passing them through a feeding unit, which achieves the best consistency of the mixture. In doing so, additives such as sawdust or polystyrene beads are frequently introduced; these are completely destroyed during the firing process to leave behind innumerable tiny pores. The pores reduce the gross density and hence the weight of the brick. This in turn decreases the thermal conductivity of the brick, which results in better thermal insulation properties. Preparation of the raw material includes passing the mixture through a mill, where it is both crushed and
Thermal conductivity of aerated concrete in relation to gross density
2.1.2 Compressive strength classes, gross density classes and formats avail able Strength class Type of clay brick Abbreviation Gross density class HLzA 1.2-1.6 4-28 Vertically perforated brick DIN 105, part 1 HLzB Vertically perforated facing VHLzA 1.4-1.6 12-28 brick, DIN 105, part 1 VHLzB Mz 1.6-2.0 (2.2) 12-28 Solid brick Solid facing brick VMz DIN 105, part 1 KHLzA á1.9 Vertically perforated 28 engineering brick KHLzB DIN 105, part 1 Solid engineering brick KMz á1.9 28 DIN 105, part 1 Lightweight vertically HLzA 0.7-1.0 4-12 perforated brick HLzB DIN 105, part 2 HLzW Brick element HLzT 0.8-1.0 6-28 DIN 105, part 2 Mz/VMz 1.2-2.2 36-60 Solid brick HLz/VHLz Vertically perforated brick Solid engineering brick KMz KHLz Vertically perforated engineering brick DIN 105, part 3 Solid engineering brick KK 1.6-2.2 60 Vertically perforated highKHK strength engineering brick DIN 105, part 4
Formats NF-16 DF NF-3 DF NF-5 DF NF-3 DF
NF, DF 2 DF-16 DF 8 DF-24 DF NF-5 DF
torn apart. This is necessary because the raw materials often include impurities of stone, slate or wood, whose influence is eliminated by the crushing process. Apart from that, this brings about a homogenization of the mixture. An ageing process concludes the preparation of the raw materials. This involves adding water to improve both the plasticity and the bonding power, and hence the overall quality of the clay. The prepared clay is fed to a worm extruder fitted with interchangeable dies. The mixture (evacuated and heated by steam to 30-40°C) is forced through the die at a pressure of about 13 bar. This produces a continuous ribbon, which is then cut by means of tightly stretched steel wires into individual "green" bricks. These stable units are dried at temperatures of up to about 100°C to remove the mixing water used in preparing the clay. This process is necessary to prevent the formation of steam during the firing process, which would otherwise burst the clay. Following the drying phase, which lasts between 90 minutes and 190 hours, the "green" bricks are fired at temperatures of between 900 and 1100°C. In doing so, the fine raw material particles are irreversibly fused to form a stable unit. In addition, the clay loses the chemically bonded water. After 10 to 48 hours the fired clay brick leaves the kiln. It now possesses its final properties and can be used immediately after cooling down (see fig. 2.1.3). The colour of the clay brick mainly depends on the percentage of metal oxides in the raw materials, as well as on the air surrounding the "green" brick during the firing process. Red bricks owe their colour to a certain iron oxide content and to an oxygen-rich kiln atmosphere. A lower iron oxide content leads to a yellow colouring of the brick, and an oxygen-starved kiln atmosphere results in a darker colour [39, 7 1 , 207, 216], The standard types of clay brick are given in table 2.1.4. These bricks, with the exception of moulded and hand-moulded varieties, must have a cuboid shape. The header faces of bricks with formats á 8 DF may be provided with mortar keys. To improve the adhesion of plasters, grooves or similar keys are permissible on the stretcher faces. In the case of lightweight horizontally perforated bricks and bricks for use in prefabricated brick elements, additional recesses may be provided on the bed faces to permit the introduction of
Masonry units
reinforcement. Non-standard clay bricks are described in the section "New types of mason ry units" [81]. Solid bricks may exhibit max. 15% perforations perpendic ular to the bed face. Vertically perforated and lightweight vertically perforated bricks are bricks provided with holes perpendicular to the bed face. According to DIN 105 parts 1 and 2, the total cross-sectional area of the holes may be between 15 and 50% of the area of the bed face. For vertically perforated bricks to DIN 105 part 3, the cross-sectional area of the holes is restricted to max. 3 5 % of the area of the bed face. Vertically perforated bricks according to parts 1 and 3 should have a gross density exceeding 1000 kg/m 3 , lightweight ver tically perforated bricks according to part 2 must exhibit a bulk density < 1000 kg/m 3 . These bricks are characterized by better ther mal insulation properties and are therefore particularly suitable for the building of external walls. Brick elements and lightweight brick elements are large-format vertically perforated units with hole arrangements that form continuous verti cal ducts after being laid. Reinforcement is passed through these ducts and grouted in with mortar. These are used for producing prefabri cated brickwork elements to DIN 1053 part 4. Solid, vertically perforated and lightweight vertically perforated facing bricks are bricks characterized by good frost resis tance. This is verified according to DIN 52252 part 1. The surfaces of these bricks may have a textured finish. Solid and vertically perforated engineering bricks are frost-resistant bricks whose surfaces have been vitrified and whose mean gross density is at least 1900 kg/m 3 . Water absorption is max. 7% by weight. The surfaces of these bricks may have a textured finish. Engineering bricks to DIN 105 part 1 must achieve at least compressive strength class 28, those to DIN 105 part 3 at least class 36. Owing to their high compressive strength, these bricks are partic ularly suitable for heavily loaded masonry. Solid and vertically perforated high-strength engineering bricks are bricks manufactured from high-quality, densely burning clays. They are frost-resistant and exhibit a water absorption of max. 6%. Solid high-strength engineering bricks may have max. 15% perforations perpendicular to the bed face, vertically perforated high-strength engineering bricks max. 3 5 % perforations. High-strength engineering bricks must have a
mean gross density of at least 2000 kg/m 3 and must reach at least compressive strength class 60. The abrasion hardness of the surface must be at least 5 according to the Mohs scale, and these bricks must be resistant to hydrofluoric acid. Owing to these require ments, high-strength engineering bricks are primarily used in facades as well as wherever high resistance to aggressive substances and mechanical damage is required.
The production of clay bricks
Standard types of clay brick
Lightweight horizontally perforated bricks and prefabricated brick elements are mainly used in the construction of internal walls. When used in this way, lightweight hori zontally perforated bricks may be used for both loadbearing and non-loadbearing masonry, but lightweight horizontally perforated prefabri cated brick elements only for non-loadbearing walls. The holes in this type of brick run parallel to the bed face. The bulk density is limited to max. 1000 kg/m 3 . Moulded bricks and hand-moulded bricks are bricks with an irregular surface whose shape may deviate slightly from the prismatic form. The formats available as well as the gross den sities and compressive strength classes are listed in table 2.1.2 for each type of brick. The thermal conductivity of the brick material is given in relation to the gross density in table 2.1.5. These are average values, 90% fractiles and design values based on the 90% fractiles and moisture content equilibrium at 23°C and 9 0 % relative humidity. The splitting tensile strengthβ S Z of clay bricks lies between 2 and 9% of the compressive strength, the tensile strength β Z along the brick in the case of a solid brick is between 1 and 8%, for vertically perforated bricks between 1 and 4%, and for lightweight vertically perforated bricks between 0.2 and 1% of the compressive strength [189]. Clay bricks can swell up to 0.3‰ and shrink up to 0.2‰. The final creep figure φ ∞ reaches values between 0.5 and 1.5 [57, 180, 182, 185],
DIN 105, part 1
Solid brick Vertically perforated brick Brick element Solid facing brick Vertically pert, facing brick Solid engineering brick Vertically pert, engineering brick Moulded brick Hand-moulded brick
DIN 105, part 2
Ltwt vertically perforated brick Lightweight brick element Lightweight vertically perforated facing brick Lightweight moulded brick
DIN 105, part 3
Solid brick Vertically perforated brick Brick element Solid facing brick Vertically pert, facing brick Solid engineering brick Vertically pert. eng. brick Moulded brick
DIN 105, part 4
Solid high-strength eng. brick Vertically perforated highstrength engineering brick Moulded high-strength engineering brick
DIN 105, part 5
Lightweight horiz. pert, brick Lightweight horizontally per forated prefab, brick element
Calcium silicate units
Calcium silicate units are currently covered by DIN 106. The non-fired, binding agentbonded units are produced according to a method developed in Germany by Michaelis and patented in 1880. This method involves curing a mixture of naturally moist lime and sand under high pressure in a saturated steam atmosphere, which results in a very hardwearing material strong in compression. The sand used should comply with DIN 4226 parts 1 or 2; generally, silica sand with particle sizes 0-4 mm should be used. Colouring agents and other additives may be introduced provided that the properties of the units are not impaired. The binding agent used in the production of
Thermal conductivity of clay units in relation to their gross density. Dry values for 50% and 90% fractiles as well as design values for ambient con ditions y 23,80 and 90% fractiles.
Moisture content Ψ23,80 = 0,012 Moisture correction factorr fΨ =10 Gross density kg/m3
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Thermal conductivity λ (W/mK) dry p = 50% 0.184 0.260 0.336 0.412 0.488 0.564
moist p = 90% 0.254 0.329 0.405 0.481 0.557 1.634
p = 90% 0.287 0.371 0.456 0.542 1.628 1.715
The production of calcium silicate units
calcium silicate bricks is usually quicklime with a calcium oxide content exceeding 90%; this is obtained by firing limestone at about 900°C. Afterwards, the quicklime is ground to form fine white lime. Before adding water, the quicklime is thoroughly mixed 1:12 with the sand. The naturally moist mixture is buffered in reaction vessels. Here, the quicklime slakes to form the actual hydrated lime binding agent in an exothermic process. The standard calcium silicate units currently available are listed in 2.1.7. Non-standard cal cium silicate units are described in the section "New types of masonry units" [81 ]. Solid calcium silicate bricks are masonry units with a height < 113 mm whose cross-section through the perforations perpendicular to the bed face may be reduced by up to 15%.
2.1.7 Standard calcium silicate units Solid brick/block DIN 106, KS KS L Perforated/hollow block part 1 Gauged brick KS (P), KS L (P) KS-R, Tongue and groove system for KS L-R solid brick/block, perforated/ KS-R (P) hollow block, gauged brick KS L-R (P) KS P Prefabricated brick element Facing brick, solid brick DIN 106, KS Vm part 2 KS Vm L Facing brick, perforated brick KS Vb Facing brick, solid brick KS Vb L Facing brick, perforated brick
Thermal conductivity of calcium silicate units in relation to their gross density. Dry values for 50% and 90% fractiles as well as design values for ambient conditions Ψ 2 3 8 0 and 90% fractiles.
Moisture content Ψ 2380 = 0.024 Moisture correction factor fΨ =10 Gross density kg/m3
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Thermal conductivity λ [W/mK] dry moist
p = 50% 0.237 0.297 0.402 0.551 0.745 0.983
p = 90% 0.299 0.359 0.565 0.613 0.805 1.045
Calcium silicate blocks are masonry units with a height > 113 mm closed on five sides - apart from continuous grip openings - whose cross-section through the perforations perpendicular to the bed face may be reduced by up to 15%, Hollow calcium silicate blocks are masonry units with a height > 113 mm closed on five sides - apart from continuous grip openings - whose reduction in crosssection through the perforations perpendicular to the bed face may exceed 15%. Calcium silicate gauged bricks are solid, perforated and hollow bricks and blocks designed for laying in thin-bed mortar. Consequently, the height tolerances of the masonry units are subject to more stringent requirements.
p = 90% 0.380 0.456 0.590 0.779 1.024 1.328
Gross density and strength classes for calcium silicate units Type of unit Gross density class Strength class 1.6-2.2 4-60 KS, KS (P) KS-R, KS-R (P) KS L, KS L (P) 0.6-1.6 4-60 KS L-R, KS L-R (P) KS Vm, KS Vm L 1.0-2.2 12-60 1.0-2.2 20-60 KS Vb, KS Vb L
Perforated calcium silicate bricks are masonry units with a height < 113 mm closed on five sides - apart from continuous grip openings - w h o s e reduction in crosssection through the perforations perpendicular to the bed face may exceed 15%.
Calcium silicate R-units are bricks and blocks with a tongue and groove system as well as grip openings. These have been designed according to ergonomic criteria and hence simplify the handling of the bricks during bricklaying. The perpends are not provided with mortar. Calcium silicate Runits are available as solid, perforated and hollow bricks and blocks as well as gauged bricks. Calcium silicate prefabricated brick elements are solid elements for non-loadbearing mason ry with a thickness < 115 mm. Prefabricated brick elements have a peripheral tongue and
groove system and are laid in thin-bed mortar, The perpends are always provided with mortar. Calcium silicate facing bricks are intended for facing brickwork exposed to the weather. They are used for both loadbearing and non-loadbearing masonry. Their surface may be plain or have a textured finish. These are frost-resistant units (25 freeze-thaw cycles) of strength class ≥ 12 but are also available in a better quality (50 freeze-thaw cycles) of strength class ≥ 20. In addition to these requirements, these calcium silicate units are subject to stricter dimensional tolerances and must be supplied free from detrimental influences or substances which might later lead to spelling, microstructure defects, efflo rescence or discoloration [25, 9 1 , 143]. Calcium silicate solid and perforated bricks and calcium silicate facing bricks are pro duced in the NF and DF (up to 6 DF) formats, calcium silicate gauged bricks in the custom ary 4 DF to 20 DF formats. The calcium silicate R-units are available in formats 4 DF to 12 DF. Calcium silicate prefabricated brick elements with a wall thickness of 70 mm are designated KS-P7 elements (see "Masonry bonds"). Table 2.1.8 shows the thermal conductivity values in relation to the gross density for vari ous statistical confidence coefficients and moisture contents of the calcium silicate. Calcium silicate masonry units are divided into compressive strength classes from 4 to 60 and gross density classes from 0.6 to 2.2. Solid bricks and blocks are allocated to gross den sity classes ≥ 1.6, perforated and hollow units to bulk density classes ≤ 1.6. Compressive strength classes 12, 20 and 28 are the ones most frequently used in practice (see 2.1.9). For calcium silicate facing bricks to be classed as frost-resistant, they must withstand the pre scribed number of freeze-thaw cycles without damage but also suffer no more than a 20% reduction in their compressive strength com pared to their original strength. The splitting tensile strength β sz of calcium silicate units lies between 3 and 10% of the compressive strength, the longitudinal tensile strength β 2 between 3 and 8% of the compressive strength [189]. The shrinkage ε η∞ of calcium silicate units lies in the range -0.1‰ to -0.3‰, the final creep figure φ ∞ reaches values between 1.0 and 2.0 [57, 180, 182, 185].
Autoclaved aerated concrete units
Autoclaved aerated concrete units are covered by the standards DIN 4165 and 4166. The development of aerated concrete stems from Hoffmann's patent of 1889, which describes the reaction of diluted hydrochloric acid with limestone dust in order to produce cement and gypsum mortars with air pores. In 1914 Aylsworth and Dyer developed a method involving
Masonry units
a reaction between lime, water and a metal powder (aluminium or zinc). This reaction liber ates the hydrogen gas, which then makes the mortar rise. The first aerated concrete was pro duced by Eriksson between 1924 and 1927 by combining the Aylsworth/Dyer method with cur ing in an autoclave. A mixture of silica sand and lime is made to rise with the addition of a metal powder. After it has set it is cured in steam at high pressure. A method for the mass production of aerated concrete units was in vented in 1945; this involves cutting the stable material by means of tightly stretched steel wires prior to autoclaving. The raw materials for the production of auto claved aerated concrete units these days are sand containing silica, binding agent, expand ing agent, water and, if necessary, additives. The sand must be essentially free from im purities and comply with the requirements of DIN 4226 parts 1 or 2. Pulverized fuel ash (PFA) may be used instead of sand containing silica. The sand is ground in large mills to form a fine powder or slurry. Quicklime (see "Calcium silicate units") and/or cement is used as the binding agent. In addi tion, small amounts of gypsum or anhydrite can be mixed in. Aluminium in the form of powder or finely grained paste is employed as the expanding agent. The composition of the mix depends on the desired properties of the aer ated concrete and the method of production. The raw materials are metered in and mixed to form an aqueous suspension. Besides the primary raw materials, the mix also contains aerated concrete recycled from the production process, and sorted, finely ground recycled material. After filling the moulds with the raw material mixture, the water slakes the lime under the action of heat. The aluminium reacts with the calcium hydroxide, liberating the hydrogen. This forms the pores and immedi ately afterwards escapes completely from the expanded aerated concrete. The macropores reach a diameter of about 0.5 to 1.5 mm. The stable "green" unit after expansion is cut both horizontally and vertically to form bricks/blocks prior to autoclaving. In the autoclave the units are subjected to a saturated steam atmosphere (190°C and 12 bar) for about 6-12 hours. During this time the silicon oxide of the ground silica sand reacts with the help of calcium hydroxide and water. Autoclaved aerated concrete with a high compressive strength is formed from the hydrated calcium silicate, corresponding to the natural mineral tobermorite. After cooling, the aerated concrete bricks possess their final properties (see fig. 2.1.10) [27, 75]. The standard and currently available aerated concrete units are listed in table 2.1.11. Nonstandard aerated concrete units are dealt with in the section "New types of masonry units" [81].
Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks and gauged bricks are large-format, cuboid solid units. The header faces of these units may either have a mortar key or tongue and groove system. Blocks are laid in normal-weight or lightweight mortar; the height tolerance of the block may be max. ±3.0 mm in this case. Gauged bricks, on the other hand, are laid in thin-bed mortar; the height tolerance in this case is only ±1.0 mm. Autoclaved aerated concrete prefabricated brick elements and gauged bricks are used for non-loadbearing walls and to improve thermal insulation. They are either laid in normal-weight or lightweight mortar (pre fabricated brick elements) or in thin-bed mortar (gauged bricks). The header faces may be plain, or be provided with a mortar key or tongue and groove system. The bed faces may also be tongued and grooved. The dimensional accuracy requirements are identical to those for aerated concrete blocks and gauged bricks. As these units are only used for nonloadbearing walls, they are not divided into strength classes. Sizes of autoclaved aerated concrete units and prefabricated brick elements are specified by their length, width and height. The maximum common dimensions are currently 615 x 365 x 240 mm for autoclaved aerated concrete units, and 615 x 150 x 240 mm for gauged bricks. The gross density of autoclaved aerated con crete units lies between 300 and 1000 kg/m 3 ; the corresponding subdivision into gross den sity classes ranges from 0.35 to 0.70 in steps of 0.05, and from 0.70 to 1.00 in steps of 0.10. The gross density, which depends on the vol ume of pores and the solids content, is con trolled during production by the careful addi tion of expanding and binding agents. For example, autoclaved aerated concrete with a gross density of 500 kg/m 3 requires a solids content of 2 0 % and pore volume of 80%. Table 2.1.12 shows the thermal conductivity in relation to the gross density. The format is irrel evant here. Autoclaved aerated concrete units to DIN 4165 are divided into compressive strength classes 2 to 8. Autoclaved aerated concrete prefabri cated brick elements to DIN 4166 are not divided into strength classes because they are only used for non-loadbearing walls (see fig. 2.1.13) [211]. The splitting tensile strength β SZ of autoclaved aerated concrete units lies between 5 and 14% of the compressive strength [189], the tensile bending strength βBZ of prefabricated brick elements reaches values between 0.5 and 2.0 N/mm 2 . The modulus of elasticity of autoclaved aerated concrete units depends on the respective gross density and lies between 1200 and 2500 N/mm2.
Production of autoclaved aerated concrete units
2.1.11 Standard autoclaved aerated concrete units PB Block DIN 4165 PP Gauged brick DIN 4166
Prefabricated brick element Prefabricated gauged brick panel
Thermal conductivity of autoclaved aerated con crete units in relation to their gross density. Dry values for 50% and 90% fractiles as well as design values for ambient conditions u 23,80 and 90% fractiles.
Moisture content u 23,80 = 0.045 Moisture correction factor fu = 4 Gross density kg/m3
300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Thermal conductivity λ (W/mK) dry value
p = 50% 0.077 0.100 0.124 0.147 0.171 0.194 0.218
design value p = 90% 0.089 0.113 0.136 0.160 0.183 0.207 0.230
u = 0.045 p = 90% 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.28
Gross density and strength classes for aerated concrete units Gross density class Strength class Type of unit 0.35-0.50 2 PB, PP 0.50-0.80 4 0.65-0.80 6 0.80-1.00 8 0.35-1.00 Ppl, PPpI -
Standard concrete and lightweight concrete units Hollow wall elements of light DIN 18148 Hpl weight concrete Hbl Hollow blocks of lightweight DIN 18151 concrete DIN 18152 V Solid bricks of lightweight concrete Solid blocks of lightweight Vbl concrete VbI S Solid blocks of lightweight concrete with slots Vbl S-W Solid blocks of lightweight concrete with slots and special thermal insulation properties Hbn Hollow concrete blocks DIN 18153 Vbn Solid concrete blocks Vn Solid concrete bricks Tbn Hollow blocks Vm Concrete facing bricks Vmb Concrete facing blocksn DIN 18162
Wall elements of lightweight concrete, non-reinforced
Thermal conductivity of pumice concrete units in relation to their gross density. Dry values for 50% and 90% fractiles as well as design values for ambient conditions Ψ 23,80 and 90% fractiles.
Moisture content Ψ23,80 = 0.035 Moisture correction factor fΨ = 4 Gross density kg/m3
Thermal conductivity λ [W/mK]
dry value
500 600 700 800 900 1000 2.1.16
p = 50% 0.114 0.135 0.160 0.190 0.223 0.260
design value p = 90% 0.138 0.158 0.183 0.212 0.245 0.282
Ψ = 0.035 p = 90% 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.28 0.33
Thermal conductivity of gas concrete units in relation to their gross density. Dry values for 50% and 90% fractiles as well as design values for ambient conditions Ψ23,80 and 90% fractiles.
Moisture content Ψ23,80 = 0.03 Moisture correction factor fy = 2.6 Gross density kg/m3
Thermal conductivity λ [W/mK]
dry value
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
p = 50% 0.099 0.137 0.176 0.214 0.252 0.290 0.328
design value p = 90% 0.117 0.155 0.193 0.231 0.269 0.308 0.346
u = 0.03 p = 90% 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.39
The moisture movement ε η∞ fluctuates between 0.1 ‰ (swelling) and -0.3‰ (shrinkage). The final creep φ ∞ lies between 1.0 and 2.5 and hence reaches similar figures to calcium sili cate units [180].
Concrete and lightweight concrete units
The requirements for (normal-weight) concrete units are covered by DIN 18153, those for light weight concrete units by DIN 18151 and 18152, and wall elements of lightweight con crete by DIN 18148 and 18162. While concrete units of dense normal-weight concrete employ mineral aggregates to DIN 4226 part 1 or 2, and binding agents, e.g. cement, to DIN 1164 or pulverized fuel ash to DIN EN 450, the pro duction of lightweight concrete units may em ploy only lightweight aggregates with a porous microstructure to DIN 4226 part 2 (pumice, foamed slag, foamed lava, tuff, expanded clay, expanded shale, sintered pulverized fuel ash or brick chippings) besides the hydraulic bind ing agents. The addition of aggregates with a dense microstructure to DIN 4226 part 1 are permitted up to a volume of max. 15% of the compacted concrete. However, this rule is not very important in practice. Solid blocks of light weight concrete with slots and special thermal properties may make use of just pumice or expanded clay, or a mixture of the two, in order to achieve the required thermal insulation. The only additives which may be used are building lime to DIN 1060 part 1, stone dust to DIN 4226 part 1, trass to DIN 51043 and concrete addi tives to DIN 1045. The same principle is applied for the production of both concrete and lightweight concrete units. The measured raw materials (binding agent, aggregates, water) are thoroughly mixed. The shaping of the concrete and lightweight concrete units is carried out on modern casting beds. Here, the mixture is poured into vibratory casting ma chines. The vibration and application of a sur charge causes the mixture to be compacted such that after striking the moulds, the fresh, "green" units are stable. After brushing to remove loose particles and burrs, they are pro cured by storing them in racks protected from the weather. During the warm months of the year the ambient heat serves to pre-cure the units, during colder periods the heat of hydration of the cement. No additional heating is required. Following the pre-curing process, which can take between 24 hours and three days depending on the weather, the units are turned and stacked with their voids down wards, Therefore, the units are already in the correct position for bricklaying on site. The final curing to reach the necessary nominal strength takes place in the open air [8, 19]. The various standard types of concrete and lightweight concrete masonry units are shown in table 2.1.14. Non-standard concrete and lightweight concrete units are dealt with in the section
"New types of masonry units" [81 ]. Hollow wall elements and wall elements of lightweight concrete are suitable for building non-loadbearing walls according to DIN 4103. The header and bed faces are either plain or provided with grooves or a tongue and groove system. The gross density of the elements lies between 800 and 1400 kg/m 3 . Wall elements must have an average tensile bending strength of at least 1.0 N/mm2; hollow wall elements must exhibit an average minimum compressive strength of 2.5 N/mm2 after 28 days. Hollow blocks of lightweight concrete are large-format masonry units with cells per pendicular to the bed face. They are used for loadbearing and non-loadbearing masonry to DIN 1053. Block formats 8 DF to 24 DF for wall thicknesses from 175 to 490 mm are available with one to six cells. The length and width of the blocks is limited to 490 mm, the height to 238 mm. Solid bricks and blocks, solid S and S-W blocks of lightweight concrete are masonry units for loadbearing and nonloadbearing masonry to DIN 1053 using light weight aggregates to DIN 4226 part 2. Solid S-W blocks may employ only aggregates of pumice or expanded clay, or a mixture of the two. Solid bricks are units without cells with a maximum brick height of 115 mm; solid blocks, on the other hand, may be up to 238 mm high. Solid S blocks have slots and solid S-W blocks have special thermal insulation properties in addition to the slots. The slots of solid S-W blocks must always be closed off. Solid bricks and blocks may have grip openings. The pre ferred formats of solid bricks range from DF to 10 DF, with the intermediate formats 1.7 DF, 3.1 DF and 6.8 DF also being widely used. The large-format solid blocks are produced in the preferred formats of 8 DF to 24 DF for wall thicknesses from 175 to 490 mm. The length and width of the blocks is limited to 490 mm, the height to 238 mm. The thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete units is influenced by the type of aggregate. As 2.1.15 and 2.1.16 show, pumice aggregates achieve slightly bet ter values than expanded clay aggregates. Masonry units of normal-weight concrete are used for loadbearing and non-loadbearing masonry to DIN 1053. Hollow blocks are largeformat masonry units (8 DF to 20 DF) with cells perpendicular to the bed face and a height of, preferably, 238 mm. Solid blocks are masonry units without voids measuring 175 or 238 mm high and with a maximum length and width of 490 mm. The cross-sectional area may be reduced by up to 15% by grip openings. They are produced in formats from 8 DF to 24 DF for wall thicknesses from 175 to 490 mm. Solid
Masonry units
bricks are similar to solid blocks but their height is limited to 115 mm. These are manu factured in the preferred formats of DF to 10 DF. Facing blocks are masonry units with the cells closed off at the top and smooth or "split" finish exposed faces. The height of such units lies between 175 and 238 mm. Facing bricks are masonry units with smooth, "split" or rugged finish exposed faces. The bricks are formed without cells but with grip openings, and are between 52 and 238 mm high. Facing bricks and blocks are intended for masonry exposed to the weather. The header faces of hollow blocks, solid blocks and solid bricks of lightweight concrete as well as masonry units of normal-weight concrete may be smooth, provided with a groove on one or both header faces, or have a tongue and groove system. The division of lightweight con crete and normal-weight concrete units into the customary gross density and strength classes is summarised in 2.1.17. The splitting tensile strength βsz of concrete and lightweight con crete units lies between 7 and 18% of the compressive strength, the longitudinal tensile strength βz between 4 and 21 % of the compressive strength. Lightweight concrete units shrink between 0.2 and 0.5‰, normal-weight concrete units between 0.1 and 0.3‰. The creep behaviour of concrete and lightweight concrete units is similar to that of aerated con crete units, with the final creep value φ∞ lying between 1.5 and 2.5 [57, 180, 182],
exceeding 25%. The holes must be evenly distributed over the bed face in at least three rows. The arrangement of grip openings is the same as that for solid granulated slag aggre gate bricks. At present, the formats 2 DF to 5 DF are generally available. Hollow granulated slag aggregate blocks are large-format masonry units closed on five sides with voids perpendicular to the bed face. The voids for blocks 300 mm wide are in at least five rows, those of 240 mm blocks at least four, and those of 175 mm blocks at least three, in each case evenly distributed over the length and the width. Owing to the size of these hollow blocks, grip openings should be included. The dimensions of the large-format blocks are specified by the wall thickness 30 (= 300 mm), 24 (= 240 mm), 17.5 (= 175 mm) and the height (a = 238 mm, b = 175 mm). This results in the formats 30 a, 30 b, 24 a, 24 b and 17.5. Granulated slag aggregate units are divided into gross density classes 1.0 to 2.0 in steps of 0.2 as well as strength classes 6, 12, 20 and 28. In order to use granulated slag aggregate units for facing work, they must reach at least strength class 12 (see table 2.1.19). Owing to a lack of statistical data for the thermal conduc tivity, no mean values and 9 0 % fractiles can be given here. The thermal conductivity values given in 2.1.20 should be understood as values "on the safe side" applicable for all types of aggregates.
Gross density and strength classes for normalweight and lightweight concrete units Type of unit Gross density class Strength class Hbl 0.5-1.4 2-8 V, Vbl, Vbl S 0.5-2.0 2-12 Vbl S-W 0.5-0.8 2-12 Hbn 0.9-2.0 2-12 Vbn, Vn 1.4-2.4 4-28 1.6-2.4 Vm, Vmb 6-48
2.1.18 Standard granulated slag aggregate units DIN 398 HSV Solid granulated slag aggregate bricks HSL Perforated granulated slag aggregate bricks HHbl Hollow granulated slag aggregate blocks
Gross density and strength classes for granulated slag aggregate units Type of unit Bulk density class Strength class HSV 1.6-2.0 12-28 HSL 1.2-1.6 6-12 HHbl 1.0-1.6 6-12
Granulated slag aggregate units
Granulated slag aggregate units are covered by DIN 398. They are manufactured from artifi cially recovered aggregates, mostly granulated blastfurnace slag, and hydraulic binding agents like cement or lime. After metering the raw materials and mixing with water, the units are formed in steel moulds and compacted by pressing or vibrating. After striking the moulds, the stable "green" units are cured in air, in steam, or in gases containing carbonic acid. Standard granulated slag aggregate units to DIN 398 are listed in 2.1.18. Solid granulated slag aggregate bricks are masonry units whose cross-section may be reduced by up to 25% by holes perpendicular to the bed face. Formats up to 2 DF may be provided with grip openings and those above this size must be provided with such openings. Solid granulated slag aggregate bricks are usually manufactured in the formats DF to 5 DF. Perforated granulated slag aggregate bricks are masonry units closed on five sides with perforations perpendicular to the bed face
The designation of masonry units
Clay, calcium silicate, lightweight concrete and normal-weight concrete units are designated with a system which employs DIN standard number, abbreviation, compressive strength class, gross density class and format code, e.g.: DIN DIN DIN DIN DIN
105 106 18151 18152 18153
Mz 12-1.8-2 DF KS 12-1.6-2 DF 3 K Hbl 2-0.7-20 DF V 6-1.2-2 DF Vn 12-1.8-6 DF 2.1.20
If different unit widths are possible within the same format code, then the width of the unit is given in millimetres following the format code, e.g.: DIN 105 DIN 18152
HLzW 6-0.7-10 DF (300) Vbl S 2-0.7-16 DF (240)
Granulated slag aggregate units are desig nated with abbreviation, gross density, com pressive strength class, format code and
Thermal conductivity of concrete units with any type of aggregate in relation to their gross density Moisture content Ψ23,80 = 0.05 Moisture correction factor fΨ = 4 Gross density Thermal conductivity λ [W/mK] kg/m3 dry value design value Ψ = 0.05 500 0.24 0.29 600 0.27 0.33 700 0.30 0.37 800 0.33 0.40 900 0.37 0.45 1000 0.41 0.50 1200 0.52 0.63 1400 0.66 0.81 1600 0.83 1.01
Shape factor for compressive strength classifi cation of bricks
DIN standard number, e.g.: HSL 1.6-15-2 DF DIN 398. Aerated concrete units are designated with DIN standard number, abbreviation, com pressive strength class, bulk density class and dimensions in millimetres (length x width x height), e.g.:
into and further development of the loadbearing behaviour of masonry. A distinction should be made between the test ing necessary within the scope of standards and certificates or for an individual situation, and additional tests outside the standards. For such tests there is usually no uniform method of testing. The main standard and nonstandard tests to establish properties are explained in the following.
DIN 4165 PP 2 - 0.4-499 x 300 x 249
βs, = βPR x f βPR : Test result f: Shape factor
New types of masonry units h < 175 mm - > f = 175 mm ≤ h < 238 mm - > f = h ≥ 238 mm - > f = for brick strength class 2 - > f =
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0
Relationship between longitudinal tensile strength βz and compressive strength βST [3]
Type of brick
βz N/mm2
Calcium silicate Clay Lightweight concrete Aerated concrete: strength class 2 strength classes 4, 6, 8
0.051 βST 0.026 βST 0.086 βST
0.182 βST 0.092 βST
New types of units are those which are not covered by corresponding standards. General building authority certificates, as issued by the Deutsche Institut fur Bautechnik, are required for these units. These masonry units deviate from the standard requirements for the follow ing reasons: • Dimensions and shapes deviating from those laid down in the standards are being continu ally developed by the masonry industry. The reasons for this lie in the desire to develop units offering optimized thermal properties (e.g. units with integral thermal insulation, small frogs or tongue and groove interlocks on the header faces) as well as improved methods of manufacture and new methods of construction (e.g. clay gauged bricks in thinbed mortar, dry masonry, filled units). • Dimensions deviating from the standards may also be necessary to meet the needs of more rational construction and the larger-format units which need to be manufactured for this (e.g. calcium silicate and aerated concrete precision elements). • Other strengths are achieved in addition to the standard strength classes. This is fre quently associated with different gross den sities. • Finally, the certificates also deal with units available on a regional basis which, for example, traditionally have different dimen sions and hence lead to wall thicknesses which differ from those laid down in DIN 1053 (units employing the decimetre system). According to the type of construction, the new types of units with their associated certificates are allocated to thin-, medium- or thick-bed masonry, to grouted masonry, to prefabricated wall elements and to dry masonry of manmade units. The certificates are grouped according to materials within these types of construction. A summary of the certificates cur rently valid is given in [79] and [84].
Testing the mechanical properties of masonry units
The testing of the mechanical properties is crucial for the classification and identification of masonry units. Apart from that, it forms the basis for designing masonry, for analysing cases of damage and for carrying out research
Compressive strength βST The testing of compressive strength is an in trinsic part of the various standards covering masonry units. Six test samples are generally required. Masonry units of low height (DF, NF) are cut halfway along the stretcher face and put to gether for testing. For all other heights, a single masonry unit serves as the test sample. These test samples with their bed faces levelled up using cement mortar or gypsum are loaded to failure perpendicular to the bed face. The test value βPR determined from the maximum load and the area of the bed face is multiplied by the shape factor f (see fig. 2.1.21). Therefore, the influence of the platen through which the test load is applied and which hinders lateral movement is taken into account in relation to the height of the unit. For the compressive strength of the masonry unit to be allocated to a strength class, the test results must comply with the requirements for mean value and lowest individual result as laid down in the appropriate standard. The nominal strength (compressive strength class) corre sponds to the 5% tractile of the compressive strength of the units. This is equivalent to the lowest permissible individual value. The current scatter regarding raw materials, production processes etc. means that the 5% fractile is about 20% lower than the mean value. Unit gross density, dry gross density ρST The standardized unit gross density test is generally carried out on six test samples. For this, the dry mass md of the dried masonry units is to be determined at 105°C up to con stant mass. The unit gross density is calculated by dividing the dry mass by the volume of the unit including any voids, grip openings and frogs present. To be allocated to a unit gross density class, the mean value of the test results must lie between the limits stipulated in the respective standard. Individual results may not lie more than 100 kg/m 3 above or below the class limits. Net density ρsch This requirement applies to clay bricks to DIN 105 parts 1 to 4 and to thermally insulating lightweight concrete units for verifying the ther mal conductivity. Again, the test is carried out on six samples. The net density is calculated
Natural stone units
from the quotients of the dry mass determined at 105°C and the volume. The volume of the unit is made up of the overall volume minus volumes of voids, frogs and grip openings. This should be measured underwater and in the case of solid engineering bricks without voids by subtracting the volume of the per forations. The requirement is that the mean net density as well as the lowest individual results of the test must be higher than the lower threshold. Frost resistance This test is critical for facing masonry units and engineering bricks. The frost resistance test is carried out on units soaked in water, which are then subjected to multiple freeze-thaw cycles. Units are said to be frost-resistant when, following these freeze-thaw cycles, they exhibit no significant damage, e.g. bulging of the stretcher faces, larger cavities and spalling or a clear reduction in the stability of the arris. Content of expanding particles and efflorescent salts The requirements here only apply to clay bricks. These must be free from damaging, expanding particles, e.g. lime, which could impair the usability of the unit. This is checked using the steam test, which should result in no damage to the microstructure or only a limited amount of spalling. Furthermore, clay bricks must be free from damaging salts which like wise could lead to damage to the microstruc ture of the unit or the plaster. Facing and engi neering bricks must also be free from salts which lead to a efflorescence and hence per manently impair the appearance of exposed masonry. In the test for damaging salts, the proportion of magnesium sulphate in clay bricks should not exceed 0.12% by weight, and for facing or engineering bricks the pro portion of sodium sulphate, potassium sulphate and magnesium sulphate determined at the same time may not exceed 0.08% by weight in each case. Longitudinal βD,l and lateral βD,b compressive strength Knowledge of the longitudinal and lateral com pressive strength is necessary above all when certain areas are loaded perpendicular to the plane of the wall, for horizontal thrust in the plane of the wall and for cases of bending and cambering. Testing methods and available results are given in [58, 190, 191]. Tensile strength βz The tensile strength - both longitudinal and lateral - of masonry units is, as a rule, the deci sive parameter for the compressive strength of the member being designed in the case of the compressive loading of masonry perpendicular to the bed joints. Furthermore, it is also impor tant for the tension-, flexural tension- and
shear-carrying capacity of masonry. However, as the testing of tensile strength is relatively complicated and the results difficult to repro duce (and hence not so reliable), tests for ten sile strength have not been incorporated in a testing standard up to now. The approximate relationship between tensile strength along the unit and compressive strength perpendicular to the bed face is shown in 2.1.22 [189]. Lateral secant modulus Eq The lateral secant modulus is determined from the quotients of one third of the compressive strength of the unit perpendicular to the bed face and the appropriate longitudinal e q,l or lateral e q,b strain. The lateral secant modulus, both that of the masonry unit and that of the mortar, influences the compressive strength of the masonry as a whole. It is helpful if the lateral secant modulus of the unit is equal to, larger or slightly less than that of the mortar. The value is determined from a masonry unit bonded on its bed face. The method of testing is at present not standardized; guidance fig ures for the lateral secant modulus of masonry units can be found in [180]. Testing the thermal insulation properties When using the generally recognized design values for thermal conductivity (from tables), no tests of actual performance are necessary. Different, better design values for standard masonry units or units covered by building authority certificates can be determined by measuring the unit itself or by measurement of the material of the unit and subsequent calculation, taking into account the voids [3], Tests are carried out using a plate apparatus according to DIN EN 12664, with conversion to reference and design conditions being carried out to DIN EN ISO 10456.
rocks (e.g. sandstone, limestone, tuff). The stages of working the stone range from the lightly worked rubble stone without a regular geometric form to the square rubble stone with natural surface finish right up to the carefully worked ashlar stone with high-quality surface finish. The masonry bonds which can be pro duced using such stones are described in "Masonry details". Only good-quality stones without structural or weather damage may be used for natural stone masonry. When required for exposed work, they must be sufficiently resistant to the influences of the weather, e.g. freeze-thaw cycles, changes in temperature, changes in humidity. Slate is ideal for this because of its durability, high frost resistance and low water absorption. The length of natural stone units should be at least equal to their height but not more than four to five times the height. Natural stone units should exhibit a certain minimum compressive strength depending on the type of stone in order to be used in natural stone masonry to DIN 1053 part 1. The com pressive strength βD is determined according to DIN EN 1926. External walls of natural stone have only low thermal insulation values and will usually need additional thermal insulation. The thermal con ductivity values of natural stone (see 2.1.24) are of only minor importance.
Natural stone units Natural stone units include igneous (volcanic) rocks, sedimentation rocks and metamorphic rocks. The igneous rocks can be subdivided into plutonite, effusive rock and gangue mate rial (e.g. granite, diorite, gabbro, basalt and tuff). The sedimentation rocks are subdivided into fragmental sediments, the rocks of chemi cal precipitation and biogenetic sediments (e.g. sandstone, graywacke, limestone, dolo mite and flinty slate). The metamorphic rocks are classified according to the pressure and temperature during their formation; examples are crystalline slate, gneiss and marble. In order to be able to use natural stone as masonry units, it must be prepared either by hand or by machine. The ease of workability from easy to difficult - allows us to subdivide the types of stone further into light hard rocks (e.g. granite, gneiss, rhyolite), dark hard rocks (e.g. diorite, gabbro, lamprophyre) and soft
2.1.23 Material parameters of natural stone types [3] EDx103 Natural stone βD εs, εq βBz N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 Granite, syenite Diorite, gabbro Porphyres Basalt Basaltic lava Diabase Quarzite, graywacke Quartzitic sandstone Other sandstones Dolomites, dense lime stones, marble Other limestones Travertine Volcanic tuffaceous rock Gneisses, granulite Serpentine
180-300 250-400 80-150 180-250 150-300
15-20 15-25 8-12 15-25 13-25
20-160 50-100
0-0.2 0.4 0.4 0-0.2 0-0.1
20-60 5-25
4-10 1-4
20-60 4-10
60-120 50-80
Mortar f o r masonry Mortar is a mixture of sand, binding agent(s) and water, plus admixtures and additives if required. For the sand, the largest particle size should be 4 mm, for a thin-bed mortar 1 mm. Only mortar conforming to the stipulations of appendix A of DIN 1053 part 1 may be used for masonry to DIN 1053. The sand used must comply with DIN 4226, consisting of natural or artificial, dense or porous mineral substances in crushed or uncrushed form. It should exhibit a range of particle sizes and must not contain any constituents, e.g. large amounts of settleable solids of clay or other organic materials, which could damage the mortar or the mason ry. The binding agent is usually lime to DIN 1060 part 1, cement to DIN 1164 part 1 and/or plaster and masonry cement to DIN 4 2 1 1 ; other binding agents require a building author ity certificate. The lime used may be hydraulic, semi- or non-hydraulic, or Roman lime; the cement used should be ordinary portland, portland granulated slag, portland blastfurnace or Portland pozzolanic. Admixtures are finally distributed additions which have a favourable influence on the prop erties of the mortar (adhesion to the masonry unit, workability, frost resistance) and are added in larger quantities. The only admixtures that may be used are building limes to DIN 1060 part 1, stone dust to DIN 4226 part 1, trass to DIN 51043, and certified concrete additives and pigments. Examples of additives are air entrainers, plasticizers, waterproofers, accelerators, retarders and adhesion agents. These change the properties of the mortar by way of chemical and physical processes and may only be added in small amounts. Further, they must not lead to damage to the mortar or the masonry or accelerate corrosion of rein forcement or fixings. The effects of additives must always be established by way of tests prior to their use. Mortars for masonry can be categorized according to their strength, the admixtures used and the resulting building science properties as well as with respect to their applications in masonry and their methods of production and supply.
Forms of production and supply 2.1.24 Thermal conductivity of natural stone types Material Gross density Thermal conductivity kg/m3 W/mK Basalt 2700-3000 3.5 2400-2700 3.5 Gneiss 2500-2700 2.8 Granite Marble 2800 3.5 2000-2800 2.2 Slate Sandstone 2600 2.3 Limestone 1600 0.85 1.1 1800 1.4 2000 1.7 2200 2600 2.3
Mortar can be produced both on the building site (site-mixed mortar) and in a special factory (premixed mortar). The raw materials for sitemixed mortar must be stored in dry conditions protected from the weather. Site-mixed mortar is mixed either by hand or by machine. Machine mixing is based on proportions by weight or by volume; mixing by hand is sens ible only in exceptional circumstances when very small amounts of mortar are required. The raw materials are mixed until a workable consistency has been reached, which can be easily used by the bricklayer. As a rule, only
"prescribed mixes" can be produced on site; the mixing ratios given in 2.1.25 should be adhered to. In the case of "prescribed mixes" without quality control, it is assumed that the mortar will satisfy the necessary requirements, Consequently, deviations from the mix (e.g. different mixing ratios or the addition of ad mixtures/additives) require tests to be carried out to determine the suitability of the on-site mix. Mortars produced in the factory or under factory like conditions will have a composition and consistency much more accurate than is possible with site mixing. Furthermore, factoryproduced mortars must be constantly mon itored to DIN 18557 during production, which guarantees constant properties and monitored optimization of the mortar for the respective application. The result of this is that over 90% of the mortars used today are of the premixed variety. On site the premixed mortar only needs to be mixed with the required amount of water - or in the case of "coarse stuff" the necessary amount of cement as well - but no aggregates or additives/admixtures. Premixed mortar can be supplied in the following forms [3]: Premixed dry mortar is a finished mixture of the raw materials sup plied from a silo or in plastic-lined sacks. The mixture must be prepared on the building site in a mixer by adding water in order to achieve a workable consistency. Ready-mixed mortar is supplied ready to use in a workable consis tency ("trowel-ready" mortar). The use of a retarder means that it generally remains work able for 36 hours; longer or shorter periods must be specified on the delivery note. Coarse stuff is widely used in northern Germany in particu lar and consists of a mixture of sand and lime as well as other additives/admixtures if neces sary. The mortar is prepared in a mixer by adding cement and water. Multi-chamber silo mortar describes a mortar whose raw materials are stored in separate chambers in one silo. They are measured out and mixed with water so that a ready-to-use mortar is available at the outlet of the mixer attached to the silo. Multichamber silo mortar must be supplied with a preprogrammed mixing ratio which cannot be altered on site.
Mortars for masonry
Types of mortar
Mortars for masonry are subdivided as follows according to the thickness of the mortar joint, the threshold value of the dry gross density and the associated building science properties as well as with respect to the raw materials used: Normal-weight mortars are mixed on site or in a factory using aggre gates with a dense microstructure according to DIN 4226 part 1 and a dry gross density ρD≥ 1500 kg/m 3 . Using sand as the aggregate, normal-weight mortar can be produced as a "prescribed mix" (without admixtures/additives) according to table 2.1.25. Owing to the consid erable experience with this "prescribed mix" mortar, fewer requirements need to be tested. Normal-weight mortars are divided into groups I, II, II a, III and III a according to ascending minimum compressive strength. Only cement may be used as the binding agent for groups III and III a. The necessary strength for group IlI a mortars is achieved by using suitable sands.
2.1.25 Prescribed mixes for (normal-weight) mortar, mixing ratios Mortar group Non-hydrated lime Hydraulic lime (HL2) MG Lime putty Hydrated lime
1 -
1 1.5 -
lla III Ilia
2 1 -
by volume Hyd. lime (HL5), plaster binder and masonry cement (MC5)
1 - - 2 - -
1 1 2 -
Sand from natural rock
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 3 3 4.5 8 8 8 3 6 8 4 4
The thickness of the bed joint is 12 mm for normal-weight mortar. This permits a heightof-unit tolerance of ±5 mm for clay bricks and ±4 mm for all other types of masonry unit. The recommended applications as well as limits for normal-weight mortar according to DIN 1053 part 1 are given in table 2.1.26. Lightweight mortars are factory-mixed dry or factory-produced ready-mixed mortars which exhibit a dry bulk density ρD < 1500 kg/m 3 . This is usually achieved by using lightweight aggregates (e.g. expanded clay, expanded shale, pumice, perlite, foamed glass, bottom ash). The composi tion of the mix is determined by means of tests. Lightweight mortar is classified according to its calculated thermal conductivity λR as belong ing to group LM 21 (λR = 0.21 W/mK) or group LM 36 (λR = 0.36 W/mK). The two groups are further distinguished by the dry bulk density (ρD < 700 kg/m3 and pD ≤ 1.0 kg/dm 3 respec tively) and lateral secant modulus (E > 7500 N/mm2 and Eq > 15 000 N/mm2 respectively). The requirements concerning the necessary thickness of the bed joint as well as the permis sible height tolerance of the masonry units are identical to those for normal-weight mortar. The recommended applications as well as limits are given in table 2.1.26.
Recommended and non-permissible applications of mortars for masonry
External walls
twin-leaf (cavity) Internal walls
Normal-wt mortar MG I II / III / ll a III a without weather protection (facing brickwork) with weather protection (e.g. rendering) outer leaf (facing brickwork) inner leaf
acoustic insulation thermal insulation high strength
Lightweight mortar
0 0 to+
- to+ + + + 0
+ + to
Thin-bed mortar
0 to + 0
+ + +
- to + 0 +
0 to + + + + N
Vaulting N(3) N N(3) Basement masonry N > 2 full storeys Wall thickness > 240 m m " N Non-loadbearing outer leaf of twin-leaf external walls N N(2) • facing brickwork N N N(2) • rendered facing bricks N Facing brickwork, with flush joints externally N N Unfavourable weather conditions (precipitation, low temperatures) Masonry units with height tolerance ≥ 1.0 mm N Masonry after test to assess suitability N (1) In the case of twin-leaf walls with or without continuous air cavity: wall thickness = thickness of inner leaf. (2) Apart from subsequent pointing and for areas of reinforced masonry. (3) Application permitted for the repair of natural stone masonry using MG I. + recommended, 0 possible, - not recommended, N not permitted
2.1.27 Requirements for mortar Test parameter Abbre viation Test standard Mortar mix Comp. strength DIN 18 555 part 3 Comp. strength, joint Draft guidelines 31 Comp, strength humid storage conditions (DIN 18 555 part 3)
Adhesive shear strength DIN 18 555 part 5 Dry gross density DIN 18 555 part 3
(excluding p r e s c r i b e d mixes 1 1 ) a c c o r d i n g to D I N 1053 part 1, tested at 28 d a y s Lightweight ThinT e s t to N o r m a l - w e i g h t mortar mortar assess bed LM21 LM36 mortar grade I II ll a III III a EP EP GP EP
compulsory ≥3.5(2) ≥2.5 ≥1.25
≥7(2) ≥5 ≥2.5
βDf N/mm 2
≥2.5 -
≥5.0 -
β HS
ρd kg/dm3
≥ 1.5
βD N/mm 2 βDf N/mm 2
≥25(2) ≥20 ≥10.0
≥7(2) >5 >2.5
≥7(2) ≥5 ≥2.5
≥14(2) ≥10 -
≥ 10.0 -
≥20.0 -
≥5.0 -
≥5.0 -
≥ 70% from actual value βD
≤0.7 7 5 0 0 > 15000 -
≥14(2) ≥10 ≥5.0
EP Lateral secant Eq modulus DIN 18 555 part 4 N/mm-' GP Long.secant EP EI modulus N/mm 2 GP DIN 18 555 part 4 EP Thermal conductivity λ10,tr W/mK DIN 18 555 part 1 EP Workability time tv h DIN 18 555 part 8 EP Correction time tk DIN 18 555 part 8 min ( 1 ) T h e requirements are d e e m e d to be m e t for these. ( 2 ) Guide value for p r e m i x e d mortar. ( 3 ) Requirements for c u b e c o m p r e s s i v e strength (upper line) a n d plate loading test (lower one of the t w o tests m a y be c h o s e n . ( 4 ) Dry bulk density as substitute test. ( 5 ) Deemed to be satisfied w h e n maintaining the threshold for ρ d in GP.
2.1.28 Tests required for mortar to assess suitability Test to assess suitability is n e c e s s a r y for:
< 0 . 1 8 ( 5 ) ≤ 0.27 ( 5 )
Mortar NM
determining mortar mix, apart f r o m p r e s c r i b e d mortars
normal-weight mortar of group Ilia, also p r e s c r i b e d mortars
verification of usability of a g g r e g a t e
use of > 1 5 % by vol. a d m i x t u r e s , related to sand c o m p o n e n t
use of admixtures and additives
structures with > 6 full storeys of masonry
significant c h a n g e of mortar r a w materials or mortar mix
2.1.29 R e c o m m e n d e d mortar m i x e s for natural stone m a s o n r y Application Mortar group Trass cement Natural stone masonry (random coursing)
II II II a ll a
Natural stone masonry (regular coursing)
II II lla lla III
Pointing of nat. stone masonry ll a
H y d r a t e d lime
T r a s s lime, h y d r a t e d lime
Aggregate [mm]
1 1
2 1
8 (0/4) 6 (0/4)
1 -
8 (0/4) -
1 1
2 -
3 -
2.5 (0/4)
3 -
8 (0/4) 4 (0/4)
Thin-bed mortars are premixed dry mortars consisting of aggre gates with a dense microstructure according to DIN 4226 part 1, standard cement and addi tives/admixtures. The composition is based on suitable tests. Thin-bed mortars are used for gauged bricks with a permissible height toler ance of ±1 mm (see "Masonry bonds"). Owing to the bed joint thickness of 1 -3 mm, the maxi mum particle size of the aggregate is limited to 1.0 mm. The dry gross density ρD usually exceeds 1500 kg/m 3 . Thin-bed mortars are allocated to group III; their applications are summarised in 2.1.26. Medium-bed mortars are currently not covered by DIN 1053 but a number of building authority certificates have already been issued. The medium-bed mortars approved so far correspond to the composition of normal-weight and lightweight mortars. They are generally produced as premixed dry mor tars with the addition of fibres and must comply with the requirements regarding volume stabil ity, compressive strength (βD ≥ 5 N/mm2), dry gross density (ρD ≤ 1000 kg/m3) and adhesive shear strength (βHS ≥ 0.20 N/mm2). The differ ence between these and the normal-weight and lightweight mortars lies in the thickness of the bed joints, which at 5-7 mm are consider ably thinner than those of normal-weight and lightweight mortars. However, there are no medium-sized perpends and, as a result, a change in the longitudinal dimensions of the masonry units. The construction of walls using the medium-bed method presupposes unit dimensions with a height tolerance of ±2 mm in order to avoid the occurrence of tension peaks and the considerable reduction in loadbearing capacity associated with this. The background to the current development of medium-bed mortar is that a reduction in the thickness of the bed joints with units having a low transverse tensile strength increases the compressive strength of the masonry. This applies, above all, to vertically perforated bricks, which require expensive and elaborate means (e.g. grinding) in order to achieve the necessary even sur faces and dimensional accuracy for thin-bed masonry. In order to minimize this work and the costs, but at the same time increase the com pressive strength of the masonry, a compro mise - medium-bed mortar - is currently undergoing development. The reliable con struction of medium-bed horizontal joints requires the use of special equipment and techniques [3, 89]. Mortar for facing work This term is not included in DIN 1053. As this type of mortar is used in conjunction with fac ing bricks and blocks, it is referred to as mortar for facing work by mortar manufacturers. It is specially formulated to meet the requirements of facing work with regard to weather resis-
tance and appearance. Mortar for facing work is always supplied premixed. For facing work it meets the requirements of mortar groups II or II a, for single-leaf facing work the requirements of mortar groups II to III a, and as a pointing mortar for subsequent work on joints the requirements of mortar groups III and Ilia (see "The building of masonry").
The properties of mortar and the requirements it has to meet
Mortar parameters and specifications for mor tars for masonry are contained in DIN 1053 part 1 appendix A. Quality control makes use of DIN 18555 and 18557 in addition. The most important parameters for mortar used in mason ry are its compressive strength βD, adhesive shear strength βHS, dry gross density ρD, lateral secant modulus E longitudinal secant modu lus EI, and in the case of thin-bed mortar the workability time tv and correction time t k . The requirements for these are given in table 2.1.27, the requirements for testing mortar in table 2.1.28. The compressive strength βD of mortar is a critical parameter for the compressive strength of the masonry. Besides the compressive strength, in the case of normal-weight and lightweight mortar the joint compressive strength βD,F of the bed joints is to be deter mined according to DIN 18555 part 9. A cal cium silicate reference brick, which is classed as particularly poor owing to its absorption behaviour and surface properties, is used for the test to determine the compressive strength of the mortar; this is intended to show the influ ence of the unit-mortar interface and take into account the water absorption behaviour of the masonry unit. The adhesive shear strength βHS has to be determined for normal-weight mortar - with the exception of prescribed mixes - as well as for lightweight and thin-bed mortars. To produce a composite panel, all masonry units of formats DF, NF and 2 DF may be used. However, as calcium silicate units deliver the most un favourable test results, the test for adhesive shear strength is usually carried out on a cal cium silicate reference unit (DIN 1 0 6 - K S 122.0-NF). The adhesive shear strength is critical for the tensile, tensile bending and shear strength as well as the durability (watertightness against driving rain) of the masonry. The dry gross density ρD is required for light weight mortar. This serves to distinguish normal-weight mortars from lightweight mortars and to determine to which category - LM 21 or LM 36 - the mortar belongs. The dry gross density is necessary in order to assess the building science properties and self-weight of the masonry. As lightweight mortars in masonry deform relatively severely in the transverse direction upon application of a load owing to the lightweight aggregates and hence have a
decisive influence on the compressive strength of the masonry, the lateral secant modulus E q must be determined. This is the secant modu lus obtained at one third of the mortar strength and the associated lateral strain determined from mortar prisms measuring 100 x 100 mm or 95 x 95 mm in plan and 200 mm high. The longitudinal secant modulus EI is also deter mined during this test. The smaller the E q value, the larger is the transverse deformability of the lightweight mortar and the lower is the compressive strength of the masonry. The workability time tv and the correction time t k only need to be determined for thin-bed mor tars. A workability time of min. 4 h is necessary because the quantity of mortar usually mixed can only be used very slowly owing to the thin bed joints. A correction time of min. 7 min is necessary in order to be able to adjust the position of a masonry unit already laid.
Mortars for natural stone masonry
As a rule, normal-weight mortars of groups II and ll a to DIN 1053 part 1 appendix A or lime mortar containing trass or trass-cement-lime mortar are to be recommended. However, it may also be necessary to develop special mortar mixes for natural stone masonry [105]. In particular, certain types of marble may be sensitive to discoloration by lime. In such cases lime must be never be added to the mortar, and special trass and rapid-hardening cement should be used. Table 2.1.29 shows the recommended mortar mixes for natural stone masonry.
Plasters Plaster is a surface finish that achieves its final properties only after being applied to a build ing element. It is applied to walls and soffits in one or more coats of a certain thickness. Ter minology and requirements are covered by DIN 18550 parts 1 to 4 (see table 2.1.30). The tasks of plasters can be divided into their use as a surface finish and their use to help attain required building science properties. As a sur face finish, plasters create a flat and accurately aligned surface, which can remain exposed (e.g. textured, coloured) or serve as the base for paint, wallpaper or other finishes. Their building science tasks include protection against the weather and moisture (rain) by use of water-resistant and water-repellent plasters, thermal insulation by the use of lightweight or thermally insulating plasters, improvement to sound insulation and fire protection (plaster as a fire protection cladding) as well as the cre ation of a temporary means of storage for excessive internal moisture (interior wall and ceiling plasters in kitchens, bathrooms etc.). In addition, plasters can satisfy requirements for mechanical strength or abrasion resistance (plaster to plinths and basement walls) and increased absorption of radiation. A distinction must be made between plasters containing mineral binding agents, which make use of plastering mixes, and those with organic binding agents (artificial resin plasters), which are produced from coating materials.
Plastering mixes New types of mortar
New types of mortar are currently undergoing development for the medium-bed and light weight categories. In both cases the aim is to optimize the thermal insulation behaviour through the use of particularly lightweight aggregates. The newly developed lightweight mortars are currently still subject to building authority certification because non-standard requirements (mix, instructions for mixing with other aggregates, safety issues concerning residues) have been placed on the special lightweight aggregates in order to be able to classify them as lightweight mortars to DIN 1053 part 1. The lightweight aggregates requir ing certificates include expanded mica, ex panded perlite, pulverized fuel ash, foamed glass and polystyrene beads. The newly developed lightweight mortars are dealt with in [79],
A plastering mix is a mixture of one or more binding agents, aggregate with the particle size mainly lying between 0.25 and 4 mm, and water as well as additives if necessary. In spe cial cases plastering mixes for finish coats may contain a large proportion of particles exceed ing 4 mm. The aggregate may be omitted from plastering mixes made from calcined gypsum and anhydrite binders. Plastering mixes are divided into groups P I to P V. Besides lime and cement, gypsum and anhydrite may be used as a binding agent. Plastering mix groups P I to P III correspond, in terms of com position, to mortar groups MG I to MG III. When plastering mixes are produced according to the mixing ratios in DIN 18550 part 2 table 3, then they can be treated like prescribed mortar mixes. These generally fulfil the requirements of DIN 18550 part 2 table 2 (see 2.1.31) and can therefore be used for the plastering systems given in tables 3 to 6 of DIN 18550 part 1. Tests to assess suitability must be carried out in the case of a mix which deviates from the prescribed ratio. Plastering mixes are further classified as "green" or hardened depending on their state and according to their production either on site or in the factory.
2.1.30 Basic terminology for plasters Explanation Term The coats of plaster which, in their entirety and in conjunction with the background, Plastering system fulfil the requirements placed on the plaster. Even a single-coat plaster can be called a plastering system. Coat
Undercoat Finish/final coat Second plaster undercoat Water-resistant plastering system Water-repellent plastering system
A layer of plaster which is applied in one operation. Lower coats are called "undercoats", the uppermost coat "final coat" or "finish coat". A coat of plaster can also be applied in several "plies", wet on wet and generally per lift of scaffolding. The bottom coat(s) of a multi-coat plastering system. The uppermost coat of a multi-coat plastering system. A coat of plaster applied to a first plaster undercoat and necessary for certain thin finish coats. Plastering systems are classed as water-resistant when the water absorption coefficient is < 2.0 kg/(m2 x h0,5). Plastering systems are classed as water-repellent when the water absorption coefficient is < 1.0 kg/(m2h0,5) after 28 days.
2.1.31 Mortar groups for plastering mixes and coating materials Type of binding agent Plastering mix group, type of coating material or type of mortar PI Non-hydraulic limes a Semi-hydaulic limes b Hydraulic limes c Hydraulic limes, plasters and masonry cement Pll a Lime-cement b Cement and hydrated lime admixture Pill a Cement b Gypsum mortar PIV a Gypsum-sand mortar b Gypsum-lime mortar c Lime-gypsum mortar d Anhydrite mortar PV a Anhydrite-lime mortar b POrg 1 Coating materials with organic binding agents for rendering and internal plasters P0rg2 Coating materials with organic binding agents for internal plasters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
βD,mean (after 28 d) [N/mm2]
no requirement no requirement 1.0 2.5 2.5 10.0 10.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 no requirement 2.0 2.0 no requirement no requirement
Examples of rendering systems to DIN 18550 part 1 Requirement or Plastering mix group or coating material for rendering application undercoat finish coat Water-resistant PI P PIc P II P II PI P ll P ll Water-repellent PIc PI P II P PIc P II P ll P ll Enhanced strength P ll P II P ll P ll P Org 1 Basement wall rendering P Ill Rendering near ground level P Ill (water-repellent) P ll P Ill P Ill P Org 1
Coating materials
Coating materials consist of organic binding agents in the form of dispersions or solutions and fillers/aggregates with the majority of par ticles > 0.25 mm. Coating materials fall into two groups: P Org 1 and P Org 2 (see 2.1.31).
Plasters and plastering systems applications and requirements
The various types of plaster are primarily clas sified according to their place of use on the structure and the associated conditions to which they will be subjected. Plastering systems are frequently used to achieve the require ments placed on the plaster. These comprise several coats, sometimes of different plastering mix groups and/or coating materials. Rendering is a form of plaster applied to the external sur faces of structures. It is divided into different types according to degree of exposure and use above, near or below ground level for walls and soffits. As the main task of rendering is to permanently protect the structure from the weather and other environmental influences, it is an important component in the external wall construction. The rendering should resist the effects of moisture, better still the effects of rainwater or driving rain and the associated saturation of the rendering, in order to prevent impairment of the building science properties of the complete wall. To do this, the rendering must possess water-resistant or even waterrepellent properties. On the other hand, the rendering must exhibit good water vapour per meability in order to prevent a build-up of mois ture in the wall through interstitial condensa tion. The rendering is also responsible for the visual appearance of the facade (textured, coloured) and for improving the thermal insula tion. In this case the rendering is of the thermal insulation variety or is provided as part of a thermal insulation composite system. Rendering which serves as a background for organic coatings or which is subjected to severe mechanical loads (compression, abra sion) must have a minimum compressive strength of 2.5 N/mm2. Apart from that, the mechanical compatibility (strength, stiffness) with the substrate must be taken into account. The outside faces of basement walls below ground level may be rendered before applying the waterproof tanking. This rendering should be made from mortars with hydraulic binding agents. They must reach a minimum compres sive strength of 10 N/mm2, which is guaranteed by using rendering of group P III. However, for masonry made from units of compressive strength class 6 and less, it is advisable not to exceed a strength of 10 N/mm2 too much owing to the compatibility between rendering and substrate. Rendering suitable for the external faces of
plinths must extend at least 300 mm above ground level. Such rendering must be suffi ciently firm, should exhibit low water absorption and be resistant to the effects of moisture (splashing water and snow) as well as frost. When using mixes with mineral binding agents, the minimum compressive strength must be 10 N/mm2. For a substrate of masonry units of compressive strength class 6 and less, waterrepellent mortar with hydraulic binding agents and a minimum compressive strength of 5 N/mm2 may also be used. Possible systems that satisfy the respective requirements for rendering are given in table 2.1.32. Internal plasters are those applied to the internal surfaces of structures. They are divided into different types according to their uses on walls or ceilings in rooms of normal or high humidity. Internal plas ters serve both to produce flat, accurately aligned surfaces, and also to act as a tempo rary means of storage for excessive internal moisture. Internal plasters also contribute to improving sound insulation and fire protection. When internal plasters are used as a base for paint and wallpaper, and hence must transfer additional stresses to these, the plastering mixes employed must exhibit a minimum com pressive strength of 1.0 N/mm2. Plasters with increased abrasion resistance are necessary for internal wall surfaces which are subject to mechanical loads (e.g. adjacent stairs and in the corridors of public buildings and schools). The requirements for the abra sion resistance of the finish coat are satisfied by plastering mixes of groups P II to P V. Plasters containing calcined gypsum and/or anhydrite as the binding agents may not be used for internal walls and ceilings which must resist the long-term effects of moisture (e.g. commercial or public sanitary facilities and kitchens). Plasters which are intended to act as a base for ceramic finishes (tiles) must exhibit a minimum compressive strength of 2.5 N/mm2 and may not be worked with a trowel or sponge. Plastering systems for internal applications are given in table 2.1.33. Lightweight plasters are, in terms of their strength and deformation characteristics, suited to masonry with high thermal insulation properties and low strength. In contrast to other types plastering mixes both upper (≤ 5.0 N/mm2) and lower (> 2.5 N/mm2) limits for the strength of lightweight plaster have been defined. Lightweight plasters exhibit a particularly high "degree of decoupling", i.e. they "decouple" the finish coat from the under coat and hence make a decisive contribution to the prevention of cracks. They may be used for both finish coat and undercoat. Lightweight plastering mixes for use as a finish coat may not contain any organic aggregates. Systems
for lightweight rendering must be waterrepellent [3]. Thermal insulation plasters and thermal insulation plastering systems are employed to improve the thermal insulation properties of single-leaf external walls on new buildings and in the refurbishment of existing buildings. Owing to the low requirements placed on the substrate, they are also used to even out larger irregularities in the external walls as well as for less stable substrates such as lightweight masonry. Thermal insulation plasters are produced from premixed mortars with aggregates of low bulk density. They are designated as such when the calculated ther mal conductivity λ R < 0.2 W/mK. This is gener ally achieved with a dry bulk density of the hardened mortar ρtr ≤ 0.6 kg/dm 3 . Thermal insulation plastering systems consist of a 20-100 mm thick thermal insulation plaster undercoat with an expanded polystyrene aggregate plus a compatible 8-15 mm thick water-repellent finish coat consisting of mineral binding agents and mineral aggregate. Thin finish coats should only be applied to a level ling coat of plaster at least 6 mm thick. After completing the thermal insulation undercoat, a period of at least seven days should elapse before the finish coat is applied; with thicker undercoats the minimum waiting period should be one day per 10 mm thickness. The waiting times should be increased in the case of adverse weather (high humidity and low tem peratures). Besides the standard plastering systems with polystyrene aggregates as speci fied in DIN 18550 part 3, there are also thermal insulation plastering systems based on inor ganic lightweight aggregates and covered by building authority serviceability certificates. Owing to their low strength, thermal insulation plastering systems are not suitable for either lightly or heavily loaded external wall plinth areas. They are divided into thermal conduct ivity groups 060, 070, 080, 090 and 100, with group 070 being the one most frequently used (070 means that the calculated thermal con ductivity λ R = 0.070 W/mK). Thermal insulation composite systems consist primarily of three layers: bonding mor tar, thermal insulation (hard polystyrene foam or mineral wool) and plaster (composed of re inforcing and finish coats). Depending on their composition and the underlying construction, the systems can be attached by means of bonding, dowelling or rails. The mortars used (bonding mortar, reinforcing and finish coats) may be dispersion-, silicate- or also cementbound varieties. These systems are currently still regulated by building authority certificates. Thermal insulation composite systems are used for new buildings with single-leaf mason ry but also for improving the thermal insulation properties of existing masonry.
Renovation plasters are used to plaster over damp masonry and/or masonry containing salts. Efflorescence is avoided by capturing the damaging salts in the plaster and hence keeping them away from the surface of the plaster. A plaster with a high water vapour permeability at the same time helps to allow the masonry to dry out. Renova tion plasters make use of plastering mixes which in the hardened state exhibit high poros ity and water vapour permeability with, at the same time, considerably reduced capillary action. Renovation plasters are mainly em ployed when refurbishing old buildings and historic monuments. At present they are not covered by a standard but are dealt with in great detail in [165].
The application of plaster
Substrate, background, reinforcement The substrate must guarantee a stable and permanent bond for the plaster. Therefore, the properties of the substrate are critical for the properties of the plaster itself. If the substrate is sufficiently stable, consistent, even, not too smooth, not too absorbent, clean, dry and free from frost, then treatment prior to applying the plaster is not necessary; the first coat of plaster can be applied directly to the substrate. How ever, if the requirements on the substrate are not fulfilled, then this must be treated first. This includes prewetting of the substrate, a com plete or partial "splatterdash" covering to pro vide a key, bonding agents and primers based on organic binding agents as well as making good irregularities in the masonry. Highly absorbent substrates should be prewetted or given a complete splatterdash cover ing. Substrates consisting of different materials should also be given a complete splattedash covering. This mixture consists of a mortar with coarse aggregate thrown on to form a thick coat which completely covers the substrate. A partial splatterdash covering improves ad hesion of the plaster in the case of substrates with low absorption. In this case, the mortar (with coarse aggregate) is only applied in a thin layer so that the substrate is still visible through it. With both full and partial coverings, the splatterdash is not treated any further. Making good irregularities in the masonry is mainly necessary in the case of perpends with out mortar where the open joints are more than 5 mm wide, and to close off chases for pipes and cables. Such irregularities should be flushed up. This also applies to tongue and groove faces or mortar keys exposed at cor ners and jambs as well as to holes for securing scaffolding and missing fragments of clay bricks. These irregularities must be made good at least four weeks prior to plastering. As a rule, lightweight mortar is used [164], A background is attached to cover the surface and also to improve the bond between the
plaster and the substrate. A background is employed as a substitute substrate in cases where this is inadequate or discontinuous (e.g. timber or steel frames). This essentially means a decoupling of the plaster from the supporting construction. If individual elements - unsuitable for use as a plaster substrate - are bridged over with a background, then this must overlap the surrounding (suitable) substrate by at least 100 mm on all sides and be fixed to this. Backgrounds can be made from metal, plasterboard, ightweight wood wallboards, multi-ply lightweight boards, wire mesh and cane mats. Backgrounds must be able to transfer the loads acting on the plaster skin (self-weight, wind pressure/suction) to the loadbearing construction. Reinforcement of metal, mineral fibres and synthetic fibres are integrated in the plaster in order to improve adhesion and minimize cracking in tension zones. However, this assumes that the stiffness and strength of the reinforcement are compatible with the properties of the plaster and that the reinforcement is incorporated properly. This includes minimizing contact between the plaster reinforcement and the substrate in order to avoid transferring unnecessary stresses from the substrate to the reinforcement. The reinforcement must overlap by at least 100 mm (see table 2.1.35). Compatible plastering systems Plasters can be applied in one or more coats. A coat of plaster is the application of a mortar or coating material to form one layer in one operation. Splatterdash applied to prepare the substrate is not classed as a coat of plaster. The total number of coats of plaster, which as a whole together with the substrate fulfil the requirements placed on the plaster, is termed the plastering system. As such, even a single coat of plaster could be termed a plastering system. The bottom layers of a plastering system are called undercoats, the uppermost layer the finish or final coat. Thermal stresses in an external wall decrease from the outside to the inside. Consequently, the finish coat is subjected to the greatest temperature-induced deformations and so must exhibit great elasticity. Accordingly, the coats of plaster should increase in elasticity from the inside to the outside, expressed by the plasterer's rule "soft on hard". The plastering systems listed in DIN 18550 part 1 are based on this rule. However, in order to guarantee the thermal insulation advantages and properties for the thermal insulation plasters and thermal insulation composite systems, the plasterer's rule must be reversed for such systems. Soft undercoats or soft thermal insulation materials are given a hard, water-repellent finish coat. However, this makes it necessary to decouple the coats by introducing an intermediate layer in order to minimize the risk of cracks [218]. The case is similar with lightweight plaster, where once again the finish coat is decoupled from the
undercoat by an intermediate layer as soft as possible. The reason for this is the thermal insulation properties of the masonry units, which can be achieved only by reducing the dry gross density and thereby increasing the deformability of the units. To achieve a compatible plastering system these units need an elastic undercoat in order to reduce cracking. Thickness of plaster Plaster thicknesses depend on the type of mortar and the purpose of the plaster, as defined in DIN 18550 part 2 (see table 2.1.34). In order to satisfy the general requirements, the average plaster thickness must be 20 mm for external work and 15 mm internally; 10 mm is sufficient for one-coat internal plasters made from premixed dry mortar. The permissible minimum thickness at individual places must not be less than 5 mm. "Thin-coat plasters", sometimes used for internal applications, do not comply with the requirements of DIN 18550. Surface finishes The finish coat may be worked in various ways to provide different appearances and textures. A plaster is finished with a sponge or metal trowel to produce the desired surface finish. The action of finely rubbing, felting or smoothing the plaster may enrich the concentration of binding agents at the surface, which then promotes the formation of shrinkage cracks and, in the case of non-hydraulic lime, hinders the setting of the undercoat(s). Plaster with a float finish is known by many names according to the tool used (i.e. wooden float). Plaster thrown on from a float is given its texture by the action of throwing the mortar. Generally, a coarse aggregate of up to about 10 mm is used. Trowelled plaster is applied by means of a trowel or float to create panels or scales. Sprayed plaster is produced by spraying on two or more coats of a fine-grain, fluid mortar from a special machine. A scraped finish is achieved with combs, saw blades, cabinet scrapers or similar tools. This removes the binding agents and, as a result, the highly stressed surface of the finish coat. The projecting aggregate gives the plaster its characteristic texture. The right timing for the scraping depends on the progress of the setting of the plaster. The time is right w h i n the aggregate springs out upon scraping but does not become attached to the scraping tool. A scraped finish should not be classed as inadequate when individual pieces of aggregate become detached when rubbing the surface with the hand. Scrubbed plaster is given its texture by washing the surface to remove the binding agent slurry which has not yet hardened. It requires selected coarse aggregates as well as an undercoat corresponding to mortar group III.
Application, subsequent treatment In order to avoid flaws in the plaster (cracks, detached finish coat etc.), the influences of the weather should be considered when plastering. During frosty weather, rendering may only be applied when the area to be rendered is completely protected from the influence of the outside temperature and this covered area is heated until the plaster is sufficiently hard. Further, areas of rendering should be protected against rain as well as accelerated drying caused by strong sunshine, wind or draughts. Internal plastering may only carried out at internal temperatures of +5°C or higher. In the case of multi-coat plastering systems, an adequate waiting time must be allowed between applying the individual coats of plaster. A subsequent coat may be applied only when the preceding coat is stable, sufficiently dry and provides an adequate bond. Adequate drying time is necessary to guarantee that the inevitable shrinkage of the preceding coat has stopped. Applying a subsequent coat before shrinkage of the preceding coat has stopped leads to excessive stresses and cracks in the subsequent coat. This has resulted in the plasterer's rule of "one day waiting time per millimetre of undercoat" for normal plasters and "one day waiting time per 10 mm of undercoat, but at least seven days" for thermal insulation plastering systems. The first coat of plaster applied over splatterdash may only be applied after the mortar has hardened sufficiently, but at the earliest after 12 hours. Before applying the subsequent coat, the preceding coat must be roughened to form a key and prewetted if necessary. Subsequent treatment of plasters should be carried out above all for groups P I, P II and P III. In doing so, the plasters should be protected to prevent them drying out too quickly and, if necessary, should be kept moist.
Controlling cracking Plaster, and rendering in particular, shrinks by losing water. After the plaster has reached an adequate initial strength, this shrinkage is hin dered by the substrate, which generally does not suffer from problems of shrinkage or at least not to the same extent. When the tensile stresses which ensue in the plaster exceed the low tensile strength of the plaster, then cracks appear. Further expansion of the masonry (e.g. due to temperature, chemical sources in clay bricks) and simultaneous shrinkage of the plas ter increases the risk of cracks. However, the formation of cracks in plaster may be due to flaws in the substrate (inconsistent substrate with changes of material, weak points in the substrate, varying deformation behaviour of the substrate) or inadequate workmanship (insuffi cient pretreatment and post-treatment, time between coats too short, individual coats applied too thick, incompatible plastering sys tem, varying thickness of plaster). Basically, a surface without any cracks is not possible, or at least requires a great deal of effort. There fore, the aim is to achieve a compatible plas tering system (observe plasterer's rules) applied correctly to prevent the formation of wider cracks at large spacings because other wise moisture can penetrate the plaster and from there possibly penetrate the substrate, which in turn leads to damage (spalling caused by frost, impairment of the building science properties of the masonry). A limited number of finely distributed, hairline cracks up to about 0.2 mm wide are not regarded as a problem because they do not impair the func tion of the plaster. Although these cracks might allow more water to be absorbed under certain circumstances, this water quickly and easily evaporates again. The finely distributed hairline cracks in the finish coat of thermal insulation composite systems have no influence on the moisture content of the insulation, or on the thermal insulation properties of the system, because the insulation materials normally used (hard polystyrene and mineral wool) are neither hygroscopic nor have active capillaries.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
Examples of internal plastering systems to DIN 18550 part 1 Requirement or Plastering mix group or coating material for undercoat finish coat plaster application Only light loads P I a, b P I a, b P ll P I a, b; P lV d P IV P I a, b; P lV d PIc PIc Normal loads P ll (including light loads) P ll P I c; P II; P IV a, b, c; P V; P Org 1; P Org 2 P Ill P Ill P I c; P ll; P Ill; P Org 1;P Org 2 P IV a, b, c P IV a, b, c; P Org 1; P Org 2 P IV a, b, c P V P V; P Org 1; P Org 2 P Org 1; P Org 2 PI P I Damp conditions P ll (not including domestic kitchens P ll P I; P ll; P Org 1 and bathrooms) P Ill P ll P ll; P Ill; POrg 1 P Org 1 -
2.1.34 Plaster thicknesses required Plastering system Rendering (undercoat(s) + finish coat for multi-coat rendering) Single-coat water-repellent premixed rendering Internal plaster (undercoat(s) + finish coat for multi-coat internal plaster) Single-coat dry premixed internal plaster Thermal insulation plastering system undercoat second plaster undercoat (if required)
2.1.35 Flaws in substrates and remedial measures Flaw Substrate with areas of low strength, stability Large cracks Wide joints > 5 mm Uneven substrate, depressions, projections Changes of material Inconsistent, low surface roughness Inconsistent absorption Soiled substrate, dust, loose sections Saturated, frozen substrate Substrate subjected to shrinkage, swelling, creep Unacceptable reaction between substrate and plaster
Average plaster thickness ≥20mm ≥ 15 mm ≥ 15 mm ≥ 10 mm ≥ 20 mm, ≤ 100 mm ~ 10 mm ≥6mm
Remedial measure Background, reinforcement, with adequate overlaps Make good cracks or bridge over with background/ reinforcement Fill joints with mortar to DIN 1053 part 1 Dubbing out plaster coat Splatterdash, background Splatterdash Prewetting Clean substrate, remove loose sections, apply dubbing out plaster coat locally Dry out, protect plastering surface from influences of weather, heat enclosed area Leave substrate for long time before plastering Choose plastering mix to suit reactive materials
Masonry bonds
Masonry Bonds Konrad Zilch, Martin Schatz w i t h Christina Radlbeck
2.2.1 Historical formats Designation
Imperial Modified imperial Oldenburg Dutch Hamburg Waal Vecht Old Bavarian
General Length I [mm] 250 250 220 200 215 220 220 215 215 295 320 340 320
Width b [mm] 120 115 105 100 105 105 105 105 105 145 155 165 120
Height h [mm] 65 65 52 40 40 55 65 54 42 65 70 70 50
A bond is the regular interlocking arrangement of masonry units in courses to form a wall construction. The task of a bond is to enhance the strength of the masonry construction as well as its resistance to the formation of cracks and the influences of the weather. In addition, the bond distributes the loads and forces evenly within the masonry. The tasks of the mortar are to distribute the loads uniformly and to compensate for varying dimensions.
Standard formats
The various dimensions of the masonry units used in Germany are today almost exclusively determined by the "octametric" system of dimensional coordination according to DIN 4172 (see "The relationship between dimensional coordination and unit format"). Based on the dimension 1/8 m = 125 mm, the thin format DF (240 x 115 x 52 mm) and the normal format NF (240 x 115 x 71 mm) form the basic modules for brick and block dimensions. These two formats are also known as small formats. All larger formats are made up of these basic modules taking into account the joint thickness. It should be noted that depending on the combination of
Formats and specials Historical formats
2.2.2 Dimensions of standard formats DF to 20 DF Length Width Height Format designation I b h [mm] [mm] [mm] 52 DF 240 115 71 NF 240 115 113 2 DF = 1.5 NF 240 115 3 DF = 2.5 NF 240 175 113 3.20 DF 145 300 113 3.75 DF 300 (308) 113 175 4 DF 240 (248) 238 (249) 115 113 (124) 4 DF 240 (248) 240 300 (308) 238 (249) 5 DF 115 113 (124) 5 DF 300 (308) 240 6 DF 238 (249) 365 (373) 115 6 DF 365 (373) 113(124) 240 6 DF 113(124) 490 (498) 175 238 (249) 7.5 DF 300 (308) 175 8 DF 238 (249) 240 (248) 240 8 DF 490 (498) 238 (249) 115 8 DF 113 (124) 490 (498) 240 238 (249) 9 DF 365 (373) 175 10 DF 240 (248) 300 238 (249) 12 DF 365 (373) 238 (249) 240 12 DF 490 (498) 238 (249) 175 238 (249) 14 DF 240 (248) 425 15 DF 365 (373) 238 (249) 300 238 (249) 16 DF 490 (498) 240 238 (249) 20 DF 490 (498) 300
The introduction of a useful standard size of masonry unit was originally influenced by the "one-hand hold", which allows a brick to be comfortably handled with one hand. This span is on average 120 mm and determines the width of a masonry unit. In 1852 the German Customs Authority defined the "imperial" format - 250 mm long and 120 mm wide. The height of 65 mm resulted from the fact that a round figure of 400 bricks, including the inevitable wastage, produced exactly 1 m 3 of brickwork. However, the disadvantage of this brick size is that two courses plus one joint do not equal the width of a brick on edge. Therefore, the final brick always had to be cut lengthwise, a timeconsuming and difficult process. The size of the header face also represented an aesthetic problem. The dimension of 130 mm (width of brick + joint) is difficult to incorporate in the decimal system and results in awkward multiples. For facing masonry (i.e. units left exposed), the imperial format appeared too long for its height and so could not be used for decorative areas of masonry. With the "Baden" format of 270 x 130 x 65 mm and the Bavarian "royal brick", measuring 290 x 140 x 65 mm, the height is calculated from (brick width -1 x bed joint) 4 2. If one joint of 10 mm is added to each of the brick dimensions (280 x 140 x 70 mm and 300 x 150 x 75 mm), then the resulting length to width to height ratio of 4:2:1 makes possible the wide use of bricks. Other historical brick formats are listed in table 2.2.1. Today, the historical formats are only produced for special purposes.
Sub-formats with their identification symbols for course plans
Whole brick
Three-quarter bat
Half bat
Quarter bat
Queen closer
Formats and specials
basic modules, various masonry unit dimensions - length, width and height - can be described with one format designation (see fig. 2.2.4). The possible masonry unit dimensions for the formats DF to 20 DF are shown in table 2.2.2. The lengths in brackets apply to masonry units without mortar to the perpends (brick to brick), or those with interlocking header faces (tongue and groove system); the heights in brackets apply to gauged units for building masonry with thin-bed mortar. The formats 2 DF and 3 DF are called medium formats, those from 3.2 DF to 20 DF large formats. Besides defining the unit dimensions from the multitude of thin and normal formats, there are also subformats resulting from the division of a whole brick into three-quarter bat, half bat, quarter bat or queen closer (see fig. 2.2.3). These units complement the standard formats and enable the masonry to be better adapted to particular building dimensions, thus avoiding costly on-site cutting of the units.
Large-format elements
Owing to the need to produce masonry inexpensively and rationally, larger formats have been in use for a number of years (see also "Rationalization measures"). The use of large-format elements results in the faster erection of masonry than when using small- and medium-format units. Above all, the calcium silicate and aerated concrete industries have promoted the development of largeformat elements. In combination with masonry materials with good thermal insulation properties, the mortar joint - even when using lightweight mortars represents a zone of higher thermal transmission. Compared to standard formats, the use of large-format elements achieves a better result in terms of thermal insulation. The calcium silicate "quadro" system consists of solid units laid with mechanical fixings on a 125 mm module. The units are
produced in wall thicknesses from 115 to 365 mm, in lengths from 248 to 498 mm, and in heights of 498 or 623 mm. Calcium silicate gauged elements were developed as complete wall building kits. The wall thickness is 100 mm for non-loadbearing internal walls, otherwise 115-300 mm. With a length of 998 mm and heights of 498 or 623 mm, these elements also fit into the "octametric" system of dimensional coordination. Autoclaved aerated concrete units or gauged units and autoclaved aerated concrete prefabricated brick elements or gauged brick elements have thicknesses ranging from 175 to 365 mm (units) or 50 to 150 mm (panels) and a maximum length x height of 615 (624) x 240 (249) mm. The figures in brackets apply to gauged bricks and panels.
Unit formats (cm) resulting from multiples of thin formats according to [83]
Masonry bonds
Autoclaved aerated concrete gauged elements are available with a maximum length x width x height of 999 x 365 x 623 mm, similar to the calcium silicate gauged elements.
Special formats and special components Bullnose bricks
Hollow wall and wall elements of lightweight concrete are produced in the sizes (length x width x height) 490 x 95 or 100 x 240 mm and 990 x 50 to 70 x 320 mm. The only large-format units produced in clay are the brick elements and lightweight brick elements. The maximum format available here is 24 DF (497 x 365 x 238 mm). This format is also the largest common format for hollow and solid blocks of lightweight concrete as well as solid (normal-weight) concrete blocks.
King closer or squint
Special formats, special units
Radial or arch bricks
Special for angled window reveals
Acoustic bricks
Cownose bricks
Adjustable brick
Special formats and special units are produced in all standard types of masonry material, These complement the standard formats and units to produce a complete wall system. This helps rationalize the masonry construction operation and enables both consistent building science properties and a consistent substrate for plastering. Specials are units that deviate from the standard cuboid geometry and were developed to simplify the construction of certain masonry details. Cownose bricks, radial and arch bricks to DIN 1057 part 1 and bullnose bricks were developed for round masonry details. King closers or squints are used to simplify the corners of projecting bays. Dog-leg bricks with an angled stretcher face are used for window reveals, stop bricks (with or without angled faces) are used to simplify the incorporation of window and door openings. The dimensions of specials mainly correspond to the "octametric" system of dimensional coordination and so are readily incorporated in a masonry bond (see figs. 2.2.5 and 2.2.6). Adjustable bricks are two-part units whose length along the wall can be adjusted between about 100 and 250 mm through a system of telescoping internal webs. These avoid the need for supplementary formats or the need to cut large-format units on site. Adjustable bricks can be employed in the length of a wall, at corners and adjacent openings (see fig. 2,2.5). Adjustable bricks may only be used in masonry of vertically perforated units or lightweight vertically perforated units to DIN 105 part 1 or 2, or in accordance with a building authority certificate. The wall value applies as the design value for thermal conductivity. The actual thermal conductivity of the adjustable brick does not need
Formats and specials
to be taken into account. However, these adjustable units may only be used in walls with λ R >0.18W/mK. Brick slips are primarily used for cladding spandrel pan els and reinforced concrete elements, e.g. floor beams. This creates a uniform substrate for plastering across the whole wall. The lengths of the slips are based on the 1/8 m module, the height and thickness on the ele ment to be clad. Acoustic bricks are employed to absorb noise both in external applications, e.g. noise barriers adjacent to busy roads, and internal applications, e.g. rail way stations, machine shops, sports facilities. Acoustic bricks are provided with continuous horizontal or downward-sloping perforations perpendicular to the plane of the wall. Their dimensions are based on the "octametric" sys tem of dimensional coordination and they are available in widths from 52 to 140 mm. Noiseabsorbing acoustic walls are built like walls of facing masonry. Improved noise absorption is achieved by incorporating acoustic insulation and an air cavity (see fig. 2.2.5). Hollow blocks for grouting are large-format clay or lightweight concrete units with large voids which, after laying, are filled with mortar, grout or in-situ concrete either course by course or storey by storey. Therefore, these blocks act as permanent formwork. The filling makes these blocks par ticularly suitable for producing noise barriers. They are available in widths from 115 to 365 mm up to a maximum length of 1000 mm (see fig. 2.2.6). For external walls systems are available in which these hollow blocks are delivered to site with an integral layer of thermal insulation. This insulation is placed within the outer skin of the block, Therefore, the unit with integral insula tion does not present any problems with regard to the build-up of condensation caused by dif fusion of water vapour. Channel or lintel blocks are used as permanent formwork for the pro duction of horizontally reinforced masonry, beams, window and door lintels as well as ver tical slots, columns etc. Their dimensions are based on the "octametric" system of dimen sional coordination; maximum wall thicknesses of 365 mm are possible. Clay channel blocks over 300 mm wide are also produced with an integral hard foam core to improve the thermal insulation. Channel blocks are used for plastered mason ry and for facing work - in which case they have the same colour and texture as the facing or engineering bricks used for the rest of the wall.
Shallow lintel units are prefabricated elements which - w i t h steel tension reinforcement - normally act as the ten sion flange of a construction to span over door and window openings as well as recesses for radiators. Channel-shaped units made from the same material as the surrounding masonry are employed as permanent formwork. This cre ates a uniform substrate for plastering. Shallow lintel units achieve their loadbearing capacity by acting in conjunction with the compression zone comprising of the overlying brickwork or concrete of a beam or floor slab. They are based on a module of 250 mm and are avail able in lengths up to 3 m. Lintel widths of 115175 mm mean that openings in walls up to 490 mm thick can be accommodated. Lintel depths are 71 or 113 mm so that they can be incorporated in the 1/8 m wall module (see fig. 2.2.6). L-units simplify the cladding of slabs and hence speed up progress on site. The dimensions of the units are the same as those for channel blocks. With a bottom leg of 60 to 80 mm, slab depths of up to 180 mm can be clad with these units. An integral hard foam core improves the thermal insulation properties of masonry in the region of the support (see fig.2.2.6). Service duct and pre-chased units in the customary "octametric" dimensions sim plify the construction of vertical and horizontal ducts and chases for building services. When incorporated into bonded masonry, the service duct units enable vertical shafts up to 145 mm diameter to be formed without having to build the masonry around the shaft. Besides being suitable for building services, the ducts formed in this way can also incorporate steel reinforce ment for reinforced masonry. The pre-chased units mean that subsequent cutting of slots for cables and pockets for junction boxes and switches is no longer necessary (see fig. 2.2.6). Roller-blind boxes of clay, concrete or light weight concrete are self-supporting or structural prefabricated elements with integral components for rollerblind operation as well as, in some cases, inte gral thermal insulation. Roller-blind boxes are manufactured in widths from 300 to 490 mm and lengths up to 6.5 m based on a module of 250 mm. Besides the standard shapes, corner boxes with up to four corners and curved boxes are also possible. The use of roller-blind boxes made from the same material as the sur rounding masonry creates a uniform substrate for plastering. An accessory available is the standard-size roller-blind belt winder which is built into the masonry bond. Therefore, the belt winder is incorporated without the need to cut any additional chases.
Special formats and special components
Service duct block
Hollow block for grouting
Channel or lintel blocks
Shallow lintel units
Roller-blind box
Door and window stop bricks
Masonry bonds
Adequate thermal insulation at roller-blind boxes is verified either experimentally in laboratory tests or by calculation according to the stipulations of the building code. Special attention should be given to ensuring air tightness on the inside (see fig. 2.2.6).
Relationship between nominal measurements and reference sizes
The relationship between dimensional coordination and unit format A system of dimensional coordination is employed to simplify the design and construction of masonry. Within this system, the sizes of components are specified based on a basic dimension as well as multiples of that dimension. Adhering to this system of dimensional coordination ensures that components such as walls, projections, doors, windows etc. all match in terms of their dimensions. This system makes it unnecessary to adjust the length of a wall to account for the progressive assembly of small masonry units and simplifies the inclusion of prefabricated items, e.g. doors and windows, which are also manufactured according to this system of dimensional coordination. In addition, adhering to the system means that the products and building systems of various manufacturers are interchangeable and compatible, which in turn leads to economy thanks to mass production, and a reduction in the number of products. At present there are two different systems in use in Germany: DIN 4172 "Modular coordination in building construction" and DIN 18000 "Modular coordination in building".
Dimensional coordination in buildings 2.2.8
Vertical nominal measurements and heights of units
Height of unit (mm)
Thickness of bed joint (mm)
Height of course (mm)
1.5 NF
= 2DF
Example of format NM = normal mortar DM = thin-bed mortar
gauged unit
DIN 4172 was introduced in 1955. The basic dimension for all masonry work is based on the "octametric" system of 1/8 m = 125 mm. This basic module serves for the geometric determination of nominal measurements, which in the first place - as theoretical measurements are even multiples of this module. Therefore, as grid or centre line dimensions, the nominal measurements form the basis for the coordinating sizes that occur in practice. The reference size is the dimension with which the components and elements must comply, and is the dimension stated on the drawings (work size). It is made up of the nominal measurements taking into account the appropriate number of joints. With regard to the work size, we must distinguish between the external dimension (with joints subtracted from the nominal measurement), the opening size (with joints added to the nominal measurement) and the projection dimension (in which joints are not considered) (see fig. 2.2.7). The heights of components are also coordinated within the "octametric" system (see fig. 2.2.8). In traditional masonry bonds with a perpend thickness of 10 mm and bed joint thickness of
The relationship between dimensional coordination and unit format
12 mm, the basic modules are therefore 115 + 10 mm for the length and 113 + 12 mm for the height. Accordingly, the relationship between nominal measurement and reference size is as follows:
However, as the "octametric" system is the best one for the materials used, "decimetric" modular coordination has not become established for masonry.
Work size Nominal measurement Ext. dimension (A) x-12.5 Opening (0) x-12.5 Projection (V) x-12.5 Height (H) x-12.5
Dimensional tolerances and permissible deviations
Reference size x-12.5-1 x-12.5 + 1 x-12.5 x-12.5-1.2
As the "octametric" system of dimensional coordination has remained unchanged despite recent developments in masonry construction, improved types of joint have given rise to new unit dimensions rather than new work sizes. For example, the omission of mortar in the perpends for gauged or tongue and groove units has led to masonry units increasing in length from 240 mm to, for example, 247 mm, and the bedding of units in thin-bed mortar has resulted in units increasing in height from 238 to 249 mm. The desire for rationalization means that the preferred sizes of openings for doors in DIN 18100 being matched to the dimensional coordination requirements. The following toler ances are assumed: width + 10 mm height + 10/-5 mm These measurements are illustrated in fig. 2.2.9. The reference sizes are related to the level FFL (finished floor level), which must be taking into account by the designer on the working draw ings and in the tender documents.
Modular coordination in buildings
It is mainly in other countries that basic length units for components and structures are based on metric dimensions. DIN 18000 was intro duced in order to incorporate these internation al agreements. The basic dimension, as the smallest planning dimension in this "decimetric" system of modular coordination, is the basic module M = 100 mm. Other basic dimen sions in this system are the multimodules 3 M = 300 mm, 6 M = 600 mm and 12 M = 1200 mm, the preferred multiples of the basic module, and the submodules (whole-number divisions of the basic module) plus the com plementary dimensions 25, 50 and 75 mm, which are smaller than the basic module but are combined to form modular dimensions. In practice on the building site, e.g. during the construction of masonry, it is the preferred sizes and multimodules which are most rele vant, and these too are components in the dimensional coordination to DIN 4172, e.g. 5 x 3 M = 15 M = 1500 mm = 1 2 x 1 2 5 mm and consequently 15 M, 30 M, 45 M on plan, and 5M, 10 M, 15 M etc. in elevation.
Inaccuracies during production and erection inevitably lead to components and structures with lengths, heights and angles that deviate from those laid down on the drawings. This is particularly true for masonry construction, which in contrast to automated production in a factory, is erected on site by manual labour. The deviations here are primarily length and planar discrepancies, out-of-plumb and out-ofline problems. Dimensional inaccuracies are frequently simply accepted because more stringent requirements are normally associated with considerably more technical input and hence also higher production costs [141]. The permissible values for deviations (toler ances) from the intended dimension are speci fied in DIN 18201 and 18202. The terms relat ing to dimensional tolerances are defined in DIN 18201 (see fig. 2.2.10): The reference size is a dimension which is specified to designate the size, arrangement and position of a component or structure and is entered on the drawings. The actual size is a dimension established by measurement. The actual deviation is the difference between reference size and actual size. The maximum size is the largest permissible dimension and the minimum size the smallest permissible dimension. The limit deviation is the difference between maximum size and reference size or between minimum size and reference size. The tolerance is the difference between the maximum and minimum sizes. The flatness tolerance is the range for deter mining the permissible deviation of a surface from a plane. DIN 18202 defines the permissible tolerances for buildings (limit deviations, angular and pla nar tolerances). The limit deviations apply to lengths, widths and heights as well as to grid and centre line dimensions, and openings (see table 2.2.11). They represent the accuracy achievable within the scope of normal working practices. Higher demands on accuracy must be specially agreed in the specifications and contractual documents. The permissible tolerances are maintained in masonry by limiting the material-related dimen sional deviations of the units. These values are specified in the individual standards covering different types of units (see tables 2.2.13 and 2.2.14). Furthermore, in traditional masonry bonds the mortar joints permit adjustments in the order of 2-3 mm; this means about 10 mm adjustment for every 1 m of wall length. In terms of visual appearance, it is advisable to
Reference points for nominal measurements for wall openings
Definitions of terms for dimensional coordination
Permissible tolerances to DIN 18202
Limit deviations in mm for reference sizes in m ≤3
3< x≤6
6< x≤15
15< x≤30
± 12
± 16
Dimensions in eleva ± 16 tion, e.g. storey heights, landing levels, distances from contact f a c e s and corbels
± 16
Clear dimensions on plan, e.g. dimensions b e t w e e n columns a n d piers
± 16
± 30
Clear dimensions in elevation, e.g. beneath slabs and b e a m s
+ 20
O p e n i n g s , e.g. for w i n d o w s , doors and built-in elements
± 12
± 16
Openings as above but with finished reveals
± 10
± 12
Dimensions o n plan, e.g. lengths, w i d t h s , centre and grid lines
Masonry bonds
Applying the bonding rule along the length of a wall
"compress" the perpends but they should not be less than 8 mm thick in order to remain impervious. The task of a masonry bond is to distribute the loads acting on the masonry uniformly within the masonry. To do this, the perpends (vertical joints) and bed joints of adjacent courses in the plane of the wall must be offset by the bonding dimension u. According to DIN 1053 part 1 clause 9.3, u ≥ 0.4 x h ≥ 45 mm, where h = height of unit (work size). This requirement applies to the masonry bond both along the length of the wall and across the thickness of the wall (see fig. 2.2.12). With medium- or thin-bed masonry as well as perpends without mortar and dry walling, this adjustment by means of the joints is no longer possible, or at best limited. This is why tighter tolerances are stipulated in the appropriate standards covering the masonry units.
The rules of bonding A masonry bond is the regular assembly of masonry units in vertical and horizontal align ment in order to form a masonry construction. For loadbearing masonry, units may be laid in stretcher courses (side faces in the plane of the wall); header courses (end faces in the plane of the wall); brick-on-edge courses (end faces in the plane of the wall but turned through 90°); or soldier courses (side faces in the plane of the wall but turned through 90°). "Dog-toothing" (projecting and recessed) involves laying header and brick-on-edge courses at an angle; "leaning" soldier courses are also possible (see 2.2.15). Maintaining the minimum bonding dimension prevents the masonry bond from being easily disrupted and, as a result, prevents a reduc tion in the tensile and shear strength of the masonry. Therefore, to improve the bonding effect, maximum, i.e. centric, bonding is desirable.
2.2.13 Permissible deviations from intended dimensions (work sizes) for calcium silicate, aerated concrete, concrete, lightweight concrete and granulated slag aggregate units [mm] Aerated conc. units Concrete, lightweight concrete units Gran. slag agg. units Calcium silicate units KS Vb gauged Hbl, Hbn V, Vn Vm HSV KS Vm HHbl Designation of KS KS(P) PB PP Vbl, Vbn Vmb HSL units KS L type of unit KS L (P) PPpI VbL S, Ppl ≤NF ≤NF >NF Tbn ≤NF > NF >NF >NF Format ≤NF Length, width +4 ± 1.5 ±3 ±3 ±4 ±3 ±3 ±3 ±2 ±3 ±3 ±3 ±3 ±3 • individ. value ±3 ±2 ±2 ±3 ±3 ±1 ±2 ±3 ±3 • mean value ±2 B, H(2) Height ±4 ±1 ±3 ±1 ±4 ±3 ±2 ±4 ±4 ±1 ±3 ±2 ±3 ±3 • individ. value ±3 ±3 ±2 ±3 ±1 ±2 ±3 ~ average value ±2 (1)L = length of granulated slag aggregate units ≤ NF (2) B = width of granulated slag aggregate units ≤ NF, H = height of granulated slag aggregate units ≤ NF
2.2.14 Permissible deviations and dimensional spreads' 1 for clay bricks DIN 105, part 4 DIN 105, p a r t i DIN 105, part 3 DIN 105, part 2 max dim. min. max. dim. min. max. Reference size min. dim. dim. dim. dim. spread dim. spread dim. [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 5 85 95 Length, width 90 115 110 120 6 112 118 5 112 118 7 141 6 148 148 145 139 150 178 8 170 178 7 175 168 10 233 10 235 245 230 245 245 240 247(2) 12 293 308 12 300 290 308 307(2) 12 355 373 365 372(2) 434 12 425 415 (2) 432 12 498 490 480 497(2) 50 54 Height 52 / 66(3) 54 3 54 3 50 50 71 / 82(3) 68 74 4 69 73 3 69 73 ( 3 ) 113/123 118 4 110 116 4 110 116 108 155/166 ( 3 ) 150 160 5 175 170 180 5 198(3) 233 238 / 248(3) 243 6 243 6 233 (1) Dimensional spread is the permissible difference between the size of the largest and smallest brick within a (2) Reference length for gauged bricks to DIN 105 part 6 (3) Reference height for gauged bricks to DIN 105 part 6
dim. spread [mm] 4 8
DIN 105, parts Lightwt horiz. pert, min. max. dim. dim. [mm] [mm] 110 120 168 178 230 245 290 308 355 373 480 498
68 74 108 118 243 233 delivery to a building site. 2 3 4
DIN 105, part 6 units dim. spread [mm] 6 8 10 12 12 15 4 4 6
min. dim. [mm] 85 110 139 145 168 230 237 290 297 355 362 415 422 480 487 65 81 122 165 174 197 247
max. dim. [mm] 95 120 148 155 178 245 252 308 315 373 380 434 441 498 505 67 83 125 167 176 200 250
dim. spread [mm] 5 6 7 7 8 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Wall bonds
The bonding dimension also specifies the distance between the perpends of intersecting walls and internal corners. Only one perpend in every course may be set out from an internal corner, i.e. the perpends of adjacent courses must be offset (see 2.2.16). The following bonding rules should also be observed: •The units in a course should have the same height in order to prevent the wall exhibiting varying deformation behaviour as result of a varying number of bed joints, and consequently - to prevent areas of the wall with a greater number of bed joints shedding any load placed on them as result of their increased deformability. However, an additional bed joint is permissible in alternate courses at the ends of walls and beneath lintels in order to adjust height and length when the contact area of the units is min. 115 mm long and units and mortar exhibit a strength at least equal to that of the surrounding masonry (see fig. 2.2.17). • If within a course, several units are laid adjacent each other in order to create a wall with the desired thickness, the bonding rule also applies across the thickness of the wall and the height of a unit may not be greater than its width. This also applies accordingly to piers and short walls. This ensures adequate bonding in the transverse direction and prevents the wall splitting apart as a result of splitting tensile forces caused by yielding of the bed joints under load. An exception to this rule is units with a contact area min. 115 mm wide. In this case the height of the units may be max. 240 mm (see fig. 2.2.18). • When laying units of different heights simultaneously in a continuous and stiffening wall, the heights of the courses must be maintained exactly in order to ensure that the units are properly bonded in. The masonry bonds commonly taught and used in practice all satisfy the requirements with respect to the bonding rule. When using these bonds, which in a consistent arrangement achieve a more attractive pattern of joints in the wall than walls produced using the minimum bonding rule, the following supplementary bonding rules should also be observed [32, 141,161]: • Every course must be horizontal and penetrate the complete masonry construction. • Single-leaf external walls employing facing bricks/blocks must consist of at least two courses. • In header courses only the header faces are visible. At the ends of walls each stretcher course should begin with as many threequarter bats as there are header faces in the thickness of the construction (special formats must be used in the case of blocks).
• At corners, wall intersections and abutting walls, the stretcher courses always pass through, while the header courses abut. • As many whole units as possible should be used to minimize the proportion of joints and hence increase the bonding dimension and compressive strength of the masonry. • Parallel walls should be constructed with the same sequences of courses.
Course of bricks/blocks for use in masonry bonds
Masonry w a l l bonds We distinguish between wall bonds, end bonds and column bonds depending on the masonry element under construction.
Wall bonds
This type of bond is used between two corners or junctions. Four types are taught and generally used, characterized by a defined alternation between stretcher and header courses. Stretcher bond All the courses consist exclusively of stretchers, with each course being offset by half the length of a unit (centric bonding) or by one third to one quarter of the length of a unit (raking stretcher bond). Owing to the generous bonding dimension, employing this bond results in masonry with good compressive and tensile strength. Stretcher bond is used for walls just half a brick thick, e.g. thin internal walls, the outer (facing) leaf of twin-leaf walls, chimneys. It is also used for large-format masonry units in order to rationalize the construction. In these cases the thickness of the wall is equal to the width of the unit. Therefore, large-format units in stretcher bond can be employed to construct one-brick walls in the thicknesses 240, 300, 365 and 490 mm. Header bond This bond is only suitable for walls one brick thick where all the courses consist exclusively of headers, with each course offset by half the width of a unit. Compared to stretcher bond, header bond has a reduced loadbearing capacity owing to the shorter bonding dimension. As this fact is not considered when designing masonry, this type of bond should be avoided with heavily loaded walls. Apart from that, owing to the steep racking back of one quarter of the length of a unit, header bond tends to develop diagonal cracks. Header bond is used for single-leaf facing work, for curved masonry with a tight radius and for large-format units when constructing one-brick walls in the thicknesses 240-490 mm. English bond This bond consists of alternate courses of stretchers and headers. The overlap is one quarter of the length of a unit, but the perpends
1 Header face 2 Stretcher face 3 Header 4 Mortar bed 5 Wall joint 6 Cross joint 7 Perpend 8 Bed joint
Masonry bonds
Bonding dimensions at corners and intersections (plan views)
Inefficient bonding owing to different num bers of bed joints within a course. Not permitted because it leads to severe compression at concentrations of bed joints. Additional bed joints at ends of walls and beneath lintels are permissible in alternate courses.
Non-permissible bond ing owing to unit heightto-width ratio > 1. Joint cannot be fully closed with mortar. Splitting tension effect due to yielding of joint; h > b not permitted (exception: b ≥ 115 mm and h ≤ 240 mm).
of all stretcher and all header courses are aligned vertically. Owing to the shallow racking back, i.e. alternating between one quarter and three quarters of the length of a unit, this pro duces a particularly good longitudinal bond. This type of bond is used for wall thicknesses > 240 mm. English cross bond (St Andrew's bond) In this bond there is a regular alternation between stretcher and header courses. How ever, they are offset in such a way that they repeat only every four courses. The first and second courses are laid like English bond, and the third course like the first one. In the fourth course (stretchers) the first unit (three-quarter bat) is followed by a header before laying the first stretcher. Therefore the perpends in the header courses are aligned vertically but those of the stretcher courses are offset by half the length of a unit. This results in the characteris tic pattern of English cross bond. Racking back is at one quarter the length of a unit. This bond is vulnerable to diagonal cracks. On the other hand, the risk of longitudinal cracks is rel atively low thanks to the good toothing. In both English bond and English cross bond we speak of bonded masonry as opposed to one-brick masonry because several units are laid adjacent each other in every course or every second course.
End bonds
are formed at the ends of walls, at corners, at junctions and intersections with other walls and at projections and recesses. It is recom mended to establish the arrangement of inter sections, corners etc. before starting construc tion. This guarantees proper bonding and
Detail of bonding at obtuse corners of masonry walls
Spacing of joints in header courses set out from outer corner (no cut faces left exposed).
Spacing of joints in header courses set out from inner corner (some cut faces left exposed, otherwise specials required).
avoids having to cut units to be able to fit them into the wall. This is important when using medium- and large-format units in particular because as the units get larger so the adapta tion options decrease.
allowed when the dimensions are small, e.g. for pipes and cables. In the case of recesses and slots, the remaining continuous wall must be at least half a brick thick.
Acute corners in masonry are built by building the outer row of stretchers in one wall right up to the corner. The other wall is then built up to this row of stretchers as a header course. The three-quarter bat at the apex must be cut in such a way that its outer stretcher face is longer than the diagonal nar row side by one quarter brick.
Column bonds
Obtuse corners in masonry are bonded according to the size of the corner angle. For angles > 135° the joints in the header course are set out from the outer corner. This avoids cut surfaces being left exposed. For angles ≤ 135° the joints in the header course are set out from the inner corner. This means that cut surfaces are left exposed in some courses (see fig. 2.2.19) [141]. Masonry piers are projections which serve to stiffen continu ous walls or support larger concentrated loads from beams etc. In piers the headers cantilever out, while the stretchers are laid parallel with the plane of the wall. Recesses and slots in masonry As these decrease the thickness of the wall, they must be taken into account when design ing loadbearing masonry. Recesses may not be cut into a loadbearing wall. They must be constructed in a proper bond and are usually required to accommodate radiators, built-in cupboards etc. The cutting of chases is
Square columns employ the same bond in each course but with each course offset by 90°. Square, one-brick-thick columns consist entirely of whole units. Each course of a square, 1½ - brick column consists of six threequarter bats. To observe the bonding rules, there is much wastage with 2- and 3-brick square columns because of the large number of three-quarter bats required. The two narrow sides of rectangular columns are treated like the ends of a wall. These con tain as many three-quarter bats as the narrow side has headers, with the remaining inter mediate space being filled with whole or half bricks.
Types of bonds
External corner
Bonding-in of return wall
Stretcher bond Wall thickness (½ brick) 115 mm
Header bond Wall thickness (1 brick) 240 mm
Junction between stretcher and header bonds
Obtuse external corner
Acute external corner
English bond
Bonding at end of wall
External corner
Bonding-in of return wall
Obtuse external corner
Acute external corner
(shown here for English cross bond - English bond similar)
125 x 240 mm
125 x 490 mm
250 x 490 mm
125 x 240 mm
125 x 490 mm
250 x 490 mm
125 x 490 mm
250 x 490 mm
English cross bond
Bonding at end of wall
External corner
Bonding-in of return wall
Obtuse external corner
Acute external corner
(shown here for English cross bond - English bond similar)
125 x 135 mm
125 x 210 mm
125 x 260 mm
250 x 510mm
Column bonds
240 x 240 mm
365 x 365 mm
490 x 490 mm
240 x 365 mm
365 x 490 mm
490 x 615 mm
Large-format masonry unit
Bonding at end of wall
12 DF x 240mm
20 DF x 300 mm
External corner walls of same thickness
12 DF x 240mm
20 DF x 300 mm
12 D F x 3 6 5 mm
12 DF x 365 mm
16 DF x 490 mm
16 DF x 490 mm
External corner walls of different thicknesses
12 DF x 365 mm and 12 DF x 240 mm
12 DF x 365mm and 20 DF x 300 mm
16 DF x 490 mm and 12 DF x 365 mm
Bonding-in of return wall, 240 mm thick
Bonding-in of return wall, 300 mm thick
Bonding-in of return wall, 365 mm thick
12 DF x 240 mm
12 DF x 240mm and 20 DF x 300 mm
20 DF x 300 mm
12 DF x 240mm and 12 DF x 365 mm
20 DF x 300 mm and 12 DF x 365 mm
12 DF x 365 mm
12 DF x 240 mm and 16 DF x 490 mm
20 DF x 300 mm and 16 DF x 490 mm
12 DF x 365 mm and 16 DF x 490 mm
walls of same thickness
walls of different thicknesses
walls of different thicknesses
12 DF x 240 mm
20 DF x 330 mm
16 DF x 240mm and 20 DF x 300 mm
12 DF x 240 mm and 12 DF x 365 mm
12 DF x 240 mm and 16 DF x 490 mm
20 DF x 300 mm and 12 DF x 365 mm
12 DF x 365 mm and 16 DF x 490 mm
Structural masonry
Structural masonry Konrad Zilch, Martin Schatz
Stress condition of masonry subjected to com pression
Uniaxial compression on masonry unit and mortar
Unrestrained transverse deformation of masonry unit and mortar with a slip plane
Stress condition of composite body as a result of hinder ing differential transverse deformation between masonry unit and mortar Py way of bonding
Isometric presentation of triaxial stress condition in masonry unit and mortar
The loadbearing behaviour of masonry Masonry walls are subjected to loads in the plane of the wall (as plates) and perpendicular to the plane of the wall (as slabs). Loads in the plane of the wall may be vertical loads, e.g. self-weight or imposed loads, and horizontal loads, e.g. out-of-plumb problems or wind loads in the case of shear walls. As a slab, a masonry wall may be subjected to loads per pendicular to the plane of the wall, e.g. wind loads or earth pressures on external walls. As a result, the masonry is subjected to com pression, shear, tension or bending stresses and combinations of these. As the compressive strength of masonry is considerably higher than its tensile or tensile bending strength, it is primarily used for components subjected to compression. Owing to the different geometries and material properties of masonry units and mortars (shape of unit, dimensions of unit, perforations, ratio of unit height to bed joint thickness, strengths and moduli of elasticity of raw materials etc.), masonry is an anisotropic composite material. Therefore, when describing the loadbearing behaviour of masonry we must always take into account the interaction of masonry unit and mortar. This composite action of masonry is made possible through the masonry bond. The bond helps to ensure that horizontal forces between unit and mortar are transferred by means of adhesion and/or friction, and that vertical forces are transferred uniformly over the height of the component. The uniform distribution of the loads is also assisted by the mortar in the bed joints because this compen sates for deviations in the sizes of the masonry units and hence prevents stress concentrations. In principle, the modes of failure in masonry construction are: failure of the masonry unit, failure of the mortar and failure of the bond between unit and mortar. The strength of masonry is determined by the properties of both the units and the mortar. The strength, geometry, dimensional accuracy, proportion and arrangement of perforations, as well as suction rate and moisture content of the units are just as crucial as the strength, joint thickness and type, water retention and plastic ity of the mortar. Other parameters influencing the strength of masonry are type of loading and rate of application, bond, quality of pro duction and standard of workmanship [10].
Stress conditions, failure mechanism and influences on the compressive strength of masonry In a masonry element loaded in compression perpendicular to the bed joints, compressive stresses build up in the direction of the load. As with the customary combinations of mason ry units and mortar, the mortar exhibits a greater transverse deformability than the masonry units, and tries to deform more in the transverse direction than do the units. This differential transverse deformation is hindered by the bond between masonry unit and mortar, which sets up transverse tensile stresses in the masonry units and transverse compressive stresses in the mortar. A triaxial stress condi tion arises in the units and the mortar. A further increase in the vertical load leads to the trans verse tensile strength of the units being exceeded and the appearance of vertical cracks in the units. Increasing the load still further finally leads to failure of the masonry element. Incomplete bed joints give rise to stress concentrations which can lead to failure of the masonry under relatively light loads (see fig. 2.3.1) [77]. Therefore, the main criterion for the compressive strength of masonry is the transverse tensile strength of the masonry units and the decrease in the vertical compressive strength of the units brought about by trans verse tensile stresses. The low compressive strength of the mortar is not critical because it is increased by the triaxial stress condition. However, as the transverse tensile strength of the units is very difficult to determine and reproduce in tests, the compressive strengths of units and mortars are used as the character istic parameters for describing the compres sive strength of masonry. As the compressive strength of a masonry unit increases, so does the compressive strength of a masonry con struction, but at a shallower gradient. As the compressive strength of the mortar increases, so the compressive strength of a masonry con struction increases at a similar rate. The gradi ent is steeper for high-strength units than for those with a lower compressive strength. The type of joint affects the compressive strength of the masonry because the transverse deform ability of the mortar is a major influencing fac tor, and so a thicker joint leads to a lower com pressive strength for the masonry. Conse quently, considerably higher compressive
The loadbearing behaviour of masonry
strengths have been achieved with mediumbed mortar (joint thickness 5-7 mm) and thinbed mortar (joint thickness 1-3 mm) than with thick-bed mortar (normal mortar with a joint thickness of approx. 12 mm). With thin-bed mortar, which in terms of compressive strength is comparable to normal mortar of mortar group III, the masonry compressive strengths possible are assisted by the high dimensional accuracy of the units and the high adhesion between units and mortar. In contrast, lightweight mortars reduce the compressive strength of masonry. Compared to normal mortars with the same compressive strength, the lightweight aggregates used lead to a higher transverse deformability and there fore increase the transverse tension on the units. This adverse effect which lightweight mortar has on the compressive strength of the masonry worsens as the compressive strength of the units increases because then the differ ential transverse deformation between mortar and units increases. Therefore, it is necessary to harmonize the deformation characteristics of masonry unit and mortar in order to achieve the maximum and most economical loadbearing capacity for the masonry. Combinations of high-strength units with low-grade mortars or low-strength units with high-grade mortars are not recommended. The suction rate and moisture content of the masonry units during laying can have a consid erable influence on the compressive strength of the finished masonry. Units with a high suc tion rate absorb water (needed for the hydration process) from the mortar and hence reduce the compressive strength of the mortar and the adhesion between units and mortar. Both lead to a reduction in the compressive strength of the masonry. On the other hand, units with a high moisture content cause too much water to remain in the mortar, which again reduces the compressive strength of the mortar and, as result, that of the masonry too. For clay bricks, maximum masonry compres sive strength is achieved when the bricks are used as dry walling (i.e. without mortar), and when used with mortar by wetting the units just prior to laying [133]. The compressive strength of masonry is lower for long-term compressive loads than for shortterm loads. This is due to the formation of microcracks in the composite microstructure of the mortar as a result of creep under long-term loading; these reduce the strength of the mor tar. The strength under long-term loading is about 80-90% of the short-term strength. Cyclic compressive loads on masonry also lead to a reduction in the compressive strength. This is attributed to the fact that with repeated application and removal of the loads the trans verse tensile stresses in the units caused by the transverse deformation of the mortar do not decay completely and so accumulate over time. This process finally leads to premature
failure of the masonry.
Stress condition and failure cases for tension per pendicular to bed joints
Tension and tensile bending
The tensile loading of masonry perpendicular and parallel to the bed joints is primarily impor tant for elements without any significant vertical load. In such cases, hindering deformation (shrinkage, cooling) can lead to tensile stress es which are not "neutralized" because of the lack of vertical load. Cracks are the result of the tensile strength of the masonry being exceeded. Tensile bending stresses are mainly due to horizontal loads, e.g. earth pressures on basement walls, infill panels, cladding, free standing walls. Tensile and tensile bending stresses perpendicular to the bed joints Masonry can accommodate only very low ten sile and tensile bending stresses perpendicu lar to the bed joints. This is mainly influenced by the adhesive tensile strength between unit and mortar. In most cases, failure takes place at the interface between unit and mortar. Ten sile failure of the unit itself only takes place in the case of a high adhesive tensile strength (e.g. thin-bed mortar) in conjunction with a low tensile strength in the unit (in the height direc tion) (see fig. 2.3.2). The adhesive tensile strength, which is subject to very severe scatter, is influenced both by the properties of the unit (e.g. surface roughness, suction rate, moisture content) and those of the mortar (e.g. mix, proportion of sand, moisture content, water retention capacity), as well as by the construction of the masonry itself (e.g. vibration during the during process, sub sequent treatment). Tensile stresses parallel to the bed joints With masonry stressed in tension parallel to the bed joints, the tensile stresses are not trans ferred from unit to unit via the perpends but rather by means of shear resistance via the bed joints (see fig. 2.3.3). The reason for this is that the perpends cannot transfer any, at best only very low, tension, which is afflicted by a very large scatter. This is, above all, the case for perpends without mortar (tongue and groove system) or per pends not completely filled with mortar (brick to brick with grooves filled with mortar). However, even using perpends with a com plete filling of normal or lightweight mortar we can assume that inadequate workmanship combined with shrinkage of the mortar and the associated separation of the mortar from the unit means that the adhesive tensile strength in the perpends is so low that tensile forces can not be transferred. Only in the case of thin-bed mortar and filled perpends can we assume a certain adhesive tensile strength in the per pends.
Failure of contact between masonry units and mortar
Tension failure of masonry units
Flow of forces in masonry subjected to tension parallel to bed joints
The nature of the flow of forces means that the masonry can fail because the shear strength in
Structural masonry
Stress condition and failure cases for tension parallel to bed joints
Failure of bed joint: 2 τ R u = 2 h s t σ z
Tension failure of masonry units: h β St
= 2h
Transition from failure of joints to failure of masonry units in relation to vertical loading
Failure modes of masonry wall subjected to biaxial plate loading
the bed joints between units and mortar or the tensile strength of the unit parallel to the bed joint is exceeded (see fig. 2.3.4). Failure of the bed joint corresponds to a sliding of the bed joint in which the masonry bond breaks down owing to a zigzag fracture through perpends and bed joints. The shear strength between unit and bed joint is determined by the adhesion between unit and mortar or the cohesion within the mortar and the degree of friction in relation to the compressive stress perpendicular to the bed joint. Adhesion plus cohesion is designated adhesive shear strength. Like adhesive tensile strength, this too is subject to parameters affected by the materials and the production (e.g. surface roughness, arrangement of perforations, mortar mix, workmanship, subsequent treatment of the masonry), with the interface between unit and mortar playing a critical role. Generally, the adhesive shear strength rises as the compres sive strength of the mortar increases, although the different surface finishes of different types of masonry unit give rise to differences in the adhesion properties.
perpends. Upon failure of the bond, the bend ing moment causes twisting of the unit, which activates both the adhesive shear strength of the bed joint and the shear resistance in the perpend. If the bed joints do not fail, a com pression zone can develop over the full height of the component, while the tensile stress is accommodated only in every second course. Owing to the distribution of stresses according to the geometry of a T-beam, there is a theoret ical increase in the bending strength of the masonry element compared to one with per pends without mortar [122], The magnitude of the tensile bending strength depends on the shear strength between unit and mortar, but mainly on the tensile bending strength of the unit and the longitudinal compressive strength of the unit. The longitudinal compressive strength of, in particular, blocks with a high percentage of perforations can be so low that in these cases failure of the unit is the main factor determining the tensile bending strength of the masonry.
Owing to their good adhesion, vertically perfo rated clay bricks exhibit excellent adhesive shear strength values, whereas the values for calcium silicate and aerated concrete units are rather lower [47]. The friction component in the shear strength depends not only on the coefficient of friction but, above all, on the vertical loading perpen dicular to the bed joints. The friction increases in proportion to the load. If the load is sufficient to prevent the friction resistance being exceed ed in the bed joints and if the units themselves have a low tensile strength, failure is character ized by a vertical tearing of the units (see figs. 2.3.4 and 2.3.5), whereby the adhesive tensile strength in the perpends is neglected. Failure occurs when the tensile stress σ z from two courses exceeds the tensile strength of a unit. The transition from one type of failure to anoth er is also influenced by the masonry bond employed and by the ratio of bonding dimen sion to height of unit. The tensile strengths of the individual types of masonry units vary con siderably depending on the proportion and arrangement of perforations as well as the ten sile strength of the material of the unit itself.
Masonry walls can be loaded by horizontal loads, e.g. wind, earth pressure and earth quakes, both in the plane of the wall (as a plate) and perpendicular to the plane of the wall (as a slab). The plate shear resistance of masonry walls is mainly utilized to aid the later al stability of a structure (shear walls).
Tensile bending stresses parallel to the bed joints Both tensile and compressive stresses in the direction of the bed joint are present in bend ing stresses parallel to the bed joint. Masonry with no mortar or incomplete mortar in the per pends can accommodate neither tension nor compression via the perpends. The stresses must be transferred like pure tensile stresses via the available shear stresses in the bed joint. Perpends with a complete mortar filling can transfer compressive bending stresses via the
Shear stresses
Stress conditions and modes of failure for shear stresses in the plane of the wall In this condition the masonry wall is subjected to the aforementioned horizontal loads and, in addition, vertical loads in the plane of the wall. This biaxial plate effect is simplified for design purposes by assuming a vertical loading uni formly distributed along the length of the wall and a resultant horizontal load acting at the top of the wall. The following modes of failure may then occur: friction failure with horizontal shear ing along one bed joint; tension failure in the bottom bed joint caused by a moment; com pression failure of the masonry at the base of the wall as a result of the transverse tensile strength of the unit being exceeded (see "Compression"); and shear failure (see fig. 2.3.6). In the case of shear failure, the combi nation of primary compressive and tensile forces leads to diagonal cracks in the wall. Thi mode of failure can be divided into failure of the bed joint and tension failure of the unit. With a low vertical load and low adhesive shea strength, diagonal cracks form along the per pends and bed joints (stair cracks). With a high vertical load and units of low tensile strength, the diagonal cracks pass through the units and along the perpends. This latter mode can also be called brittle failure and brings about a marked reduction in the stiffness of the mason ry. On the other hand, failure of the joint is a
The loadbearing behaviour of masonry
ductile failure because even after the stair cracks have formed, horizontal forces can still be accommodated by way of friction. This property is exploited in the seismic design of masonry walls [47]. Shear failure theory after Mann/Muller for shear in the plane of the wall The failure theory devised by Mann/Muller for masonry stressed in the plane of the wall assumes that no, or at best negligible, shear stresses are transferred by the perpends. The main cause of this is that owing to the lack of horizontal compressive stresses, no shear stresses in the perpends can be activated by friction. In addition, perpends which should be completely filled with mortar are often not prop erly filled in practice, which can lead to the edges of the mortar becoming detached from the masonry units as the mortar shrinks. This means the bond strength between unit and mortar is so severely reduced that no signifi cant shear stresses can be transferred. This relationship is aggravated when the perpends are designed without mortar or with partial mor tar (tongue and groove system). The transfer of shear stresses is even reduced completely to zero when the units are laid brick to brick or without any contact at all. The lack of a path for the shear stresses across the perpends means that a unit, in order to achieve equilibrium with in the masonry element, has to accommodate the shear stresses from two courses in the ver tical direction (see fig. 2.3.7). Furthermore, the shear stresses acting in the bed joints create a torsion moment acting on the individual unit. To achieve equilibrium of moments, the axial stress is distributed around the upper and lower sides of the unit, The distribution of com pressive stress, represented (simplified) by a stair-like progression in the model, was verified by tests [127,136] (see fig. 2.3.7). Using this model, Mann/Muller developed a failure en velope (see fig. 2.3.8) for the allowable shear stresses in relation to the size of the vertical axial stress, Failure takes place above this curve. The four associated modes of failure are as follows (fig. 2.3.9): 1. Adhesive tensile failure between masonry unit and bed joint mortar If the compressive stresses perpendicular to the bed joint are very small because of the low loading, then the smaller axial stress in the region of an individual unit becomes a tensile stress. If the adhesive tensile strength βHZ is exceeded, then the bed joint splits apart.
good tensile strength. It leads to a stair-like diag onal crack along the perpends and bed joints.
Stress distribution after Mann/Müller for plate shear
Failure envelope with failure cases after Mann/Müller τ x σx
Failure modes for masonry subjected to plate shear
3. Unit tension failure This type of failure takes place with a larger vertical load and units with lower tensile strength. Here, the shear strength in the bed joint is increased owing to the better friction resistance. The units must transfer shear forces from two courses because it is not pos sible to transfer vertical shear stresses in the perpends. Together with the perpendicular compressive stresses, this leads to diagonal primary tensile stresses in the unit. If the tensile strength of the unit is exceeded, then shallow diagonal cracks appear in the units and con tinue through the perpends. 4. Compressive failure of masonry Very high vertical loads cause the masonry to fail as a result of diagonal primary compressive stresses when the larger axial stress acting on the individual unit exceeds the compressive strength βMW of the masonry. Accordingly, the shear strength of masonry acting as a plate depends, above all, on the magnitude of the vertical load, the shear strength that can be assumed in the bed joints (adhesive shear strength and friction compo nent), the tensile strength of the units and the compressive strength of the masonry. In addi tion, the standard of workmanship and type of bond have to be considered. The model devel oped by Mann/Müller. was based on stretcher bond with the bonding dimension approximate ly equal to half the length of a unit. The model is only approximate for bonds with a lower shear area (e.g. English bond) [126, 127, 187]. Stress conditions for shear stresses perpendicular to the plane of the wall Shear stresses also occur when a masonry wall acts as a slab, e.g. due to earth pressure or wind loads perpendicular to the plane of the wall. However, the shear stresses in this case do not assume tearing of the units but rather only a friction failure in the bed joints when the shear strength - made up of adhesive shear strength and friction resistance components ike for shear stresses in the plane of the wall is exceeded. In this case the splitting zone of the bed joint may not be used because here the adhesive shear strength drops to zero.
2. Joint failure Friction failure in the bed joint happens when the shear strength - as the sum of adhesive shear strength βHS and friction resistance μ x σ2 -is exceeded in the region of the less heavily loaded half of the unit. This type of failure occurs with a low load σx and with units having
Structural masonry
The principles of masonry design The evolution of European and national standards
The development of standards for masonry construction is being pursued in two directions by German engineers. On the one hand, the Eurocode for masonry (EC 6) is being updated and revised, while on the other, the national standard DIN 1053 continues to be developed. EC 6 part 1-1 "General rules for buildings rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry" was adopted in June 1994. Following editorial work, translation and the drafting of the National Application Document (NAD), EC 6 was introduced for a trial period with building authorities in a number of federal states in Germany as draft standard DIN V 1996 part 1 - 1 , December 1996 edition. Since then, masonry in those federal states may be built to DIN 1053 part 1 or DIN V 1996 part 1-1 supplemented by the NAD. This rule applies as long as the trial period for EC 6 continues. Following surveys in 1997 and 1998 in the member states concerning how to proceed with the European draft standards, the majority of the member states decided in favour of updating EC 6 with a view to introducing this as the definitive European standard. This means that after the introduction of EC 6, the national standard would be withdrawn after a certain period, whereupon only EC 6 would then be valid. As design according to EC 6 part 1-1 appears very complicated, a simplified method of analy sis - EC 6 part 3 "Simplified structural design" - is currently being drawn up. Basically, this method of analysis uses the simplified method of DIN 1053 part 1. Although EC 6 part 1-1 should the adopted as the European standard by 2002 and, together with part 3, as the Ger man version of the European standard by 2004, this timetable should be seen rather as an aspiration than as a realistic target. The work on the European standards is taking such a long time that in recent years a certain resig nation has been evident. The outcome is that at present we cannot predict when the European codes might replace the national standards. This never-ending development of the Eurocode programme has the effect that at national level important sections of DIN 1053 are revised at regular intervals and adapted to meet new findings. The last revision of DIN 1053 parts 1 and 2 took place in November 1996 and resulted in a better breakdown of tasks between the individual standards. Up until then, the more accurate method of analy sis was contained in DIN 1053 part 2, although it was also applicable to prescribed masonry designs. The misunderstandings which occurred in practice have been rectified by the new edition as follows: DIN 1053 part 1 is the basic standard for the design and construction of masonry. It applies to both prescribed masonry designs (RM) as
well as those assessed by suitability tests (EM) and contains both the simplified and the more accurate methods of analysis. DIN 1053 part 2 merely regulates the classifi cation of masonry into strength classes based on suitability tests and is hence purely a testing standard without information on design and construction.
by applying limits and rules appertaining to the construction. However, the use of the simplifiec method is subject to certain restrictions which guarantee that the result of the design is al ways on the safe side but, at the same time, not too uneconomical and not too different frorr the result of a more accurate examination (see table 2.3.10).
Originally, this state of development should have been maintained until DIN 1053 was replaced by EC 6. Fundamental new concepts like the new safety concepts with partial safety factors, the incorporation of parabolic or rec tangular-parabolic stress distributions instead of linear stress distributions or a more accurate analysis to check buckling stability would have first appeared with the introduction of EC 6. However, as the construction industry could no longer wait for the introduction of the Eurocode programme, above all for reinforced concrete, it was decided to develop a new generation of standards - the DIN 100 series. These are cur rently being drawn up on the basis of the prin ciples of the existing editions of the Eurocodes and are intended to bridge over the period before introduction of the Eurocodes, or even to replace them. This decision forces the masonry industry to adapt DIN 1053 to suit the fundamental changes in the draft European standards because it does not appear sensible to design the individual elements of a structure according to different safety concepts and methods of analysis.
More accurate method of analysis If the application falls outside the limits for the simplified method of analysis or if the stability of a whole structure, individual storeys or com ponents is to be verified more accurately, then the more accurate method of analysis accord ing to DIN 1053 part 1 section 7 should be used. When using this method to analyse an individual component or storey, other compo nents may still be designed by means of the simplified and hence shorter method, provided they comply with the requirements for that method.
At the moment only a draft copy of the new DIN 1053 part 100 is available; this will very soon be developed into a masonry standard [24,88, 101, 120, 121, 123], Plain (i.e. unreinforced) masonry in Germany is currently covered by DIN 1053 parts 1 and 2 (November 1996 editions) and so only these two standards are referred to in the following sections.
Method of analysis
Simplified method of analysis In certain situations masonry components may be designed according to the simplified method of analysis (DIN 1053 part 1 section 6). Simplified in this case means that the assump tions and the design itself is more straight forward than the more accurate method. This is made possible through a simpler treatment of the design equations in which the margin of safety is not explicitly expressed but instead is already incorporated in the permissible stresses. In addition, certain complicated forces acting on the masonry, e.g. bending moments from built-in floor slabs, unintended eccentricities when checking buckling, or wind loads on external walls, do not have to be taken into account during the design because they are already allowed for in the margin of safety, by reducing the permissible stresses or
Basically, the more accurate method of analy sis is necessary in order to derive the rules for the simplified method and to guarantee that the safety of the components checked using the simplified method is not less than that which would result from using an accurate method.
Safety concept
Analysis of stability According to DIN 1053, stability is analysed by way of permissible stresses for the service ability state or for the ultimate load at failure. In the new generation of standards, EC 6 and DIN 1053 part 100, analysis is carried out by way of partial safety factors. The simplified method of analysis according to DIN 1053 part 1 makes use of the condition exist σ ≤ perm σ
for verifying stability. Here, the existing stress es have to be determined for the serviceability state. The permissible stresses defined in DIN 1053 part 1 already contain the necessary mar gin of safety with regard to loading capacity. The more accurate method of analysis uses th< condition
γxS d/6. In order to guar antee a factor of safety against overturning of 1.5 in this case as well, the permissible eccen tricity is restricted to e = d/3, which corresponds to a permissible cracked joint reaching to the middle of the wall. When calculating the stress, assuming a linear distribution results in two sections having to be considered: the uncracked cross-section for 0 ≤ e ≤ d/6 and the cracked cross-section for d/6 ≤ e ≤ d/3. The equations for determining the stresses in the extreme fibres are illustrated in 2.3.17. In the simplified method of analysis, the com pressive stresses for the serviceability state are calculated using
kg = 1.0 k3 = 1.7 to I/6
Providing support to walls
Wall supported on three sides
for I ≤ 4.20 m for 4.20 m < I ≤ 6.00 m
where I = floor span [m]. For floors above the ground floor storey k3 = 0.5 for all values of I. If the reduction in loadbearing capacity as a result of the angle of rotation of the floor is pre vented by constructional measures (e.g. cen tering bearing), then k3 = 1.0. When checking the stresses according to the more accurate method of analysis, at failure the average compressive stress
Wall with three supported and one unsupported edge
γ X σ const = γ x N/A ≤ β R
and the compressive stress in the extreme fibres γ x σ m a x = γ x σ e d g e ≤ 1.33 x βR
σ const =N/A ≤ perm σ D = k x σ 0
The assumption of a constant distribution of stresses over the cross-section is generally possible because in the simplified method lin ear stress distributions as a result of intended eccentricities arising from, for example, floor restraint moments or wind on external walls, or those caused by unintended eccentricities do not need to be taken into account when check ing buckling. These aspects are already included in the margin of safety on which the permissible stresses are based using the reduction factors k i ,or by design rules and limits. The basic value σ0 [MN/m2] for permissible compressive stress as a characteristic para meter for masonry can be found from tables for prescribed masonry or from the results of suit ability tests (see "Characteristic strength of masonry"). The reduction factor k is calculated from k = k1 x k2 for walls acting as intermediate supports and from k = k1 x k2 or k1 x k3 for walls acting as one-sided end supports, with the smaller value being used. The factor k1 takes into account the different safety factors for walls and "short walls". k1 = 1.0 applies to walls and "short walls" or columns with a crosssectional area < 1000 cm 2 , constructed from either one or several whole units or divided units with a proportion of perforations < 3 5 %
may not be exceeded. The value β R [MN/m 2 ] for the characteristic strength of the masonry can in this case be determined either by con verting the basic values σ 0 in the table for pre scribed masonry, or from the results of a suit ability test (see "Characteristic strength of masonry"). Prescribed masonry (RM) Prescribed masonry is masonry whose basic values for permissible compressive stress σ 0 are determined depending on strength classes for masonry units, type of mortar and mortar groups, and are tabulated accordingly (see 2.3.19). Inadvisable unit/mortar combinations (see "Stress conditions, failure mechanism and influences on the compressive strength of masonry") are not taken into account in these and the maximum permissible basic stress is restricted to 5.0 MN/m 2 . The σ 0 values are determined based on the simultaneous inclusion of all standard masonry units without distinguishing them according to type, grade and arrangement of perforations. This omission is only possible when the most unfavourable unit/mortar combination is used to define an individual σ 0 value in each case. The outcome of this is that for some unit/mortar combinations, high reserves of compressive strength remain unused.
Wall supported on four sides
Wall with four supported edges
Wall with openings
Structural masonry
Buckling lengths of walls In relation to type of support
Cantilever (free-standing) wall
Wall supported on two sides
Masonry according to suitability test (EM) Here, the compressive strength of the masonry for a certain unit/mortar combination is deter mined by way of tests according to DIN 1053 part 2 from which the basic value σ 0 for the permissible compressive stress or the charac teristic value βR for compressive strength is derived via a conversion factor. As the suit ability test reveals any potential high reserves of compressive strength over and above the σ0 value for prescribed masonry (which can be exploited in the design), the use of masonry according to the suitability test is particularly interesting in economic terms for those unit/ mortar combinations for which experience has shown that higher σ 0 values are to be expectec than for prescribed masonry (see table 2.3.18). Characteristic strength of masonry Having obtained the basic value σ 0 as the characteristic strength for the masonry, design according to the simplified method is now car ried out. The σ 0 value the relates to a masonry slenderness ratio λ = 10 as well as the service loads. The basic value σ 0 for prescribed masonry is taken from table 2.3.19.
hK = hs (in general) hK = β x hs (more acurate method of analysis)
Emw, Eb = l m w , lb =
σ 0 = 0.35 x βM for 1.0 ≤ βM ≤ 9.0 σ 0 = 0.32 x βM for 11.0 ≤ βM ≤ 13.0 σ 0 = 0.30 x βM for 16.0 ≤ βM ≤ 25.0
Wall supported on four sides
It should be noted that the classification may only be up to 50% higher than it would be for corresponding prescribed masonry to DIN 1053 part 1. If the design is carried out according to the more accurate method, the characteristic value β R should be used for the compressive strength. This relates to the theoretical slender ness ration 0 for masonry and the failure condi tion. The characteristic value can be deter mined either from the σ 0 values by using the equation
b = Distance of unsupported edge from centre of return wall or centre-to-centre spacing of return walls β = As for walls supported on two sides
βR = 2.0 x 1.333 x σ0 = 2.67 x σ0
l 1 ,l 2
Wall supported on three sides
Modulus of elasticity of masonry or concrete 2nd moment of area of masonry wall or con crete floor = Spans of adjoining floor bays; for external walls use
For masonry according to a suitability test, the basic value σ0 is determined based on the nominal strength of the masonry β M [MN/m2] to DIN 1053 part 2 as follows:
or from the nominal strength βM of the masonry according to a suitability test. When establish ing the σ 0 values, the factor 1.333 correspond; to the buckling reduction as a result of the slenderness ratio λ = h/d = 10 applicable for σ0 compared to the theoretical slenderness ratio 0 for βR; the factor 2.0 is the safety factor γw for walls and hence represents an adjustment of the margin of safety between serviceability and failure conditions. When determining β R from the nominal strength βM, the influence of long-term loads compared to the short-term test is taken into account with the factor 0.85; furthermore, conversion of the
The principles of masonry design
slenderness from the Rilem body to the theo retical slenderness ratio 0 is allowed for by using the factor 1.1. For masonry with strengths βM ≥ 11.0 MN/m2, an additional safety factor of 10-15% should be included because of the lack of experience with such strengths. There fore, the characteristic value βR determined from the suitability test is [121]:
Stress distribution resulting from concentric and eccentric axial force
βR = 0.93 x βM for 1.0 ≤ βM ≤ 9.0 N/mm2 βR = 0.85 x βM for 11.0 ≤ βM ≤ 13.0 N/mm2 βR = 0.80 x βM for 16.0 ≤ βM ≤ 25.0 N/mm2
Analysis of safety against buckling
In the simplified method of analysis, checking buckling as a result of unintended eccentricity and deformation according to second order theory is taken into account in the permissible compressive stresses σD via the reduction fac tor k2, i.e. an explicit analysis does not need to be carried out. It is assumed that at half storey height the only bending moments that occur are those from node moments at the top and bottom of the wall, plus those from wind load. In the case of larger horizontal loads, an analy sis of buckling, and hence of the compressive stresses, should be carried out according to the more accurate method of analysis. As the basic values σ0 are related to a slenderness ratio hk/d = 10, this reduction is necessary only for larger slenderness ratios. A slenderness ratio hk/d = 25 is the maximum permitted for buckling using the k2 factor. In the more accurate method of analysis the eccentricities f1 from imperfections in the con struction of the wall and f2 from second order theory are established separately and added to the intended load-related eccentricity e = moment/axial force at half storey height. The value for e results from the bending moments at half storey height caused by wind, earth pressure and floor restraint. As possible cracked joints and hence changing cross-sectional stiff nesses complicate the determination of addi tional eccentricities, the simplified equation f = f 1 +f 2 = hk/d x (1 +m)/1800 x hk may be employed for the additional eccentri city. Here, hk is the buckling length of the wall and m = 6(e/d) is the related intended eccen tricity at half storey height. Slenderness ratios hk / d > 25 are not permitted. This simplification allows for the unintended eccentricity caused by construction imperfections f1 = hk/300 and an allowance for the effects of creep. The total eccentricity at half storey height is calculated from the intended eccentricity e and the addi tional eccentricity f to give em = e + f The linear stress distribution across the thick ness of the wall at half storey height is
2.3.18 Classification of masonry according to suitability test (EM) to DIN 1053 part 2 Masonry Nominal strength Min. compressive strength strength class of masonry Lowest individual value M βM(1) N/mm2 βMN N/mm2 1 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.7 2 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.0 5 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6 7 7.0 7.0 9.0 9.0 9 11 11.0 11.0 13.0 13.0 13 16 16.0 16.0 20 20.0 20.0 25.0 25.0 25 (1) The nominal strength is based on the 5% percentile of the populations
Min. compressive strength Average value βMS N/mm 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.3 5.9 6.5 7.0 8.2 10.6 12.9 15.3 18.8 23.5 29.4
Basic values s0 for permissible compressive stress for masonry to DIN 1053 part 1 Normal mortar Masonry Thin-bed Lightweight mortar(2) mortar unit strength Mortar group I II Il a Ill IlI a LM21 LM36 class MN/m2 MN/m2 MN/m2 MN/m2 MN/m2 MN/m2 MN/m2 MN/m2 0.5(3)(5) 2 0.3 0.5 0.5(1) 0.6 0.5(3) 4 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 0.7(4) 0.8(6) 1.0 1.2 1.5 0.7 0.9 6 0.5 0.9 1.2 1.4 8 0.6 1.0 2.0 0.8 1.0 12 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 0.9 1.1 20 1.0 1.6 1.9 2.4 3.0 3.2 0.9 1.1 3.5 3.7 0.9 1.1 28 1.8 2.3 3.0 3.5 4.0 36 4.5 48 4.0 60 4.5 5.0 (1) s0 = 0.6 MN/m 2 for external walls with thickness ≥ 300 mm. However, this increase does not apply to the analysis for bearing at supports. (2) Only use for aerated concrete gauged units to DIN 4165 and for calcium silicate gauged units. The values for the other types of masonry are covered by the respective general building authority certificates. The values apply to solid units. For perforated calcium silicate units and hollow calcium silicate blocks to DIN 106 part 1 use the corre sponding values for normal mortars of mortar group III up to masonry unit strength class 20. (3) s0 = 0.4 MN/m2 for masonry using clay bricks to DIN 105 parts 1-4. (4) s0 = 0.5 MN/m2 for calcium silicate units to DIN 106 part 1 of bulk density class ≥ 0.9 and for clay bricks to DIN 105 parts 1 -4. (5) s0 = 0,6 MN/m 2 for external walls with thickness ≥ 300 mm. However, this increase does not apply to the case given in footnote 3) nor to the analysis for bearing at supports. (6) s0 = 0.7 MN/m 2 for masonry using the masonry units stated in footnote ">.
Structural masonry
Distribution of shear stresses in masonry plates
determined from the total eccentricity e m and the vertical load N, and the analysis of concen tric or eccentric compression according to the more accurate method of analysis.
Analysis of tension and bending tension
Check perpendicular to the bed joints The tensile strength of the masonry perpendic ular to the bed joints may not be used when assessing the stability of loadbearing walls. It is very low and, in particular, is subject to very severe scatter. Although laboratory tests have proved a certain tensile strength in the bed joints, this cannot be transferred to site condi tions (quality of workmanship, subsequent treatment of the masonry, moisture content of the units etc.). On the other hand, infill panels that carry only wind loads but no vertical loads can make use of design rules which assume a certain tensile strength in the bed joints (see "Non-loadbearing walls"). The reason for this is that in contrast to loadbearing walls, failure of these walls does not lead to the complete structure collapsing or becoming totally unsta ble. Check parallel to the bed joints We can assume a low tensile strength parallel to the bed joints so that in a horizontal direction tensile or tensile bending stresses can be accommodated by the masonry. The distribu tion of stresses is assumed to be linear accord ing to simple bending theory. Both the simpli fied and the more accurate method of analysis should use the equation
exist σ = N/A + M/W ≤ perm σz to check this for the serviceability condition. The tensile strength parallel to the bed joints which may be assumed is given in DIN 1053 part 1 and is based on the adhesive shear strength, the friction component (from load and friction coefficient), the ratio of bonding dimen sion to height of unit and the characteristic value for the tensile strength of the units.
parabolic with c = 1.5; in approximately square walls with H ≤ L the shear stress is almost con stant and c = 1.0. Linear interpolation may be employed between these two figures. In the case of slab shear, owing to the low wall thickness we once again assume a beam-like component with c = 1.5. Both methods of analysis should use the equa tion exist τ ≤ perm τ
Analysis of shear
An analysis of shear stresses is usually only necessary when three-dimensional stiffness is not available (see "Three-dimensional stiff ness"). This is mainly the case with tall struc tures and structures with only a few shear walls. The distribution of shear stress is deter mined according to simple bending theory or plate theory. In doing so, it should be noted that cracked cross-sectional areas resulting in cracked joints may not be used because shear stresses cannot be transferred across a crack (see fig. 2.3.20). The equation for rectangular cross-sections (not compound cross-sections) is exist τ = c x Q/A where A = uncracked cross-sectional area, and c = factor to allow for distribution of shear stress over the cross-section. In tall, beam-like walls with H > 2L the distribu tion of shear stress over the cross-section is
to check for shear in the serviceability state. The shear strength of masonry also depends on the axial stress s acting at the same time but not usually constant over the cross-section and so several positions within the cross-sec tion should be analysed in order to determine the worst case. However, for rectangular crosssections only the position of maximum shear stress needs to be checked because this is sufficiently accurate. In compound cross-sections (e.g. T-, I-sections) an analysis of the shear should also be carried out at the junctions between the differ ent parts of the compound section in order to guarantee the distribution of stress in the flanges. We distinguish between plate shear and slab shear when determining the theoretical shear strength τ.
Characteristic strength for plate shear DIN 1053 part 1 requires two checks to be car ried out in both the simplified and the more accurate method of analysis.
Deformation and crack formation
The first relates to failure of the bed joints, the second to tensile failure of the units. An adhesive tensile strength failure between masonry unit and bed joint mortar as a result of low vertical loading is taken into account by assessing the shear strength (joint failure). Compressive failure of the masonry is generally accounted for in the analysis of concentric or eccentric compression. This approach is based on the fact that this type of failure is only critical in exceptional cases because the maximum values from shear and vertical stresses cannot normally occur for the same loading case and not at the same position. When checking for joint failure, a reduced fric tion coefficient μ is defined to simplify the cal culation of the constant compressive stress s due to imposed loads occurring simultaneous ly. The average friction stress μ x σ in the bed joints is taken into account in the Mann/Muller model by assuming that the simultaneous com pressive stress has a stepped progression within the individual units. In the simplified method of analysis the check for tensile failure of the units is made simpler (compared to the more accurate method) by just assuming a constant value max. t for the tensile failure mechanism of the units. This is certainly on the safe side. This characteristic value is determined similarly to the tensile strength of the unit βRZ depending on the com pressive strength of the unit βNst and the arrangement of perforations (see fig. 2.3.21). Characteristic strength for slab shear Only failure of the joints has to be taken into account when checking slab shear, and so in DIN 1053 part 1 the characteristic strength for the more accurate method of analysis is defined as perm τ ≤ 1 /γ x (β RHS + μ σ) and for the simplified method of analysis as perm τ ≤ σ 0HS + 0.3 σ Dm .
Deformation and crack f o r m a t i o n Owing to the constant advancements in masonry construction with regard to method of construction (compound construction using materials with different deformation behaviour), the reduction in size of components (slimmer walls to increase usable floor space) and the more accurate modelling of the loadbearing behaviour of masonry (good use of material), design work must increasingly take account of material deformations and the risk of cracking under service loads and not just examine loadbearing capacity. Ignoring the different defor mation behaviour of materials or components can lead to cracks if the material strengths are exceeded. Such cracks do not normally impair the stability of the structure but can influence its serviceability (thermal and acoustic insula tion, moisture control, appearance). Cracks can be avoided if the deformation behaviour of the materials and components is taken into account during the planning phase and the appropriate consequences derived from this work for the design. Suitable approximate methods and the wealth of knowledge about the deformation parame ters are available to assess the deformation behaviour and hence also the risk of cracking [184].
σ-τ diagram as multi-part envelope of shear capacity to DIN 1053 part 1 for the simplified and more accurate methods of analysis
2.3.22 Deformation of masonry
Deformations in masonry
Masonry is similar to concrete in terms of forms of deformation. In addition, clay bricks can also be affected by irreversible chemical swelling. An overview of the possible deformations in masonry is shown in fig. 2.3.22. Load-related deformations occur as a result of self-weight, other per manent loads and imposed loads. The strains that these cause can be divided into those resulting from short-term loading effects and those from long-term loading effects. The strain brought about by short-term loading is called elastic strain e el . The elastic strain is calculated from the stress s and the modulus of elasticity of the masonry E mw : εel = exist σ/E m w [mm/m or ‰]
2.3.23 Definition of modulus of elasticity for masonry
The modulus of elasticity E m w is defined as the secant modulus at 1/3 of the maximum com pressive stress with associated total elongation tote from a single application of the load: E m w = max σ/(3 tot ε) (see 2.3.23) Owing to the single application of the load, the modulus of elasticity E m w includes a small component of permanent elongation and is therefore slightly smaller than the modulus of elasticity resulting from purely elastic strain. The modulus of elasticity depends on the
Structural masonry
Crack formation due to shrinkage at the edge of masonry units and mortar
Relationship between shrinkage strain εs and moisture content hv (sketch of principle)
compressive strength of the units and the mor tar, on the type and grade of unit, and the type of mortar. As a rule, it is determined by tests on a Rilem body according to DIN 18554 part 1. For approximate calculations E m w = 1000 βmw
the effects of all deformations resulting from chemical and physical processes. Thermal strain εT is the change in length result ing from the influence of heat or temperature changes. It is determined from the temperature change Δ τ and the coefficient of thermal expansion α τ specific to the material:
can be assumed, although fluctuations
ε τ = Δ τ x ατ [mm/m or ‰].
500 βmw ≤ E m w ≤ 1500 βmw
The coefficient α τ must be determined from tests; it can be assumed to be constant for the temperature range -20 to +80°C. The value of α τ . depends on the type of masonry unit and the mortar as well as the moisture content of the masonry element, α τ increases as the moisture content rises. The range of values and the characteristic value for the coefficient of thermal expansion are given in DIN 1053 part 1 table 2 related to type of masonry unit (see "Deformation values"). The generally high level of thermal insulation to wall components means that thermal strain plays only a minor role when assessing possi ble cracking of masonry. The possible moisture strains resulting from physical processes are called shrinkage and swelling. Shrinkage is a contraction caused by loss of moisture or drying out; swelling is an expansion caused by moisture absorption. Both processes are reversible to some extent. The final values for shrinkage ε S∞ and swelling εq∞ are determined from the results of tests by mathematical extrapolation. An adequate approximation is to check the masonry units without taking into account the mortar.
must be taken into account. βmw is the com pressive strength of the masonry determined from suitability tests according to DIN 1053 part 2. Alternatively, DIN 1053 part 1 table 2 specifies values for the modulus of elasticity for individ ual types of masonry unit depending on the basic value τ 0 for permissible compressive stress (see "Deformation values"). The elastic strain εel is not very significant for the assessment of safety against cracking of mason ry because εel is comparatively small and occurs during construction without causing cracks. εel is normally ignored when assessing the risk of cracking. Shortening in the direction of the load as a result of long-term loading effects is called creep. Creep strain is defined as εk,t = φt x ε e l , [mm/m or ‰].
Relationship between E mw and βmw or βst [18, 19,21, 22] Masonry Equation Mortar Scatter unit Calcium Normal mortar E m w = 600 βmw ± 50% silicate Thin-bed mortar Ltwt mortar Ltwt Emw = 1240β m w 0 , 7 7 ± 20% concrete Normal mortar E mw = 1040β m w ± 20% ± 50% Autoclaved Normal mortar E mw = 520 βmw ± 50% Emw = 570 βst0,69 aerated ± 20% concrete Thin-bed Emw = 540 βmw ± 20% mortar Emw = 320 βst ± 50% Ltwt mortar Emw = 1480β m w Ltwt ± 50% Normal mortar E mw = 1200β m w vertically ± 50% perforated Thin-bed E mw = 1330β m w ± 50% mortar E mw = 420 βst
Modulus of elasticity E mw to DIN 1053 parti
Masonry unit
Characteristic value
Range of values
3500 σ0
3000-4000 σ 0
Calcium silicate
3000 σ0
2500-4000 σ0
Lightweight concrete
5000 σ0
4000-5500 σ0
7500 σ0
6500-8500 σ0
Aerated concrete
2500 σ0
2000-3000 σ0
The creep coefficient φ is approximately con stant for the range of service stresses and hence not related to stress. Creep strains are predominantly irreversible, but their severity gradually decreases. The final creep strain ε k∞ or final creep coefficient φ ∞ are determined from experimental creep strain tests by way of mathematical extrapolation. Under roughly constant ambient conditions, creep comes to a halt after about 3-5 years. The main influences on the progression and final value of creep are the type of masonry, the initial moisture content of the component, the size of the component, the creep stress (if higher than the service stress) and the proportion of masonry units to mortar. The duration of the load plays only a minor role because the masonry's properties generally change only very slightly after appli cation of the load. Characteristic values for the final creep coefficient φ ∞ of masonry are listed in DIN 1053 part 1 table 2 (see "Deformation values"). They are only specified in relation to masonry units because test results up to now have not shown type and strength of mortar to have a significant and quantifiable influence. Generally, creep is significant for the cracking of masonry. However, it can either increase or reduce the stress. Deformations not related to load are divided into thermal strain ε T and moisture strain εh. Moisture strain is a term that includes
The magnitude of the shrinkage is influenced by the type of unit, to a certain extent also by the type of mortar, by the extent of preparatory work carried out on the units prior to laying anc hence their moisture content upon laying, and by the drying conditions (relative humidity, movement of the air) and hence the final mois ture content of the component. Shrinkage increases with increasing initial and decreas ing final moisture content as well as with decreasing relative humidity. The time span of the shrinkage process is accelerated by units drying out rapidly, lower relative humidity, stronger movements of the air and thin compo nents. A drying-out process which is too rapid and just involves the surface at the unit/joint interface can lead to cracks between masonry unit and mortar (tearing of the joint) in extreme cases (see fig. 2.3.24). In roughly constant ambient conditions shrinkage is essentially complete after about 3-5 years. Preventing shrinkage leads to tensile stresses. These bring with them a high risk of cracking owing to the low tensile strength of masonry materials. Therefore, shrinkage is considerably more important than swelling in terms of crack formation, particularly as the compressive
Deformation and crack formation
stresses caused by preventing swelling can generally be accommodated without cracking owing to the high compressive strength of ma sonry. The relationship between shrinkage and moisture content is useful in assessing the risk of cracking due to shrinkage (see fig. 2.3.25). Shrinkage strains for various initial and equilib rium moisture contents can be determined from this. In addition, consequences for reduc ing shrinkage can be deduced, e.g. lowering the moisture content of masonry units during manufacture or avoiding excessive saturation of the masonry units prior to laying. Chemical swelling εcq is the increase in volume as a result of molecular water bonding (chemisorption). This can occur in clay bricks and begins immediately after completion of the firing process. This process can only be reversed at very high temperatures (approx. 650°C). The magnitude of chemical swelling depends on the constituents of the clay brick and the proportion of clay bricks to mortar in the masonry. A higher lime content can have a positive influence on chemical swelling in terms of speeding up the process and reduc ing the final value. Likewise, chemical swelling of the masonry can be reduced by increasing the proportion of mortar and hence the degree of mortar shrinkage. The swelling process can take place very rapidly but also very slowly over a period of several years, and the firing conditions of the clay bricks can either acceler ate or slow down the process. If chemical swelling takes place very quickly and is soon over, then this type of moisture strain is insignificant in practical terms because subse quent swelling of the clay brick within the masonry construction is unlikely or, at worst, only very low. Chemical swelling becomes criti cal and dangerous when it continues after the wall has been built. In conjunction with con tracting components in particular, it can pro mote the formation of cracks. DIN 1053 part 1 table 2 lists characteristic val ues and ranges of values for shrinkage and chemical swelling related to type of masonry unit (see "Deformation values"). Deformation values In Germany deformation values for masonry are updated each year in the MauerwerkKalendar ("Masonry Yearbook") [181 ]. This lists final values, characteristic values and ranges of values, and includes minimum and maximum values as well as statistical para meters (average values, percentile values, numbers of tests etc.) in tables. An overview of the values for compressive modulus of elastici ty Emw, final creep coefficient φ ∞ , coefficient of thermal expansion αT and moisture strain εh is given in the following. The modulus of elasticity values E m w for masonry made from normal, lightweight and thin-bed mortar based on the latest findings are given in table 2.3.28.
Modulus of elasticity E mw of masonry [x 103 N/mm2] for compression perpendicular to the bed joints [19-22]
Masonry unit Type of unit DIN HLz 105
Lightweight vertically perforated
105 pt 2 and certificate
18 151
V, Vbl
18 152
18 153
Strength class 4 6 8 12 20 28 36 48 60 4 6 8 12 20 4 6 8 12 20 28 36 48 60 12 20 28 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 4 6 8 12 2 4 6 8
Mortar Normal mortar, group II Il a
3.5 5.0 6.5
5.0 6.5 8.5
2.0 2.5 3.0 4.5 7.0 1.9 2.6 3.2 4.3 6.3 8.1 9.7 12.0 14.2 3.2 5.0 6.1 2.2 3.5 4.6 5.6 2.2 3.7 4.9 6.0 4.5 5.8 6.9 8.8
2.5 3.5 4.0 6.0 9.0 2.2 3.0 3.7 5.0 7.2 9.3 11.2 13.9 16.4 3.7 5.8 7.0 2.2 3.6 4.8 5.9 2.4 3.9 5.2 6.4 5.8 7.5 9.0 11.5
Lightweight Thin-bed mortar mortar 2.5 4.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.5 -
IlI a
6.0 8.5 10.5 12.5 15.0 18.0 3.0 4.5 5.5 8.0 12.0 2.5 3.4 4.2 5.7 8.4 10.7 12.9 16.0 18.9 4.2 6.6 8.0 2.3 3.8 5.0 6.1 2.5 4.1 5.6 6.8 7.6 9.8 11.7 15.0 1.1 1.8 2.4 3.0
8.0 11.0 13.5 16.0 19.0 22.5 4.5 6.0 7.5 10 15 2.9 4 4.9 6.6 9.7 12.4 15 18.5 21.8 4.9 7.7 9.3
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.5 9.0
3.5 4.5 5.5 7.5
8.0 10.0
2.2 3.0 3.6 4.1 2.0 3.0 3.7 4.3
15.2 19.5
2.0 3.5 5.0
1.0 1.8 2.5 3.1
Final values for moisture strain εh∞, final creep coefficient φ ∞ , coefficient of thermal expansion αT [18, 23-25]
Masonry unit
εh∞ DIN
Char, value mm/m 0 -0.2 -0.4
Range of values(2) mm/m + 0.3 to - 0.2(3) - 0.1 to - 0 . 3 - 0.2 t o - 0 . 5
Char, value mm/m 1.0 1.5 2.0
αT Range of values mm/m 0.5 to 1.5 1.0 to 2.0 1.5 to 2.5
Clay 105 Calcium silicate 106 Lightweight 18 151 concrete 18 152 Concrete 18 153 -0.2 - 0.1 to - 0 . 3 1.0 -0.2 + 0.1 to - 0 . 3 1.5 1.0 to 2.5 Aerated concrete 4165 (1) minus sign = shrinkage; plus sign = swelling; swelling for clay = chemical swelling (2) Range of customary values (3) For masonry of small-format units (( 65% Rooms facing north (NW-N-NE) Inclined windows (0°-60° to the horizontal)
Q = Qh + Qw+ Qt - Qr Qp= (Qh+ Qw) - ep
ΔSi - 0.03 - 0.10 + 0.04 + 0.03 - 0.04 + 0.10 -0.06
summer climate region A summer climate region B summer climate region C
S0 = 0.18 S0 = 0.14 S0 = 0.10
According to DIN 4108 part 2, only the basic value S0 = 0.18 for cool summer regions is used as the minimum requirement for thermal insulation in summer. If the proportion of win dows in a west to south to east orientation is less than 20%, or less than 30% for a north east to north to north-west orientation, or less than 15% for sloping windows, an analysis is not necessary. In the differentiated method according to DIN 4108 part 6, the specified threshold for the socalled standardized, non-usable heat gains (which can also be interpreted as overtemperature degree hours) must not be exceeded. The method of calculation makes it possible to take into account various factors, e.g. internal heat loads, orientation of facade, air change rate etc., accurately. The differentiated method is particularly suitable for buildings with high internal loads or enhanced passive solar ener gy use. Buildings with interior cooling should be initially designed and constructed in such a way that the stipulations for thermal insulation in summer are complied with and the residual heat is removed by using mechanical systems (see fig. 2.6.36).
Climate-related moisture control
Climate-related moisture control The effects of moisture caused by building work, normal living conditions, rain and con densation remain a problem in the construction industry. Therefore, measures have to be taken to keep moisture of any kind away from the building or reduce it to a safe minimum. Inade quate moisture control decreases the level of thermal insulation and can lead to later dam age to the masonry through corrosion, frost, mould growth and efflorescence. Figure 2.6.52 is a diagram of the moisture loads on a build ing. From outside we have the effects of: • rain, snow, moist external air • moist soil, seepage water, a build-up of water, groundwater From inside we have the effects of: • moisture from new building work • water in kitchens and bathrooms • dampness caused by the household, plants and washing, and moisture evaporating from the occupants • moisture condensing on the internal surfaces of components or within the components. The physical variables, symbols and units rele vant to the assessment of moisture protection are given in table 2.6.53.
The air in the atmosphere always contains water vapour from the evaporation of water. Depending on the temperature, air can hold only a certain amount of water vapour, and this increases as the temperature rises (see fig. 2,6,54). As moist air cools, the dew point (or saturation value) is reached. The saturation content of water vapour in the air corresponds to a saturation vapour pressure depending on temperature. This also increases as the tem perature rises to the same degree as the capacity to hold water vapour. In the majority of cases the air contains slightly more water vapour than the respective satura tion content allows. The relative humidity φ serves to designate the water content of the air. This is the ratio between the actual amount of water vapour present W and the saturation quantity Ws or the ratio between the prevailing water vapour partial pressure p and the satura tion pressure ps, given by
Φ = W / Ws = p / ps For saturated air Φ = 1.0 or 100%. As moist air heats up in a room without the addition or extraction of air, so the relative humidity drops because the possible saturation quantity rises for a constant quantity of water vapour. In the reverse situation - moist air cooling - the rela tive humidity increases until the value of 100%,
i.e. saturation, is reached. If the air cools fur ther, the water must be separated out from the air, because the air at that temperature can no longer hold that amount of water in vapour form. Mist forms in a gaseous atmosphere or condensation on solid surfaces. The tempera ture at which this process begins is known as the dew point temperature, or simply dew point. Constructional measures to avoid the temperature falling below the dew point on internal surfaces have been dealt with in the section "Thermal insulation" in conjunction with thermal bridges.
Moisture loads on external components
Hygroscopic moisture
Porous bodies absorb moisture in the form of water vapour from the surrounding air accord ing to their physical and chemical properties. Adsorption may cause water molecules to col lect on the surface of a material in one or more layers, according to the relative humidity. And in porous materials with a capillary-like struc ture, water can also accumulate on internal surfaces. If the water vapour in these capillar ies condenses, the water moves according to the laws of capillarity. This process is known as capillary condensation, These two mechanisms come under the general heading of "sorption". The hygroscopic properties of building mater ials are described by sorption isotherms, which provide information on the moisture content in each case depending on the relative humidity (see fig. 2.6.55). The temperature of the ambi ent air has only a small influence. The hygro scopic water content that becomes established under normal ambient conditions is important for assessing moisture ratios in a material in practice. The hygroscopic equilibrium moisture contents of various building materials are given in table 2.6.23 (for reference climatic condi tions of 23°C and 80% relative humidity). Besides the final values for sorption moisture which become established in the constant state, the non-constant behaviour of surface layers is also interesting since they act as buffer zones for fluctuating internal humidities. Künzel [62] has shown that it is the properties of the outermost surface layers that are particularly relevant for short-term moisture changes, and that the substance of the wall beneath plaster or wallpaper no longer has any influence. On the other hand, furnishings with a high textile content, e.g. upholstery, carpets, curtains etc., have a high sorption capacity, which means that no significant moisture fluctuations should be expected in living rooms and bedrooms, and the sorption behaviour of building materials is unimportant.
V a r i a b l e s , symbols and units used control Physical variable Symbol W a t e r v a p o u r partial pressure P Relative humidity Φ Mass-related moisture content u W a t e r v a p o u r diffusion coefficient D W a t e r v a p o u r diffusion flow rate g W a t e r v a p o u r diffusion resistance Z W a t e r v a p o u r diffusion conduction coefficient δ W a t e r v a p o u r diffusion resistance index μ W a t e r absorption coefficient w W a t e r v a p o u r diffusionequivalent air layer thickness Sd Area-related condensation m a s s Mw,T Area-related evaporation m a s s
in moisture Unit Pa 1 kg/kg m 2 /h kg/m 2 h m 2 hPa/kg kg/mh Pa 1 kg/m 2 h 0 , 5 m kg/m 2 kg/m 2
Water saturation or dew point graph
Building science
Ranges of sorption curves
A Clay bricks, gypsum B Normal-weight concrete, lightweight concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, calcium silicate C Timber, organic fibrous materials
Capillary water absorption of various building materials in relation to the square root of the time (after Künzel)
In water-filled pores and tube-like material structures in building materials, capillary tensile forces occur due to the surface tension of water, depending on the concave radius of the meniscus and the wettability of the solid material. The capillary suction can have either a positive or negative effect on the building, depending on the moisture load and the associated moisture movement. The absorption of water and conveyance by capillary action due to driving rain or moist soil must be avoided. On the other hand, the capillarity of a building material promotes the transport of water from within a building component to the surface, where it then has the chance to evaporate. This accelerates the removal of moisture from the building process from masonry. In the case of condensation forming within the masonry due to water vapour diffusion, the amount of condensation can be reduced by capillary action and the chance to dry out improved. A standardized test in DIN EN ISO 15148 is suitable for establishing the water absorption of a capillarytype porous material. In this test a sample surface is immersed in water and the increase in mass determined as a function of the absorption time. The water absorption increases linearly in proportion to the square root of the immersion time (see fig. 2.6.56). The curve corresponds to the water absorption coefficient specific to the material: W = w x √t
1: Gypsum 1390 kg/m3 2: Solid clay bricks 1730 kg/m3 3: Autoclaved aerated concrete 640 kg/m3 4: Calcium silicate 1780 kg/m3 5: Pumice concrete 880 kg/m3
where: W = the quantity of water absorbed for a unit surface area in kg/m 2 t = the absorption time in h w = the water absorption coefficient in kg/m 2 h -0,5 Table 2.6.58 gives w-values for materials typic ally used for building walls.
Water vapour diffusion
Water vapour transport through an external com ponent d temperature gradient p Water vapour partial pressure gradient
In physical terms, air is a mixture of gases in which the nitrogen, oxygen and water vapour molecules circulate independently. Each indi vidual gas exerts the same partial pressure it would exert at the same temperature if the other gases were not present. Existing mois ture differences in two blocks of air are bal anced by water vapour diffusion in the direc tion of the potential gradient. This diffusion should not be confused with a flow which occurs as a result of a total pressure differ ence. In diffusion processes, the same total pressure is generally present on both sides of a separating layer. The external components of heated interiors are subjected to water vapour diffusion processes because they separate blocks of air with different temperatures and moisture contents. The diffusion process with
out occurrence of condensation is easily illus trated for a single-layer component (see fig, 2.6.57). The water vapour diffusion flow rate g in kg/m 2 h through a component in the constant state is calculated using the equation below. To do this, we must know the water vapour par tial pressures pi and pe in Pa on both sides of the component as well as the water vapour diffusion resistance Z of the component. At a reference temperature of 10°C, Z can be calculated from Z = 1.5 x 10 6 x μ x d Consequently, the diffusion flow rate is indirect ly proportional to the diffusion resistance gen erally applicable and the thickness of the build ing material. The dimensionless material prop erty μ specifies by how much the diffusion resistance of a material is greater than the sta tionary air. The μ-value of air is therefore 1. As the thickness is of course important for calcu lating the diffusion resistance of a component or layer of a component, in practice we use the diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness Sd = μ x d This unit is specified in m. In some cases this characterizes the diffusion properties of a building material layer better than the μ-value on its own. This is particularly true for thin lay ers and vapour barriers (see table 2.6.59). The diffusion-equivalent air layer thicknesses of thin layers have recently been defined in DIN 4108 part 3 as follows: - open diffusion layer with sd ≤ 0.5 m - diffusion-resistant layer with 0.5 m < s d ≤ 1500 m - closed diffusion layer with sd > 1500 m. Water vapour diffusion resistances for building materials and masonry are specified in DIN 4108 part 4 and DIN EN 12524. Two values are given in DIN 4108 part 4 in order to take account of the scatter for type of material or type of masonry. In calculating the diffusion, the less favourable water vapour diffusion resistance should always be used for the con densing period. This means that when conden sation occurs within a type of structure, the lower μ-values should be used for calculating the quantity of condensation on the inner (warm) side of the condensation plane or con densation zone, and the higher μ-values for the outer (cold) side. However, the values used for calculating the mass of condensation should be retained for calculating the evaporation options. Table 2.6.60 provides an overview of the water vapour diffusion resistances for masonry and plaster given in DIN 4108 part 4. In contrast, the European standard DIN EN 12524 distinguishes between water vapour dif fusion resistances determined according to the
Climate-related moisture control
dry and moist zone method of DIN EN ISO 12572. In the first case the material is essentially dry during the test because the humidities on both sides of the sample are approx. 0% and 50%, but in the second case about 50% and 95%, so that for hygroscopic materials an appropriate moisture content becomes established and influences the μ-value through the transport of the sorbed water (see fig. 2.6.61). Corresponding figures for building materials can be found in table 2.6.62. It can be seen that the μ-values for the moist zone with the greater flow of sorbed water are lower than those for the dry zone.
2.6.58 Water absorption coefficient of building materials (after Künzel) Material Gross density Clay bricks
Calcium silicate normal-weight ightweight concrete
solid solid vertically perforated vertically perforated solid calcium silicate solid calcium silicate solid calcium silicate pumice concrete pumice concrete autoclaved aerated concrete autoclaved aerated concrete autociaved aerated concrete normal-weight concrete normal-weight concrete
kg/m3 1750 2175 1155 1140 1635 1760 1920 845 1085 535 600 630 2290 2410
Water absorption coefficient kg/m2h0.5 25 2.9 8.3 8.9 7.7 5.5 3.2 2.9 1.9 4.0 4.2 4.6 1.8 1.1
Calculating the quantity of condensation within components
The quantity of condensation accumulating within a component and the chance of drying out can only be estimated and not accurately calculated owing to the assumptions concern ing the climatic boundary conditions and the wide scatter of material parameters. Even sub sequent calculations, carried out within the scope of assessing damage, are fraught with uncertainties. The water vapour diffusion resis tance is the most important material property but can vary considerably in practice due to utilization effects. In the case of hygroscopic materials the water vapour diffusion is con cealed by sorption processes and flows of adsorbate films. Several methods - with different claims to accuracy - are known for investigating the pos sible saturation of components by the forma tion of condensation, which results from the dif ference between the amount of water accumu lating and the amount able to dry out. The Glaser method is covered by a standard. This is a simple graphic method for estimating pos sible moisture bleeding within the cross-sec tion of a wall and the possible drying-out based on a constant state for the temperature zone and the vapour partial pressure gradient. With constant climatic conditions for the con densing period over two winter months and the evaporating period over three summer months, we also speak of the block method. Figure 2,6,63 is a schematic presentation of a simple diffusion diagram with a condensation plane between layers 2 and 3, as would be the case, for example, in a twin-leaf masonry wall with cavity insulation. However, owing to the misun derstandings which often occur in practice, it must be emphasized that the DIN method is an estimate of the accumulation of condensation and its possible drying-out as well as a check proved over decades - of the absolute safety of a component subjected to standard condi tions. The climatic boundary conditions and the method of analysis are described in detail in DIN 4108 part 3. The basic requirement is that the formation of condensation within compo nents, which leads to damage or impairment of
2.6.59 Water vapour diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness to DIN EN 12524 of thin layers Product/material Water vapour
diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness s d (m)
Polyethylene 0.15 mm 50 Polyethylene 0.25 mm 100 Polyester sheet 0.2 mm 50 PVC sheet 30 Aluminium foil 0.05 mm 1500 Polyethylene sheet (stacked) 0.15 mm 8 Bitumenized paper 0.1 mm 2 Aluminium composite foil 0.4 mm 10 Roofing felt for walls 0.2 Coating material 0.1 High-gloss lacquer 3 Vinyl wallpaper 2 Note: The water vapour diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness of a product is specified as the thickness of a stationary layer of air with the same water vapour diffusion resistance as the product. The thickness of the product in the table is not normally measured and can be related to thin products with a water vapour diffusion resistance. The table specifies nominal thickness values as an aid to identifying the product.
Recommended values for diffusion resistance indexes to DIN 4108 part 4; upper and lower limits of material scatter Material Recommended value for water vapour diffusion resistance index (m) Plasters Plastering mixes of lime, lime-cement 15/35 and hydraulic lime Plastering mixes of lime-gypsum, gypsum, anhydrite and lime hydrite 10 Lightweight plasters 15/20 Gypsum plasters 10 Thermal insulation plaster 5/20 Synthetic resin plaster 50/200 Masonry of solid engineering bricks, vertically perforated engineering bricks 50/100 high-strength engineering bricks solid clay bricks, vertically perforated clay bricks 5/10 ightweight vertically perforated clay bricks calcium silicate, gross density 1.0-1.4 5/10 calcium silicate, gross density 1.6-2.2 15/25 granulated slag aggregate units 70/100 autoclaved aerated concrete 5/10 lightweight concrete 5/10
Building science
Diagram of direction of diffusion upon measur ing the water vapour permeability in the dry and moist zones, and specification of the water con tent in the samples and sorbate water transport for a hygroscopic material with the given sorption curve (after Künzel)
Water vapour diffusion resistance indices for the dry and moist zones to DIN EN 12524 Water vapour diffusion Material resistance index μ
dry 20 16 20
Plastering mix Clay brick Calcium silicate Concrete with expanded clay aggregates 6 Concrete with lightweight aggregates 15 Autoclaved aerated concrete 10
4 10 6
Water vapour diffusion with condensation occurring in one plane of the building component
Diffusion diagram for condensation case
Diffusion diagram for evaporation case
moist 10 10 15
the function due to the increase in moisture contained in building and insulating materials, should be avoided. This is generally the case when the following conditions are satisfied: • Building materials that come into contact with condensation should not suffer any damage (e.g. through corrosion, mould growth). • Water accumulating within the component during the condensing period must be able to escape to the surroundings again during the evaporating period. • The area-related quantity of condensation should not exceed 1.0 kg/m 2 for roof and wall constructions. • If condensation occurs at the contact faces of capillary, non-absorbent layers, the permissible condensation mass may be reduced to 0.5 kg/m 2 ; provisions covering timber components are given in DIN 68800 part 2. • An increase in the mass-related moisture content u exceeding 5% is not permitted for timber (3% for timber derivatives); wood-wool and multi-ply lightweight building boards to DIN 1101 are excluded from this. In contrast to the DIN method, the Jenisch method takes into account the temperature relationships at the location of the building [90], This makes use of the mean annual figure and the frequency of the daily average for the external air temperature in certain climatic zones in order to establish whether the mass of condensation occurring in a component can dry out again during one year. This method is slightly more involved than the DIN method but supplies a more accurate annual balance for the occurrence of condensation and the chance of it drying out. The COND method [72] enables a moisture profile in multi-layer enclosing constructions to be calculated on the basis of the coupled heat, water vapour and capillary water transport, and hence forms a solid foundation for - in terms of moisture - a correct and differentiated approach to the physics of the building structure. Starting with a simple block climate for winter and summer, similar to DIN 4108 part 3, the capillarity and hygroscopicity of the building material are taken into account in addition to the water vapour diffusion. As the cold season begins, the difference between water vapour quantities diffusing into and out of the material, initially without formation of condensation, is used to create a hygroscopic load within the component. Once the water vapour saturation pressure is finally reached, condensation does form but, at the same time, capillary relief begins. The balance of vapour and capillary water flows leads to a reduced moisture load compared to the pure diffusion method. During the warm part of the year the material is relieved by water vapour and capillary water transport - until the condensation has dried out. Finally, further drying takes place until hygroscopic moisture content equilibrium with
the surrounding air is achieved. Moisture transport in components taking into account sorption, diffusion and capillarity effects subjected to non-constant climatic conditions is reflected in the KieBI method [94]. The associated computer program "WUFI" [219] takes into account the conditions of the temperature and relative humidity of the internal and external air as well as the rain load and the radiation loss according to the inclination and orientation of the component. This information can be obtained from measured weather data or from test reference years. Material data such as porosity, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, diffusion resistance, moisture storage function and fluid transport coefficient are all put into the calculation. The computer program then determines the chronological progression of the temperature and moisture zone within the component.
Moisture behaviour of masonry
DIN 4108 part 3 describes components that, in the light of experience, can be regarded as absolutely safe with respect to saturation, and for which a mathematical analysis of condensation is not required. The condition for this is adequate minimum thermal insulation according to DIN 4108 part 2 and normal interior climates. Figure 2.6.64 provides an overview of external wall constructions which are absolutely safe in terms of the formation of condensation internally. The masonry walls are made up as follows: • Single-leaf masonry to DIN 1053 part 1 and walls of autoclaved aerated concrete to DIN 4223 with internal plaster and the following external layers: - rendering to DIN 18550 part 1 - claddings to DIN 18515 parts 1 and 2 attached by mortar or bonding with a joint proportion of at least 5% - ventilated external wall claddings to DIN 18516 part 1 with and without thermal insulation - external insulation to DIN 1102 or DIN 18550 part 3 or an approved thermal insulation composite system • Twin-leaf masonry to DIN 1053 part 1, also with cavity insulation • Walls of masonry with internal insulation subject to the following limitations: - internal insulation with a thermal resistance of the thermal insulation layer R ≤ 1.0 m2K/W as well as a value for the water vapour diffu sion-equivalent air layer thickness of the thermal insulation layer with internal plaster or internal cladding s di > 0.5 m - internal insulation of plaster or clad wood wool lightweight building boards to DIN 1101 with R ≤ 0.5 m 2 K/W without any further requirement for the s di -value
Climate-related moisture control
• External basement walls of single-leaf mason ry to DIN 1053 part 1 or concrete to DIN 1045 with external thermal insulation. These provisions in the standards are based on many years of experience and, as a rule, lie on the safe side. If a construction deviates from the details given in the catalogues, this does not necessarily mean that the construction will fail. A number of selected investigations of external walls show the serviceability of facade claddings with limited ventilation, the use of various combinations of materials for twin-leaf masonry with cavity insulation and the absence of problems - in terms of moisture protection with internal insulation. The wall protected by an external cladding, with or without additional thermal insulation, is a proven form of wall con struction. The transport of moisture from the wall to the outside is achieved as shown in fig. 2.6.65 by ventilation to the rear of the cladding in conjunction with the formation of conden sation on the inner face of the cladding, which then drains away. The mechanism which applies depends on the degree of ventilation. Tile-like, small-format elements also benefit from a considerable moisture exchange by way of the perviousness of the cladding [131]. Therefore, if a cladding is not ventilated according to DIN 18516, this does not repre sent a defect, provided the condensation on the rear face of the cladding can drain away and does not lead to damage to the loadbearing construction [130]. In a full-fill cavity wall, thermal insulation mater ials with any water vapour permeability can be combined with all relevant building materials for the inner leaf and an outer leaf of clay or calcium silicate facing bricks [5], When calculating the diffusion according to DIN 4108 part 3, the amount of condensation according to figure 2.6.66 lies below the maximum permissible condensation mass of 1000 g/m2, even for the most unfavourable case of thermal insulation open to diffusion (e.g. mineral wool, loose insulation) and a thin inner leaf. Only for an outer leaf of engineering bricks must water occurring within the compo nent during the condensing period be able to escape again to the surroundings during the evaporating period ( m w t : m wv ≤ 1) not fulfilled on paper-for insulating materials open to dif fusion (see fig. 2.6.67). Taking into account laboratory tests on samples of wall in a Munich-based thermal insulation research cen tre, further practical investigations [53] and the fact that the condensation that occurs is only a fraction of the amount of driving rain that pene trates an outer leaf, a full-fill cavity wall can be regarded as absolutely safe, even when using engineering bricks, with respect to the forma tion of condensation within the wall. Practical studies of the formation of condensa tion within components with internal insulation have been carried out on common forms of
External masonry walls for which a mathematical analysis of condensation is not necessary
Single-leaf walls: monolithic, with ventilated cladding, with thermal insulation composite system
Twin-leaf walls: with cavity, with partial-fill cavity, with full-fill cavity
masonry with different types of internal insula tion in laboratory tests under the climatic con ditions according to DIN 4108 part 3 [4], Masonry walls made from no-fines lightweight concrete, calcium silicate and clay bricks with diffusion-permeable insulating materials such as mineral fibres, even those without vapour barrier, are absolutely safe with respect to sat uration in winter. The thermal insulation remains dry during the condensing period. However, the increase in the water content of the masonry exceeds the limit of 1.0 kg/m 2 according to DIN 4108 part 3. The necessary drying-out during the evaporating period is achieved. Theoretical studies with a constant internal climate and practical external climate [95] confirm this assumption for certain types of masonry. As in the laboratory tests, they produce higher moisture fluctuations in the masonry compared with the use of denser insulation materials or vapour barriers. Butt joints near the covering on the inner face in conjunction with rigid expanded foams or min eral fibre boards, with vapour barriers interrupt ed at the butt joints, have no measurable effect on the water content of the masonry. Investiga tions carried out on existing structures confirm the laboratory measurements. Insulating ma terials with active capillaries, e.g. calcium sili cate, have recently been favoured for the inter nal insulation of buildings with facades worth preserving [73]. A thickness of just 40 mm can
Single-leaf wall with internal insulation
Basement wall with external insulation
halve the thermal transmittance values often encountered in old buildings. A diffusion resistance μ = 5 allows the construction to remain open to diffusion. Possible conden sation behind the insulation is dispersed and relieved by the high capillary action so that diffusion-resistant layers are unnecessary. Apart from that, the pH value of calcium sili cate makes it resistant to mould growth and its hygroscopicity is a help in regulating the internal climate, i.e. moisture load peaks in the interior are buffered.
Building science
Schematic presentation of moisture loss in external walls with claddings. With ideal ventilation (qa = q z ) , the wall moisture is carried away with the air (right). With less than ideal or no ventilation (qa < qz), some moisture diffusing out of the wall can condense and drain away (left) [7]
Water vapour convection
Walls and roofs must be airtight to prevent the through-flow and convection of internal humidity, which can lead to the formation of condensation. Special attention should be paid to the airtightness of junctions with other components and service penetrations. Transverse flows in ventilation layers within a construction between rooms heated to different temperatures should also be avoided. Facing masonry and timber frames, as well as masonry to DIN 1053 part 1, are not airtight without further treatment. These types of walls must be given a coat of plaster to DIN 18550 part 2 on one side or made airtight by other suitable measures. Plasters to DIN 18550 part 2 or 18558 are classed as airtight layers.
Protection against driving rain
Condensation mass mWT in relation to diffusionequivalent air layer thickness of inner leaf Thermal insulation layer: mineral fibre boards Outer leaf: clay facing bricks
Diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness
Thickness of inner leaf
Driving rain loads on walls are caused by the simultaneous effect of rain and wind blowing against the facade. The rainwater can be absorbed by the wall by way of the capillary action of the surface or enter via cracks, gaps or defective seals as a result of the pressure build-up. It must be ensured that the water entering the construction can escape again to the outside air. Providing a wall with protection against driving rain in order to limit the absorption of water by capillary action and to guarantee evaporation opportunities can be achieved through constructional measures (e.g. external cladding, twin-leaf masonry) or through rendering or coatings, The measures to be taken depend on the intensity of the driving rain load, which is determined by the direction of the wind and the level of precipitation as well as the local situation and type of building. Accordingly, three loading groups are defined in DIN 4108 part 3 in order to assess the behaviour of external walls subjected to driving rain. A rainfall map of Germany provides general information about precipitation levels. However, this is only the starting point for assessing driving rain because the local circumstances, altitude and form of the building (roof overhang, height of building) must also be taken into account (see fig. 2.6.68). Therefore, the loading groups for Germany are defined with associated explanations: Loading group I - low driving rain load As a rule, this loading group applies to regions with annual precipitation levels < 600 mm but also to locations well protected from the wind in regions with higher levels of precipitation. Loading group II - moderate driving rain load As a rule, this loading group applies to regions with annual precipitation levels of 600-800 mm as well as to locations well protected from the wind in regions with higher levels of precipitation and to tall buildings or buildings in exposed positions in regions where the local rain and
wind conditions would otherwise cause them to be allocated to the low driving rain loading group. Loading group III - high driving rain load As a rule, this loading group applies to regions with annual precipitation levels > 800 mm or to windy regions, even those with lower levels of precipitation (e.g. coastal areas, hilly and mountainous regions, the foothills of the Alps), as well as to tall buildings or buildings in exposed positions in regions where the local rain and wind conditions would otherwise cause them to be allocated to the moderate driving rain loading group. External walls with rain protection provided by rendering or coatings are assessed using the water absorption coefficient w for water absorption during rainfall and the diffusionequivalent air layer thickness sd of the layer providing rain protection for the loss of water during dry periods [106]. In order to limit the short-term increase in moisture during rainfall, the water absorption coefficient should not exceed a certain value, even when drying-out is guaranteed in the long term. The lower the diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness sd of the surface layer, the more quickly the component loses water - which entered during driving rain - in the dry period. So such a surface layer should be water-resistant or water-repellent with respect to rain protection, but at the same time remain as permeable as possible for water vapour to allow the moisture which has penetrated to escape quickly. The requirements for rain protection provided by rendering and coatings are defined in DIN 4108 part 3 (see table 2.6.69). The rain protection is confined to the outer leaf in the case of twin-leaf walls with an air space or masonry with a ventilated cladding. Airtightness and thermal insulation are the tasks of the inner leaf. In a full-fill cavity wall, the cavity insulation should not impair the resistance to driving rain, and moisture should not be able to reach the inner leaf via the insulation. The cavity insulation must be covered by a standard, otherwise its serviceability will have to be verified in accordance with building authority regulations. Loose materials and mineral fibre boards must possess hydrophobic properties to repel the water. An overlapping stepped joint is adequate for plastic foams in order to guarantee that the water drains to the base of the wall. If loose cavity insulation materials are employed, suitable measures must be taken at the openings at the base of the external leaf in order to prevent material from escaping. As with a cavity wall, a damp proof course must be provided at the base and above all openings together with weep holes to allow driving rain which has penetrated the outer leaf to drain away. When using thermal insulation composite systems, cracks in the rendering could endanger
Climate-related moisture control
the driving rain protection and impair the ther mal insulation mainly provided by the external thermal insulation layer. The effects of cracks in rendering have been investigated on exter
Drying-out opportunities in relation to the diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness of insulation material when using outer leaves of clay facing bricks and engineering bricks
Allocation of driving rain groups according to position and form of building
nal walls subjected to natural weather condi tions at the open-air test centre of the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics [14]. After three years of exposure to the weather, it can generally be said that for rendering on rigid expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam sheets as well as hydrophobic mineral fibre boards, cracks with a width of approx. 0.2 mm do not impair the function of the rendering as rain protection to any significant extent, pro vided the substrate does not conduct through capillary action or is water-resistant. As a simple planning aid, DIN 4108 part 3 gives examples of the classification of standard types of wall according to the three loading groups (see 2.6.70). However, this does not rule out the use of other types of construction proved by years of practical experience.
2.6.69 Requirements for rain protection to rendering and coatings according to DIN 4108 part 3 Rain protection Water absorption Diffusion-equivalent requirement coefficient air layer thickness w Sd (m) kg/m2h0.5 Water-resistant 0.5 80 (1)There are no stipulations for the external components of rooms in which, owing to the nature of the activities car ried out in those rooms, external noise which enters such rooms makes only a minor contribution to the internal noise level. (2) The requirements in these cases are to be established according to the local circumstances. 2.6.82
Airborne sound insulation index of party walls without plaster, after Gösele R'w [dB] without with plaster 240 mm vertically perforated 53 50 clay bricks 250 mm in-situ concrete 11 53 240 mm hollow blocks of 49 16 pumice concrete 200 mm storey-height aerated 47 45 concrete panels 2.6.83
Different sound insulation of vertically perforated clay brick walls with approximately equal arearelated mass but different perforations, after J. Lang
Unit c r o s s - s e c t i o n
W e b crosssection (schematic)
with a standard ceiling height of 2.5 m, room depths of at least 4,5 m, and 10-60% window area, are deemed to be fulfilled when the indi vidual sound reduction indices given in tables in DIN 4109 - according to the proportion of window area - are maintained for the wall and window. The sound reduction indices of ventilation ducts and roller blind boxes and the associat ed reference area should be taken into account when calculating the resulting sound reduction index. Facilities for temporary ventila tion (e.g. opening lights and flaps) are evaluat ed in the closed condition, those for permanent ventilation (e.g. sound-attenuated ventilation openings) in the operating condition. The representative external noise level is deter mined for the various noise sources using appropriate methods of measurement and evaluation. DIN 4109 contains a traffic noise nomogram in which the average level can be read off depending on the volume of traffic and the distance of the building from the centre of the road. Special analyses for traffic situations in which the nomogram cannot be used as well as for rail and waterborne traffic are covered by DIN 18005 part 2. For air traffic, i.e. airports, the "Law governing protection against aircraft noise" lays down noise protection zones. The provisions of this law, or more rigorous national regulations, apply within these protected zones. The representative external noise level for com mercial and industrial operations makes use of the daily immissions value given in the devel opment plan for the respective area category according to Germany's Noise Abatement Act.
Single-leaf walls
A: m' = 435 kg/m 2 , R w = 5 9 d B (continuous webs from outside to inside) B:m' = 420 kg/m 2 , R w = 4 9 d B (webs offset with respect to each other)
The sound insulation of thick, single-leaf, homo geneous walls depends in the first instance on their area-related mass. The relationship between the airborne sound insulation index R' w and the area-related mass is shown in fig. 2.6.78. The prerequisite for the correlation between the airborne sound insulation and the area-related mass of a single-leaf wall is a closed microstructure and sealed construction. If this requirement is not fulfilled, then the wall must be sealed on at least one side by a com plete covering of firmly adhering plaster or cor responding coating to insulate against direct sound transmission [62]. Table 2.6.82 shows the difference in the airborne sound insulation indices for walls with and without plaster. The curve in fig. 2.6.78 does not apply to lightweight components < 85 kg/m 2 and, according to DIN 4109, with an area-related mass > 630 kg/m 3 can only be used to describe the behaviour of twin-leaf walls with continuous separating joint because in this range the achievable sound insulation is limited by the flanking compo nents. The given sound reduction indices are achieved only if the average area-related mass
of the flanking components can be assumed to be approx. 300 kg/m 3 . Besides the fact that sound insulation generally depends on mass, the internal attenuation (material attenuation) of the material used is also important to a certain extent. This attenua tion is understood to be the ability of the mate rial to convert part of the vibration energy into heat and hence remove some of the energy from the vibration. Investigations carried out by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics have shown that the airborne sound insulation index can be set 2 dB higher thanks to this material attenuation effect for plastered walls of autoclaved aerated concrete and lightweight concrete containing aggregates of pumice or expanded clay with gross densities ≤ 800 kg/m3 and an area-related mass ≤ 250 kg/m2. Acoustic studies at Braunschweig University have established this 2 dB bonus for plastered walls of calcium silicate with gross densities ≤800 kg/m 3 as well. J. Lang [107] showed long ago that clay brick walls with comparable masses but different perforations exhibited differences in their air borne sound insulation index of up to 10 dB (see fig. 2.6.83). Gosele discovered one expla nation for this in the effect of thickness reso nances [62]. The measured deviations were attributed to the arrangement of the webs with in the masonry units. In one case the webs pass through the unit in a straight line and serve to stiffen the unit; in another they are off set with respect to each other and work like a set of springs in series. More recent studies have revealed that the sound insulation of walls made from perforated units depends not only on the arrangement of perforations in the units but also on numerous other factors, such as the type of mortar bed, thickness of plaster and format of the unit [176]. Figure 2.6.84 shows the difference between the measured and cal culated sound reduction indices for walls of perforated units with different area-related masses and different proportions of perfora tions. The effects of the various influencing variables on the sound insulation are sum marised in table 2.6.85. Positive effects are brought about by: • harder mortar • thicker coats of plaster • shorter masonry units • coarsely structured perforations with thick webs. The problems associated with perforated masonry units appeared in clay, calcium sili cate and concrete units, and - according to current findings - are not restricted to a certain building material. Table 2.6.87 provides an overview of the char acteristic airborne sound insulation indices for masonry with normal-weight and lightweight mortar and plastered both sides. These values must be reduced by 100 kg/m 3 for a gross
Sound insulation
density > 1000 kg/m3 and 50 kg/m 3 for a gross density < 1000 kg/m3 for walls of lightweight or autoclaved aerated concrete panels, as well as for gauged brickwork using thin-bed mortar. Another possibility of improving the sound insulation of internal walls - also subsequently - is to combine the solid wall skin with a nonrigid cladding on the "noisy" side of the separ ating wall. We distinguish between two groups depending on the connection to the rigid wall (seefig. 2.6.88). Claddings of group A are fixed to the heavy wall via a supporting frame work, while those of group B are free-standing or bonded to the substrate via a resilient con nection using mineral fibre boards. Table 2.6.86 specifies airborne sound insulation indices for solid walls with a cladding on one side, If, for example, for thermal insulation rea sons, insulating batts with a high dynamic stiff ness are attached to a single-leaf rigid wall either fully bonded over the whole surface or just at discrete points, this can degrade the sound insulation if the insulating batts are covered by plaster.
Twin-leaf party walls
Party walls of two heavy, rigid leaves with a continuous separating joint bring about a con siderable reduction in the sound transmission between, for example, adjoining apartments. The sound reduction index of a twin-leaf party wall with continuous joint is determined from the area-related mass of both leaves, including coats of plaster, similarly to single-leaf compo nents. The direct sound transmission (without flanking transmission) of a twin-leaf wall of solid leaves is 12 dB higher than could be expected for a single-leaf solid wall with the same mass. The joint extends without interruption from top of foundation to roof covering (see fig. 2.6.90). A joint passing through the foundation leads to better sound insulation in the basement but as this is a problem in terms of sealing the build ing, this arrangement remains an exception. The 12 dB bonus may only be taken into account when the following conditions are complied with: • The area-related mass of each leaf must be at least 150 kg/m2 and the distance between the leaves at least 30 mm. • With a separating joint ≥ 50 mm, the arearelated mass of each leaf may be reduced to 100 kg/m2. • The joint must be filled completely with tightly jointed resilient boards, e.g. mineral fibre impact sound insulation boards. • Such fibre boards are not required when the area-related mass of each leaf is ≥ 200 kg/m 2 . The joint between the leaves should not be made too thin as this can very quickly lead to acoustic bridges. On the other hand, the opti mum leaf spacings in terms of sound insulation are higher than the minimum values given in
Difference between measured and calculated (to DIN 4109 supplement 1) airborne sound insulation indices in relation to proportion of per forations for various walls of perforated masonry units, after Scholl
Influence of masonry unit geometry and type of construction on the sound insulation of walls of perforated units, after Scholl
Influencing variable
Arrangement of perforations 10-15 dB Type of mortar approx. 5 dB Thickness of bed joints approx. 5 dB Thickness of plaster 5-10 dB Unit format approx. 5 dB The figures given here represent the maximum change in sound insulation ΔR max that occurred upon changing the respective influences for a constant wall mass in the measurement data available.
Airborne sound insulation index R' w of single-leaf rigid walls with a non-rigid cladding; characteristic values according to DIN 4109 supplement 1 Area-related Airborne sound insulation index R'w(1) mass of with cladding without with cladding solid wall group A cladding group B kg/m2 dB dB dB 100 37 48 49 200 45 49 50 300 47 54 53 400 52 55 56 500 55 57 58 (1) Applies to flanking components with an average area-related mass m' L,mean of 300 kg/m 2 . The values are reduced by 1 dB for a "rigid" connection between cladding and wall.
Airborne sound insulation index R' w of walls plastered both sides in thickness Gross Wail Airborne sound Gross density thickness density insulation index (1)(2) mm class class R'w (dB) Lightweight Normal mortar mortar 0.5 175 40 39 1.0 240 43 42 300 45 44 365 47 45 0.6 175 41 40 1.2 240 44 43 46 45 300 365 48 47 0.7 175 43 42 1.4 240 45 45 300 47 47 49 365 50 0.8 175 44 43 1.6 240 46 46 300 49 48 365 50 51 0.9 175 45 44 1.8 240 48 47 300 50 49 365 52 51 (1) Applies to flanking components with an average weight of 300 kg/m2. (2) A total of 40 kg/m 2 has been taken into account for the coats of plaster. (3) These gross densities are not generally combined with lightweight mortar.
relation to the bulk density class and wall Wall thickness mm
175 240 300 365 175 240 300 365 175 240 300 365 175 240 300 365 175 240 300 365
Airborne sound insulation index(1)(2) R'w (dB) Lightweight Normal mortar mortar (3) 45 48 51 53 (3) 47 50 52 54 (3) 48 52 54 56 (3) 50 53 55 57 (3) 51 54 57 59
Building science
2.6.88 Sound performance of favourable claddings to DIN 4109 supplement 1 Group(1) Wall construction B (no connection or resilient connection to wall)
Description Cladding of wood-wool lightweight boards to DIN 1101, thickness ≥ 25 mm, plastered, gap between wall and timber studding ≥ 20 mm, free-standing in front of heavy wall, construction to DIN 1102.
Cladding of plasterboard to DIN 18180, thickness 12.5 or 15 mm, construction to DIN 18181 (currently in draft form), or of chipboard to DIN 68763, thickness 10-16 mm, gap between wall and timber studding ≥ 20 mm, free-standing(2) in front of heavy wall, with cavity filled(3) between timber studding.
Cladding of wood-wool lightweight boards to DIN 1101, thickness ≥ 50 mm, plastered free-standing with 30-50 mm gap in front of heavy wall, construction to DIN 1102, a 20 mm gap is sufficient when filling the cavity according to footnote 3.
Cladding of plasterboard to DIN 18180, thickness 12.5 or 15 mm, and fibre insulation boards(4), construction to DIN 18181 (currently in draft form), discrete or linear fixing to heavy wall.
A (with connection to wall)
Cladding of wood-wool lightweight boards to DIN 1101, thickness ≥ 25 mm, plastered, timber studding fixed to heavy wall, construction to DIN 1102.
Cladding of plasterboard to DIN 18180, thickness 12.5 or 15 mm, construction to DIN 18181 (currently in draft form), or of chipboard to DIN 68763, thickness 10-16 mm, with cavity filling(3), timber studding fixed to heavy wall(2).
In a wall test rig without flanking transmission (test rig DIN 52210-P-W), the airborne sound insulation index Rw, P of a single-leaf, rigid wall is improved by at least 15 dB when adding claddings of group B, and by at least 10 dB for claddings of group A. (2) In these examples the timber studding may be replaced by sheet steel C wall sections to DIN 18182 pt 1. (3) Fibre insulation materials to DIN 18165 pt 1, nominal thickness between 20 and 60 mm, linear flow resistance Ξ ≥ 5 kNs/m 4 . (4) Fibre insulation materials to DIN 18165 pt 1 application type WV-s, nominal thickness > 40 mm, s' ≥5 MN/m 3 . (1)
Examples of twin-leaf walls - two leaves employing normal-weight mortar with continuous separating joint between buildings - in relation to gross density classes to DIN 4109 supplement 1 Airborne sound Gross density class of unit and min. wall thickness of leaves for twin-leaf masonry insulation index Facing brickwork 10 mm plaster P IV 15 mm plaster P I, P II R' W, R both sides (lime-gypsum or P III both sides both sides (dB) or gypsum plaster) oder P III (lime, lime2 x 10 kg/m2 cement or cement plaster) (2 x 25 kg/m2) Unit gross Min. thickness of Unit gross Min. thickness of Unit gross Min. thickness of density leaves without plaster density leaves without plaster density leaves without plaster class mm class mm class mm 57 0.6 2 x 240 0.6(1) 2 x 240 0.7(2) 2 x 175 (2) (4) 0.9 0.8 2 x 175 2 x 175 0.9 2 x 150 2 x 150 1.2(4) 1 2 x 150 1.0(3) 2 x 115 (5) 1.4 1.4 2 x115 2 x115 62 0.6(6) 2 x 240 0.6 2 x 240 0.5(6) 2 x 240 0.9 175 + 240 0.8(7) 2 x 175 0.8(7) 2 x 175 1.0(7) 2 x 150 0.9 2 x 175 0.9(7) 2 x 150 1.4 2 x 115 2 x 115 1.4 1.2 2 x 115 67 1 1.0(8) 2 x 240 2 x 240 0.9(8) 2 x 240 1.2 175 + 240 1.2 175 + 240 1.2 175 + 240 1.4 2 x 175 2 x 175 1.4 1.4 2 + 175 1.8 115 + 175 1.8 115 + 175 115 + 175 1.6 2.2 2 x 115 2.2 2 x 115 2 2 x 115 (1) The gross density class may be 0.2 less when spacing between leaves is ≥ 50 mm and weight of each individual leaf is ≥ 100 kg/m 2 . (2) The gross density class may be 0.3 less when spacing between leaves is ≥ 50 mm and weight of each individual leaf is ≥ 100 kg/m 2 . (3) The gross density class may be 0.4 less when spacing between leaves is ≥ 50 mm and weight of each individual leaf is ≥ 100 kg/m 2 . (4) The gross density class may be 0.5 less when spacing between leaves is ≥ 50 mm and weight of each individual leaf is ≥ 100 kg/m 2 . (5) The gross density class may be 0.6 less when spacing between leaves is ≥ 50 mm and weight of each individual leaf is ≥ 100 kg/m 2 . (6) For leaves of gas concrete units or panels to DIN 4165 or 4166, as well as lightweight concrete units with expanded clay aggregate to DIN 18151 or 18152, the gross density class may be 0.1 less when spacing between leaves is ≥ 50 mm and weight of each individual leaf is ≥ 100 kg/m2. (7) For leaves of gas concrete units or panels to DIN 4165 or 4166, as well as lightweight concrete units with expanded clay aggregate to DIN 18151 or 18152, the gross density class may be 0.2 less when spacing between leaves is ≥ 50 mm and weight of each individual leaf is ≥ 100 kg/m2. (8) The gross density class may be 0.2 less for leaves of gas concrete units or panels to DIN 4165 or 4166, as well as lightweight concrete units with expanded clay aggregate to DIN 18151 or 18152.
Sound insulation
the standard. A twin-leaf solid party wall complies with the minimum requirements of DIN 4109 (R'w = 57 dB) when the leaves are each 115 mm thick, the unit gross density class is 1.4 and a total of 20 kg/m 2 of plaster has been applied. To meet the recommendations of enhanced sound insulation with at least 67 dB, the thickness of each leaf must be increased to 175 mm for the same unit gross density class. Table 2.6.89 specifies airborne sound insulation indices for various wall constructions according to DIN 4109 supplement 1; these have been calculated on the basis of the mass dependency of R'w and the 12 dB addition.
Flanking components
The airborne sound insulation between rooms dependson the construction not only of the separating wall but also of the flanking components and the connection between separating wall and flanking components. The sound reduction indices for separating components given in supplement 1 to DIN 4109 apply to flanking components provided the following conditions are fulfilled: • The average area-related mass R' L, m e a n of the rigid flanking components is approx. 300 kg/m2. • A rigid connection to the flanking components is guaranteed when the area-related mass of the separating components exceeds 150 kg/m2. • The flanking components are continuous from one room to the next. • The joints between separating and flanking components are sealed. If the average area-related mass of the flanking components deviates from approx. 300 kg/m 2 , the specified sound reduction index of the separating component must be corrected (see table 2.6.94). The influence of the correction value KL,1 is relatively small. In contrast, the connection between the separating wall and the solid flanking components has a considerable influence (see fig. 2.6.91). This is the case when a lightweight thermal insulation external wall passes a heavy separating wall between apartments without being firmly connected to it. Measurements carried out by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics revealed a degrading of the sound reduction index of up to 10 dB in the case of non-bonded, i.e. buttjointed, walls whose joint subsequently cracked and was sealed with a permanently elastic compound. A fixed connection between the flanking, solid components and the separating wall or floor, provided this is of a heavy construction, is desirable. The example in fig. 2.6.91 shows two types of junction between a separating wall between apartments and an external wall: with slot and with butt joint. The butt joint between masonry walls is equivalent to toothing and
slots in terms of building acoustics and rigidity of the connection in the sense of DIN 4109, provided the butt joint between the walls is fully filled with mortar. This applies to masonry in which all joints are filled with mortar as well as to masonry without mortar to the perpends. The inclusion of stainless steel anchors provides additional security. Another typical case of increased flanking sound transmission occurs when an external wall is provided with a rigid-clad (plaster or plasterboard) layer of insulation of rigid expanded foam or wood-wool lightweight boards on the inside in order to improve thermal insulation (see fig. 2.6.93) [5]. The increase in flanking transmission brought about by the resonance effect is on average about 10 dB. This means that the requirements for separating walls and floors between apartments are no longer fulfilled.
Joints between buildings with or without joint in foundation and joint at roof level
External walls
Facades are generally made up of walls with windows and doors. The resulting airborne sound insulation index may be calculated according to DIN 4109 taking into account the total area and the areas of the individual components and their airborne sound insulation indices or - more simply - designed as shown in the example in figure 2.6.95 using tables of values. The airborne sound insulation indices of the windows are obtained from the test certificates of manufacturers. Recommended values for common types of windows with insulating glazing are included in supplement 1 to DIN 4109. The airborne sound insulation index of an external masonry wall depends on its construction (see fig. 2.6.92). For single-leaf external walls it is initially the thermal insulation that governs which wall material of low gross density is required. Wall thicknesses of 300-365 mm and gross densities of 500-800 kg/m 3 generally provide sound reduction indices of between 45 and 51 dB depending on the mass of the external component. If a rendered thermal insulation layer is attached to the outside, then - as has been known for some time - coats of plaster on wood-wool lightweight boards degrade the thermal insulation of a wall [61 ]. Later studies have confirmed this trend for insulation materials of high dynamic stiffness (polystyrene particle foam), while insulation materials with low stiffness (mineral wool) bring about improvements in some cases but a worsening in others depending on the weight of plaster and the material of the solid wall [166], Investigations have recently been
Flanking transmission via flanking component; junction between party wall and external wall using slot or butt joint
carried out on 14 different thermal insulation composite systems on a wall of calcium silicate perforated units [147]. Improvements in the insulation sound index of up to 4 dB were established for insulation materials with low dynamic stiffness (mineral fibre boards with
Building science
Single-leaf external wall 45-51 dB
Single-leaf wall with thermal insulation composite system 47-51 dB
Single-leaf wall with ventilated curtain wall 57 dB
Twin-leaf masonry with and without thermal insulation 55-66 dB
horizontal fibres or elasticized rigid expanded polystyrene boards) and rendering with a high area-related mass. Non-elasticized rigid expanded polystyrene boards resulted in a worsening of -1 to -3 dB, mineral wool with ver tical fibres (laminated boards) -5 dB. Installa tion by way of profiled rails presents the chance to achieve an improvement of 2 dB, even with a thin coat of plaster. Basically, an external wall with thermal insulation composite system can achieve a high degree of sound insulation against external noise because the loadbearing wall does not need to contribute to the thermal insulation and can therefore be built using a heavy type of construction. The airborne sound insulation index of a 175 mm thick calcium silicate external wall with thermal insulation composite system lies between 47 and 51 dB depending on the particular con struction.
Examples of airborne sound insulation index R'w for various external wall constructions
Example of external wall cladding detrimental to sound performance (rigid thermal insulation boards on inner face), after Gösele
According to DIN 4109 supplement 1, the posi tive effect of a ventilated facade may not be taken into account when assessing the sound insulation against external noise. Only the arearelated mass of the inner leaf is assumed to contribute to the sound insulation. However, solid external walls can achieve considerably higher airborne sound insulation indices with the ventilated facades currently available [167], Depending on the type of joints, type of insulation material and supporting construc tion, the sound insulation of solid external walls with ventilated facades may be increased by up to ΔR W = 15 dB with a careful consideration of all boundary conditions relevant to building acoustics. For a twin-leaf external wall, the air borne sound insulation index is calculated from the sum of the area-related masses of both leaves. The following amounts may be added to the value determined in this way for the twinleaf type of construction: • 5 dB if the area-related mass of adjoining internal walls does not exceed 50% of the inner leaf of the external wall. • 8 dB if the area-related mass of adjoining internal walls exceeds 50% of the inner leaf of the external wall.
Correction values KL, 1 to DIN 4109 for the airborne sound insulation index R' w, R for rigid walls at flanking components of average area-related mass m' L, m e a n
Type of separating component
KL, 1 in dB for average area-related mass m' L, mean in kg/m²
Single-leaf, rigid walls and floors Single-leaf, rigid walls with non-rigid claddings
400 0
350 0
300 0
250 0
200 -1
150 -1
100 -1
Sound insulation
It is possible to achieve an airborne sound insulation index of 55-66 dB for cavity, partialfill or full-fill external walls using the customary forms of construction. The results of investigations into calcium silicate walls show, for the same wall construction, the effects of the remaining air space and the type of insulation material [92]. Using rigid expanded polystyrene boards as the thermal insulation with an air space of 40 mm (partial-fill) produces a result 2 dB higher than full cavity insulation, On the other hand, filling the cavity completely with mineral fibre boards or hyperlite loose-fill material results in a 2 dB advantage over rigid expanded plastic boards.
2.6.95 Resulting sound reduction index R'w, . R . res (dB) in relation to sound reduction index of wall, sound reduction index of window and its proportion of the area (%) Wall: 50 dB Window: 35 dB at 25% window area proportion Facade: 40 dB
Sound reduction Sound reduction index of window Rw , R in dB for a window area proportion (%) index of wall 30dB 32 dB 35 dB 25% 30% 40% 50% 25% 30% 40% 50% 25% 30% 45 35 34 32 37 35 34 33 36 39 39 35 33 37 50 35 33 37 35 34 39 40 35 35 33 33 37 37 35 34 40 55 40 a) Standard constructions Sound red. Sound reduction index of window Rw, R in dB for a window area proportion (%) index 37 dB 40 dB 42 dB 45 dB of wall 25% 30% 40% 50% 25% 30% 40% 50% 25% 30% 40% 50% 25% 30% 50 42 42 41 40 45 44 43 43 46 46 45 44 48 48 42 41 45 44 47 46 60 43 40 46 43 48 50 45 51 42 41 40 45 44 43 47 46 50 65 43 46 48 45 51 b) External walls and windows with high sound insulation
40% 38 38 38
50% 37 37 37
40% 47 49 49
50% 47 48 48
Building science
Fire protection
2.6.96 Building materials classes to DIN 4102 part 1 Building materials class Building authority designation incombustible materials A A1 A2 combustible materials B B1 not readily flammable materials B2 flammable materials highly flammable materials B3
2.6.97 Fire resistance classes F to DIN 4102 part 1 Fire resistance Duration of fire resistance in minutes class ≥30 F 30 ≥60 F 60 ≥90 F 90 ≥120 F 120 ≥180 F 180
2.6.98 Comparison of German building materials classes with future European classes European building Product performance Fire situation materials class No contribution to fire A Extensive fire Very limited fire B in one room Limited contribution to fire C Single object Acceptable contribution to fire D on fire Acceptable behaviour in fire E No spread of flame to adjoining surfaces of a product No performance established F
DIN 4102 building materials class A1 A2 B1 B1 B2 B3
The chief tasks of fire protection are to prevent fires from starting and spreading, and should that happen, to guarantee opportunities to rescue persons, animals and property as well as create the right conditions for effective firefighting. The compulsory building authority requirements may be supplemented by the requirements of the insurers. Satisfying these is not compulsory but does lead to marked reductions in insurance premiums. Besides active fire-fighting measures, e.g. sprinkler systems and fire alarms, the empha sis is on maintaining preventive fire protection through constructional measures (referred to as structural fire protection). This includes guaranteeing adequate fire resistance for the components, using materials that do not gener ate any, or at least no excessive amounts of, smoke or toxic gases during a fire, and reduc ing the risk of fire through careful planning measures. The latter includes the arrangement of fire compartments; the safeguarding of escape and rescue routes; and means for venting smoke and heat. In Germany the building authority requirements regarding fire protection are defined in the Federal State Building Codes supplemented by statutes, bye-laws and directives. The stan dard covering fire protection is DIN 4102 (18 parts), which contains both testing standards for investigating and assessing fire behaviour and information on analysing fire protection for classified building materials and components.
Building material classes
Determination of fire resistance class, after Kordina/Meyer Ottens
The behaviour of building materials in fire is assessed and classified according to DIN 4102 part 1. Building materials are classified according to their combustibility as class A (incombustible) or class B (combustible) (see table 2.6.96). The assessment criterion for incombustible building materials of class A1 is their behaviour upon the outbreak of a fire. If building materials of class A 2 include com bustible components, the spread of flame, the density of conflagration gases and their toxicity must be evaluated. This is intended to ensure that despite containing combustible compo nents the overall behaviour can be compared to the purely inorganic A 1 materials. Com bustible building materials are assessed with regard to their flammability and rate of spread of flame. Building materials of class B 3 - high ly flammable - can make a direct contribution to the outbreak of fire and so the Federal Out line Building Code prohibits their use. The test for B 2 involves a small, defined flame, the test for B 1 typically an object on fire within the room (e.g. waste paper basket in one corner). The behaviour of the building material in fire is important for the building authority require ments for two reasons. First, the material must
Fire protection
meet requirements when it is used as the surface of a component (e.g. wall and soffit cladding); second, when used as part of the construction of a component. The essential parts of fire-resistant components must consist of incombustible materials. The European classes for the fire behaviour of building products have now been accepted by the Standing Committee for the Construction Industry. They will be published after work on the standard and the associated test methods has been completed. A comparison between the European and German building materials classes could well look something like table 2.6.98.
Standard temperature curve
Fire resistance classes
The safety of a structure during a fire depends not only on the combustibility of the materials but also - in particular - on the duration of fire resistance of the components. The fire resistance class of a component is defined as the minimum duration in minutes for which the component withstands a specified fire test. In a fire test the sample is subjected to a precisely defined temperature gradient, the internationally standardized standard temperature curve (see fig. 2.6.100), and is assessed according to the following chief test criteria: • Maintaining the load-carrying capacity (stability) - under load for loadbearing components or self-weight for non-loadbearing components. • Maintaining a maximum permissible rate of deflection in the case of components on statically determinate supports. • Maintaining the room enclosure (integrity and insulation) in the case of walls so that no ignitable gases can escape and no cracks can form which might lead to ignition. The increase in temperature on the side remote from the fire should not exceed 140°C on average and 180°C at individual measuring points. As can be seen in fig. 2.6.99, the duration of fire resistance is essentially determined by the behaviour of the material and influences specific to the component. In the case of masonry, failure takes place due to the reduction in crosssection resulting from temperature-related fatigue of the masonry units and dehydration of the mortar. The duration of fire resistance enables a component to be assigned to a fire resistance class (see table 2.6.97). Component classifications can be coupled to material requirements with respect to building materials classes according to fig. 2.6.101 in individual cases. The fire resistance classes are designated with different letters depending on the type of component (see table 2.6.102).
2.6.101 Designation of fire resistance classes in conjunction with materials used according to DIN 4102 part 2 Fire resistance Building materials class to DIN 4102 pt 1 Designation(2) Code class to of the materials used for table 2.2.3-2 essential parts(1) other parts not classed of components as essential parts(1) of components Components of F 30 B B Fire resistance class F 30 F 30-B A B Fire resistance class F 30 and F 30-AB with essential parts made from incombustible materials(1) A A Fire resistance class F 30 and F 30-A made from incombustible materials F 60 B B Fire resistance class F 60 F 60-B A B Fire resistance class F 60 and F 60-AB with essential parts made (1) from incombustible materials A A Fire resistance class F 60 and F 60-A made from incombustible materials F 90 B B Fire resistance class F 90 F 90-B A B Fire resistance class F 90 and F 90-AB with essential parts made from incombustible materials(1) A A Fire resistance class F 90 and F 90-A made from incombustible materials F 120 B B Fire resistance class F 120 F 120-B A B Fire resistance class F 120 and F 120-AB with essential parts made from incombustible materials(1) A A Fire resistance class F 120 and F 120-A made from incombustible materials F 180 B B Fire resistance class F 180 F 180-B A B Fire resistance class F 180 and F 180-AB with essential parts made (1) from incombustible materials A A Fire resistance class F 180 and F 180-A made from incombustible materials (1) Essential parts include: a) All loadbearing parts and those contributing to stability; for non-loadbearing parts also the parts that contribute to their stability (e.g. frames for non-loadbearing walls). b) In enclosing components a continuous layer in the component plane that may not be destroyed in the test according to this standard. In floors this layer must be at least 50 mm thick in total; voids within this layer are permissible. When assessing the fire behaviour of materials, surface coatings or other surface treatments need not be considered. (2) This designation concerns only the fire resistance of the component; the building authority requirements for materials used in fitting out the interior, and which are connected to the component, are not affected by this.
Building science
2.6.102 Codes for designating components when specifying the fire resistance class Component Walls, floors, columns, beams External walls Fire protection closures, e.g. fire doors Ventilation ducts, fire stops (fire protection closures) Glazing
Types and functions of walls Code for designating fire resistance class F W T L/K G
Types of walls: examples of plan layouts for residential and industrial buildings, after Hahn
In terms of the function of a wall, for fire protection purposes we distinguish between loadbearing and non-loadbearing, and between enclosing and non-enclosing walls. Figure 2.6.103 illustrates these terms using practical examples [68]. A non-loadbearing wall is a plate-type component that - also in the case of fire - is essentially loaded by its own weight and does not provide buckling restraint to loadbearing walls. However, it must transfer wind loads acting on its surface to loadbearing components. A loadbearing wall is a plate-type component mainly loaded in compression for carrying both vertical and horizontal loads. Walls contributing to the stability of the building or other loadbearing components are to be considered as loadbearing walls from the point of view of fire protection. An enclosing wall is a wall, for example, along an escape route, adjacent to a staircase, or a party wall or fire wall. Such walls serve to prevent fire spreading from one room to the next and are therefore subjected to fire on only one side. Enclosing walls may be loadbearing or non-loadbearing. A non-enclosing wall is a wall subjected to fire on two, three or four sides during a fire.
Overview of building authority fire protection regulations
The fundamentals of building authority fire protection requirements are contained in the respective State Building Codes and the associated statutes, as well as in technical building provisions and administrative rules. Figure 2.6.104 explains the relationships and mutual influences. All State Building Codes, the corresponding implementation acts and administrative rules make a distinction between normal buildings for normal purposes, e.g. housing, and those of special construction for special purposes, e.g. places of assembly, hospitals, industrial buildings. Normal buildings for normal purposes make a distinction between the different types of buildings. The classification in building classes according to fig. 2.6.105 depends on ladder access for the fire brigade and so is directly related to the height of the building. Buildings of special construction or for special purposes are dealt with only in principle in the building codes. The State Building Codes are complemented by special acts and directives that take into account the special circumstances of high-rise buildings, places of assembly, restaurants, hospitals, business premises, schools and industrial buildings. The relationship between the requirements partly described in the State Building Codes and the abstract classification according to part 2 and other parts of DIN 4102 is carried out on the basis of the definitions contained in some State Building Codes, or according to
Fire protection
the list of standard building material. The rela tionship between construction law and DIN 4102 is given in table 2.6.106. The primary com ponent of the fire safety concept in the building code is the compartmentation principle: fire should be restricted to as small an area as possible. The first "fire compartment" is the functional unit, e.g. a whole apartment in an apartment block, bounded by the floors, party walls and staircase walls. At the very least, the fire should not spread to neighbouring build ings, which can be achieved by relatively high requirements being placed on the fire walls. In addition, the State Building Codes demand that large buildings themselves be subdivided into fire compartments. However, the compart mentation principle can be fully effective only when the openings necessary for the use of building are appropriately closed. This applies to building service penetrations, e.g. electric cables, pipes, as well as to openings such as flaps, doors and gates. A number of primary fire protection require ments for components in residential buildings are given in table 2.6.107. The example given here is taken from the State Building Code for North Rhine-Westphalia (there are sometimes slight differences between the codes of the individual federal states in Germany); this building code was adopted in its entirety for all the federal states of former East Germany. Free-standing residential buildings with one housing unit (building class 1) are not included in the table because there are no requirements for the fire resistance classes of components in such buildings. However, the basic require ment, that no highly flammable building mater ials may be employed, still applies. Conse quently, the thermal insulation materials used in walls with external or internal thermal insula tion layer and twin-leaf masonry with additional thermal insulation between the masonry leaves must comply with building materials class B 2 or higher.
Fire walls
Fire walls according to DIN 4102 part 3 must comply with the following enhanced require ments: • They must be built from materials of building materials class A to DIN 4102 part 1. • They must comply with the requirements of fire resistance class F 90 or higher to DIN 4102 part 2; loadbearing walls must satisfy this requirement under concentric and eccentric loading. • Firewalls must remain stable and fulfil their enclosing function after being subjected to an impact load (3 x 200 kg of lead shot in sack). However, it is not only adequate to ensure that fire walls comply with test requirements - they must be properly located in practice and properly constructed.
Classification of buildings in five building classes according to the building codes 2
1 Free-standing residential building 1 housing unit
Building class 3
Low-rise buildings Ladder access H ≤ 8 m ≤ 2 housing units ≥ 3 housing units
Fire brigade access possible with scaling ladder for FFL ≤ 7 m
2.6.106 Designations according to DIN 4102 and construction law DIN 4102 designation Code Fire resistance class F 30 Fire resistance class F 30 with essential parts made from incombustible materials Fire resistance class F 30 and made from incombustible materials Fire resistance class F 90 with essential parts made from incombustible materials Fire resistance class F 90 and made from incombustible materials
F 30-B F 30-AB F 30-A F 90-AB F 90-A
4 Other buildings H >8m For FFL > 7m ≤ 22 m
5 High-rise buildings At least 1 occupied room > 22 m above FFL
Building authority designation Fire-retardant Fire-retardant with loadbearing parts made from incombustible materials Fire-retardant and made from incombustible materials Fire-resistant Fire-resistant and made from incombustible materials
Summary of the most important requirements for structural fire protection for components customary in buildings using the North Rhine-Westphalia Building Code as an example Class of building 2 3 4 Type of Residential Any building Other buildings building apart from of low height (FFL ≤ 7 m) from high-rise ≤ 2 housing units ≥ 3 housing units buildings Loadbearing walls Roof 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) Other F 30-B F 30-AB(2) F 90-AB Basement F 30-AB F 90-AB F 90-AB Non-loadbearing external walls 0 0 A or F 30-B External wall 0 0 B1 Cladding B 2 —>suitable measures Building end walls F 90-AB BW BW (F 30-B) + F 90-AB (F 90-B) Floors Roof 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) Other F 30-AB(3) F 30-B F 90-AB Basement F 30-B F 90-AB F 90-AB Party walls F 90-AB BW BW 40 m building compartments F 90-AB Party walls between Roof F 30-B F 30-B F 30-B Other F 60-AB F 30-B F 90-AB apartments Staircase Roof 0 0 0 Floor F 30-AB 0 F 90-AB Walls 0 F 90-AB BW Cladding 0 A A Stairs Loadbearing parts 0 0 F 90-A Generally accessible F 30-B F 30-AB Walls corridors as F 30-AB escape routes A Cladding 0 Open walkways Walls, floors 0 F 90-AB adjacent external walls Cladding 0 A (1) Inside of roof F 30-B for buildings with gable facing the street (2) F 30-B for buildings with ≤ 2 storeys above ground level (3) F 30-B for buildings with ≤ 2 storeys above ground level F 30-B/A for buildings with ≥ 3 storeys above ground level
Building science
The fire protection requirements for fire walls are summarized in 2.6.108. DIN 4102 part 4 contains details of permissible slenderness ratios and minimum thicknesses of fire walls and their junctions with other components.
2.6.108 Fire protection requirements in the vicinity of fire walls Component Requirements F 90-A Fire walls + impact load 3 x 3 0 0 0 Nm Loadbearing and bracing c o m p o n e n t s F 90 No. of openings No restriction Closures to openings T 90 d o o r s (self-closing m e c h a n i s m ) F 90 fire protection glazing S 90 fire stop to c a b l e penetrations R 90 fire stop to pipe penetrations At the b o u n d a r y with a n e i g h b o u r Arrangement of fire walls B e t w e e n buildings forming a t e r r a c e The respective Federal State Building C o d e Within large buildings must be adhered to
Complex party walls
D e p e n d i n g on height of building and roof c o v e r i n g : ≤ 3 full storeys e x t e n d i n g to u n d e r s i d e of roof c o v e r i n g > 3 full storeys at least 3 0 0 mm a b o v e roof soft roof c o v e r i n g at least 5 0 0 mm a b o v e roof C o m p o n e n t s m a y intrude, p r o v i d e d the r e m a i n i n g cross-section of the wall remains sealed a n d stable to F 90 s t a n d a r d .
Complex party walls are merely referred to in a footnote in DIN 4102 part 3 because this is an insurance industry term. The main point to be noted is that the provisions of the insurers, with limitations on openings, call for fire resistance class F 180. Complex walls must pass through all storeys without any offsets. Components may not intrude into nor bypass these walls.
Classification of proven components 2.6.109 Fire protection r e q u i r e m e n t s for ventilated curtain wall f a c a d e s R e q u i r e d building materials class to DIN 4 1 0 2 Component n > 2 full storeys, n ≤ 2 full storeys high-rise buildings < high-rise buildings Cladding B 2 B 1 A A Supporting construction B 2 B 2 (1)(2) A(3) B 2 B 1 Thermal insulation A (4) Means of fixing A (4) A(4) ( 1 ) There are no restrictions on using B 2 building materials for frame-like supporting constructions, p r o v i d e d the g a p between cladding and insulation d o e s not e x c e e d 40 mm a n d w i n d o w / d o o r reveals are protected by class A build ing materials. ( 2 ) The Bavarian Building C o d e permits t i m b e r s u p p o r t i n g constructions for buildings up to 30 m high. ( 3 ) Does not apply to e l e m e n t s for retaining layers of insulation. ( 4 ) Does not apply to a n c h o r s y s t e m s c o v e r e d by a building authority certificate.
Single- a n d twin-leaf fire w a l l s to DIN 4 1 0 2 part 4 table 4 5 . Permissible s l e n d e r n e s s , m i n . wall t h i c k n e s s and min. s p a c i n g of l e a v e s (fire load on one s i d e ) . V a l u e s in b r a c k e t s apply to walls with plaster. Design to DIN 1053 parts 1 and 2 with permissible s l e n d e r n e s s ratio h s /d. T h e eccentricity e m a y not e x c e e d d/3, Masonry without plaster Min. t h i c k n e s s d (mm) for single-leaf construction
T y p e of wall
Walls of masonry ( 3 ) to D I N 1053 parts 1 a n d 2 using normal-weight mortar of mortar g r o u p I I , II a or III, IlI a. Masonry units to D I N 105 part 1 of gross density class
≥1.4 ≥1.0
DIN 105 part 2 of gross density class
Masonry units to DIN 106 part 1 ( 1 ) a n d D I N 106 part 1 A1 ( 1 ) as well as part 2 of gross density class
≥1.8 ≥1.4 ≥0.9 = 0.8
Masonry units to DIN 4 1 6 5 of gross density class
Masonry units to DIN 1 8 1 5 1 , 18152 and 18153 of gross density class
≥0.6 ≥ 0.6 (4) ≥ 0.5 (6) ≥0.8 ≥0.6
240 300 (240) 365 ( 3 ) (300) ( 3 ) 240(2) 240 300 (300) 300 300 240 300 240 (175) 300 (240)
with plaster twin-leaf ( 6 ) construction
2 x 175 2 x 200 (2 x 175) 2 x 240 (2 x 175) 2 x 175(5) 2 x 175 2x200 (2 x 175) 2 x 240 (2 x 175) 2 x 240 (2 x 1 7 5 ) 2 x 240 2 x 175 (2 x 175) 2 x 240 (2 x 175)
Also with thin-bed mortar. d = 175 mm w h e n using thin-bed mortar a n d g a u g e d brickwork. ( 3 ) Utilization factor α 2 ≤ 0.6 w h e n using lightweight mortar. ( 4 ) Applies to thin-bed mortar and g a u g e d brickwork with mortar to p e r p e n d s and bed joints. ( 5 ) d = 150 mm w h e n using thin-bed mortar and g a u g e d brickwork. ( 6 ) Applies to thin-bed mortar and g a u g e d brickwork with t o n g u e a n d groove only in the c a s e of mortar to p e r p e n d s and bed joints. (1)
DIN 4102 part 4 contains details of building materials, components and special compo nents whose fire behaviour has been classified on the basis of tests. The products included in the standard have already been verified in terms of their behaviour in fire. The fire protec tion classification of the walls is carried out according to: • wall material • wall thickness • type of fire (from just one side or from more than one side) • utilization of the load-carrying capacity of the wall If a component is not fully utilized, its load-car rying capacity during a fire is greater than when it is utilized 100%. Therefore, in the stan dard we distinguish between the utilization fac tors α2 = 1.0 (100% utilization), α2 = 0.6 (60% utilization) and α2 = 0.2 (20% utilization). The classification of walls, shallow lintels and chan nel blocks filled with concrete can be found in tables 38-42 of DIN 4102 part 4. The informa tion in the tables applies to masonry according to DIN 1053. Plaster on the side facing the fire prolongs the duration of fire resistance. The values in brackets in the tables relating to wall thicknesses refer to plastered walls because certain plasters have a positive influence on the fire behaviour of masonry walls. Twin-leaf walls only require plaster on the outer faces. The tables are valid for all types of perpends according to DIN 1053 part 1, i.e. for perpends fully filled with mortar, for "tipped and tailed" perpends, and perpends without mortar (inter lock or tongue and groove). Perforations in masonry units or wall panels may not run per pendicular to the plane of the wall. Masonry readily satisfies the requirements of fire protection, generally through the wall thick ness required for structural or building science reasons. Therefore, the extensive tables in DIN 4102 part 4 can be considerably reduced by specifying fire resistance class F 90 and 100%
Fire protection
degree of utilization. Tables 2.6.111-113 spe cify the minimum thicknesses required to achieve fire resistance class F 90 employing masonry of standard units. Besides the fire resistance class, fire walls must also comply with the conditions given in table 2.6.110 with regard to slenderness ratio and wall thickness. Claddings may not be used in order to reduce the specified wall thicknesses. Thinner walls than those given in DIN 4102 part 4 have been proved for fire walls of clay, calcium silicate, autoclaved aerated concrete and lightweight concrete units in tests to DIN 4102 part 3 [7, 76,134, 209], Reference [67] contains com prehensive information on fire protection in masonry structures with practical examples. External walls with thermal insulation
Single-leaf external walls with an external, ren dered thermal insulation layer (thermal insula tion composite system) are assessed in fire protection terms according to the type of insu lation material used.
2.6.111 Loadbearing, enclosing walls of masonry to DIN 4102 part 4 table 39. Values in brackets apply to walls plastered both sides. Utilization factor α2 = 1.0 Construction features
Min. thickness (mm) for fire resistance class F 90
Walls Autoclaved aerated concrete Blocks & gauged brickwork to DIN 4165 Gross density class ≥ 0.5 using (1)(2) Lightweight concrete Hollow blocks to DIN 18151 Solid bricks & blocks to DIN 18152 Concrete masonry units to DIN 18153 Gross density class ≥ 0.6 using (1)(3) Clay bricks Solid & vertically perforated to DIN 105 pt 1 using (1) Clay bricks Lightweight & vertically perforated toDIN 105 pt 2 Gross density class ≥ 0.8 using (1)(3) Perforation types A & B
175 (150)
175 (140)
175 (115)
Lightweight vertically perforated (240) bricks type W Calcium silicate 115 Solid, perforated, blocks, hollow (115) blocks & gauged brickwork to DIN 106 pt 1 &1 A1 Facing bricks to DIN 106 pt 2 using (1)(2)(4) (1) Normal-weight mortar (2) Thin-bed mortar (3) Lightweight mortar (4) The values apply only to masonry of solid bricks, blocks and gauged brickwork when 3.0 < exist σ ≤ 4.5 N/mm2.
Thermal insulation composite systems with insulation materials of not readily flammable polystyrene particle foam (building materials class B 1) and a maximum thickness of 100 mm complying with a general building authority certificate may be used on masonry up to the high-rise building limit. Thermal insulation composite systems using mineral materials, e.g. mineral wool products of building mater ials class A 1 or A 2, are considered as a coat of plaster when classifying the wall. In terms of fire protection, the external wall is equivalent to a plastered wall without thermal insulation. Thermal insulation composite systems with insulation materials of building materials class B 2 may be employed only on buildings with a maximum of two full storeys. The fire protection requirements for curtain wall ventilated facades depend on the height of the building; the requirements with respect to building materials classes for facade components are summar ized in table 2.6.109. The fire protection requirements still apply for ventilated external
wall claddings upon which doubt has been cast by certain tests [22]. Thermal insulation materials of building materi als class B 2 may be used up to the high-rise building limit for partial- or full-fill cavity walls. In contrast to this, buildings of medium height (7-22 m) require that continuous layers of F 30AB and F 90-AB components must consist of class A building materials. Flammable insulation materials of building materials class B 2 are permitted in the case of internal insulation for buildings up to 22 m height. Special regulations apply to escape routes.
Min. thickness d of loadbearing, non-enclosing walls of masonry to DIN 4102 part 4 table 40 (fire load on more than one side). Values in brackets apply to walls plastered both sides. Utilization factor α2 = 1.0
Construction features
Min. thickness (mm) for fire resistance class F 90
Autoclaved aerated concrete Blocks & gauged brickwork to DIN 4165 Gross density class ≥ 0.5 using (1)(2) Lightweight concrete Hollow blocks to DIN 18151 Solid bricks & blocks to DIN 18152 Concrete masonry units to DIN 18153 Gross density class ≥ 0.6 using (1)(3) Clay bricks Solid & vertically perforated to DIN 105 pt 1 1 using (1) Clay bricks Lightweight vertically perforated to DIN 105 pt 2 Gross density class ≥ 0.8 using ( 1 ) ( 3 ) Perforation types A & B
240 (175)
240 (175)
240 (115)
Lightweight vertically perforated bricks type W Utilization factor α2 = 1.0 (240) Calcium silicate Solid, perforated, blocks, hollow blocks & gauged brickwork to DIN 106 pt 1 & 1 A1 140 DIN 106 pt 1 A1 (115) Facing bricks to DIN 106 pt 2 using (1)(2) (1) Normal-weight mortar (2) Thin-bed mortar (3) Lightweight mortar (4) The values apply only to masonry of solid bricks, blocks and gauged brickwork when 3.0 < exist σ ≤ 4.5 N/mm2.
Non-loadbearing, enclosing walls of masonry or wall panels to DIN 4102 part 4 table 38. Values in brackets apply to walls plastered both sides Construction features Min. thickness (mm) for fire resistance class F 90 Walls mm Autoclaved aerated concrete 100(1) Blocks & gauged brickwork to DIN 4165 (75) Panels & gauged brickwork elements to DIN 4166 Lightweight concrete 95 Hollow wall elements to DIN 18148 (70) Hollow blocks to DIN 18151 Solid bricks & blocks to DIN 18152 Wall elements to DIN 18162 Concrete masonry units to DIN 18153 Clay bricks 115 Solid & vertically perforated to DIN 105 pt 1 (100) Lightweight vertically perforated to DIN 105 pt 2 High-strength bricks & engineering bricks to DIN 105 pt 3 High-strength engineering bricks to DIN 105 pt 4 Calcium silicate 115 Solid, perforated, blocks, (100) hollow blocks & gauged brickwork to DIN 106 pt 1 & 1 A1 Gauged brickwork to DIN 106 pt 1 & DIN 106 pt 1 A1 Facing bricks to DIN 106 pt 2 (1) d ≥ 50 mm when using thin-bed mortars.
Units and symbols forbuilding science Symbol
Unit m2
Moisture correction factor
Reduction factor for sunshading
Specific transmission heat loss Heat conduction
Heat, heat energy
J or Ws
Annual heating energy requirement
Annual heating requirement
Heat gain
Heat loss Primary energy requirement Energy requirement from renewable sources
kWh/a kWh/a kWh/a
Total heat losses due to heating system Energy requirement for hot water provision
kWh/a kWh/a m2K/W m2K/W
Qg Qj Qp Qr Qt Qw
R Rsi, Rse RT
Thermal resistance Internal/External surface resistance Total thermal resistance (air-to-air resistance)
Solar heat penetration
U (formerly k in Germany) uf
Thermal transmittance Thermal transmittance, window frame
Thermal transmittance, glazing
Thermal transmittance, window
Volume Water vapour diffusion resistance
a b
Temperature diffusivity Heat penetration coefficient
Specific heat capacity
Thickness Cost index related to primary energy requirement
g g h m
Temperature factor Solar total energy transmittance
W/m2K W/m2K W/m2K m3 m2hPa/kg m2/s J/m2Ks0.5 J/kgK m -
Water vapour diffusion flow rate Thermal surface resistance coefficient Mass Area-related condensation mass
kg/m2h W/m2K
Area-related evaporation mass Air change rate Water vapour partial pressure, water vapour saturation pressure
kg/m2 No./h
pi, pe
Water vapour partial pressure, internal/external
Heat flow rate Water vapour diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness
W/m 2 m
u w
Mass-related moisture content Water absorption coefficient
d kg/kg
η (eta)
Degree of utilization
q (theta)
Temperature Air temperature, internal/external
mW,T mW,V
n p, ps
qi, qe qsi
Internal surface temperature
λ (lambda) μ (my)
Thermal conductivity Water vapour diffusion resistance index
ρ (rho) (phi)
Gross/bulk density
X (chi)
Relative humidity
Ψ (psi)
kg kg/m2
kg/m2h0.5 °C °C °C W/mK kg/m3 W
m W K
metre Watt Kelvin
Linear thermal transmittance Volume-related moisture content Sound intensity
W/mK m3/m3
s h
second hour
W/m 2 dB dB
P kg
Pascal kilogram
Sound pressure level, sound level Sound reduction index
Airborne sound insulation index
degree Celsius
dB Hz
decibel Hertz
Heat flow Discrete thermal transmittance
Sound pressure
Construction details
Part 3 • Construction details
Preliminary remarks
Flat roof Parapet to warm deck
Masonry continues to be the most popular form of construction in Central Europe, especially for housing. With its diverse architectural options and rich variety of different types of construction, masonry is just as fashionable as ever. Indeed, its good building science properties have increased the vocabulary of its architectural manifestations. The following chapter, "Construction Details", illustrates the diverse applications of masonry. Three different types of wall were chosen for the details:
Shallow pitched roof Parapet to cold deck Pitched roof Eaves Verge without roof overhang Verge with roof overhang Verge with masonry parapet Junction with wall Chimney Floor junction Openings Window head and reveals without shoulder Window fitted behind shoulder Window with peripheral sheet metal lining Door head and jambs without shoulder Door head and jambs with shoulder Door to terrace Balconies Junction with terrace Plinth Stairs Special details Re-entrant corner Corner Free-standing walls
• A single-leaf rendered wall • A partial-fill cavity wall (outer leaf of facing masonry, air space, insulation, inner loadbearing leaf) • A full-fill cavity wall (outer leaf of facing masonry) A schematic overview of the details presents the most important building details for the three different types of wall. The details shaded grey are shown enlarged at a scale of 1:10 in the subsequent catalogue. In designing these details, the prime objectives were dependable engineering qualities and architectural clarity. Energy-efficient building demands alternative types of wall construction with ever better, ever thicker thermal insulation. Therefore, cavity insulation in conjunction with an independent outer leaf 240 mm thick was included in the catalogue of details as this form of wall construction is becoming increasingly widespread. It provides - in masonry - a reliable form of construction in terms of building science but still permits all the options of facing masonry in the design of the actual masonry skin.
Roof constructions include diffusion-tight layers where necessary. In the other cases the details employ diffusion-resistant membranes. The use of roofing felts sufficiently open to diffusion means that a membrane on the inside is no longer necessary, provided the layers of the construction below the thermal insulation, e.g. chipboard, plasterboard, form an adequate barrier to diffusion. However, it should not be forgotten that the necessary degree of airtightness must still be guaranteed. The details shown do not relate to specific construction projects but instead, in conjunction with the explanatory texts, are intended to draw attention to possible problem zones and illustrate feasible solutions. Their suitability for the respective climatic conditions must be checked in each individual case. Details which only vary as a result of the different types of wall construction are shown schematically in the overview of the details.
Flat roof
Parapet to warm deck with sheet metal capping
Flat roof
Parapet to warm deck with precast concrete coping
Flat roof
Parapet to warm deck with steel section
Single-leaf rendered masonry 365 mm masonry
Partial-fill cavity wall 115 mm outer leaf of facing brickwork 55 mm air space 80 mm insulation 240 mm inner leaf
Full-fill cavity wall 240 mm outer leaf of facing brickwork 135 mm insulation 175 mm inner leaf
Construction details
Shallow pitched roof
Parapet to cold deck with sheet metal capping
Single-leaf rendered masonry 365 mm masonry
Partial-fill cavity wall 115 mm outer leaf of facing brickwork 55 mm air space 80 mm insulation 240 mm inner leaf
Full-fill cavity wall 240 mm outer leaf of facing brickwork 135 mm insulation 175 mm inner leaf
Pitched roof
Pitched roof
Verge without roof overhang
Pitched roof Verge with roof overhang
Pitched roof Verge with masonry parapet
Pitched roof Junction with wall
Pitched roof Chimney
Construction details
Floor junction
Openings Window head and reveals without shoulder
Single-leaf rendered masonry 365 mm masonry
Partial-fill cavity wall 115 mm outer leaf of facing brickwork 55 mm air space 80 mm insulation 240 mm inner leaf
Full-fill cavity wall 240 mm outer leaf of facing brickwork 135 mm insulation 175 mm inner leaf
Openings Window head and reveals without shoulder with roller blind
Openings Window fitted behind shoulder
Openings Window with peripheral sheet metal lining
Openings Door head and jambs without shoulder
Openings Door head and jambs with shoulder
Construction details
Openings Door to terrace
Single-leaf rendered masonry 365 mm masonry
Partial-fill cavity wall 115 mm outer leaf of facing brickwork 55 mm air space 80 mm insulation 240 mm inner leaf
Full-fill cavity wall 240 mm outer leaf of facing brickwork 135 mm insulation 175 mm inner leaf
Junction with terrace Outer edge
Plinth Masonry basement Junction with plinth
Stairs Internal stairs Entrance to building Stairs to basement
Special details Re-entrant corner Corner Free-standing walls
Construction details
Flat roof Parapet to warm deck 3.1.2 Parapet with sheet metal capping on twin-leaf masonry 3.2.2 Parapet with stone coping on twin-leaf masonry 3.3.1 Parapet with steel section on single-leaf masonry 3.3.2 Parapet with steel section on twin-leaf masonry
The most common finish to the top of a masonry wall is the capping of sheet metal - copper, titanium-zinc or galvanized steel. This is usually fitted over a suitably sized and shaped timber section, which should be fixed only to the loadbearing inner leaf and may not transfer any load to the outer leaf of facing brickwork. The capping should be designed with a fall towards the roof surface. In architectural terms it is primarily the height of the visible front lip of the capping which is relevant, as this forms the upper boundary of the facade. It is also possible to provide a welted edge at this point, although this does deviate from the stipulations of the DIN standard.
Finishing the top of a wall with a prefabricated coping creates a distinct boundary, often of a different colour. Prefabricated elements offer diverse architectural options in terms of shape and material - from a simple precast concrete coping to dressed natural stone. When providing a prefabricated coping to a twin-leaf wall, it must be ensured that it is fixed only to the loadbearing 240 mm wall; it must be able to slide where it bears on the outer leaf. It is advisable for the coping to have a fall to the inside. The expansion joints between the individual coping elements must be designed and carefully built so that no water can penetrate through to the masonry. A stepped joint or a damp proof course beneath the coping is advisable. To reduce the thermal bridge effect, it is recommended to use masonry units with a low gross density (thermal conductivity) for building the parapet. Please refer to "Part 2 • Fundamentals" for details of the ring beam.
Flat roof
The inclusion of a steel section adds a special emphasis to the edge of a flat roof on a masonry building. The top of the wall is highlighted and, with an appropriate choice of colour, can contrast with the wall below. However, this detail is not without its problems. A steel section can be fixed directly to the top of a single-leaf, rendered masonry wall. However, it must be ensured that the steel section includes expansion joints and that the fixings can accommodate the movement. The movement joint between a steel section and a rendering stop bead must be sealed with a permanently elastic compound to prevent moisture from penetrating through to the masonry, It is essential to provide a covering to the steel section to stop water entering the expansion joint. The detail proposed here with UV-resistant sheeting and a clamping bar fitted to the steel section places particular demands on the sealing. Great care must be taken to ensure that the connection to the clamping bar is properly executed. If the parapet on a building employing twin-leaf wall construction (with facing brickwork) is to be terminated with a steel section, then the detail must be carefully adapted to suit (3.3.2). First, care must be taken to ensure that the fixing of the steel section to the loadbearing leaf permits adjustment (elongated hole) and that the section can accommodate expansion. There must be no direct connection with the outer leaf. This joint must be watertight, i.e. a damp proof course must be carefully bonded to the top of the outer leaf and the steel section must be able to slide on this. The steel section must be covered as described for detail 3.3.1. Instead of UV-resistant sheeting, an additional sheet metal capping can be used, but this is a considerably more elaborate and costly detail (see "Built examples in detail", example 12).
1 Loadbearing masonry 2 Facing brickwork 3 Air space 4 Wall tie 5 Rendering 6 Thermal insulation 7 Reinforced concrete slab 8 Diffusion-tight membrane 9 Roofing felt 10 Stone chippings 11 Sheet metal capping 12 Profiled timber section 13 Steel section 14 Foil slip joint 15 UV-resistant roofing felt 16 Clamping bar 17 Ring beam, or ring beam reinforcement
Construction details
Shallow pitched roof Parapet to cold deck 3.4.2 Parapet to cold deck on partial-fill cavity wall 3.4.3 Parapet to cold deck on full-fill cavity wall
Terminating a non-loadbearing outer leaf in the form of a parapet to a cold deck requires pro vision to be made for adequate ventilation of both the outer leaf and the roof construction. However, it should be ensured that the last wall tie for the outer leaf is fixed to the load bearing structure as near as possible to the top edge of the outer leaf. The detail shown here applies to sections of roof which fall only a short dis tance. If the parapet needs to be higher, then it should be built as a twin-leaf construction to anchor the outer leaf properly.
The parapet to a full-fill cavity wall is shown in detail 3.4.2. In this case it is not necessary to stabilize the outer leaf. The required crosssection for ventilation of the cold deck depends on the pitch of the roof. The roof cov ering of sheet metal with double-welted seams is possible for a pitch ≥ 7°. The metal roof cov ering is given more elaborate treatment hereto provide better protection against driving snow.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 14 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 37
Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wall tie Rendering Thermal insulation Reinforced concrete slab Diffusion-tight membrane Roofing felt Sheet metal capping Foil slip joint Ring beam, or ring beam reinforcement Timber boarding of cold deck Roof covering of metal sheeting with standing seams Rafter Gutter Roof tiles Roofing felt, open to diffusion Wall plate (eaves purlin) Timber boarding Roofing felt, diffusion-resistant Tiling battens Clamping bar Insect screen
Pitched roof
Pitched roof - eaves 3.5.1 Eaves detail for single-leaf masonry 3.5.2 Eaves detail for twin-leaf masonry
The eaves detail for a single-leaf, rendered masonry wall makes use of facing brickwork to conceal the ring beam and wall plate. An overhanging roof requires the rendering to continue up to the top edge of the rafters. With a parapet to the gable wall (see details 3.8.1 and 3,8,3), the verge gutter should discharge into the eaves gutter. On the inside it must be ensured that there is an airtight connection between the diffusionresistant roofing felt and the masonry. The example shown here employs a clamping bar.
The wall plate of the roof construction in detail 3.5,2 is placed on the outside edge of the loadbearing leaf. Masonry units are laid on top of the ring beam to conceal the wall plate and provide a consistent substrate for the plaster. The reader's attention is drawn to the airtight connection between the diffusion-resistant roofing felt and the masonry (tucked into the plaster). The remaining cross-section of the rafter above the outer leaf must be sufficient for fixing the timber boarding. The outer leaf is ventilated at the eaves. The ventilation opening must include a screen to protect against insects. With a parapet to the gable wall (see details 3.8.1 and 3.8.3), the verge gutter should discharge into the eaves gutter. As the outer leaf forms the actual weather protection, the roof does not need to overhang the wall.
Construction details
Pitched roof - verge 3.6.1 Single-leaf masonry with roof tile bedded in mortar 3.6.2 Partial-fill cavity wall with verge tile 3.6.3 Full-fill cavity wall with metal trim 3.7.1 Single-leaf masonry with bargeboard and roof overhang
The detail in which the rendering is taken right up to the underside of a roof tile bedded in mortar has become less common. However, it still remains a typical masonry detail and merely requires a good standard of workmanship in order to be successful. It is important that the roof tile at the edge is solidly bedded in mortar (mortar group II) and that the roofing felt is fixed to this. On the outside, the individual masonry units must be properly jointed with mortar in order to provide a solid substrate for the rendering. Detail 3.6.1 is suitable for low-rise buildings that do not require a ring beam. 3.6.1
The use of a verge tile permits the creation of an almost flush junction with this twin-leaf masonry wall. A number of variations may be employed for the top course of the outer leaf (compare detail 3.8.3). If the topmost course of masonry units is to be cut off at an angle to match the pitch of the roof, this can be partly concealed by the verge tile. However, ventilation for the outer leaf must still be guaranteed. The last tiling batten can be fixed to the boarding cantilevering beyond the last rafter. This detail can also be used in a similar way for single-leaf, rendered masonry walls.
Pitched roof
A folded metal profile creates a neat termination to the edge of a tiled roof as it conceals the edges of the roof tiles. The metal profile acts as a sort of "mini-gutter" and slips under the last row of tiles. It also conceals the top edge of the uppermost course of facing brickwork, which is cut to match the pitch of the roof. The metal profile must include a drip positioned clear of the face of the masonry. As it acts as a gutter, the metal profile must be able to discharge into the eaves gutter.
The most common verge detail with a timber bargeboard can be used with different lengths of roof overhang. If the overhang is large, then a robust supporting construction with tail beams is called for. The soffit board (s) can be fixed to battens attached to the purlins and/or tail beams. But these are not installed until after the rendering is complete. Detail 3.7.1 is suitable for low-rise buildings that do not require a ring beam.
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 17 23 25 26 28 29 30 31 81
Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wall tie Rendering Thermal insulation Diffusion-tight membrane Sheet metal capping Ring beam, or ring beam reinforcement Rafter Roof tiles Roofing felt, open to diffusion Timber boarding Roofing felt, diffusion-resistant Tiling battens Clamping bar Bargeboard
Construction details
Pitched roof - verge 3.8.1
Single-leaf masonry with masonry parapet and sheet metal capping 3.8.3 Twin-leaf masonry with masonry parapet
The masonry parapet with internal sheet metal gutter is a well-established architectural means for achieving a plain edge to the roof. The top of the rendered parapet can be finished with a sheet metal capping or with precast concrete or natural stone copings. The masonry parapet should be at least 175 mm thick. The metal gutter behind the masonry parapet must be able to discharge into the eaves gutter (see detail 3.5.1).
Finishing the top of the wall with a brick-onedge or soldier course can be accomplished only with an outer leaf of facing masonry 240 mm thick. In this case the courses of brickwork below the soldier course should be cut back so that the metal drip below the soldier course overhangs the internal sheet metal gutter. No further flashings are necessary, provided the work is carried out to a good standard of workmanship and all joints are fully filled with mortar (if necessary with waterrepellent mortar). It is always the bricks below the brick-on-edge or soldier course which are cut to match the pitch of the roof.
Pitched roof
Pitched roof - junction w i t h wall 3.9.1 Junction with single-leaf masonry wall 3.9.2 Junction with twin-leaf masonry wall
Details 3.9.1 and 3.9.2 illustrate junction details for buildings with different numbers of storeys, or which are offset with respect to each other. Great care must always be exercised at any wall-roof junction. The position of the edge tiles must be coordinated with that of the tiles at the eaves. The start of the gutter and its flashing should the aligned with the end of the wall for a facade of varying height. On a rendered wall, the gutter must terminate at the base of the rendering. The rendering should be isolated from the gutter by means of a stop bead and near the junction with the roof should be of a type suitable for use on ground level plinths (mortar group II). The wall construction should be chosen such that the continuous slot for the gutter does not impair the structural stability of the wall.
In detail 3.9.2 the outer leaf of facing brickwork is supported on a continuous bracket. In this case the facing brickwork can follow the pitch of the roof exactly. It is recommended to construct the base course as a brick-on-edge or one-brick course and to cut the bricks of the next course to match the pitch of the roof. This recommendation also applies to detail 3.9.3 (see p. 207). In that case the lower junction behind the gutter could also be cast in concrete.
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 16 17 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33
Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Wall tie Rendering Thermal insulation Reinforced concrete slab Diffusion-tight membrane Sheet metal capping Profiled timber section Clamping bar Ring beam, or ring beam reinforcement Rafter Gutter Roof tiles Roofing felt, open to diffusion Timber boarding Roofing felt, diffusion-resistant Tiling battens Clamping bar Metal drip Steel angle bracket
Construction details
Pitched roof - chimney 3.10.1 Top of chimney with metal flashings 3.10.2 Roof tiles bedded in mortar
Chimneys passing through pitched roofs must be flashed to prevent ingress of water into the roof space. Ideally, chimneys should be positioned to pass through the ridge in order to avoid forming an acute angle on one side. This preferred detail is shown in 3.10.1. The chimney with refractory clay flue lining, insulation and flue blocks passes between trimmers incorporated in the timber roof construction. The flue blocks are also available with corbal bricks for the facing brickwork, which means that the facing brickwork only needs to continue down to just below the trimmers. The metal flashings and roofing felt are easier to attach to the facing brickwork when the corresponding courses are cut back approx. 3040 mm. The roofing felt and metal flashings with drip above can be neatly fixed and sealed in the resulting recess in the masonry. A precast concrete cap protects the top of the chimney. If the top of the chimney is to have facing brickwork 240 mm thick, the roof tiles can be bedded in mortar in a recess on all sides, provided the climatic conditions allow. A fibre-reinforced mortar is recommended. The 240 mm facing brickwork can then be easily laid on the 115 mm masonry below owing to the bond laid in a ring around the chimney.
Floor junction
Floor junction 3.11.1 Junction between reinforced concrete floor and single-leaf masonry 3.11.2 Junction between timber joist floor and partial-fill cavity wall 3.11.3 Junction between reinforced concrete floor and full-fill cavity wall
All floor junctions should be constructed in such a way that an adequate thermal break is assured. In the case of single-leaf, rendered masonry (3.11.1), the closing brick sealing the edge of the floor slab should always be made from the same material as the rest of the wall. This creates a consistent substrate for the rendering. A strip of compressible material at the inside edge of the floor support protects the corner of the topmost course of masonry units below the floor against excessive bearing pressure. The insulation in the partial-fill cavity wall (3.11.2) automatically creates the necessary thermal break. This detail also applies when using facing masonry for the inner, loadbearing leaf as well. A timber floor requires the timber joists to bear on the masonry via a separating membrane. In addition, air bricks must be built into the wall adjacent the ends of the timber joists.
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Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wall tie Rendering Thermal insulation Reinforced concrete slab Diffusion-tight membrane Ring beam, or ring beam reinforcement Roof tiles Roofing felt, open to diffusion Timber boarding Roofing felt, diffusion-resistant Tiling battens Clamping bar Metal drip Refractory clay flue lining Flue block Trimmer Precast concrete chimney cap Impact sound insulation Floating screed Compressible plastic strip Timber floor joist Air brick
Construction details
Openings Window head and reveals without shoulder 3.12.1 Lintel over window in single-leaf masonry 3.12.2 Lintel over window in partial-fill cavity wall, with louvre blind 3.12.3 Lintel over window in full-fill cavity wall 3.13.2 Lintel over window in partial-fill cavity wall, with roller blind box
It is possible to install windows without a step or shoulder in the opening, but special attention should be paid to achieving a good seal to the peripheral joint between window frame and structure. Various prefabricated lintels are available from building materials suppliers. All the details require the inclusion of adequate thermal insulation. Detail 3.12.1 shows channel blocks filled with (reinforced) concrete and a layer of insulation. The channel blocks must be made from aerated clay. Window details without step or shoulder will become increasingly problematic as the thermal insulation regulations are tightened further. 3.12.1
Twin-leaf masonry (3.12.2) enables a sunshade (in this case a louvre blind) to be incorporated in the cavity between loadbearing leaf and facing brickwork. Care must be taken to ensure that the reinforced concrete lintel is adequately insulated; the insulation should be protected by a sheet metal cover. The operating mechanism for the blind should certainly be motorized with this type of detail. The facing brickwork outer leaf can be supported by means of a cambered arch for spans up to 2 m; larger spans require the use of steel sections.
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Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wail tie Rendering Thermal insulation Reinforced concrete slab Impact sound insulation Floating screed Compressible plastic strip Timber floor joist Air brick Open perpend Lightweight clay channel block lintel Masonry lintel Shallow lintel Precast concrete lintel Prefabricated lintel Blind Wooden lining Roller blind with box Window with wooden frame
A window detail without step or shoulder in a full-fill cavity wall (3.12.3) is best achieved by positioning the window in the plane of the insulation. A prefabricated shallow lintel can be used as the lintel supporting the inner leaf. Special attention must be given to achieving a good junction with the insulation at the frame. The solution illustrated here presupposes that after installing the subframe, the gap between the cavity insulation and the window frame is filled with insulation (polyurethane foam) and the opening closed with a continuous profiled strip. The window reveal is clad with plasterboard. 3.12.3
The roller blind industry provides box elements which comply with all the thermal insulation requirements. For single-leaf masonry there is a roller blind box with a rendering support along its outer edge. Roller blind boxes are available for all the common wall thicknesses. In twin-leaf masonry the roller blind box should be positioned behind the outer leaf of facing brickwork. The detail shown here assumes a concrete lintel left exposed, which bears on the masonry on both sides of the opening. The outer leaf has to be ventilated above the roller blind box. A damp proof course must be provided at the base of the cavity.
Construction details
Openings Window fitted behind shoulder 3.14.1 Single-leaf masonry 3.14.2 Twin-leaf masonry
Windows fitted behind a step or shoulder can be sealed easier and more reliably. The joints to be sealed can be hidden and are not visible from the outside. The subframe may need to be suitably enlarged if an identical width of frame on all sides is desired on the outside face. The lintel arrangement shown in detail 3.14.1 may employ a shallow lintel, provided the span is not too large. It is necessary to ensure adequate insulation between the lintel/masonry and the concrete lintel on the inside face. The wood finish to the window reveal shown in this detail covers the thermal insulation on the inside of the window. The external window sill, in this case of sheet metal, could also be made of precast concrete or natural stone.
Detail at end of shee metal window sill
For a twin-leaf masonry wall (3.14.2), the window is installed similarly to detail 3.14.1. If the opening is not too wide, then a cambered arch may be used to support the outer leaf; spans > 2 m require additional support in the form of steel sections. Ventilation (open perpends) to the outer leaf must be provided above the bricks of the arch. The window sill in detail 3.14.2 is shown as a precast concrete element. However, a brickon-edge course could be used instead. Detail at end of precast concrete window sill
Openings Window with peripheral sheet metal lining 3.15.1 Sheet metal lining in single-leaf masonry for window fitted in front of shoulder 3.15.2 Sheet metal lining in twin-leaf masonry for window openings without shoulder
Windows opening outwards or at least fitted on the outside are common and indeed advisable in northern Europe. However, adequate protection against driving rain must be guaranteed, especially for the detail at the head of the frame. Detail 3.15.1 shows a peripheral sheet metal lining, which at the same time functions as the window sill. In single-leaf masonry care must be taken to ensure that the window is positioned in the plane of the insulation behind the outer lintel. It is important to provide a carefully detailed permanently elastic joint, incorporating a stop bead, at the junction between rendering and sheet metal lining.
The sheet metal lining in a twin-leaf masonry wall (3.15.2) fulfils the same requirements as in detail 3.15.1. Detail 3.15.2 shows an arrangement without a step or shoulder in the window opening. Once again, the sheet metal lining also acts as the window sill, projecting a sufficient distance beyond the face of the outer leaf.
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Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wall tie Rendering Thermal insulation Reinforced concrete slab Impact sound insulation Floating screed Compressible plastic strip Timber floor joist Air brick Open perpend Masonry lintel Shallow lintel Wooden lining Window with wooden frame Sheet metal lining
Construction details
Openings Doors 3.16.2 Door opening without shoulder in twin-leaf masonry 3.17.1 Door fitted in front of shoulder in single-leaf masonry 3.17.2 Door fitted behind shoulder in twin-leaf masonry 3.18.2 Opening in twin-leaf masonry for door to terrace
Door openings without a shoulder are subject to similar conditions to window openings without a shoulder. The door is best positioned flush with the outside face of the loadbearing leaf in order to provide a neat junction with the floor. The edge of the floor construction is finished with a steel section, which also functions as the weather bar at the bottom of the door, The brick-on-edge course forming the threshold requires its own support. The insulation is covered by a wooden lining fixed on the outside to the sides and top of the opening. A cambered masonry arch may be used as the lintel for normal door widths. Ventilation (open perpends) for the outer leaf is required above the arch. The damp proof course above the wooden lining must be built into the outer leaf below the open perpends.
A door fitted in front of a shoulder (3.17.1) requires careful detailing to provide protection against rain, especially at the head of the door (as for details 3.15.1 and 3.15.2). The peripheral sheet metal lining provides the necessary protection, while acting as threshold and weather bar. Therefore, this sheet metal should be thick enough to withstand being walked upon. In twin-leaf masonry the sheet metal lining should be separated from the outer leaf. This means that a gap can be formed to permit ventilation of the outer leaf.
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Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wall tie Rendering Thermal insulation Reinforced concrete slab Foil slip joint Ring beam, or ring beam reinforcement Precast concrete capping Impact sound insulation Floating screed Compressible plastic strip Timber floor joist Air brick Open perpend Masonry lintel Shallow lintel Prefabricated lintel Wooden lining Sheet metal lining Wooden door with weather bar Wooden door opening outwards Steel section as weather bar Paving to terrace Glazed door with wooden frame Drainage channel with grating
Detail 3.17.2 shows a masonry arch lintel 240 mm thick. The masonry at the sides of the opening remains exposed. The door frame is positioned behind the jambs and the lintel. In this detail care must be taken to ensure that the lintel is adequately insulated and that a damp proof course is incorporated.
Doors leading to outside terraces often incorporate steps. However, detail 3.18.2 shows an arrangement where the outside terrace is at the same level as the floor inside the building. The structural floor is stepped at this point. This detail shows only the form of the transition at the opening. The outer leaf of the twin-leaf wall is carried on a continuous bracket above the insulation on top of the concrete slab supporting the terrace. The transition from the door opening to the terrace includes a drainage channel covered by a grating; this is connected to the drainage system. Single-leaf, rendered masonry, as shown schematically in detail 3.18.1, p. 210, may be built directly on the concrete slab. The 240 mm outer leaf of a full-fill cavity wall is also supported on a continuous bracket (see detail 3.18.3, p. 210).
3.18.2 227
Construction details
Balconies 3.19.1 Continuous balcony floor slab 3.19.2 Balcony floor slab with thermal break
Balconies whose loadbearing construction is integral with the floor slab inside the building are always a problem. In building science terms it is better to provide the balcony construction as an independent item in front of the external wall. However, in the case of single-leaf masonry, the floor construction often continues through the wall to the outside. If this is done, then the floor slab inside must be adequately insulated (3.19.1a). A sufficient width (min. 500 mm) of insulation must be provided across the full width of the slab where it passes through the wall in order to reduce thermal bridge losses. It should be noted, however, that this causes the surface temperatures at the junction between floor and wall to drop by about 2 K (2°C). The detail can be substantially improved by extending the thermal insulation 20 mm into the external masonry. Similar positive effects can be obtained by placing a strip of insulation approx. 100 mm wide vertically in the masonry beneath the floor slab. A slip joint should be provided between floor slab and masonry to allow for the differential deformation. Openings (3.19.1b) should be treated similarly. In doing so, the outer lintel should also be of masonry in order to achieve a consistent substrate for the rendering. This lintel must be properly insulated. A small step from inside to outside is unavoidable in this detail; elaborate measures are required to avoid such a step (by way of different floor slab thicknesses). At the sides of the opening, the damp proof membrane below the balcony floor finish must extend up the wall as far as the bottom edge of the rendering. The damp proof membrane is then covered with a plinth of the same material as the balcony floor finish.
A better detail for the balcony floor junction is one with an intended thermal break (3.19.2a). One of the advantages of this type of construction is that the balcony can be formed as a prefabricated unit with an integral surface finish. It is useful to match the thickness of the balcony floor slab to the size of the masonry units in the case of twin-leaf masonry. The outer leaf should be supported on a continuous bracket and should not bear directly on the balcony. Likewise, there should be a compressible joint between the top course of bricks below the balcony and the underside of the balcony floor slab. At an opening (3.19.2b) the masonry lintel should also be separated from the balcony. Here, the bricks are carried on a steel section, which is supported at the sides of the opening. It is advisable to position the window in the plane of the insulation in order to avoid cold bridges. The sheet metal threshold shown in detail 3.19.2b should be made from hot-dip galvanised steel of adequate thickness (4mm). There must be a good seal below this threshold, connecting balcony floor slab to bottom rail of door frame. The detail shown here has a considerable difference in level between inside and outside and is therefore not suitable for disabled persons.
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Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wall tie Rendering Thermal insulation Reinforced concrete slab Foil slip joint Ring beam, or ring beam reinforcement Steel angle bracket Impact sound insulation Floating screed Compressible plastic strip Open perpend Reinforced concrete balcony floor slab Glazed door with wooden frame Balcony floor finish Thermal insulation incorporated in formwork Reinforcement, with thermal break
Construction details
Junction w i t h terrace Outer edge of terrace 3.20.2 Masonry parapet above partial-fill cavity wall 3.20.3 Balustrade fixed to full-fill cavity wall
The detail at the outer edge of a terrace supported on twin-leaf masonry can be the same as that for a flat roof parapet. Detail 3.20.2 shows a masonry wall (i.e. parapet) forming the boundary to the terrace because it not possible to fix a balustrade to the facing brickworkwhich is shown in detail 3.20.3. The masonry parapet should be at least 175 mm thick - 240 mm is better. The top can be finished with a precast concrete or natural stone coping, or a soldier course (see detail 3.8.3, p. 218). A compressible joint should be incorporated between the masonry parapet and the facing brickwork. This joint- a "predetermined breaking point" - should be sealed with a permanently elastic compound. If, for architectural reasons, such a special joint is not desirable, there is no alternative to building the entire parapet in twin-leaf masonry (similar to detail 3.2.2, p. 212). Adequate insulation must be incorporated between the edge of the floor slab and the outer leaf. Open perpends are included below this insulation to ensure ventilation. The waterproof sheeting must be extended up the side of the parapet to a level at least 150 mm above the water run-off layer (in this case gravel). The peripheral metal sheet with its fixing and the metal drip could be incorporated somewhat more attractively - but at higher cost - by cutting out a recess in the masonry similar to detail 3.8.3. The terrace edge detail shown in 3.20.3 calls for a firm bond between the edge of the waterproof sheeting where it joins the masonry and the top of the outer leaf above the level of the concrete slab supporting the terrace. Care must be taken to guarantee that the paving slabs forming the floor of the terrace and the slabs on top of the outer leaf - which must be securely fixed - finish at the same level.
Junction with terrace • Plinth
3.21.1 Masonry basement 3.21.2 Plinth detail for twin-leaf masonry
In principle, masonry basements must comply with the protective measures for non-pressurized water - a situation which occurs in most construction projects - as laid down in DIN 18195 part 5. This is accomplished by using bonded waterproof layers of bitumen or plastic sheeting or thick bitumen coats (see "Part 2 • Fundamentals"). The horizontal layer of waterproofing must be properly joined to the vertical layer. In order to provide extra protection, a second waterproof layer can be incorporated horizontally above the second course of masonry. Only rendering made from pure cement mortar of mortar group II may be used in contact with the ground and on the waterproof layers. This rendering should extend at least 150 mm above ground level. The limecement mortar rendering above this should be separated by a slit cut with a trowel. In twinleaf wall construction the waterproof layer should extend over the foundation and as far as the top of the second course of masonry. The outer leaf can then be built on the foundation. The base course of the outer leaf must include open perpends to allow moisture to drain away. Ventilation of the outer leaf is guaranteed by way of open perpends in the third course above ground level; a horizontal damp proof course should be included below the open perpends.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 17 58 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73
Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wall tie Rendering Thermal insulation Reinforced concrete slab Diffusion-tight membrane Roofing felt Stone chippings Steel section Foil slip joint Ring beam, or ring beam reinforcement Paving to terrace Waterproofing Protective mat Horizontal damp proof course/membrane Cement mortar rendering Lime-cement mortar rendering Concave fillet Concrete foundation Reinforced concrete ground slab
Construction details
Stairs 3.22.1 Internal stairs 3.22.2 Stairs at entrance to building 3.22.3 Stairs to basement
Masonry stairs inside buildings may be constructed using various combinations of masonry unit formats depending on the pitch. In principle, the supporting construction can make use of loadbearing masonry walls with segmental arches, precast concrete elements or reinforced concrete stairs. The stair treads are then placed on this. Detail 3.22.1 shows treads formed from DF units laid horizontally and also on edge. This example shows precast concrete steps which are incorporated without sound insulation at the ends. To satisfy sound insulation requirements, it is recommended to use a continuous reinforced concrete stair flight with sound insulation at the supports.
Masonry entrance stairs can be constructed as a solid block located completely within the width between the reveals of the door opening. The size of the landing depends on the nature of the entrance door and the design of the entrance. The example shown here includes a modest landing just 490 mm deep in front of an entrance door opening inwards. It is essential to provide an adequately sized foundation to the stair block, if necessary separate to the loadbearing construction of the basement. The internal floor finish terminates at a steel section, which also functions as the weather bar for the door.
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Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wall tie Thermal insulation Reinforced concrete slab Impact sound insulation Floating screed Open perpend Wooden door with weather bar Steel section as weather bar Brick-on-edge course Reinforced concrete treads Reinforced concrete stair flight Insulating masonry unit Masonry units laid in bond in formwork
Stairs • Re-entrant corner
The masonry external basement stairs shown in detail 3.22.3 are supported on a reinforced concrete stair flight, This is cast against the soil as a self-supporting flight spanning from top to bottom. Normally, the basement walls and the wall on the other side of the stairs separating them from the soil are constructed independently from the stairs. The external wall to the basement in this example makes use of English bond and is at least 240 mm thick. The facing brickwork to the concrete wall on the opposite side facing the soil can be constructed similarly. The stairs are then constructed independently between the two walls. The joints at the sides can be left open.
Re-entrant corner 3.23.1 Re-entrant corner with masonry soffit
The masonry re-entrant corner is not unknown in masonry construction. Höger and Schumacher have used this particular feature on many occasions. This detail increasingly appears in re-entrant facades, offset storeys, arcades and covered passages or driveways in the examples of modern masonry construction. A one-brick-thick skin is built in a proper bond in the bottom of the formwork for the reinforced concrete slab and anchored to the reinforced concrete with mechanical fixings. The reinforcement is then positioned and the concrete slab cast on top of the brickwork. To avoid a cold bridge, it is necessary to construct the base course of the loadbearing leaf above the floor slab using insulating masonry units. The damp proof course in the cavity is built into the outer leaf above the concrete slab.
Construction details
Corner 3.23.2 Horizontal section through external corner of twin-leaf masonry
The provision of movement joints at building corners is relevant only for the 115 mm outer leaf. The separation of the outer leaf at the corner which is normally carried out reveals the thinness of the outer leaf and hence demonstrates the - often - wallpaper-like quality of the cladding. However, the corner can also be built in a proper bond. A movement joint must then be incorporated into the main body of the wall. When doing so, it should be ensured that the distance between the corner and the joint does not exceed half the maximum recommended joint spacing. If this rule is observed, then the joint can be located satisfactorily within the wall. The joint may be vertical or may zigzag (vertically) following the joints in the masonry. In contrast to this, an example of a negative corner incorporating a steel section is also shown. This emphasizes the corner. The steel section must be carefully fixed to the corner of the loadbearing leaf.
3.23.2 Free-standing walls 3.23.3 Finishing the tops of free-standing masonry walls
Free-standing masonry walls of facing brickwork are usually topped by a precast concrete coping, or a brick-on-edge or soldier course. Good-quality workmanship with joints fully filled with mortar (if necessary water-repellent mortar) makes any further protection unnecessary. Sheet metal cappings similar to those used on masonry parapets (see detail 3.1.1) are, in the opinion of the authors, not suitable in this situation.
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Loadbearing masonry Facing brickwork Air space Wall tie Thermal insulation Precast concrete capping Movement joint Steel angle as corner profile
Part 4 • Built examples in detail Günter Pfeifer
The buildings documented on the following pages illustrate the multitude of applications for masonry, Modern masonry construction has many faces. This is reflected not only in the design of facing brickwork and a changing architectural ex pression, but also in the structural treatment of slender loadbearing constructions right up to thick solid walls used for reasons of energy efficiency. In the choice of examples, attention was given to the various materials used for facades: rendering, clay, calcium silicate and concrete bricks, and natural stone, But an equal amount of attention was also devoted to the resulting, different types of wall construc tion. However, the chief criteria for selecting a project were its engineering and architectural qualities. The examples shown here come from different locations with different conditions in terms of climate, construction law and building regula tions. Likewise, there are also examples from times when other thermal insulation require ments applied. For this reason, the details recorded here cannot necessarily be used elsewhere without being modified to suit the respective situation. The typical engineering and architectural details were selected from the planning docu ments of the examples shown here and re drawn in a standard format. To help in identify ing the relationships, basic information such as location plan, floor layouts, sections and general explanations were added.
External wall
Built examples in detail - overview
Walter Stolz, Rosenheim
House in Hallertau, D
Single-leaf, rendered
Hartwig N. Schneider, Stuttgart
Housing complex in Ludwigsburg, D
Single-leaf, rendered
Lightweight clay Lightweight clay
Rolf Ramcke, Hannover
Sewage works building in Hannover, D
Burkard, Meyer + Partner, Baden
Extension to school in Gebenstorf, CH
Clay + lightweight clay in common bond
Gunter Pfeifer, Lörrach
House in Bad Sackingen, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Calcium silicate / calcium silicate
Frederiksen + Knudsen, Copenhagen
House in Hellerup, DK
Full-fill cavity wall
Heinz Bienefeld, Swisttal-Ollheim
House in Brühl, D
Clay + lightweight clay in common bond
Gunter Pfeifer, Lörrach
Housing complex in Lörrach, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Concrete (bricks) /calcium silicate
Claus + Kaan, Amsterdam
Housing complex in Groningen, NL
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay / calcium silicate
Heide + Beckerath, Berlin
Two apartment blocks in Berlin, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay/calcium silicate
Hans Kollhoff, Berlin
Housing complex in Amsterdam, NL
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay/calcium silicate
Schattner, Schmitz, Eichstatt
Extension to palace near Beilngries, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Concrete (bricks) / reinforced concrete
Rudolf Hierl, Munich
Youth hostel in Dachau, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Concrete (bricks) / reinforced concrete
Schunck-Ullrich-Krausen, Munich
School in Munich, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Concrete (bricks) / reinforced concrete
Lederer, Ragnarsdóttir, Oei, Stuttgart/Karlsruhe
School in Ostfildern, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay / reinforced concrete
Ernst Gisel, Zurich
Town hall in Fellbach, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay / reinforced concrete
Hiltebrandt + Schulz, Cologne
Office building in Lunen, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay / autoclaved aerated concrete
Heinz Mohl, Karlsruhe
Computer centre in Karlsruhe, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Concrete (bricks) / concrete (bricks)
Haessig + Partner, Zurich
Mixed-use building in Zurich, CH
Full-fill cavity wall
Calcium silicate / reinforced concrete
Petra und Paul Kahlfeldt, Berlin
Mixed-use development in Berlin, D
Full-fill cavity wall
Clay / reinforced concrete
Lederer, Ragnarsdottir, Oei, Stuttgart/Karlsruhe
Extension to office building in Stuttgart, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay / reinforced concrete
Maccreanor, Lavington, London
Business premises in London, GB
Precast concrete elements, clay facing brickwork
Hegger, Hegger, Schleiff, Kassel
Business start-up centre in Hamm, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Recycled clay / calcium silicate
Atelier Zeinstra, van der Pol, Amsterdam
Housing complex in Amsterdam, NL
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay infill panels / lightweight timber construction
Lundgaard + Tranberg, Copenhagen
Housing development in Rungsted, DK
Full-fill cavity wall
Clay / precast concrete elements
Jesus Maria Aparicio Guisado, Madrid
Apartment block in Salamanca, E
Full-fill cavity wall
Clay / horizontally perforated clay
Baumschlager + Eberle, Lochau
Community centre in Lochau, A
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay / reinforced concrete frame
Hahn, Helten, Aachen
Church, community centre in Neu-Anspach, D Partial-fill cavity wall
Concrete (bricks) / reinforced concrete
Raffaele Cavadini, Locarno
Community buildings in Iragna, CH
Full-fill cavity wall
Natural stone / clay
Kaag und Schwarz, Stuttgart
Bank extension in Schönaich, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Natural stone / reinforced concrete
de Blacam + Meagher, Dublin
Library in Cork, IRL
Diaphragm wall
Clay / concrete (bricks)
Adalberto Dias, Porto
Faculty building in Aveiro, P
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay / reinforced concrete
Eckert Negwer Sommer Suselbeek, Berlin
Office building in Essen, D
Full-fill cavity wall
Clay / calcium silicate
Fink + Jocher, Munich
Housing complex in Hannover, D
Partial-fill cavity wall
Clay / reinforced concrete
Example 1
House in Hallertau, Germany
1999 Architect: Walter Stolz, Rosenheim Assistants: Georg Trengler, Elisabeth Mehrl (colour scheme), Hofberg Structural engineers: Bauer Ingenieure, Landshut
The plot is located in a new development with heterogeneous, detached family houses on the edge of this little town in Bavaria. The house and garage are positioned at the top end of this gently sloping site. Together with the wall in between, they form a boundary on the road side and enclose the west-facing garden with its view towards the town in the valley. The north elevation of the main building has very few openings but includes a glazed porch, which acts as a climate buffer and lobby for the entrance to the house. The living room is a few steps below the level of the rest of the open-plan ground floor layout in order to follow the slope of the garden outside. The careful choice of materials and the simple, precise detailing have created a building that relates to both contemporary architecture and regional building traditions. The walls are of 365 mm lightweight clay brickwork with three-coat lime rendering painted sienna red. The shallow reveals of the windows leave them almost flush with the outside face and the amount of in coming sunlight can be regulated by means of louvre blinds fitted internally. The natural-colour concrete roof tiles terminate at the eaves and verges without an overhang, simply with sheet metal flashings. The pitched roof is supported on two glulam purlins. There is glazing to part of the ridge between these two purlins. The roof structure appears once again above the ground floor in the form of two steel beams spanning length wise to shorten the span of the timber joist floor.
House in Hallertau
Site layout scale 1:1000 1 st floor Ground floor Sections scale 1:250
Example 1
Sections Verge scale 1:20
Roof construction: natural-colour concrete roof tiles battens and counterbattens roofing felt, open to diffusion wood fibre insulation batts, 22 + 40 mm 80 x 176 mm rafters, with 100 + 60 mm thermal insulation between vapour barrier 16 mm spruce boarding 2 Reinforced concrete ring beam, 240 x 300 mm 3 Lightweight clay toothed bricks, large block 8-0.8-12 DF 4 3-coat lime rendering
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Steel angle, 60 x 190 x 10 mm, with welded dowels Timber joists, 60 x 190 mm Wall heating Glass fibre fabric Heat-absorbing glass (2 panes of toughened safety glass) Titanium-zinc perforated sheet Wall plate, 60 x 160 mm Angle, 90 x 90 x 7 mm, to both sides of rafter Toughened safety glass, 8 mm Stainless steel angle, 25 x 25 x 3 mm Wood/aluminium window Louvre blind Prefabricated clay lintel Drainage channel Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) board, 30 mm Titanium-zinc verge flashing Clay channel block
House in Hallertau
Horizontal sections through chimney 1st floor- Ground floor scale 1:50 22 23 24 25
Seat Refractory clay brickwork, sharp-edge moulding, 70 mm Wood-burning oven 2 No. 60 x 190 x 10 mm angles as support for floor joists
Example 2
Housing complex in Ludwigsburg, Germany 1998 Architects: Hartwig N. Schneider, with Gabriele Mayer, Stuttgart Project architects: Andreas Gabriel, Ingo Pelchen Assistant: Franz Lutz
This housing complex, comprising a total of 60 rented apartments distributed according to type among the group of three-storey blocks, is located on the eastern edge of Ludwigburg's city centre. There is one main block over 80 m long which faces south. Attached to this are three L-shaped wings on the road side, whose end facades break up the streetscape. The open spaces between these wings contain the entrances to the basement garages and the outside stairs to the landscaped courtyards over the garages. The building follows the topography with very small changes in height between the different parts of the complex. Access to the apartments is by way of various staircase arrangements or an open walkway. All the housing units receive daylight from at least two sides and face either onto the semi-public courtyards or the garden to the south. Further differentiation is provided by the different facade elements: ribbon win dows with sliding wooden shutters alternate with regular fenestration, cedar-clad access blocks contrast with the areas of dark render ing. The walls of the blocks comprise, in the main, 300 mm aerated clay brickwork covered with a coloured mineral rendering. The junctions between the areas of rendering and adjoining elements, such as windows and plinths, are carefully detailed. The masonry on the long south elevation facing the garden is clad with cedar wood elements. Similar elements serve as sliding shutters to the room-height glazing. The balconies are precast concrete units sus pended in front of the facade and provided with a thermal break.
Housing complex in Ludwigsburg
Location plan
scale 1:2500
2nd floor • Ground floor North elevation • Section scale 1:750
Example 2
Housing complex in Ludwigsburg
Section through west facade Horizontal section through sliding glazing in rendered facade scale 1:20 Section scale 1:500 Section through south facade scale 1:20 1 Aluminium track, with brushes 2 Toughened safety glass, 8 mm, rear face enamelled 3 Aluminium guide shoe, with guide wheel 4 Aluminium track 5 Wall construction: 20 mm mineral rendering 300 mm Hlz lightweight clay bricks 15 mm internal plaster 6 Lightweight clay channel block, 300 mm 7 Aluminium channel, 100 x 50 x 5 mm 8 Aluminium external window sill 9 Wood/aluminium window with insulating glazing 10 Reconstituted stone internal window sill 11 Toughened safety glass, 8 mm 12 Steel hollow section, 60 x 20 x 3 mm, galvanized 13 Thermal insulation element, loadbearing
15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23
Floor construction: 5 mm floor covering 50 mm cement screed 0.2 mm polyethylene separating membrane 20 mm impact sound insulation 60 mm thermal insulation 180 mm reinforced concrete slab Aluminium angle, 60 x 30 x 5 mm Parapet cladding: 14 mm cement-bound wood fibre board Upper track for sliding shutters Lower track Cedar wood shutters, 58 mm Wall construction: 15 mm internal plaster 240 mm Hlz lightweight clay bricks 80 mm mineral wool thermal insulation protective covering (non-woven fabric) prefabricated cedar wood cladding, 58 mm Timber closing piece, 220 x 48 mm Precast concrete element, coloured Balustrade of steel sections, galvanized, colour-coated
Example 3
Screens and sand catcher facility to sewage w o r k s in Hannover, Germany 1994
Architect: Rolf Ramcke, Hannover Municipal Building Authority Structural engineers: Schülke & Gerke, Erich Schulke, Hannover
Situated on the raised bank of the River Leine, this utility building appears as a concise state ment dominating the recreational zone of the Leine flood plain. This plant and processing building houses the mechanical preliminary sedimentation of the city's waste water. The building is divided into two sections to match the processing of the waste water: separating out solids by means of coarse and fine screens and the subsequent separation of the deposits via sand catcher lines, as well as the collection of mineral set tling material for further processing in the waste water treatment plant. The waste water passes through the two sections in open chan nels. The unheated processing areas have a con stant internal temperature of 12 °C and a rela tive humidity of approx. 90%. Added to the extreme building science conditions are the loads generated by the aggressive gases from the waste water. Temperatures below the dew point are unavoidable in this situation, which is why all the walls were built in single-leaf facing masonry of solid engineering bricks. The clearly arranged complex with the external walls and stairs matched to the main building lives from the use of the changing colours of the Bockhorn engineering bricks built in an irregular bond. The small number of formal interventions are restricted to the arrangement of the vertical windows, which are formed with approx. 10 mm thick profiled piers. All window openings employ glass bricks. The south-east corner is particularly emphasized by dogtoothing at an angle of 45°. This sedate struc ture with its long masonry walls and handful of interruptions to edges and enclosures repre sents simple but powerful industrial architec ture.
Section through screens building Section through sand catcher scale 1.250
South elevation Plan scale 1:750
Screens and sand catcher facility to sewage works in Hannover
1 2 3 4 5 6
Screens building Screens containers Sand screening Sand catcher lines I and II Rainwater retention basin Inlet pumping plant I
Example 3
Section through north facade Horizontal section through windows Elevation on and section through door scale 1:20
1 2 3 4
Sheet metal capping NF engineering bricks Thermal insulation, 40 mm Roof construction 50 mm gravel waterproofing, 3 layers thermal insulation with 1.5% fall, 150-270 mm vapour barrier
vapour pressure compensation membrane 200 mm lightweight concrete planks Floor construction: 50 mm reconstituted stone tiles 30 mm mortar bed polyethylene separating membrane Stainless steel channel, 80 mm
Screens and sand catcher facility to sewage works in Hannover
Example 4
Extension to school in Gebenstorf, Switzerland 1997 Architects: Urs Burkard, Adrian Meyer & Partner, Berlin Assistants: Daniel Krieg, Adrian Streich Structural engineers: Gerber + Partner, Munich
This extension to the existing school complex consists of two sections: a three-storey class room wing facing south, and to the east a twostorey block with staff-room and library plus the school kitchen on the upper floor. The north facade of the three-storey block forms the boundary to the school yard and features storey-height glazing, which permits a view of the stairs and the internal walls with their win dows to the classrooms. The buildings, the proportions of which remind us of bricks, are built entirely of masonry: single-leaf 610 mm external walls clad intern ally, and 250 mm internal walls with facing brickwork on both sides. The tension which results from the heaviness of the brick volumes and the lightness of the glazing helps to create this impressive architectural statement. The 320 mm reinforced concrete floor slabs are prestressed to support the cantilever. Their good heat storage capacity reinforces the simple energy concept of the building. The single-leaf wall construction employs a precisely specified two-layer composite. Hard clay bricks on the outside with a bulk density of 1800 kg/m 3 have been combined with aerated masonry units with a bulk density of 1400 kg/m 3 . Within the masonry bond, every fourth course of engineering bricks penetrates deeper into the external wall. This construction achieves a U-value of 0.34 W/m 2 K, which lies within the statutory requirements for this type of building. The advantages of this system found expres sion in the architecture - the south elevation, with tall, simple window slits and deep reveals, does not require any sunshading. The class room walls adjacent to the corridors also include window openings to enable those passing to observe the activities within. This school has pointed a new way forward for masonry construction in terms of the precise implementation of the building concept and the credibility of the design and the details.
Location plan scale 1:1000 2nd floor 1 st floor Ground floor scale 1:400
1 2 3 4 5
Library Staffroom Hall Cloakroom Workshop
6 Textiles workshop 7 School kitchen 8 Dining room 9 Classroom 10 Group room
Extension to school in Gebenstorf
Example 4
Extension to school in Gebenstorf
Section South-east elevation scale 1:400 Section scale 1:200 Section through parapet scale 1:10
1 2 3 4 5
Aluminium capping, 2 mm Waterproof chipboard laid to fall, 18 mm Brick-on-edge course of facing cant bricks Thermal insulation, rigid expanded foam, 30 mm Roof construction: 60 mm gravel waterproofing, 2 layers of bitumen sheeting thermal insulation, 100 mm rigid expanded foam vapour barrier 320-440 mm reinforced concrete slab
Example 4
Extension to school in Gebenstorf
Sections scale 1:20 1
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
Wall construction: clay facing bricks in bond with lightweight clay bricks, 610 mm MDF boards on timber battens Plinth construction: 250 mm clay facing bricks 250 mm reinforced concrete wall 80 mm thermal insulation MDF boards on timber battens Floor construction: linoleum floor covering, black 100 mm floating cement screed 80 mm thermal insulation 250 mm reinforced concrete slab perforated plasterboard on timber battens Lintel of clay facing bricks Artificial stone window sill, painted brick red Floor construction: linoleum floor covering, black 45 mm cement screed polyethylene separating membrane 320 mm prestressed concrete slab Wooden window with insulating glazing Laminated safety glass, matt finish Insulating glazing Internal wall construction: 250 mm clay brickwork MDF boards on timber battens
Example 5
House in Bad Sackingen, Germany 1978 Architect: Günter Pfeifer, Lörrach Assistant: Rolf Buhler Structural engineer: Jurgen Bahr, Schopfheim
This house stands on the north-west boundary of a plot where in the past it formed a counter weight to a villa dating from the Bauhaus era, which has since been demolished. The owners possess an extensive collection of contempo rary art. In order to provide an appropriate setting for the paintings, with differentiated lighting, the internal rooms are of different heights. The shape of the house is based on a square plan which includes large rooftop terraces on two sides. The garage and a pergola, which denote the entrance, enclose a small play area in front of the children's bedrooms. The building is set out on a 1.25 m grid. The calcium silicate masonry left exposed internally and externally was whitewashed after the joints were finished in the same operation as the bricklaying. Just two different window sizes with blinds behind the soldier course lintels determine the simplistic appearance of the house. The details which would today no longer be acceptable from the building science viewpoint have not led to any damage to the building thanks to the extensive low-temperature heat ing at ground floor level.
House in Bad Sackingen
Axonometric view not to scale Plans Sections scale 1:400
Section through facade Scale 1:10 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Titanium-zinc sheet capping Soldier course, calcium silicate 2 DF bricks Titanium-zinc flashing Roof construction: gravel waterproofing 80 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier 180 mm reinforced concrete slab Steel angle, galvanized, 90 x 75 x 7 mm Wooden window, red cedar with insulating glazing Louvre blind Wall construction: 115 mm calcium silicate 2 DF bricks, without rendering, with white wash finish 15 mm air space 50 mm mineral fibre thermal insulation 240 mm calcium silicate 2 DF bricks, with white wash finish Floor construction: 18 mm quarry tiles in thin-bed mortar 70 mm screed with underfloor heating pipes 40 mm thermal insulation damp proof membrane 100 mm reinforced concrete slab
Example 6
House in Hellerup, Denmark 1995 Architects: Frederiksen & Knudsen, Copenhagen Assistants: Ulrik Schwanenflugel, Carsten Nohr Larsen Structural engineer: Kurt Thybo, Hellerup
The captivating design of this three-storey detached house is due to its distinctive posi tion within the streetscape, its forecourt en closed by masonry walls, the capacious setting of the entrance and the clear lines of the build ing itself. The house was sited towards the rear of the plot in order to retain an existing bay which determined the atmosphere of the loca tion. The simple plan layout results from a dis tinct north-south zoning of the functional areas of the house. Arranging the levels of the house offset by half a storey with respect to the sur rounding ground level places the entrance on the level of the children's bedrooms. Dining area and kitchen look out onto a sunken ter race in the garden on the southern side. The spacious living room with fireplace is located on the second floor; it faces south and com mands a good view across the waters of The Sound. The second floor also contains a study and the master bedroom. The skill of the design is not apparent at first sight. The external walls of the house are con structed from two 110 mm leaves with 130 mm cavity insulation, while the single-leaf loadbearing transverse wall is 170 mm thick. Pre cast concrete planks were used for the floors, the roof structure is of timber. Large spans, like over the window openings of the south eleva tion, make use of additional steel members. The other openings have been kept small and correspond to the structural requirements of the 110 mm masonry. The unorthodox facade arrangement is explained by the fact that the fenestration was chosen to suit the atmosphere of the interior and provide certain picturesque views. The whitewashed masonry is left exposed internally as well, with the exception of the blue walls to the staircase. This project shows that careful planning, par ticularly with respect to the building services normally encountered in the walls, and accu rate structural analysis can provide a future for masonry in a "slimline" construction as well.
Location plan scale 1:750 Sections Upper floor Ground floor Basement scale 1:200
House in Hellerup
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lobby Hall Room Bathroom Kitchen Dining area Guest's bedroom Wine cellar Living room Bedroom
Example 6
Section through south facade Horizontal section through corner glazing detail Section through north facade scale 1:20
House in Hellerup
1 Sheet zinc capping 2 Laminated veneer lumber (LVL), 16 mm 3 Window frame, 50 x 100 x 3.2 mm steel hollow section 4 Floor construction: 20 mm wooden planks 50 x 50 mm timber supporting construction timber levelling layer 180 mm lightweight concrete slab 5 Column, 115 mm dia. steel circular hollow section 6 Wood/aluminium window, with insulating glazing 7 Extending marquise 8 Sliding door fittings 9 Sliding door 10 Concrete paving slabs 11 Floor construction: 20 mm natural stone tiles in varying lengths 30 mm mortar bed 100 mm reinforced concrete 75 mm rigid mineral wool 200 mm gravel 12 Bitumen sheeting, welded on 13 Lightweight concrete brickwork 14 Insulating glazing, flush with outside face
15 16 17 18
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Reinforced plaster Corner column, 60 x 60 x 4 mm steel hollow section Guard rail mounted on window frame Roof construction: waterproofing 21 mm waterproof LVL Firring pieces 75 x 200 mm rafters thermal insulation, 180 mm mineral wool vapour barrier 50 x 50 mm battens 13 mm plasterboard, 2 layers Wall construction: 115 mm clay brickwork with whitewash finish 110 mm thermal insulation 115 mm clay brickwork with whitewash finish Steel angle, 100x 150x 10mm Steel angle, 7 5 x 1 0 0 x 9 mm Cavity closer, 2 mm aluminium sheet Cladding, aluminium sheet Steel channel, 220 mm Steel angle, 50 x 30 x 4 mm, with white coating Glass door to lobby Entrance doors
28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Wooden planks, courbaril Lightweight concrete slab, 180 mm Chipboard, 20 mm Doormat Steel open-grid flooring Steel angle, 80 x 80 mm Reinforced concrete wall, 135 mm
Example 7
House in Brühl, Germany 1997 Architect: Heinz Bienefeld, Swisttal-Ollheim Structural engineer: R. Mertens, Cologne
The fully glazed east side, together with the roof, seems to enclose and shelter the large, stepped masonry block. Heinz Bienefeld's house, completed in 1997, has also become his legacy - the archetypal form of the house in which the experiences and thoughts of the architect are portrayed. The stepped form of the masonry block, adjacent to the large open hall rising to the roof, guarantees internal per spectives which vary from floor to floor. Our attention is drawn again and again to the solid masonry block. The size of this hall is made all the more obvious by the dramatic change between this commodious volume and the rela tively small, separate rooms. This experience is reflected in the appearance of the structure, in the immediate legibility from inside and out side. The setting directs our view to the essential components, to the depth of the three-dimen sional encounter and the spatial perception. The two longitudinal elevations of the house exhibit very different characters. To the south west there is the regimental fenestration of the clay brick facade with only minor differences in the sizes of the openings. At almost 500 mm thick, the mass of wall with its seemingly detached roof and multilevel lintels has an almost physical presence. Contrasting with this is the glazed lightness of the north-east facade, which, paradoxically, supports the large roof of clay tiles, which con veys a more heavyweight impression. How ever, the glass facade is merely a "second skin", a concession to the climatic conditions. Inside, behind the glass, there is the external wall of the masonry structure with the "open-air stairs" leading to the upper floors, and the cas cade-like profile of the brickwork. Bienefeld's belief that "the effects of the sur faces are part of the architecture" has been proved to still hold true in this building with its precise detailing.
Location plan scale 1:2000 South-west elevation Attic floor 1st floor Ground floor Basement scale 1:250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Master bedroom Bathroom Child's bedroom Kitchen Living room Study Hall WC Hobby room Workshop Sauna
House in Brühl
Example 7
Longitudinal section through hall North-west elevation Section scale 1:200
House in Brühl
Example 7
Glazed door Elevation • Section Horizontal section scale 1:20 1 2 3
4 5
Cambered arch lintel, 6 15 mm rise Galvanized steel glazed door, micaceous iron oxide 7 finish, with insulatingglazing Column, 120 x 40 x 8 mm 8 galvanized steel channel, micaceous iron oxide finish Precast concrete step Floor construction: clay tiles 60 mm mortar bed 60 mm screed with under
floor heating pipes 80 mm thermal insulation separating membrane 200 m reinforced concrete slab Steel channel, 40 x 35 mm, integrated in steel hollow section, 50 x 25 mm Fixing lug, bent steel flat, 200 mm long Wall construction: facing bricks Taunus stone, NF, 115 mm, with 20 mm bed joints 20 mm mortar wall joint lightweight clay brickwork 25 mm lime plaster neat lime finish with marble dust
Housing complex in Lörrach
Housing complex in Lörrach, Germany 1993 Architect: Günter Pfeifer in partnership with Roland Mayer, Lδrrach Assistants: Peter Bahrle, Hermann Vester, Elke Hudetz Structural engineers: Greschik & Falk, Lörrach
The building is situated on a main road leading into the border town of Lörrach. The urban approach and the triangular shape of the piot brought about by its position between a fork in the road - led to the building's striking form of a semicircle plus a straight wing placed tangentially on one side. In keeping with the geometrical appearance, the building is divided into two parts. First, the semicircular section contains seven housing units. These are arranged radially so that living rooms and balconies face more or less west, while access is via the semicircular courtyard to the east. Second, there are another five housing units in the straight wing. These have basically the same internal layout but here the units are aligned in a north-south direction, with access via an open walkway on the northern side and the living rooms and balconies facing south. The positions of the small, walled gar dens change likewise. An open passageway at the junction between the two blocks links the basement garages with the courtyard. This feature is both entrance and link, and illustrates the reversal of the layouts in an attractive, tangible manner. The different finishes to the external walls clarify the chang ing alignment and hence help the observer to comprehend the internal zoning of the building. The three-storey south elevation makes use of rendered 300 mm lightweight clay brickwork, while concrete brickwork with air space, insula tion and a 175 mm calcium silicate loadbearing leaf was preferred for the two-storey entrance elevation facing north. The 240 mm thick divid ing walls to the walled gardens repeat the exposed masonry of the access zone.
1 st floor • Ground floor scale 1:600
Example 8
Sections scale 1:200 Elevation • Section Concrete brickwork facade scale 1:50
1 2 3
Concrete lintel Wooden window with insulating glazing Wall construction: 90 mm concrete bricks in stretcher bond 40 mm air space 60 mm thermal insulation 175 mm calcium silicate bricks 15 mm lime-cement plaster
Housing complex in Lorrach
Example 8
Housing complex in Lörrach
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8
Window sill, titanium-zinc sheet Letter box Entrance door Door threshold, 5 mm galvanized steel sheet Cavity closer Wall construction: 90 mm concrete bricks 40 mm air space 60 mm thermal insulation 175 mm calcium silicate bricks 15 mm lime-cement plaster Parapet capping, titanium-zinc sheet Parapet construction: 20 mm rendering thermal insulation, 35 mm rigid expanded foam reinforced concrete wall thermal insulation, 25 mm rigid expanded foam waterproofing
10 11 12
14 15 16
Roof construction: 50 mm gravel waterproofing thermal insulation, 100 mm rigid expanded foam vapour barrier 180 mm RC slab 15 mm lime-cement plaster Thermal insulation, 25 mm Wooden window with insulating glazing Wall construction: 20 mm rendering 300 mm Itwt clay bricks 15 mm lime-cement plaster Floor construction: linoleum 45 mm screed separating membrane 30 mm thermal insulation 200 mm RC slab 15 mm lime-cement plaster Precast concrete lintel Blind Floor construction: linoleum
55 mm screed separating membrane 60 mm thermal insulation waterproofing, bitumen sheeting 200 mm RC slab blinding 17 Wall construction: 20 mm rendering thermal insulation, 50 mm rigid expanded foam 240 mm RC wall 15 mm lime-cement plaster 18 Flashing, titanium-zinc sheet 19 Titanium-zinc sheet, plasticlaminated 20 Monopitch roof construction: waterproofing 24 mm timber boarding 120 x 180 mm rafters 120 mm thermal insulation 25 mm timber battens 15 mm plasterboard 21 Roller blind box, 100 x 1 0 0 mm 22 Steel angle, 120 x 80 x 8 mm
Horizontal sections Concrete brick facade Rendered facade Vertical sections scale 1:20
Example 9
Housing complex in Groningen, The Netherlands
1993 Architects: Felix Claus, Kees Kaan, Amsterdam Assistant: Andrew Dawes Structural engineers: Ingenieurburo Wassenaar, Haren
The surrounding streets and paths determine the urban arrangement of the whole complex, which forms an intermittent boundary on two sides of a triangular park open at the west end. On the south-west side there are terraced houses with walled gardens, while on the north east side there are three blocks containing apartments. These form the backbone of the complex, split up by the intervening access paths and play areas. On the southern side facing the park, the apartments are fully glazed with slim balconies. On the other side, facing the road, the open walkways on the upper floors are well lit via the generous expanse of glazing. The slim apartments contain two deep rooms facing south-west, which can be used as living room, bedroom or study as required. The kitchen and a further room lie on the walk way side. The terraced houses on the southern boundary of the site are arranged in groups of six, separ ated from each other by narrow access passageways. The loadbearing construction consists of twinleaf masonry walls with precast concrete floors. The external surfaces - red facing brickwork adjacent the alleyways, vertical timber board ing facing the gardens and on the gables - are skilfully related to each other. On the ground floor the almost square houses are divided into an entrance lobby, kitchen and living/dining area. A winding stair leads from the lobby up to the first floor, which contains three rooms and a small, separate toilet, plus bathroom. The plan layouts are such that the houses could be divided into separate apartments on ground floor and first floor at a later date. The apart ment blocks are differentiated in a similar fash ion: storey-height sliding windows in front of glass facades on the park side, clay brickwork to the gables. The ground floor "plinth" facing the road is likewise built in red brick work. A partial-fill cavity wall is used through out, with the stretcher bond also continuing across the lintels. The windows, with wooden subframes and inset casements, are positioned in the plane of the thermal insulation and air space. They employ a contrasting colour near the entrances and are divided up with a few reinforced concrete elements.
Housing complex in Groningen
Location plan scale 1:2000 Sheltered housing West elevation • Ground floor scale 1:250
1 2 3
Existing church 48 sheltered housing units 24 houses with walled gardens
Example 9
Houses will walled gardens Section • Ground floor scale 1:250 Sections scale 1:20 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) board, with bitumen sheet water proofing Open perpend Wall construction: 102 mm facing clay brickwork 28 mm air space 60 mm thermal insulation 100 mm calcium silicate brickwork 15 mm plaster Damp proof course Steel angle, 80 x 80 x 8 mm Wooden window, with insulating glazing Window sill, aluminium sheet Built-in bench, precast concrete Bracket, bent steel sheet, 500 x 80 mm Ventilation pipe, grille in facade Waterproofing, bitumen sheeting, 1 layer
Housing complex in Groningen
12 13 14 15 16 17
Thermal insulation, 60-80 mm Reinforced concrete slab, 150 mm Reinforced clay brickwork Precast concrete element Reconstituted stone window sill Wooden window, with external lining and insulating glazing
18 Wall construction: profiled boarding, 19 mm western red cedar 28 x 46 mm timber battens with cut-outs for ventilation 44 x 63 mm timber studs 60 mm thermal insulation 100 mm calcium silicate masonry, 15 mm plaster
19 20 21 22 23
Reconstituted stone coping Movement joint, 2-3 mm Door element Precast concrete element with built-in lights Thermal insulation, 60 mm
Example 10
Two apartment blocks in Berlin, Germany 1997 Architects: Tim Heide and Verena von Beckerath, Berlin Assistants: Rainer Schmitz (project manager), Heike Lauterbach, Wolfgang Rehn Site manager: Wolfgang Garsch, Berlin Structural engineer: Jörg Wiese, Berlin
Following on from the inter-city housing develop ments of the 1980s, housing estates continued to be built and added to on the north-east boundary of Berlin after German unification. New urban development strategies were intended to do justice to the great demand for housing. These two isolated blocks are part of a general plan. The four-storey buildings with out basements both contain three apartments on each upper floor (each with three rooms plus kitchen, bathroom) and two smaller apart ments on the ground floor, which leaves space for ancillary rooms. The simple two-apartment format was de veloped within the scope of the guidelines for publicly assisted housebuilding. The staircase and the ground floor storage rooms, which replace cellars, form the central core. This arrangement enables a slim plan layout and enables occupants to utilize the space to the full. The spacious hallways can be used for different purposes as required and may also be subdivided by way of a sliding door. Bath rooms and kitchens are placed on external walls to permit natural lighting and ventilation. Walls of calcium silicate masonry with rein forced concrete floors and beams form the loadbearing structure. The outer leaf, with air space behind, of blue-brown, facing bricks, hard-burned almost to vitrification, forms the finish on three sides of each block; on the garden elevation all floors have full-width bal conies. The masonry facades are regular and identical. The room-height glazing is positioned in the plane of the thermal insulation and is combined with a sliding shutter of perforated stainless steel and a galvanized steel balustrade. The shutter finishes flush with the facade and can be slid into a shallow recess in the masonry, which results from the outer leaf of masonry being set back into the cavity.
Two apartment blocks in Berlin
Ground floor • Upper floor Section scale 1:400
1 Titanium-zinc sheet capping 2 Cast-in slot 3 Wall construction: 115 mm facing brickwork 40 mm air space thermal insulation, 60 mm mineral wool or 60 mm external insulation behind sliding elements 175 mm calcium silicate brickwork 15 mm plaster 4 Open perpend 5 Galvanized steel angle, 80 x 130 x 10 mm 6 Rustproof track for twin-wheel roller 7 Galvanized steel angle, 30 x 30 x 3 mm
Facade details Horizontal section • Vertical section scale 1.20
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Galvanized steel angle, 20 x 30 x 3 mm Stainless steel sheet with elongated per forations, 1 mm, edges not perforated Spandrel element of 10 x 40 mm galvanized steel sections Plastic track Support bracket fixed to cast-in slot External insulation, 60 mm rigid expanded foam Reinforced concrete ground slab Waterproofing, bitumen sheeting Timber boarding, 28 mm Rafters, 100 x 160mm
Example 11
Housing complex in A m s t e r d a m , The Netherlands 1994 Architect: Hans Kollhoff, Berlin with Christian Rapp, Berlin/Amsterdam Structural engineers: Heijckmann Consulting Engineers, Amsterdam
This extensive building complex, on a former docks and industry island not far from the cen tre of Amsterdam, is part of an urban redevel opment programme. This programme allows for individual large buildings to respond differ ently to the local conditions, existing buildings and their position in relation to the water. The basic outline of this four- to nine-storey struc ture is determined by an existing building on the southern side of the plot. There are more than 300 apartments access ible via a network of staircases, various open walkways and individual stairs. The very deep apartments in most cases receive daylight from both sides when they are not located on one of the - sometimes - very long access corridors. The entire building complex was built using twin-leaf facing masonry with 100 mm hardburned bricks. Standard stretcher bond was used throughout, even for the single-leaf 240 mm facing masonry of the balcony walls and the walls adjacent the open walkways. In these instances two 115 mm walls were built, one directly behind the other, and the under sides of balconies and loggias adapted to suit the window lintels. Therefore, the entire build ing has been given a consistent masonry tex ture which reinforces the placid immensity of the complex. The edges of the roofs are fin ished with folded aluminium sheet with the gutters placed internally. The wooden windows are set back in the plane of the insulation, while the steel windows to the loggias are fitted flush with the masonry facade in a steel lining with peripheral ventilation joint. The folding mech anism of these windows allows them to be opened outwards and thus create an everchanging pattern, which animates this huge sculpture.
Housing complex in Amsterdam
North elevation 4th floor • Ground floor scale 1:1250 Section scale 1:400 Sections through verge and eaves scale 1:10
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Aluminium sheet capping Galvanized steel flat, 20 x 2 mm Open perpend Wall construction: 100 mm variegated blue facing bricks, hard-burned 35 mm air space thermal insulation, 65 mm rockwool 150 mm calcium silicate brickwork Joints recessed 5 mm Sheet aluminium roof covering, with double-lock welted joints Cleat Laminated veneer lumber (LVL), 10 mm Vapour barrier, 0.15 mm Thermal insulation, 80 mm mineral wool Aluminium sheet capping Aluminium sheet gutter LVL, 18 mm Timber section, 146 x 71 mm Galvanized steel flat, 40 x 6 mm Calcium silicate brickwork, 150 mm Thermal insulation, 40 mm rockwool Floor construction: 50 mm cement screed 180 mm reinforced concrete slab Thermal insulation, multilayer lightweight board, with plaster, 60 mm Rainwater downpipe, 125 mm NB
Example 11
Housing complex in Amsterdam
Section through external wall Horizontal sections through corners of building with steel windows: 76.58° - 144.92° - 158.38° Elevation on steel window Horizontal section through steel window scale 1:20 1 Wall construction: 208 mm variegated blue facing bricks, hard-burned 2 Joints recessed 5 mm 3 Open perpend 4 Rainwater downpipe, 125 mm NB 5 Floor construction: cement screed laid to falls, coated 180 mm reinforced concrete slab cut-out for drainage 6 Steel angle 7 Titanium-zinc sheet flashing 8 Compressible sealing strip 9 Steel window, powder coated, 4 mm toughened safety glass 10 Steel angle, 150 x 150 x 15 mm, with slip joint 11 Steel angle, 4 0 x 2 0 x 4 mm 12 Steel channel, 40 x 20 x 4 mm 13 2 No. steel angles, 40 x 20 x 4 mm
Example 11
Section through north facade scale 1:20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9
Steel angle support bracket Dolomite stone coping to balcony wall, anchored Balcony wall, 208 mm facing bricks Balcony floor slab, precast concrete element with 1.5% integral fall, with thermal break Wooden window, red cedar, with insulating glazing External window sill, dolomite stone Wall construction: 100 mm facing bricks 35 mm air space thermal insulation, 65 mm rockwool 100 mm calcium silicate gauged brickwork Thermal insulation, lightweight build ing board, with plaster, 180 mm Loggia floor construction: 20 mm dolomite stone floor covering thin-bed mortar bitumen sheeting, 2 layers 50 mm thermal insulation 180 mm reinforced concrete slab
Housing complex in Amsterdam
Example 12
Extension to Hirschberg Palace near Beilngries, Germany 1992 Architects: Karljosef Schattner and Karl-Heinz Schmitz, Eichstatt Structural engineers: Sailer, Stepan, Bloos, Munich
The symmetrical palace structure dating from the 18th century stands on a narrow hilltop and therefore offered little scope for any extension. This completely refurbished building is used by the church for spiritual exercises and educa tion. Besides extensive conversion work, a new annex was built to accommodate kitchen, dining hall and storage facilities. The new section is positioned in front of the south wing of the palace and is partly built into the side of the hill. A row of tall concrete columns supports the long, slim structure clear of the slope and hence emphasizes the con trast with the strictly uniform, rendered finish to the palace. Fair-face concrete and concrete bricks for the outer leaf of the partial-fill cavity wall underline the independence of the new structure. A long, narrow, steel-and-glass hall provides a clear demarcation between old and new. The outer leaf is clearly distinguished from the rest of the construction; there is an air space behind and therefore the leaf is positioned 40 mm proud of the reinforced concrete wall and the row of columns. Grey steel angles mark the corners of the facing brickwork, and a steel channel forms an elegant finish to the top of the walls. The deeply recessed, narrow, vertical window slits are also framed in grey steel which projects beyond the facade and so conveys the impression of very precisely locat ed cut-outs. The steel external stair employs a particularly delicate construction in order not to disturb the careful balance between harmoniz ation and independence. All these clear, simple details lend the annex a lightness and obvious language which is quite distinct from that of the old palace.
Extension to Hirschberg Palace near Beilngries
Location plan scale 1:2000 Section scale 1:250 Ground floor scale 1:500
1 2 3 4
Baroque entrance Glass hall Kitchen Dining hall
Example 12
Extension to Hirschberg Palace near Beilngries
Vertical section through external wall scale 1:20 South elevation scale 1:250 Axonometric view not to scale Detail of parapet scale 1:5 Window Elevation • Vertical section • Horizontal section scale 1:20
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Steel channel, 280 mm External wall construction: concrete bricks, 200 x 200 x 90 mm 40 mm air space 60 mm thermal insulation 160 mm reinforced concrete Steel angle, 100 x 65 x 9 mm Screw fixing, M12 Steel channel, 140 mm Steel T-section, 50 mm Sheet steel capping, galvanized, 2 mm Timber section, 100 x 60 mm Thermal insulation, 60 mm Reinforced concrete lintel Window: steel frame with insulating glazing in sheet steel lining Steel angle support bracket
Example 13
Youth hostel in Dachau, Germany 1998 Architect: Rudolf Hierl, Munich Assistants: Peter Hofman (project manager), Dominik Fischer, Maleen Fromm, Nadja Herrmann, Michaela Oswald, Jeannette Quecke, Ulrike Rechler, Bernhard Schambeck, Oliver Schubert, Tanja Wienecke Structural engineer: Hans Tischner, Dachau
This facility, run by the German Youth Hostels Association, is more than just a youth hostel. Situated near the former Nazi concentration and extermination camp, it acts as a centre for getting to grips with the dark side of Germany's history. The architectural form is intended to reflect both the functions of the building but also this special task. Apart from the main building, there is also a building for the staff and the separate "Raum der Stille" (Room of Silence). These three structures frame a tran quil inner courtyard - a garden and structured space, which is ideal for understanding and experiencing the serious issues that dominate this place. The restrained architecture responds to its surroundings by limiting the materials used to timber and facing brickwork of light-coloured concrete bricks. The texture of the building emphasizes the low-rise, elon gated form; both in terms of the size and the style of the facade. The main building covers a large area and so two storeys are adequate. It measures 24.5 x 60 m and is arranged as two parallel blocks either side of a central circu lation zone. The architectural setting distin guishes between the different materials. For instance, on the west side of the building, the wooden recesses for windows and sunshades on the ground floor are juxtaposed with the concrete masonry lintels and spandrel panels of the upper floor. Placing the masonry above the timber is a reversal of our customary ideas and introduces a different reality to challenge the perception of the observer. This is an artis tic contrivance for reminding us of the special importance of this place. The wall construction is conventional - partial-fill cavity wall with outer leaf supported on individual brackets but incorporates special details that emphasize and preserve the restful uniformity of the stretcher bond. Such details include the mortar joints raked out to a depth of 15 mm and the movement joints which zigzag to follow the bond.
Youth hostel in Dachau
Ground floor Upper floor Sections scale 1:600
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
"Raum der Stille" Staff accommodation Hall Dining room Seminar room Cafeteria Reception Management Library
Example 13
Section through east facade scale 1:20
2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19
20 21
Canopy construction: 0.7 mm titanium-zinc sheet metal roof covering, with standing seams bitumenized non-woven glass fibre sheeting welded bitumen sheeting, 1 layer 24 mm timber boarding battens to form fall precast concrete element Wedge-shaped insulation, with foil, 45° Gravel, 40/50 mm Flat roof construction: 80 mm vegetation layer filter, 5 mm non-woven fabric 40 mm drainage layer waterproofing, 2 mm PVC thermal insulation, 140 mm rigid expanded foam welded bitumen sheeting, 1 layer bituminous undercoat 180 mm reinforced concrete slab Lining to opening, larch, 20 mm, glazed finish Wooden window, larch, glazed finish, insulating glazing Roll-over stop, steel channel, 70 x 60 x 1 mm Wall construction: 90 mm concrete bricks, water-repellent 60 mm air space thermal insulation, 80 mm mineral fibre 160 mm reinforced concrete wall Joints, water-repellent, recessed 15 mm reinforcement to some bed joints Support for masonry outer leaf, individual brackets Steel angle, 85 x 85 x 10 mm Insect screen, perforated aluminium sheet Multiplex board, veneered, 16 mm Wooden window, oak, glazed finish, nsulating glazing Terrace construction: 20 mm reconstituted stone pavings 60 mm screed, reinforced separating membrane, 0.2 mm poly ethylene sheeting thermal insulation, 80 mm rigid expanded foam welded sheeting, 2 layers bituminous undercoat screed laid to 1.5% fall 120 mm reinforced concrete slab Grating, galvanized, 40 x 3 mm Steel angle, 60 x 60 x 8 mm Waterproof reinforced concrete, 300 mm Plinth construction: 60 mm precast concrete element thermal insulation, 60 mm rigid expanded foam welded bitumen sheeting 150 mm reinforced concrete wall Precast concrete parapet Wall construction, timber stud wall: 16 mm multiplex board 30 x 50 mm battens 0.2 mm airtight membrane 19 mm chipboard 140 x 60 mm timber studs 140 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier, aluminium foil 20 mm chipboard, maple veneer
Youth hostel in Dachau
Section through parapet Horizontal sections scale 1:20
6 mm laminated safety glass + 8 mm toughened safety glass outside 23 Precast concrete element, 150 x 180 mm 24 Thermal insulation, 60 mm rigid expanded foam 25 Clay brickwork internal wall, plastered both sides, 115 mm
26 27 28 29
Removable lining to window opening, laminated veneer lumber (LVL), 136 x 1 5 mm Internal plaster, 20 mm Built-in cupboard Wall construction, return wall: 20 mm multiplex board 0.2 mm airtight membrane 120 x 100 mm timber studs therm, insulation, 100 mm min. fibre vapour barrier, 0.4 mm poly ethylene sheeting 20 mm multiplex board, screwed and glued to timber frame
Wall construction 20 mm timber boarding 20 mm timber battens airtight membrane 120 x 80 mm timber studs thermal insulation, 120 mm mineral fibre vapour barrier, 0.4 mm poly ethylene sheeting 30 mm multiplex board
Example 13
School in Munich
School in Munich, Germany 1999 Architects: Schunck-Ullrich-Krausen, Munich Project partner: Norbert Krausen Project manager: Martin Kerling Assistants: Robert Kellner, Martina Wulf Structural engineers Sailer, Stepan & Partner, Munich
Location plan
scale 1:4000
The ensemble of buildings forming this primary school is well spaced out on this site on the outskirts of Munich. To the south there is a landscaped noise barrier screening the school from the adjacent railway line, and to the east and north-west the school is bounded by hous ing. The random arrangement of the long, lowrise buildings defines courtyards and semienclosed spaces, thereby allowing the school to mesh with its surroundings. The quality of the architecture is evident on the inside as well, with brightly lit passages and corridors, which structure the layout and incor porate the landscape, as well as in the careful design and construction of the details. The different facades are part of an energy concept: while the classrooms facing south employ full-height glazing (which leads to cor responding solar gains), the other facades are mainly built using a highly insulated solid con struction. Their appearance is governed by the partial-fill cavity wall with concrete brick (290 x 190 x 90 mm) outer leaf built in a variation of raking stretcher bond. The building materials used have essentially been left untreated. Inside, the rough concrete bricks contrast with the few wooden surfaces and a number of coloured elements which have been very carefully and discreetly incor porated. Outside, the concrete surfaces, the concrete bricks, the galvanized steel and the light-coloured anodized aluminium window frames enter into a dialogue with the green surroundings. Using minimal architectural means, the school succeeds in conveying an impression of play ful and charming attractiveness. The masonry units of this building, left untreated, give the school a "tangible" texture.
Example 14
1 2 3 4 5
Indoor play area Classroom After-school supervision Multipurpose room Music room
6 Workshop 7 Sports hall 8 Void 9 Staffroom 10 Management
School in Munich
Upper floor • Ground floor scale 1:1000
Isometric view of buildings Isometric view of facade not to scale
Example 14
Monopitch roof construction: corrugated aluminium sheeting, 177 x 55 mm 50 mm battens and counterbattens waterproofing, 3 mm bitumen sheeting 24 mm timber boarding 80 mm air space thermal insulation, 160 mm mineral fibre vapour barrier, polyethylene sheeting 28 mm timber boarding glulam purlin, 1 4 x 8 mm steel beam, IPE 270
Flat roof construction: 100 mm vegetation layer 20 mm drainage mat, with non-woven fabric 15 mm structure protection mat waterproofing, 5 mm plastic sheeting, resistant to root penetration 120 mm rigid expanded polyurethane insulation vapour barrier 200 mm reinforced concrete slab, top surface cast to 2% fall Internal wall, concrete bricks, white, 290 x 190 x 190 mm
School in Munich
Section through hail scale 1:400 Section through clerestory over internal wall section through external wall scale 1:20 Section through classroom wing Section through sports hall scale 1:400
5 6 7
8 9
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17
Floor construction: 5 mm linoleum 55 mm cement screed, reinforced separating membrane, polyethylene sheeting 10 mm impact sound insulation Damp proof membrane on ground floor slab, 200 mm reinforced concrete slab Thermal insulation, 100 mm rigid expanded foam Floor construction: 25 mm natural stone tiles laid in thin bed 65 mm screed separating membrane, polyethylene sheeting 10 mm impact sound insulation 200 mm reinforced concrete slab 50 mm multiplex lightweight mineral building board Aluminium gutter Post-and-rail facade: 50 mm laminated veneer lumber (LVL), birch, clear lacquer to exposed face insulating glazing, aluminium cover profile, natural-colour anodized Column, steel circular hollow section, 82.5 dia. x 3.6 mm Aluminium sheet, natural-colour anodized LVL rail, birch, 530 x 50 mm Reinforced concrete slab, 350 mm Wall construction: outer leaf of concrete bricks, white, raking stretcher bond 290 x 190 x 90 mm 50 mm air space thermal insulation, 60 mm mineral wool 240 mm reinforced concrete wall 15 mm internal plaster Open perpend Precast concrete beam, 300 x 90 x 2585 mm Reinforced concrete corbel, 210 x 250 x 250 mm
Example 15
School in Ostfildern, Germany 1999 Architects: Arno Lederer, Jorunn Ragnarsdottir, Marc Oei, Stuttgart/Karlsruhe Assistants: Judith Haas (project manager), Alexander Mayer-Steudte (project manager), Ulrike Hautau, Cornelia Hund Structural engineers: Muller + Muller, Ostfildern
Scharnhauser Park is a redevelopment scheme on the site of a former military barracks. The north-east boundary of the site is a sweeping curve - determined by the new rapid transit light railway line. The design for this new school originated from a competition. The curving boundary is integrated in the outside facilities of the school and the structures clear ly follow the grid of the development plan. The school building itself, with three storeys in the south and two in the north, is a simple twin parallel block system with a central, longitud inal circulation zone, which is broken up by the single flights of stairs of fair-face concrete and the circular rooflights. The bright upper floor benefits from the rooflights in the V-shaped roof, which like the stairs follows the longitud inal axis. The windows to the classrooms are no larger than is necessary to admit sufficient daylight. This is both a contribution to thrifty and energy-efficient construction, and this sim ple, strict design rule leads to a clearly defined interface between interior and exterior. For reasons of cost, an inexpensive brick fired in a circular kiln was chosen whose edges are not so sharp and whose colour can vary from light brown to light red. During bricklaying, attention was given to producing wide joints finished in one operation with the bricklaying. The sandcoloured mortar was deliberately "smeared" almost amateurishly, which resulted in a rough, coarse surface finish. This texture was contin ued internally along the corridors; merely at the entrances to the classrooms was this surface somewhat "improved". There is a large school yard between the main building and the sports hall, terraced to follow the slope of the land. This resulted in a close harmony, partly brought about by the homogeneity of the material.
School in Ostfildern
Location plan scale 1:2500 Upper floor • Ground floor East elevation Section through school building scale 1:800
Example 15
Section scale 1:20 Section through school building scale 1:400 Horizontal section through northlight roof scale 1:20
School in Ostfildern
1 Roof construction: 0.7 mm titanium-zinc sheet, with standing seams 24 mm timber boarding 80 x 80 mm counterbattens (80 mm air space between) 200 x 120 mm rafters (200 mm mineral fibre insulation between) 200 x 120 mm purlin 24-32 mm oriented strand board (OSB) vapour barrier, 0.4 mm polyethylene sheeting 12.5 mm plasterboard 2 Roof construction: extensive planting, min. 120 mm vegetation layer protection and storage mat waterproofing, bitumen sheeting, 2 layers, top layer resistant ,to root penetration 190 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier 260 mm reinforced concrete slab 3 Parapet capping, 0.7 mm titanium-zinc sheet 4 Timber section 5 Thermal insulation, 60 mm mineral fibre 6 Open perpend 7 Blind, natural-colour aluminium, 50 mm 8 Bracket, stainless steel angle 9 Aluminium window with insulating glazing 10 Window sill, MDF board, lacquered 11 Window sill, bent 3 mm aluminium sheet, front edge rounded 12 Wall construction: 115 mm clay facing brickwork 45 mm air space thermal insulation, 80 mm mineral fibre 250 mm reinforced concrete wal 15 mm internal plaster 13 Movement joint 14 External insulation, 120 mm 15 Damp proof course 16 Parquet flooring, oak, 20 mm 17 Support bracket, stainless steel sheet 18 External insulation, 80 mm
Example 15
Section through sports hall scale 1:400 Section through east facade of sports hall scale 1:20
School in Ostfildern
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Roof construction: 30 mm sports ground artificial piaying surface separating membrane, non-woven glass fibre, 1 layer 75 mm reinforced concrete plank drainage layer of 20 mm closed-cell polyethylene foam waterproofing, welded bitumen sheeting, 2 layers, top layer resistant to root penetration thermal insulation, 80 mm rigid expanded polyurethane welded bitumen sheeting, diffusionresistant 180 mm reinforced concrete slab Cover, stainless steel sheet, 3 mm Timber section Parapet capping, titanium-zinc, 1.5 mm Support bracket Frost-resistant clay facing bricks, 115 mm Reinforced concrete wall, 250 mm Frost-resistant clay facing bricks, 240 mm
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Profiled structural glass Cover, stainless steel sheet, 3 mm Thermal insulation, 60 mm mineral fibre Waterproofing, welded bitumen sheeting, 2 layers External insulation, 60 mm Concrete plinth Junction with ground, with surface drainage geotextile covering gravel protective layer to waterproofing waterproofing, bitumen sheeting, 2 layers, top layer resistant to root penetration thermal insulation, 100 mm foamed glass vapour barrier 250 mm reinforced concrete slab Wall construction: 60 mm laminated drainage board non-woven fabric protection 80 mm external insulation bitumen paint 300 mm reinforced concrete wall
Example 16
Town hall in Fellbach, Germany
1987 Architect: Ernst Gisel, Zurich Assistants: Othmar Brugger, Heinrich Gerster, Harry Moor, Heinz Schmid, Leo Schweitzer Site manager: Peter Zimmermann, Filderstadt Structural engineer: Heinrich Bechert, Fellbach
"Architecture that creates the town." Ernst Gisel's work in Fellbach could be viewed in this light. The prosperous town of Fellbach with its fastgrowing population and the usual outgrowths of the 1950s and 1960s, also not unknown in other towns, was looking for a nucleus. The area around the Lutheran church, once shield ed by a fortified wall, provided an adequate setting for the 1979 competition to redesign the centre of the town. The brief was to "create, together with a marketplace, not only a centre for the local authority but also a lively zone which would be frequented by the citizens". The jury chose Gisel's design because of its "agreeable matter-of-factness". Well struc tured, clearly arranged, decisive in its lan guage, Ernst Gisel's solution makes excellent use of both the internal and external spaces of this urban node, clarifying and structuring the outer contours. The configuration of the inner courtyards with their small alleyways and the square in front of the town hall themselves pro vide a high urban quality. It seemed a natural choice to opt for a twin-leaf masonry construction with a 240 mm loadbearing outer leaf. However, the thickness of the thermal insulation used would these days no longer satisfy the statutory requirements. The building exploits the advantages of a selfsupporting masonry wall to the full: lesenes, corbels and columns in real masonry bond, robust detailing at the window reveals, plus masonry stairs and semicircular arches. The masonry is complemented by natural stone for the window sills and lintels as well as for the clearly differentiated plinth. Designed in an age of flourishing post modernism, the architect has created an authen tic setting without superfluous comments which, owing to its internal and external spatial quali ties, its correct use of the materials and atten tion to detail, has lost nothing of its topicality.
Location plan scale 1:1500 Section • Ground floor scale 1:750
Town hall in Fellbach
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Town square Garden Marketplace Lutheran church Churchyard Main entrance Foyer
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Room for civil marriage ceremonies Council services Offices Information centre Restaurant Cafe Shop
Example 16
Section scale 1:750 Part-elevation • Section scale 1:20
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Cold deck roof construction, 5.4° pitch: copper sheet roof covering, 670 x 0.7 mm, double-lock welted joints roofing felt 24 mm timber boarding 160 x 80 mm rafters air space thermal insulation, 100 mm mineral wool reinforced concrete waffle slab, with white cement Trim, 0.7 mm copper sheet Closure strip, 60 x 40 mm Lower trim, 0.7 mm copper sheet on building paper Flashing, 0.7 mm copper sheet Wall plate, 120 x 120 mm Soldier course, NF facing bricks Reinforced concrete upstand beam Stone coping to lesene, Lodrino gneiss Thermal insulation, 50 mm mineral fibre Damp proof membrane Fixing plate, galvanized steel, 140 x 5 mm Stone lintel, Lodrino gneiss Box for sunshade, 1.5 mm copper sheet Cavity closer as inspection flap, 1.5 mm copper sheet, fixed with stainless steel screws in sleeves Wooden window, with insulating glazing Column, 300 mm dia. Water channel Stone window sill, Lodrino gneiss Wall construction: 240 mm yellow facing bricks in English bond 42 mm air space thermal insulation, 50 mm mineral fibre 100 mm in-situ concrete spandrel panel steel sheet cladding to spandrel panel Waffle slab, reinforced concrete, with white cement Guide cable for sunshade Window sill, 1.5 mm copper sheet Steel angle, 55 x 75 x 5 mm, galvanized Cladding to plinth, Maggia granite, exposed surfaces knapped, 50 mm
Town hall in Fellbach
Example 17
Office building in Lünen, Germany 1995 Architects: Hillebrandt + Schulz, Cologne Structural engineers: Kleinwechter, Dortmund
This office building is located on a new busi ness estate in Lunen on the north-eastern edge of Germany's Ruhr district. The design brief of the municipal building authority called for "a road-side facade of fac ing brickwork". The architects responded with a long, low-rise building on this slightly elevat ed plot in which the "facing brickwork" stipula tion became an agenda: a subtly designed, articulate building which attains a high quality with respect to daylighting through the special arrangement of the openings. Each elevation of the structure responds differently to the envi ronment. At the north-west corner the glass, framed in steel, protrudes quite noticeably from the building. On the south side the windows extend over two storeys and are framed by projecting brickwork. The small staircase foyer has walls which vary in thickness and an over sized window with splayed reveals, which pro vides a special setting for the lighting and view of the outside. The differentiated building design is accompanied by well-thought-out window details and rooflights in the form of semi-cupolas at a regular spacing. The primary loadbearing construction consists of 300 mm lightweight concrete masonry which is given a coat of gypsum plaster and in some areas fin ished with several coats of lime plaster. The window lintels are of in-situ concrete insulated with polystyrene. Thin-format Wittmunder peatfired clay bricks in a random bond are employed for the 115 mm facing brickwork of the outer leaf. There is a 50 mm air space behind the outer leaf. Located in front of the ground floor meeting room is a terraced pond feature with masonry walls; the play of light on its surface is an agreeable reflection of the atmosphere of the interior. The use of a single masonry material throughout fuses the building and the car park and entrance steps into one entity and conveys the notion of spaciousness as a subtle means of representation.
Office building in Lünen
1st floor • Ground floor scale 1:500 Sections scale 1:250 Section through south facade scale 1:20 1 2 3 4
Masonry frame in trass cement Steel angle, 150 x 150 x 12 mm Steel window, with insulating glazing Panel construction: 15 mm cement rendering, flush with window, painted thermal insulation, multiplex lightweight board, 50 mm Wall construction: facing bricks, Wittmunder peat-fired clay DF, 115 mm 50 mm air space 300 mm lightweight concrete masonry, with skim plaster coat
Example 17
Section through east facade Section through west facade scale 1:20 1
2 3 4
5 6 7
Wall construction: cement rendering, reinforced, finished with several coats of smooth, coloured lime rendering thermal insulation, multiplex light weight board, 50 mm 250 mm reinforced concrete lintel 15 mm internal plaster, painted Steel window, with tilting opening light, insulating glazing Bitumen waterproofing Floor construction: carpet 60 mm screed 80 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier 160 mm reinforced concrete slab Steel window in steel flat reveal Wooden reveal, laminated with damp proof membrane Thermal insulation, 50 + 30 mm rigid expanded foam
Computer centre in Karlsruhe
Computer centre in Karlsruhe, Germany 1992 Architect: Heinz Mohl, Karlsruhe Project manager: Peter Litzlbauer Assistants: M. Bertram, K. Bohm, H. Dobbeling, G, Dδring, N. Fostiropolous, S. Hirschfeld, R. Preisser, S. Ozcam, J. Schneider, M. Wagner, I. Walser, T. Weiler Site management: Stieff + Trunzler, Karlsruhe Structural engineers: Ingenieurgruppe Bauen, Karlsruhe
Location plan scale 1:2000
The fan-shaped structure of the city of Karls ruhe, radiating out from the palace, is domin ated by this late-Baroque or classicistic ideal istic plan. Within this historical radius, the shape and proportions of every new develop ment must comply with this overriding geo metry. However, respect for the city does not exclude the use of modern forms of construc tion and modern materials, as the example of the computer centre makes abundantly clear. This striking building of facing masonry is situ ated in the direct vicinity of the well-known church designed by Friedrich Weinbrenner. The number of storeys and height of the eaves match the neighbouring buildings. But the large rooftop structures and set-back features of the surroundings are also reflected in the new building, true to scale and with a new interpretation. The primary loadbearing construction consists of a reinforced concrete frame with infill panels of concrete bricks. The bricks are left exposed on the spandrel panels and some of the intern al walls. Concrete bricks were also chosen for the 90 mm outer leaf (with air space behind), The consistent masonry bond lends the facade an even texture. Merely the lintels over win dows, doors and other openings are empha sized by the brick-on-end courses. The com plex details at the junctions have been worked out exactly and in harmony with the pattern of the bond. This also applies to the overhanging canopies at the top of the facade, the taller building sections rising above roof level, and the precast concrete elements, both decorative and structural. The restrained colouring of the different shades of grey used - from the light grey concrete bricks to the anthracite window frames - binds this structure into the context of the city without denying its independent character.
Example 18
Section through facade scale 1:100 Isometric view of eaves cornice not to scale
Computer centre in Karlsruhe
Section through facade scale 1:20 1 Concrete bricks, white, 290 x190 x 9 0 mm 2 Precast concrete element 3 Rainwater hopper, with overflow 4 Insulating glazing on steel framework 5 Stainless steel wall tie with insulation clip and drip disc 6 Concrete brick lintel, 90 mm 7 Support bracket, steel angle 8 Aluminium window, colourcoated, with insulating glazing 9 Wall construction: concrete bricks, white, 290 x190 x 9 0 mm 50 mm air space thermal insulation, 60 mm mineral fibre 240 mm concrete bricks as infill panels in reinforced concrete frame 10 Open perpend 11 Damp proof course, bitumen sheeting on stainless steel sheet as support 12 Waterproofing, bitumen sheeting, 2 layers 13 Rigid thermal insulation 14 Loadbearing reinforced concrete structure
Example 19
Mixed-use building in Zurich, Switzerland 1993 Architects: Haessig + Partner, Zurich Felix B. Haessig, Peter C. Haessig, Bruno Clausen Structural engineers: Schubiger AG, Zurich
The north-west boundary of the grounds to Zurich Hospital is denoted by a loosely spaced row of buildings. One of the gaps was filled with two new structures positioned at a slight angle to each other, one with apartments, the other with laboratories, joined by a glazed access block. The geometry and alignment of both buildings follow the existing lines of the surrounding buildings. The architectural lan guage of the two components is related but varied slightly to reflect the different functions. In terms of volume and scale they echo the regular urban structure of the existing building stock. Like the neighbouring structures, there is a plinth which can adapt to the existing topography. Clad in granite slabs, the plinth forms a common foundation to the two build ings; likewise, the large overhanging eaves create a common termination to the walls. To establish a difference, the western uppermost story is set back and provided with a cladding of corrugated aluminium sheeting. The remain ing facades are, in the main, of calcium silicate bricks, 120 mm thick, built in stretcher bond. There is an air space and 100 mm of thermal insulation between the facing brickwork of the outer leaf and the reinforced concrete loadbearing structure. Window lintels, mullions and sills comprise precast concrete elements clad in 30 mm thick calcium silicate brick slips. All the masonry is pointed throughout with a grey cement mortar, even at the junctions between the prefabricated and in-situ walls, to create the impression of a seamless masonry struc ture. The interior of the building also employs prefabricated facing masonry erected with the same precision as the exterior.
Mixed-use building in Zurich
Section 1st floor • Ground floor North-west elevation scale 1:400
Example 19
Horizontal section through windows Section through west facade Horizontal section through plinth at entrance Horizontal section through standard storey at entrance Section through staircase wall scale 1:20
2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12 13
Aluminium window, micacious iron oxide finish, with insulating glazing Window sill, calcium silicate element Reinforced concrete mullion with calcium silicate cladding Wall construction: 120 mm calcium silicate bricks 40 mm air space thermal insulation, 100 mm mineral wool Steel angle, 1 0 0 x 3 0 x 3 . 5 mm Canopy construction: titanium-zinc sheet roof covering, 0.7 mm, with double-lock welted joints roofing felt 100 x 40 mm timber boarding screwed to fin Steel angle, 30 x 30 x 4 mm Corrugated aluminium sheeting, mill-finished, 1 8 x 7 6 mm Roof construction: steel beam, IPE 240 thermal insulation, 140 mm mineral wool void vapour barrier 18 mm plasterboard Sunshade, fabric blind Reinforced concrete lintel with calcium silicate cladding Steel angle, 120 x 60 x 12 mm Stainless steel bracket
Mixed-use building in Zurich
15 16 17
18 19
20 21 22 23
Floor construction: 5 mm linoleum 95 mm cement screed 10 mm impact sound insulation 280 mm reinforced concrete slab Calcium silicate brickwork, 120 mm, without plaster Aluminium section, stove enamelled, with insulat ing glazing Plinth wall construction: 40 mm granite slabs, retaining and fixing anchors of stainless steel 100 mm thermal insulation 180 mm reinforced concrete Steel beam, HEA 140 Steel circular hollow section, 101.6 dia. x 5 mm with 140 x 140 x 10 mm plates top and bottom Glascrete element Copper sheet Concrete paving slab, 40 mm Roof construction: extensive planting waterproofing, bitumen sheeting, 3 layers 40 mm spruce boarding tapering timber joists, 140-180 x 100 mm steel beam, IPE 240 thermal insulation, 140 mm mineral wool suspended ceiling
Example 20
Mixed-use development in Berlin, Germany 1996 Architects: Petra and Paul Kahlfeldt, Berlin Assistants: Anja Herold, Christoph Haag, Yves Minssart, Michael Fuchs, Jörn Potting, Thomas Kalber, Conor Moran, Frauke Hellweg, Martin Oestlund Structural engineers: Ingenieurburo Fink, Berlin
This ensemble of residential and commercial buildings - "Engelhardt Hot" - lies in a densely developed inner-city district in the immediate proximity of Charlottenburg Palace. The surrounding buildings originate from the second half of the 19th century and survived the war more or less undamaged. The plot within this block belonged to a brewery up until the mid-1980s. After production ceased, only the original office building and warehouse remained. The new development is divided into three parts. At the north-west corner a block with offices forms the transition from the surround ing housing to the inner courtyard, a U-shaped commercial development joins on at the fire walls, and an apartment building echoes the historical perimeter block d e v e l o p m e n t - and in so doing closes off the courtyard to the south. The common design feature linking all the buildings is the masonry of light-yellow facing bricks. The external walls are full-fill cavity walls. The different facade treatments, corres ponding to each building's utilization, distin guish the appearance of the whole complex. The office building has an outer leaf in header bond with an inset steel-and-glass facade which leads from the public road to the court yard. The external, fixed glazing protects the delicate wooden windows behind against the effects of the weather and offers sound and thermal insulation. The opening lights of the inner leaf provide a means of natural ventilation for the offices. In contrast, the masonry construction of the commercial block in the courtyard is reduced to little more than a frame with infill panels comprising generous expanses of glazing in wooden frames. The outer leaf here on these facades has become columns and lintels in English bond. The side of the apartment block facing the landscaped inner courtyard has been given continuous balconies; the large areas of glazing are broken up vertically by narrow columns of facing brickwork. On the road side the coupled windows are set into the rendered facade.
Location plan
scale 1:4000 Upper floor • Ground floor
scale 1:1000 Section scale 1:500
Mixed-use development in Berlin
Example 20
Section through balcony • Insulating glazing to office building Horizontal section • Vertical section scale 1:20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14
Precast concrete element, 1203 mm Thermal insulation, 100 mm Wooden window, 3-part, with insulating glazing Divider, acrylic Rainwater downpipe, 70 mm dia. Steel section, 3 0 x 3 0 mm Steel section, 20 mm Steel section, 120 x 10 mm Anchor plate, 150 x 100 x 10 mm Grating, cast iron, to cover drainage channel Wall construction: 115 mm facing brickwork 100 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier 240 mm reinforced concrete wall Parapet capping, zinc sheet Timber section, 300 x 40 mm Concrete, 200 x200 mm, as crenellations at 900 mm centres
15 Waterproofing, bitumen sheeting 16 Roof waterproofing, bitumen sheeting, 3 layers 17 Thermal insulation, 140 mm 18 Vapour barrier 19 Reinforced concrete slab, 200 mm 20 Gutter 21 Reinforced concrete upstand 22 Thermal insulation, 30 + 30 mm 23 Steel bracket for supporting outer leaf 24 Blind 25 2 No. steel sections, with single glazing 26 Ventilation 27 Wooden window, with insulating glazing 28 Reinforced concrete column, 240 x 240 mm
Mixed-use development in Berlin
Example 21
Extension to office building in Stuttgart, Germany 1998 Architects: Arno Lederer, Jorunn Ragnarsdottir, Marc Oei, Stuttgart/Karlsruhe Assistants: Marko Garcia-Barth, Sabine Birk, Andy Brauneis, Oliver Cyrus, Roland Göppel, Alt Hoinkis, Thilo Holzer, Marc Losch, Alexander Mayer-Steudte, Boris Miklautsch, Dorothee Strauss Structural engineers: IBA - Acaturk + Kiesel, Stuttgart
The new building extends the headquarters of the local power company, which dates from the 1970s. That structure, by the architects Kammerer, Belz, Kucher + Partner, was the expression of a technically oriented architec ture, which emphasized the very latest materi als. The loadbearing framework is clad in glass and dark, anodized aluminium panels. Ventil ation and climate control are mechanical. In contrast to this, the architects of the exten sion designed a passive, ecological energy concept. The great mass of the building with its multilayer external skin - with clay facing brickwork and reinforced concrete loadbearing structure - achieves, on the one hand, a high thermal inertia, and on the other, forms a ther mal buffer between interior and exterior by way of the coupled windows. The confines of this urban site made it neces sary to accommodate the offices on the sides with good lighting. Specially developed coupled windows guarantee, besides addition al protection against heat, the desired degree of sound insulation and natural ventilation. The building envelope is formed by a partial-fill cavity wall with a 115 mm anthracite-colour clay brickwork (KMz 28/1.8 NF) outer leaf. The plinth makes use of particularly resistant bricks and rounded specials are used adjacent the entrance doors. Each storey of the stretcherbond masonry is supported on stainless steel brackets adjustable for height. The cavity measures 125 mm in total - 80 mm thermal insulation plus 45 mm air space. Pointing of the walls was carried out in a second operation using coloured mortar - white for the bed joints and black for the perpends. The anthracite bricks with their light metallic sheen and the two-colour pointing gives the extension a very special character but also allows it to blend harmoniously with the existing building,
Location plan scale 1: 2000 Sections 2nd floor scale 1: 1000
1 2
New extension Existing building
Extension to office building in Stuttgart
Example 21
Extension to office building in Stuttgart
Section through restaurant scale 1: 100 Entrance lobby Vertical section Horizontal section scale 1:50
3 4 5 6
Barrel-vault roof construction (with extensive planting): 200 mm vegetation and drainage layer non-woven fabric as protection and filter protective mat, granulated rubber waterproofing, 2 layers thermal insulation, 100 mm foamed glass waterproof sheeting as temporary roof covering 150 mm lean-mix concrete 240 mm clay brickwork Loadbearing column, 490 x 490 mm facing brickwork
8 9
Lighting units forming top of lobby: 2 panes of glass, sand-blasted fluorescent tubes Steel angle as support to outer leaf of facing brickwork Canopy with drainage channel, in-situ reinforced concrete Wall construction: 115 mm facing brickwork 45 mm air space thermal insulation, 80 mm mineral wool 250 mm reinforced concrete wall 15 mm internal plaster Floor construction: mat in matwell (non-slip steel tray with drainage) 60 mm thermal insulation 250 mm reinforced concrete slab 300 mm reinforced concrete wall Lobby element: doors in steel frame door leaves of steel with wooden planks and glass elements
E x a m p l e 21
Section through corridor adjacent offices Horizontal section through alcove in office Section through facade Horizontal section through coupled window scale 1:20
2 3 4 5
6 7 8
Acoustic ceiling panels: removable slit MDF boards laminated with non-woven fabric, foam absorber Energy-saving fluores cent bulbs Plasterboard, 12.5 mm Loudspeaker Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) board, beech, removable for inspection Concrete lintel Facing brickwork, yellow, 115 mm Cavity floor with carpet floor covering, removable access panels adjacent doors
Extension to office building in Stuttgart
9 Fresh-air vent 10 Pull-out "pharmacist's cupboard", LVL board, beech 11 Concrete column 12 Door element, beech veneer, with side lights 13 Open shelving 14 Stainless steel section with strip lighting
Parapet capping, coated steel sheet, 4 mm 16 Wall construction: 115 mm facing brickwork 45 mm air space thermal insulation, 80 mm mineral wool 250 mm reinforced concrete wall 17 Cover plate, powder-coated aluminium, 2 mm, black
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Louvre blind Glass louvres, 10 mm toughened safety glass Aluminium section Insulating glazing Window frame, LVL, beech Drive motor Cupboard unit, LVL board, beech
Example 22
Business premises in London, UK 1998 Architects: MacCreanor Lavington Architects, London Assistants: Tim Anstey, Marie Brunborg, Alexis Burrus, Nichola Dunlop, Jeremy King, Richard Lavington, Gerard MacCreanor, Aidan Williams Structural engineers: Andrew Greig, Graham Ling, London
This building is situated at the south-west corner of Hoxton Square. It is integrated into an existing block and is only visible on three sides: to the east, facing the square, to the north, facing the inner courtyard, and via a narrow section facing Coronet Street to the west. The plan layout is skilfully organized on the southern side of the plot between the three opportunities for admitting daylight and the small, additional lightwell. The retail premises on the ground floor take the form of a semi basement and so accommodate the different heights of the adjoining streets. The extra-high first floor compensates for these topographic differences and therefore possesses a special facade structure. Columns and lintels 325 mm thick clad in dark clay brickwork were sus pended in front of the reinforced concrete con struction as prefabricated facade elements. The bricks were in some cases formed as halfchannels in the production process for the pre fabricated elements. Additions to the lintels above the ground floor and to a number of wall sections were con structed using suspended half-brick-thick cladding and at the parapet with 240 mm loadbearing clay brickwork walls. The thermal break is always positioned between the pre fabricated facade and the loadbearing struc ture. The lintels above the window openings divide up the stretcher bond with horizontal lines. Emphasizing the effect of the seemingly continuous columns with the intervening win dow lintels makes the nature of the assembly of the cladding very clear. The choice of materi als and the careful but restrained detailing round off the architectural character.
Business premises in London
2nd floor • 1st floor Ground floor • Section scale 1: 400 Location plan scale 1: 2500
E x a m p l e 22
Axonometric view of facade structure not to scale Section through facade scale 1: 20
6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18
Precast concrete column, with brick cladding Positioning/fixing bolts Stainless steel brackets, with elongated holes Stainless steel section, cast into precast element Stainless steel bracket, cast into precast element Parapet coping, precast concrete Damp proof course Beam, precast concrete, with brick cladding, 325 x 450 mm In-situ reinforced concrete slab, 350 mm Steel flat, galvanized, 200 x 8 mm, as loadbearing rail at steel window, frame galvan ized and powder coated, with insulating glazing, 24 mm Steel flat, galvanized, 150 x 8 mm, as loadbearing post Balustrade of steel flats, galvanized and powder coated Heating pipes in floor duct Steel open-grid flooring, galvanized Aluminium plate, 4 mm Sliding doors in frame of steel sections, galvan ized and powder coated, with insulating glazing Stainless steel support bracket Clay bricks with stainless steel support system
10 11
14 15
17 18
Business start-up centre in Hamm
Business start-up centre in H a m m , Germany 1998 Architects: Hegger Hegger Schleiff, Kassel Project manager: Gerhard Greiner Assistants: Achim Dahl, Berit Schaal, Tobias Schaffrin Structural engineer: Reinhold Meyer, Kassel Services engineers: Hausladen, Kirchheim bei Munchen
Sections Ground floor scale 1:1000
This business start-up centre was built on one of the countless former industrial sites that today are being put to new uses. The aim of this project was to provide assistance for eco logically oriented manual trades and service companies in the building industry. The com plex consists of a four-storey office block and a number of two-storey units grouped around a courtyard. These units can be divided in a vari ety of ways and so can accommodate up to 24 businesses. The four-storey office block, with circulation zone along one side, consists of 240 mm calci um silicate masonry with composite floors of boards laid on edge cast in concrete. The partial-fill cavity walls were constructed using recycled bricks from demolished buildings. The lintels were formed from bricks in stretcher bond supported on a steel angle in order to highlight the rows of windows. These are placed in the plane of the thermal insulation. Junctions with partitions are characterized by a cladding of wooden panels. The sunshades are clearly visible beneath the lintels in front of the windows. The units are based on a steel framework with infill panels, also of recycled clay bricks. Their barrel-vault roofs comprise curved glulam ribs with thermal insulation between and extensive planting as the roof finish. This ecologically oriented project was investi gated and optimized with respect to the energy balance (consumption figures as well as pri mary energy consumption during production of building materials). One of the outcomes of this was the use of a four-storey air collector over the windowless south-east facade. An earth channel ensures that the air is precooled in summer. Thanks to the use of recycled facing bricks with their vivid colouring and irregulari ties, this building helps to remind us that this location was once the home of the local colliery.
Example 23
Unit facade Section • Elevation scale 1: 50
Section through office block scale 1: 250 Section through facade scale 1: 20
Business start-up centre in Hamm
2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11
Post-and-rail facade, glu- 12 lam, cover strips of oiled oak, steel beams with brackets Recycled bricks, 240 mm Reinforced concrete ground slab, waterproof, 250 mm Dome rooflight 13 Parapet capping, zinc 14 sheet Roof construction: 15 50 mm vegetation layer sheeting, resistant to root 16 penetration waterproofing 22 mm plywood 240 mm thermal insulation 160 x 240 mm glulam rib, barrel-vault segment vapour barrier 22 mm plywood Open perpend Angle bracket Acrylic shell for aluminium sunshade 17 Wooden window, grey glazed finish, with insulat ing glazing External window sill, zinc sheet
Wall construction; 217 x 1 0 0 x 6 6 mm recycled bricks 50 mm air space airtight membrane 90 mm thermal insulation 240 mm calcium silicate brickwork 15 mm internal plaster Mortar filling, 50 mm Thermal insulation, 80 mm foamed glass Concrete, waterproof, 220 mm Roof construction: extensive planting sheeting, resistant to root penetration waterproofing 100 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier 260 mm timberreinforced concrete composite roof Internal window sill, laminated veneer lumber (LVL) board, birch, 30 mm
Example 24
Housing complex in A m s t e r d a m , The Netherlands 1998 Architects: Atelier Zeinstra, van der Pol, Amsterdam Project architect: Herman Zeinstra Assistants: Harriet Dil, Martin Fredriks, Sjoerd Landmann, Mechthild Stuhlmacher Structural engineers: Bouwstart, Amsterdam
Development of the two peninsulas of Sporenborg and Borneo for inner-city housing in the eastern part of Amsterdam's dockyards began in 1987. The docks here had not been used for many years and the buildings were occupied by squatters and artists. Refurbishment had been planned since the 1970s and was long overdue. The master plan rigorously pre scribed a three-storey blanket development disected by parallel streets every 30-40 m. The development plan provided for a number of different types of housing which, however, had to comply with very strict rules. For instance, the ground floor had to be 3.5 m high in order to guarantee alternative uses, and each building had to occupy an entire plot, including parking and external facilities. And all the facades had to be uniform - finished with the same type of brick. The "back-to-back" apartments do not have individual carports but a garage within the block instead. The constricted plan layouts measuring 4.2 m wide and 14.5 m long are lit via a patio. The second floor contains one bed room, a small bathroom and a rooftop terrace. The short spans enable the use of 190 mm reinforced concrete slabs spanning transverse ly which are supported on the 230 mm con crete party walls. Consequently, the external walls on the south and north elevations can be of a lightweight timber construction. Nevertheless, the stipulation to use bricks was complied with by constructing the infill panels between the glulam beams and columns in 110 mm facing brickwork. Opening panels are incorporated in the side of a recess in the south facade. Fixed windows are positioned flush with the loadbearing timber members. The elegant interplay between brickwork, tim ber and glass lends these buildings their spe cial character.
Housing complex in Amsterdam
Location plan scale 1: 7500 Sections Ground floor • 1st floor • 2nd floor scale 1: 200
1 2 3
Hall Storage Garage
4 5 6
Living room Kitchen Patio
7 8 9
Bedroom Bathroom Terrace
Example 24
Section through facade Horizontal section through recess in facade scale 1: 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Parapet trim, aluminium section, 40 mm dia., coated Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) board, 18 mm Fibre-reinforced cement board, 16 mm Open perpend Foil, water-repellent Thermal insulation, 75 mm mineral wool Wall construction: 100 mm facing brickwork 48 mm air space foil, water-repellent, open to diffusion timber post-and-rail construction, 119 x 3 8 mm thermal insulation, 120 mm glass wool vapour barrier, polyethylene sheeting 12.5 mm plasterboard Sole plate Thermal insulation, 80 mm mineral wool Fixing anchor, steel angle, cast in Reinforced concrete slab, 190 mm Steel angle, 1 4 0 x 4 0 x 8 mm, fixed to slab Floor finish, 50 mm LVL board, 12 mm Steel angle support LVL board, 15 mm Ribbed reinforced concrete floor Precast concrete element, 30 mm
19 Thermal insulation, 50 mm rigid expanded foam 20 Sheeting, water-repellent 21 Capping, bent sheet steel 22 Upstand, gas concrete, 100 mm 23 Waterproofing, 2 layers 24 Thermal insulation, rigid expanded foam with integral falls 25 Sheet steel brackets at 1000 mm centres 26 Steel angle, 100 x 120 x 10 mm 27 Flashing, lead sheet 28 Steel angle, 90 x 90 x 10 mm 29 Fixing bolts 30 Glulam beam, impregnated, 353 x 110 mm 31 Wall construction: 100 mm facing brickwork 45 mm air space thermal insulation, 75 mm mineral wool 230 mm reinforced concrete 32 Glulam column, 316 x 110 mm 33 Construction of opening panel: 20 mm profiled boards 15 mm air space foil, water-repellent, open to diffusion thermal insulation, 70 mm rigid expanded foam vapour barrier LVL board, 12 mm
Housing complex in Amsterdam
Example 25
Housing development in Rungsted, Denmark
1999 Architects: Boje Lundgaard & Lene Tranberg,
Copenhagen Assistants: Henrik Schmidt, Niels Friis, Sδren Aabling, Merete Adler Structural engineers: Birch & Krogboe, Copenhagen
Bel Colle Park is located near the town of H0rsholm in the vicinity of The Sound amid an undulating landscape with a good stock of large, mature trees. Locally, it is one of the most sought-after areas among house-buyers. The group of 18 two-storey semidetached properties is arranged to follow the topography of the site. The land slopes down towards the south-east and in doing so forms a shallow depression. The houses have been carefully placed between the existing trees towards the top of the slope. Access is by means of a private driveway (cul-de-sac) on the northern side which curves to follow the topography. Two types of house are available: semi detached with or without bay. Further differ ences are evident in the shape of the windows and in slight variations to the living rooms, which leads to minor differences in the usable space available. Each block of two houses is divided in the centre and the plan layouts are mirrored. Only the rooms on the first floor could be assigned alternative uses. The loadbearing internal and external walls of the buildings comprise 120 mm precast con crete elements, the non-loadbearing walls gas concrete panels. Hollow concrete planks form the upper floors and the roof structures are of timber. The loadbearing leaf of the external wall is enclosed by 150 mm cavity insulation, while the 115 mm outer leaf of facing brickwork employs stretcher bond with flush joints. The windows, partly fixed lights, partly opening out wards, are positioned flush with the outside face of the masonry. The cantilevering bays are supported on steel columns and beams. These buildings with their light-coloured facing masonry, long overhanging eaves and simple timber details blend in harmoniously with their natural surroundings.
Housing development in Rungsted
Location plan scale 1: 20000 Type 1 Upper floor Ground floor Type 2 Upper floor Ground floor scale 1: 250
Example 25
Housing development in Rungsted
Sections scale 1: 250 Section through north facade Section through south facade scale 1: 20 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9
Timber section, 95 x 45 mm Timber section, 240 x 35 mm Roof construction: standing seam roof covering, zinc sheet roofing felt laminated veneer lumber (LVL) board, 16 mm 220 mm rafters 200 mm thermal insulation between rafters vapour barrier 20 mm boarding 20 mm battens 13 mm plasterboard Timber section, 50 x 50 mm LVL board, 12 mm, waterproof Zinc flashing Single glazing, fixed Hardwood frame, oiled, with insulating glazing Thermal insulation, 30 mm rigid expanded foam
10 Wall construction: 115 mm facing brickwork 150 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier 120 mm reinforced concrete 11 Damp proof course 12 Shallow lintel, clay 13 Rendering, 20 mm 14 Lightweight clay bricks, 150 x 90 mm 15 Lightweight clay bricks, 190x400mmm 16 Timber section, oak 17 Floor construction: parquet flooring on supporting members damp proof membrane reinforced concrete slab 18 Plasterboard, 13 mm 19 Window sill, MDF board, 30 mm
Example 26
Apartment block in Salamanca, Spain 1998 Architect: Jesus Maria Aparicio Guisado, Madrid Assistants: Luis Ignacio Aguirre Lopez, Daniel Huertas Nadel, Hector Fernandez Elorza, Carlos Pesqueira Calvo Structural engineer: Valeriano de Diego
This apartment block is situated in Santa Marta de Tormes, a suburb of the Spanish university town of Salamanca. Set amid the typical apart ment block architecture, it stands out conspic uously from its surroundings. This is a crisp-outlined, five-storey block, one side of which abuts a neighbouring building. Four red-brick masonry storeys are supported on a rough-finish concrete plinth. The central section is characterized by the restrained fenestration. The long ribbon windows at the ends continue around the corners of the open end of the building and terminate on the nar row side. This four units per floor layout with its elongated stair shaft contains well-structured apartments, each with three large, separate rooms of almost equal size plus a spacious liv ing area with kitchen, bathroom, storage space and built-in cupboards. The entrance lobbies are small but functional and well proportioned. The top storey, with its large openings framed in concrete, guarantees a conspicuous appearance. Therefore, this storey stands out clearly from the others, signalling a usage dif ferent to that of the standard floors. There are only two apartments on the top floor. These were given an additional external zone, with enough space for a rooftop garden and even a small pool for each apartment, by plac ing the external walls to the apartments back within the building. The enclosing masonry walls create a private, courtyard-type area. The large openings in the outer walls permit gener ous views of the surroundings. The quality of this apartment block lies in such carefully formulated, uncommon spatial situations. Their effect is reinforced by the use of just a few, coordinated materials and simple details.
Apartment block in Salamanca
Top storey Standard storey Sections through top storey scale 1:400 Location plan scale 1:3000
Example 26
Apartment block in Salamanca
Section through west facade scale 1:20
Upside-down roof construction: gravel thermal insulation, 40 mm rigid expanded foam waterproofing screed laid to falls, 140-80 mm 240 mm reinforced concrete slab 15 mm plaster 2 Fixed glazing, 12 mm laminated safety glass 3 Floor construction, top storey: natural stone slabs, 600 x 300 x 20 mm 20 mm mortar bed 20 mm sand 10 mm levelling mortar 45 mm precast concrete tiles sleeper walls 240 mm reinforced concrete slab 20 mm plaster 4 Roof construction, terrace: natural stone slabs, 600 x 300 x 20 mm sleeper walls, precast concrete elements thermal insulation, 30 mm rigid expanded foam expanded clay, max. 55 mm on waterproofing
5 6 7
8 9 10
screed laid to falls, max. 120 mm 240 mm reinforced concrete slab 20 mm plaster Balustrade, 12 mm laminated safety glass Reveal, fair-face concrete Wall construction: 115 mm clay brickwork, flush mortar joints 15 mm plaster fill, water-repellent thermal insulation, 60 mm glass wool 70 mm air space 70 mm horizontally perforated clay bricks 20 mm plaster Roller shutter box Aluminium window, stove enamelled, with insulating glazing Spandrel wall construction: 115 mm clay brickwork, flush mortar joints 15 mm plaster fill, water-repellent thermal insulation, 60 mm glass wool 70 mm horizontally perforated clay bricks 20 mm plaster Floor construction, standard storey: natural stone slabs, 600 x 300 x 20 mm 20 mm mortar bed 20 mm sand 240 mm reinforced concrete slab
Example 27
Community centre in Lochau, Austria 1998 Architects: Baumschlager & Eberle Karl Baumschlager, Dietmar Eberle, Lochau Project manager: Rainer Huchler Structural engineer: Ernst Mader, Bregenz
The centre of the rather rural-looking town of Lochau at the eastern extremity of Lake Con stance is dominated by a busy throughroad carrying traffic to and from the nearby border. Situated on this road are the church, the coun cil offices, a number of small hotels and the new, detached vicarage. This clarifies in a sim ple way the spatial relationships both to the church and to the surrounding houses, lending structure and intensity to the urban planning of the centre of the town. This no-nonsense build ing solves problems of function and architec tural form within its simple structure. Two arcades help to overcome the change in levels at the edge of the church square, but also create a reference point for the streetscape, the open square. At street level there is a shop behind the arcade; the floor above contains the large parish hall, which looks out onto the forecourt to the vicarage. The hall can be divided into two sections by way of a glazed sliding partition. The facades of the building are plain, without recesses or projections, the windows flush with the outside face. They convey the impression of a homo geneous envelope enclosing the building. Merely the arcades provide texture and depth. The loadbearing construction of the building consists of a reinforced concrete frame with floors of hollow concrete planks. Timber stud walls form the infill panels to the frame - with columns on a 3.0 m grid. Therefore, the 120 mm outer skin had to be built as a free standing masonry leaf extending the full height of the building. The brickwork is connected to the concrete frame via stainless steel anchors. All lintels are carried on stainless steel angles so that the stretcher bond of the facing brick work and hence the structure of the envelope is maintained throughout. Along the arcades the brickwork skin is reduced to a 25 mm brick slip cladding to the concrete lintels. This cladding, in a slightly different colour, is also carried around the corners of the building to match.
Location plan scale 1:2000 2nd floor 1 st floor Ground floor North elevation South elevation scale 1:400
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Arcade Entrance Youth activities Shop Forecourt to vicarage Foyer Parish hall Kitchen Parish secretariat Choir room
C o m m u n i t y centre in Lochau
E x a m p l e 27
Sections scale 1:400
C o m m u n i t y centre in Lochau
Horiz. section through door-pier junction Horizontal section through pier-fixed glazing junction
Section scale 1:20
thermal insulation, 80 mm mineral wool 360 mm hollow concrete planks, with skim coat and paint finish Ventilation slot Facing brickwork, 115 mm, with horizontal reinforcement every 4th-5th course Timber stud wall construction: 5 mm hardboard 120 x 60 mm timber studs thermal insulation, 120 mm mineral wool 18 mm oriented strand board (OSB) services plane, with thermal insulation, 50 mm mineral wool 12.5 mm plasterboard vapour barrier 12.5 mm plasterboard, with skim coat and paint finish Stainless steel Z-section, with elongated holes
2 3 4 5
Wall construction: 127 mm facing brickwork anchored to concrete frame 40 mm air space thermal insulation, 60 mm glass wool concrete frame: 200m concrete beams/columns 15 mm thermal insulation 12.5 mm plasterboard vapour barrier 12.5 mm plasterboard, with skim coat and paint finish Thermal insulation, 100 mm rigid expanded foam Silicone joint Wooden window, opening light, oak, with triple glazing Floor construction: 100 mm oak planking 60 x 80 mm timber battens
6 7 8
Example 27
Community centre in Lochau
Section through arcade facade Horizontal section through window Horizontal section through fixed glazing scale 1:20
1 2 3
Parapet capping, stainless steel sheet Multiplex board, 25 mm Roof construction: 50 mm gravel waterproofing thermal insulation, 200 mm rigid expanded foam vapour barrier screed laid to falls 360 mm hollow concrete planks, with skim coat and paint finish
4 5 6 7 8
Concrete upstand Lintel, precast concrete, clad in 25 mm brick slips Concrete column, 230 x 250 mm, with facing brickwork cladding Thermal insulation, 120 mm rigid expanded foam Reinforced concrete wall, waterproof, 250 mm
Example 28
Church and community centre in Neu-Anspach, Germany 1998 Architects: Hahn Helten Architekten, Aachen Assistants: Harald Schafer (project manager), Bettina Noppeney, Jutta Pieper, Dirk Lenzner, Bettina Horn, Gregor Dewey Structural engineers: Stoffler-Abraham-Fath, Darmstadt
The new community centre with church and parish hall is located in the immediate proxim ity of the market-place. The scale of this large, detached cube integrates well with the hetero geneous architecture of the town centre. The design and shape of the church structure pro vides an unobtrusive setting for introspective quietness. The glazed foyer links the two blocks roughly equal in size: the introverted church on one side, the community centre with offices, meet ing rooms and apartments on the other. The internal layout is determined by the spacious foyer. A glazed partition with large, glass slid ing screens to the church, and the common roof construction create a visual bond. When the sliding screens are open, the foyer serves as an extension to the church. Besides the graphic configuration of the overall building, the two parts are also distinguished by the choice of facade material and the open ings. Reinforced concrete walls constitute the primary loadbearing structure. These enable diverse openings for windows and loggias to be positioned as required. The facades of the two parts are different: the almost completely plain surfaces of the church structure contrast with the carefully worked rendered surfaces with their precisely located windows. The ren dered surfaces conceal a "thermoskin" with mineral fibre insulation. Parapet cappings and window reveals make use of narrow aluminium sheets. The church employs a partial-fill cavity wall construction; blocks of Norwegian white concrete were used for the outer leaf. One essential charm of this fine material differ entiation lies in the treatment of the white mason ry. The even stretcher bond is given a pattern by the graphic arrangement of the necessary movement joints. In each case the bond restarts at the joint. The corners were built in bond in such a way that the observer is given the impression of a continuous external skin.
Church and community centre in Neu-Anspach
Section Upper floor Ground floor scale 1:500 Section scale 1:200
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Foyer Church Sacrament house Parish hall Parish secretariat Meeting room Apartment
Example 28
Section through roof Section through facade to church Horizontal section through window slit scale 1:20
Church and community centre in Neu-Anspach
1 2
3 4
Parapet capping, 0.8 mm zinc sheet Wall construction: 90 mm white concrete bricks 60 mm air space thermal insulation, 80 mm mineral fibre 250 mm reinforced concrete 95 mm air space 115 mm white concrete bricks Angle bracket, 8 mm stainless steel Aluminium window, with insulating glaz ing, inner pane of 8 mm laminated safety glass, sand-blasted
5 6
Aluminium sheet, 3 mm, bent to suit Floor construction: 20 mm natural stone slabs 20 mm mortar bed 50 mm cement screed separating membrane, 0.2 mm polyethylene sheeting impact sound insulation, 60 mm rigid expanded foam 200 mm reinforced concrete slab 50 mm thermal insualtion
Example 28
Corner window to church Horizontal section • Vertical section scale 1:20 1 2 3 4
Stainless steel angle, 8 mm Aluminium sheet, 3 mm, bent to suit Aluminium window, with insulating glazing, inner pane of 8 mm laminated safety glass, sand blasted Ventilation grille, 50 x 15 x 2 mm aluminium sections
5 6
Fresh-air duct, 500 x 300 mm, sheet steel, galvanized Wall construction: 15 mm mineral rendering 120 mm thermal insulation 240 mm reinforced concrete wall 15 mm internal plaster
Community buildings in Iragna
Community buildings in Iragna, Switzerland 1995 Architects: Raffaele Cavadini, Locarno Assistants: FabioTrisconi, Silvana Marzari Structural engineers: Giorgio Masotti, Bellinzona (town hall), Paolo Regolati, Minusio (chapel), Walter Perlini, Lodrino (square design)
Located between St Gotthard and Bellinzona in the Ticino Alps, a traditional granite mining district, this community was given several new buildings to meet the needs of today's infra structure but provide a respectful complement to the old, intact, village structure. One after the other, the chapel, the town hall and the square in the southern part of Iragna were realized by the same architects. The use of the local stone with its powerful texture illus trates the bond between the new structures and the history of the village. Using simple building geometries they relate to the character of the village, although the structures them selves are a deliberate, contemporary com ment on their surroundings. The highlighting of structural elements, like the plinth in fair-face concrete or the exposed edges of the floors, serve as a stylized archi tectural link between tradition and modernism. This approach makes possible large ribbon windows on the town hall, likewise large panels of glass bricks. With outer leaves of natural stone, the buildings generate a reference to the authenticity of the village without intruding. The twin-leaf external walls are made from squared gneiss stones, insulation and plas tered clay brickwork. The hammer-dressed natural stone masonry in Roman bond is built using cement mortar and a galvanized rein forcing lattice in front of the 80 mm thick ther mal insulation. The floors which pass through the walls and act as supports are provided with strips of insulation internally (a form of con struction which is hardly feasible on the north side of the Alps owing to the climate and the strict regulations). Therefore, it is possible to see the stone masonry wall not as a mere envelope but also in its structural capacity.
Location plan scale 1:3000 1 Piazza della Posta Vecchia 2 Chapel 3 Town hall
Example 29
Town hall 2nd floor 1st floor Ground floor North elevation Sections scale 1:400 Section through north facade scale 1:20 1 Roof construction: 60 mm gravel protective membrane, non-woven fabric waterproofing and thermal insulation of 80 mm in-situ plastic foam 200 mm reinforced concrete slab 15 mm gypsum plaster 2 Capping, 0.2 mm copper sheet 3 MDF board, 15 mm 4 Wall construction: gneiss stone, 200-500 x 100-170 x 100-250 mm cement mortar with galvanized reinforcing lattice thermal insulation, 80 mm in-situ foam 150 mm clay brickwork 15 mm gypsum plaster 5 Floor construction: 10 mm parquet flooring 70 mm cement screed separating membrane 20 mm impact sound insulation 220 mm reinforced concrete slab 15 mm gypsum plaster 6 Fair-face concrete surface 7 Thermal insulation, 30 mm rigid expanded foam 8 Window sill, 40 mm reconstituted stone 9 Column, steel circular hollow section, 200 dia, x 5.6 mm 10 Glass bricks, 200 x 200 x 80 mm 11 Steel channel, 1 2 0 x 8 0 x 5 mm 12 Precast concrete threshold 13 Granite slabs, 40 mm, on sand or cement bed
Community buildings in Iragna
Example 30
Bank extension in Schonaich, Germany 1999 Architects: Kaag + Schwarz, Stuttgart Werner Kaag, Rudolf Schwarz Assistants: Thorsten Kock, Almut Schwabe, Horst Fischer, Marcus Lembach Structural engineers: Merkt + Le, Bδblingen
The special feature of this extension to an existing bank building lies in the unusual con struction of the natural stone facade. It is built from 115 mm thick Gauinger travertine stone. In contrast to conventional techniques using as thin as possible a cladding of slabs , there are currently few examples of the use of this mater ial in a proper and structurally lucid form. The proportions of the extension are derived from the existing urban relationships and build ing lines. The building is made up of a stonefaced structure and a glass link which contains the vertical and horizontal access routes. The new facades embrace the forecourt adjacent the street and clearly assign this to the bank complex. The loadbearing construction consists of rein forced concrete walls 200 mm thick and flat slabs, which can be used as heat storage media. The outermost layer of the partial-fill cavity wall construction employs large natural stone blocks with thin joints built in stretcher bond. The sizes of the stones decrease towards the tops of the walls. Near the parapet in par ticular, the stones are shallower and narrower. This has an economic advantage because there is less wastage, but another benefit is that this form of construction reinforces the natural and animated effect of the bush-hammered stone surfaces. Lintels to doors and windows are made from a single stone in each case. The relieving lintel above is slightly cambered, which makes it visible as a structural element and illustrates the jointing principles of a stone facade.
Bank extension in Schonaich
Section 2nd floor scale 1:500 Horizontal section through door to meeting room internal wall on 2nd floor Section through glass roof to central hall - parapet scale 1:10
Wall construction, external: 115 mm Gauinger travertine stone in masonry bond, bush-hammered surface 20 mm air space thermal insulation, 100 mm mineral wool 200 mm reinforced concrete Gauinger travertine stone in masonry bond, 115 mm, bush-hammered surface, door lintel provided with camber for structural relief
3 4 5 6
Mortar filling, 20 mm Reinforced concrete wall Steel-and-glass facade of welded steel flats, with insulating glazing Floor construction, ground floor to central hall 20 mm natural stone, "Tauern" green 20 mm mortar bed 60 mm anhydrite screed with underfloor heating 50 mm thermal and impact sound insulation
Example 30
West facade Horizontal sections • Vertical section scale 1:10
Parapet coping, Gauinger travertine stone, smooth surface 2 Lintel to uppermost row of windows, provided with camber, Gauinger travertine stone in masonry bond, 115 mm, bush-hammered surface 3 Opening lights for night-time ventilation, opened individually as required, 10 mm toughened safety glass + 18 mm cavity with sunshading lightdeflecting grid + 10 mm toughened safety glass, in black anodized aluminium sections, plus anti-intruder bars at ground floor only 4 Revolving light, black anodized aluminium, 8 mm + 16 mm cavity + 12 mm laminated safety glass 5 Guide track for sunshade blind
6 7 8
Fixed glazing in aluminium sections, 8 mm + 16 mm cavity + 12 mm laminated safety glass Floor duct for heating Roof construction: extensive planting / 100 mm gravel sheeting, resistant to root penetration filter, non-woven fabric waterproofing, bitumen sheeting, 2 layers, top layer with slate granule surfacing thermal insulation, 140 mm rigid expanded foam vapour barrier 250 mm reinforced concrete slab, with undercoat 15 mm internal plaster
Bank extension in Schönaich
Example 31
Library of the Technological Institute in Cork, Ireland 1996 Architects: Shane de Blacam & John Meagher with Boyd Barrett, Murphy O'Connor, Dublin Structural engineers: Horgan Lynch & Partners, Cork
The library building is part of the overall urban plan for the Technological Institute. The shape of the building with its sweeping south facade is explained by the geometry of the overall complex. There is a very strict organization of the internal functions from south to north, which starts with the two-storey reading room and unfolds by way of lively interventions with stairs and galleries. Up to 500 students can be accom modated in the large reading room and on the galleries. The shelves have space for about 70,000 books, periodicals and video films. Likewise integrated in the linear structure are rooms for seminars and the library manage ment. The different heights of the building and the associated changing lighting conditions give the interior an even more pronounced three-dimensional effect. Local, traditional building materials were used for the construc tion: clay and calcium silicate, oak for the win dow frames, panelling and furniture. Concrete bricks alternating with clay bricks create impressive patterns on walls and columns. Clay brickwork cladding was positioned in the formwork before casting the in-situ reinforced concrete columns and arches. The diaphragm wall construction (max. spacing between leaves 550 mm) offers numerous opportunities for projections and recesses which can be used for built-in furniture. The curving south elevation almost devoid of windows presents a stark contrast to the brightly lit and contrasting interior of the library.
Location plan scale 1:5000 Ground floor • 1st floor scale 1:500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Entrance foyer Information desk Reading room Bookstack Librarians Deliveries Periodicals gallery Seminar rooms
Library of the Technological Institute in Cork
Example 31
Section scale 1:250 Facade Elevation • Horizontal section • Vertical section scale 1:20 1 2 3
Parapet capping, calcium silicate slab, 450 x 20 mm Drip plate, stainless steel, bent to suit Roof construction: 20 mm mastic asphalt on separating membrane 60 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier 150 mm in-situ reinforced concrete 75 mm precast concrete planks Cross-ribs of concrete brickwork
5 Wall construction: 100 mm clay brickwork 310 mm cavity 50 mm thermal insulation 100 mm concrete brickwork 6 Floor construction, gallery: coconut fibre carpet 150 mm in-situ concrete 75 mm precast concrete planks 7 Built-in bookshelves, MDF board, coated 8 Precast concrete peripheral frame 9 Perforated plate element for permanent ventilation 10 Lining to reveal, oak, 150 x 25 mm 11 Wooden window, oak, with insulating glazing
12 13 14 15 16
Waterproofing, bitumen sheeting Window lintel, calcium silicate block, 65 mm Roofing slates, several layers Roofing slates, 2 layers, laid to fall Floor construction: coconut fibre carpet 150 mm in-situ concrete separating membrane thermal insulation, 50 mm rigid expanded foam cement levelling coat hardcore 17 Lean mix concrete filling 18 Calcium silicate pavings externally
Library of the Technological Institute in Cork
Example 31
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Building of the University of Aveiro
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Building of the University of Aveiro, Portugal 1996 Architect: Adalberto Dias, Porto Assistants: A. Teixeira, C. Veloso, J. Eusebio, V. Gama, J. Miguelote, N. Rocha Structural engineer: A. Dinis
Since 1985 a general plan has been in force for all newly erected buildings on the new cam pus of the University of Aveiro. One of the prime considerations was to limit the choice of architect, if feasible, to members of the "Porto School" in order to give the buildings by differ ent architects an inner architectural coherency. The effect of this strategy is that the campus is now also a showcase for Porto's most notable architects. The building designed by Adalberto Dias for the Mechanical Engineering Faculty is in the immediate vicinity of the buildings for geology (Eduardo Souto de Moura) and mathematics (Carlos Prata). The predefined interior layout of the building led to an obvious solution. The south-west ele vation - with virtually no openings - forms one wall to the access zone, which incorporates the stairs and is lit from above via a long, continu ous rooflight. The loadbearing structure of the building consists of reinforced concrete in con junction with steel beams and columns for walls and floors, some of which have to span quite considerable distances above the lecture theatres. The external walls are provided with a masonry outer leaf of approx. 70 mm high courses of facing brickwork built in stretcher bond. In order to emphasize the radical nature of the concept, the external masonry is given a horizontal profile. This is achieved by recess ing every second course by 30 mm. To do this, the bricks were sawn to 80 mm width. Steel sections at the transition between masonry and glass facade and along the edge of the roof stress the horizontal format of the structure. The external wall alongside the rooflight also features facing brickwork on the inside; the irregularities of this masonry produce a very lively texture when illuminated by the dramatic diagonal, overhead lighting.
3rd floor • 2nd floor • Ground floor scale 1:750
Example 32
South-west elevation Sections scale 1:500 Section through facade scale 1:20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Clay bricks Capping, zinc sheet on cork board Steel channel, 180 mm Steel round section, 75 mm dia. Spandrel panel capping, zinc sheet on cork board Steel channel, 160 mm Spandrel panel: clay brickwork
8 9
12 mm air space thermal insulation, 40 mm rigid expanded foam 195 mm reinforced concrete clay bricks 30 mm synthetic resin plaster Steel window, with insulating glazing Window sill, natural stone
Floor construction: 40 mm natural stone alsbs levelling mortar bed thermal insulation, 30 mm rigid expanded foam damp proof membrane screed laid to falls thermal insulation, 50 mm rigid expanded foam 180 mm reinforced concrete
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Building of the University of Aveiro
11 Roof construction: 40 mm reconstituted stone pavings levelling bed thermal insulation, 30 mm rigid expanded foam waterproofing screed laid to falls 180 mm reinforced concrete slab 40 mm synthetic resin plaster 12 Wood/steel window
13 Synthetic resin plaster, 50 mm 14 Clay bricks 15 Internal plaster, 20 mm 16 Floor construction: floor finish of stone slabs 20 mm mortar bed 40 mm screed 180 mm reinforced concrete 40 mm timber battens 40 mm synthetic resin plaster
Example 32
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Building of the University of Aveiro
Sections North-east elevation scale 1:500 Section through facade scale 1:20 17 Wall construction: 110 x 80 mm clay bricks in stretcher bond 12 mm air space thermal insulation, 40 mm rigid expanded foam 195 mm reinforced concrete clay bricks in stretcher bond, 115 mm 18 Glazed steel door
19 Plinth construction: clay brickwork 50 mm mortar filling 195 mm reinforced concrete 20 Horizontal glazing, laminated safety glass in steel frame 21 Steel angle, 60 x 70 x 8 mm 22 Guide rail for inspection cradle 23 Plasterboard
Example 33
Office building in Essen, Germany 1996 Architect: Detlef Sommer of Eckert Negwer Sommer Suselbeek, Berlin Assistant: Marc Jordi Site manager: Helmut Heimeshoff, Essen Structural engineers: A. Bruns, B. Szafranski, Berlin
This office building at the Christine Colliery pro vides a link between the once separate offices and the existing production building. The small plot made it necessary to erect a four-storey building. This contains simple plan layouts with six offices per floor as well as the associated vertical and horizontal access zones and ser vice core. The rooms are arranged alongside a central corridor. The offset between the two halves of the building gives rise to an interest ing spatial effect. Storey-height, narrow windows break up the simple cube, while the piers provide a rhythmic structure to the facade. The layout of the masonry is such that the observer gets the impression of a framework. However, the quali ty of the design concept manifests itself in the skilful balance between piers and openings. Consequently, special attention was paid to careful detailing of the openings. The facing brickwork of the outer leaf consists of Wittmunder peat-fired bricks with the Olden burg format. Cavity insulation and loadbearing calcium silicate masonry complete the external wall construction. The window reveals are car ried around the corners with a one-brick-deep bond. The window sills consist of brick-on-edge courses, the lintels of reinforced concrete clad in facing brickwork. The windows with their fixed glazing, wooden reveals and wooden openings lights fitted behind the outer leaf form a distinct contrast to the piers in order to rein force their effect. Ironically, the closed openings lights, offset from the plane of the window, form their own pier within the opening and hence consum mate the architectural setting. The loadbearing walls adjacent the internal corridors are made from the same material as the outer leaves of the external walls. They illu strate the simple structural system: the ex posed in-situ concrete floors spanning between external wall and corridor wall. Masonry archi tecture becomes contemporary when used in such an exciting, simple yet subtle way.
Location plan scale 1:1250 East elevation 3rd floor Ground floor scale 1:250
Office building in Essen
1 2 3 4 5 6
Lobby Reception Office Tea kitchen Meeting room Existing building
Example 33
Office building in Essen
Sections scale 1:250 Window Elevation • Horizontal section Section through facade scale 1:20
2 3 4 5 6 7
Roof construction: 50 mm gravel waterproofing, bitumen sheeting, 3 layers thermal insulation, rigid expanded foam, with integral falls, 300-120 mm 220 reinforced concrete slab, soffit exposed, rough formwork finish Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) board, 450 x 25 mm Timber section, 220 x 70 mm Flashing, 1 mm zinc sheet, pre-weathered Parapet capping, 1 mm zinc sheet, pre-weathered, on separating membrane V 13 Concrete upstand, 160 x 400 mm Wooden window, meranti with glazed finish, fixed glazing, insulating glazing with laminated safety glass
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Floor construction: 13 mm carpet 60 mm screed separating membrane 17 mm impact sound insulation 220 reinforced concrete slab, soffit exposed, rough formwork finish Brick-on-edge window sill, Wittmunder peat-fired bricks, Oldenburg format, 52 x 105 x 220 mm Thermal insulation, 110 mm mineral fibre Reinforced concrete lintel, brick slip cladding Peripheral timber cover strip, 125 x 15 mm Convector heating under grating Opening panel with timber infill, meranti with glazed finish Wall construction: facing brickwork, Wittmunder peat-fired bricks, Oldenburg format, 52 x 105 x 220 mm thermal insulation, 110 mm mineral fibre 240 mm calcium silicate brickwork 15 mm gypsum plaster
Example 34
Housing complex in Hannover, Germany 1999 Architects: Fink + Jocher, Munich Assistants: Ivan Grafl, Ulrike Wietzorrek, Rudiger Krisch Structural engineers: Bergmann + Partner, Hannover
Situated on the north-western edge of the development built to coincide with EXPO 2000, this urban component with 87 apartments, public amenities and shops forms the gateway to Kronsberg, an entirely new city suburb, The two main facades of the building have been given different treatments: a brickwork facade with peat-fired facing bricks and room-height French windows with folding shutters facing the city, and a timber facade behind continu ous, deep loggias facing the inner courtyard. The sculptured form of the block with equalsized window elements distributed evenly over the facade in an intriguing staggered arrange ment lends the building both stability and vitality. A large number of different apartments, from simple layout with hall to open plan, offers diverse possibilities with a constant basic structure. The entire loadbearing structure of the building was built in precast concrete. This resulted in fast erection and low building costs. There is an outer leaf of 115 mm facing bricks with a 10 mm air space and 120 mm thermal insula tion. A contrasting precast concrete coping completes the parapet. The window lintels, also precast, are clad with clay bricks in stretcher bond in order to match the depth and appearance of the 240 mm reveals. Fitted into the reveals are wooden folding shutters which help to assert the character of the building. The precast concrete window sills round off the homogeneous appearance of the complex. The facades to the inner courtyard, with their deep loggias, are clad in birch plywood. These loggias raise the living standards of the com plex and form the transition to the landscaped inner courtyard, generating a contrast to the urban environment.
Housing complex in Hannover
Location plan scale 1:3000 North-west elevation Standard floor scale 1:1000 Apartment layouts scale 1:500
Standard layout
Semi-open plan
Open plan
Example 34
Section scale 1:250 Horizontal section through junction between facing brick work and timber panel facade Horizontal section through apartment window Horizontal section through staircase window Section through street facade scale 1:20 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17
18 19 20 21 22
Plywood panel, 18 mm birch, both sides coated with phenolic resin Wooden lining, 200 x 40 mm Wooden glazed door, with insulating glazing Supporting construction, 40 x 40 mm timber sections Wall construction: peat-fired facing bricks, NF 115 mm 10 mm air space thermal insulation, 120 mm mineral fibre 180 mm reinforced concrete 4-part folding shutters of 3-piy timber boarding, with edge beading in weatherproof glue, guide tracks top and bottom, 2 No. 15 mm Balustrade of steel flats, galvanized, micacious iron oxide coating, 35 x 8 mm Window sill, precast concrete, overhang with drip, 50 mm Wooden window, 2 lights, with insulating glazing Horizontal-pivot window, with insulating glazing, spandrel pane fixed, inner pane of laminated safety glass Plasterboard, 12.5 mm Thermal insulation, 80 mm Ring beam, autoclaved aerated concrete channel block Rendering, 25 mm Terrace construction: pavings in gravel bed 15 mm impact sound insulation waterproofing 200 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier 220 mm reinforced concrete slab Sheet metal flashing Parapet/spandrel panel: peat-burned facing bricks in stretcher bond, NF115mm 10 mm air space thermal insulation, 120 mm mineral fibre 175 mm aerated concrete Open perpend Thermal insulation, 60 mm rigid expanded foam Horizontal groove, with fall to outside Ventilation element Steel angle as support for window sill
Housing complex in Hannover
Example 34
Section scale 1:20
1 2 3 4
Parapet coping, precast concrete Reinforced concrete lintel, with clay brick slip cladding Flashing, 1 mm titanium-zinc sheet Roof construction with extensive planting: vegetation layer filter layer 120 mm drainage layer waterproofing 200 mm thermal insulation waterproofing 220 mm reinforced concrete slab
5 Wall construction: peat-burned facing bricks, NF115mm 10 mm air space thermal insulation, 120 mm mineral fibre 180 mm reinforced concrete wall 6 Lighting, 450 x 100 x 100 mm 7 Wooden frame door, with inset steel frame and insulating glazing 8 Kicker plate, 1 mm brushed stainless steel 9 Reinforced concrete, water proof, 250 mm
11 12 13 14 15
Horizontal-pivot wooden win dow, with insulating glazing, spandrel pane fixed, inner pane of laminated safety glass Thermal insulation, 80 mm Plasterboard, 12.5 mm Timber section, 180 x 70 mm Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) board, with solid wood edge beading, 28 mm Terrace construction: pavings in gravel bed 15 mm impact sound insulation waterproofing 200 mm thermal insulation
16 17
18 19
vapour barrier 220 mm reinforced concrete slab Roof to balcony, precast concrete element Wall construction: plywood, 18 mm birch, both sides coated with phenolic resin 40 mm air space thermal insulation, 120 mm mineral fibre 180 mm reinforced concrete wall Mat in steel angle frame 220 mm reinforced concrete slab
Housing complex in Hannover
Statutory instruments, directives and standards
Statutory instruments, directives and standards Standards for masonry materials Clay bricks; solid bricks and vertically DIN 105 pt 1 perforated bricks. Aug 1989 DIN 105 pt 2 Clay bricks; lightweight vertically perforated bricks. Aug 1989 DIN 105 pt 3 Clay bricks; high-strength bricks and highstrength engineering bricks. May 1984 DIN 105 pt 4 Clay bricks; ceramic engineering bricks. May 1984 DIN 105 pt 5 Clay bricks; lightweight horizontally perforated bricks and lightweight hori zontally perforated brick panels. May 1984 Clay masonry units - high precision DIN 105 pt 6 units. Aug 1999 (draft) Sand-lime bricks and blocks; solid DIN 106 pt 1 bricks, perforated bricks, solid blocks, hollow blocks. Sept 1980 Sand-lime bricks and blocks; facing DIN 106 pt 2 bricks and hard-burned facing bricks Hollow Clay tiles (Hourdis) and hollow DIN 278 bricks, statically loaded. Sept 1978 Granulated slag aggregate concrete DIN 398 blocks; solid, perforated, hollow blocks. Jun 1976 Floor bricks and plasterboards, statically DIN 4159 active. Apr 1999 DIN 4165 Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks and flat elements. Nov 1996 DIN 4166 Autoclaved aerated concrete slabs and panels. Oct 1997 DIN 18148 Lightweight concrete hollow boards. Dec 1998 DIN 18151 Lightweight concrete hollow blocks. Sept 1987 DIN 18152 Lightweight concrete solid bricks and blocks. Apr 1987 DIN 18153 Normal-weight concrete masonry units. Sept 1989 DIN 18162 Lightweight concrete wall-boards, unreinforced. Dec 1998 DIN 18554 pt 1 Testing of masonry; determination of compressive strength and elastic modulus. Dec 1985 DIN 52252 pt 1 Testing the frost resistance of facing bricks and clinker blocks; freezing of single bricks on all sides. Dec 1986 Natural stone test methods DIN EN 1926 determination of compressive strength May 1999 DIN EN 12372 Natural stone test methods determination of flexural strength under concentrated load. Jun 1999 Standards for masonry mortar, plasters, binders DIN 1060 pt 1 Building lime - pt 1: definitions, specifications, control. Mar 1995 DIN 1164 pt 1 Cement - pt 1: composition, specifications. Oct 1994 Masonry cement - specifications, DIN 4211 control. Mar 1995 DIN 18550 pt 1 Plaster; terminology and requirements. Jan 1985 DIN 18550 pt 2 Plaster; plasters made of mortars containing mineral binders; application. Jan 1985 DIN 18550 pt 3 Rendering; rendering systems for thermal insulation purposes made of mortars consisting of mineral binders and expanded polystyrene (EPS) as aggregate. Mar 1991 DIN 18550 pt 4 Plasters and rendering; lightweight plasters and rendering; execution. Aug 1993 DIN 18555 pt 1 Testing of mortars containing mineral binders; general, sampling, test mortar. Sept 1982
DIN 18555 pt 3 Testing of mortars containing mineral binders; hardened mortars; determina tion of flexural strength, compressive strength and bulk density. Sept 1982 DIN 18555 pt 4 Testing of mortars containing mineral binders; hardened mortars; determina tion of linear and transverse strain and deformation characteristics of masonry mortars by the static pressure test. Mar 1986 DIN 18555 pt 5 Testing of mortars containing mineral binders; hardened mortars; determina tion of bond shear strength of masonry mortars. Mar 1986 DIN 18555 pt 8 Testing of mortars containing mineral binders; freshly mixed mortar; determina tion of workability time and correction time of thin-bed mortar for use with masonry. Nov 1987 DIN 18555 pt 9 Testing of mortars containing mineral binders - pt 9: hardened mortars; deter mination of compressive strength in the bed joint. Sept 1999 DIN 18557 Factory mortar - production, control and delivery. Nov 1997 DIN 18558 Synthetic resin plasters; terminology, requirements, application. Jan 1985 Application standards DIN 1045 Structural use of concrete; design and construction. Jul 1988 DIN 1053 pt 1 Masonry - pt 1: design and construction Nov1996 DIN 1053 pt 2 Masonry - pt 2: masonry strength classes on the basis of suitability tests. Nov1996 DIN 1053 pt 3 Reinforced masonry; design and construction. Feb 1990 DIN 1053 pt 4 Masonry; buildings of prefabricated brickwork components. Aug 1999 DIN 1055 pt 3 Design loads for buildings; live loads. Jun 1971 DIN 1055 pt 3 Action on structures - pt 3: self-weight and imposed load in building. Mar 2000 (draft) DIN 4103 pt 1 Internal non-loadbearing partitions; requirements, testing. Jul 1984 Buildings in German earthquake zones; DIN 4149 pt 1 design loads, dimensioning, design and construction of conventional buildings. Apr 1981 Eurocode 6: design of masonry ENV 1996-1-1 structures, pt 1-1: general rules for buildings - rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry. June 1995 Masonry bonds DIN 1057 pt 1 Building materials for free-standing chimneys; compass bricks; require ments, testing, inspection. Jul 1985 DIN 4172 Modular coordination in building construction. Jul 1955 DIN 18000 Modular coordination in building. May 1984 DIN 18100 Doors; wall openings for doors with dimensions in accordance with DIN 4172. Oct 1983 DIN 18201 Tolerances in building -terminology, principles, application, testing. Dec 1984 Dimensional tolerances in building DIN 18202 construction - buildings. May 1986
Thermal Insulation DIN 18165 pt 1 Fibre insulation materials; thermal insulation materials. Jul 1991 DIN EN 1745 Masonry and masonry products methods for determining declared and design thermal values DIN EN 12664 Thermal performance of building materials and products - determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods - dry and moist products with medium and low thermal resistance Building materials and products - pro DIN EN cedures for determining declared and ISO 10456 design thermal values (ISO 10456: 1999) Moisture control DIN 1101 Wood-wool slabs and multilayered slabs as insulating materials in building requirements, testing DIN 1102 Installation of DIN 1101 wood-wool slabs and sandwich composite panels DIN 4108 pt 3 Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - pt 3: protection against moisture subject to climate conditions; requirements and directions for design and construction DIN 4108 pt 4 Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - pt 4: characteristic values relating to thermal insulation and protec tion against moisture Reinforced roofing slabs and ceiling tiles DIN 4223 of steam-cured aerated and foamed con crete; guidelines for dimensioning, pro duction, utilization and testing DIN 18515 pt 1 Cladding for external walls - pt 1: tiles fixed with mortar; principles of design and application DIN 18516 pt 1 Cladding for external walls, ventilated at rear - pt 1: requirements, principles of testing DIN 18550 pt 1 Plaster; terminology and requirements. Jan 1985 DIN 18550 pt 2 Plaster; plasters made of mortars con taining mineral binders; application. Jan 1985 DIN 18550 pt 3 Rendering; rendering systems for thermal insulation purposes made of mortars consisting of mineral binders and expanded polystyrene (EPS) as aggregate. Mar 1991 Synthetic resin plasters; terminology, DIN 18558 requirements, application. Jan 1985 DIN 68800 pt 2 Protection of timber - pt 2: preventive constructional measures in buildings DIN EN 12524 Building materials and products - hygrothermal properties - tabulated design values DIN EN Building materials - determination of ISO 12572 water vapour transmission properties (ISO/DIS 12572: 1997) Building materials - determination of DIN EN water absorption coefficient ISO 15148 (ISO/DIS 15148: 1996) Sound insulation DIN 4109 Sound insulation in buildings; require ments and testing. Nov 1989 DIN 4109 Amendment 1: amendments to DIN 4109 (Nov 1989), DIN 4109 supp. 1 (Nov 1989) and DIN 4109 supp. 2 (Nov 1989). Aug 1992 DIN 4109 Sound insulation in buildings; construc supp. 1 tion examples and calculation methods. Nov1989 DIN 4109 Sound insulation in buildings; guidelines supp. 2 for planning and execution; proposals for increased sound insulation; recommen dations for sound insulation in personal living and working areas. Nov 1989
Bibliography and references
Sound insulation in buildings; calculation of R'w,R for assessing suitability as defined in DIN 4109 on the basis of the sound reduction index Rw determined in laboratory tests. Jun 1996 Sound insulation in buildings - require DIN4109/A1 ments and verifications; amendment A 1 . (draft) Apr 1998 DIN 18005 pt 1 Noise abatement in town planning calculation methods
DIN 4109 supp. 3
Fire protection Fire behaviour of building materials and DIN 4102 building components DIN 4102 pt 1 Building materials; concepts, require ments and tests DIN 4102 pt 2 Building components; definitions, requirements and tests DIN 4102 pt 3 Firewalls and non-loadbearing external walls; definitions, requirements and tests DIN 4102 pt 4 Synopsis and application of classified building materials, components and special components Other standards Reinforcing steels; grades, properties, DIN 488 pt 1 marking. Sept 1984 DIN 4226 pt 1 Aggregates for concrete; aggregates of dense structure (heavy aggregates); terminology, designation and require ments. Apr 1983 DIN 4226 pt 2 Aggregates for concrete; aggregates of porous structure (lightweight aggre gates); terminology, designation and requirements. Apr 1983 DIN 4108 pt 2 Thermal protection and energy economy in buildings - pt 2: minimum require ments for thermal insulation Stainless steels - technical delivery DIN 17440 conditions for drawn wire. Sept 1996 DIN 18165 pt 2 Fibre insulating building materials; impact sound insulating materials. Mar 1987 DIN 18165 pt 2 Fibre insulating building materials pt 2: impact sound insulating materials. (draft) May 1999 DIN 18195 pt 4 Waterproofing of buildings and structures; damp-proofing against moisture from the ground; design and workmanship. Aug 1983 DIN 18195 pt 5 Waterproofing of buildings and structures; waterproofing against water that exerts no hydrostatic pressure; design and workmanship. Feb 1984 DIN 18195 pt 6 Waterproofing of buildings - pt 6: water proofing against outside pressing water; design and execution. Sept 1998 DIN 18554 pt 1 Testing of masonry; determination of compressive strength and elastic modulus. Dec 1985 DIN 18555 pt 3 Testing of mortars containing mineral binders; hardened mortars; determina tion of flexural strength, compressive strength and bulk density. Sept 1982 Trass; requirements, tests. Aug 1978 DIN 51043 Bituminous roof sheeting with felt core; DIN 52128 definition, designation, requirements. Mar 1977 DIN EN 450
Fly ash for concrete - definitions, requirements and quality control. Jan 1995
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Subject index
Subject index Abrasion resistance → 67, 69 Acoustic brick → 75 Actual deviation → 77 Actual size → 77 Additive → 10, 39, 40, 55, 57, 59, 60, 64-67, 144, 145, 150 Adhesive shear strength → 66, 67, 94, 95, 104, 146, 153 Adhesive tensile strength → 93, 94, 95, 105, 108 Adjustable brick → 74 Admixture → 64, 65, 66, 68, 144, 145 Aerated lightweight clay → 122 Aggregate → 10, 38, 39, 55, 60, 6 1 , 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 78, 93, 107, 114, 144, 145, 162, 163, 164, 181, 182, 190, 192 Air brick → 221, 222,225,227 Air change rate → 174, 175, 176, 177, 178,202 Air entrainer → 57, 59, 64 Air humidity → 10 Air space → 126, 127, 164, 165, 184, 195,204-206, 210, 213, 214, 217, 221, 222, 225, 227, 229, 231, 232, 234 Airborne sound → 186, 187, 188, 191, 192 Airborne sound insulation index → 187-195, 202 Airtightness → 174, 175, 177, 184, 204 Alluvial deposits → 10 American bond → 34 Anchor plate → 113, 154 Anhydrite → 59, 67, 68, 69, 181 Arch → 20, 42, 43, 74, 120, 134, 137-141, 142, 159, 222, 224, 226, 227 Arch action → 137 Arch floor → 139, 140, 159 Arched vault → 18 Arching action → 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138 Ashlar masonry → 14, 15,20,40,47, 112, 135-137 Ashlar stone → 10, 14, 17,38,44,63 Attached colonnettes → 19 Autoclave → 59 Autoclaved aerated concrete → 55, 59, 73, 131, 154, 155, 158, 165, 166, 180-182, 190, 191,201 Automation → 22, 119 Average crack width → 118 Axial stress → 95, 104, 117 Backfilling → 35, 135 Background → 9, 66, 68-70, 71 Backing → 3 1 , 32, 35, 124, 136-138, 152 Balcony → 22, 153, 172, 174, 228, 229 Barrows → 13, 20 Basalt → 37, 63, 64, 113, 162 Basement wall → 67, 68, 93, 113, 119, 122, 133-136, 146, 183, 233 Batter → 20, 37 Battlement wail → 39 Beam-like wall → 104 Beam-type lintel → 138 Bearing stress → 141 Bed face → 56-63, 135, 137, 153, 159 Bed joint reinforcement → 109-111, 113, 118 Bed joints → 15, 17, 26, 38, 40, 63, 66, 67, 78-80, 92-95, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 112, 113, 115-120, 125, 129, 133-137, 139, 141, 146, 147, 150, 151, 153, 156, 159, 191,200 Bending moment → 94, 96-99, 100, 103, 133, 134, 139, 142, 148 Bending strength → 94, 100, 113, 148 Biaxial plate effect → 94 Binder → 10, 65, 67 Binding agent → 39, 57, 58, 59, 60, 6 1 , 64-70, 144 Bitumen → 10, 46, 129, 135, 152, 181, 231 Blind vault → 42 Blocking → 2 1 , 35 Blower door → 174 Bond → 8, 15, 17, 20,24,27,31-39,42,43,44-46, 49, 50, 69, 72, 74, 78-80, 92, 94, 95, 117, 132, 135, 138140, 147, 149, 151, 154, 155, 159, 220,230,232,233 Bond stress → 117 Bonded junction → 147 Bonded wall → 9 Bonding dimension → 78-80, 94, 95, 104, 112 Bossage → 38 Bottom ash → 65
Boulder → 37, 46 Bracing → 27, 3 1 , 98-100, 129, 147, 151,200 Brick cornice → 24 Brick element → 39, 56-59, 73, 74 Brick manufacture → 15, 17, 22 Brick slip → 75 Brick to brick → 73, 93, 95, 115, 146 Brick-on-edge course → 46, 48, 78, 132, 224, 226, 232 Bricklayer → 55, 64, 127, 128, 144, 156-159 Bricklaying → 58, 60, 115, 127, 140, 150, 156, 157, 159 Brickwork panel → 119, 120, 121, 159 Brickworks → 15 Brickyard → 22 Bridge construction → 16 Brittle failure → 94 Bronze → 10 Buckling → 96, 100-103, 117, 120, 122, 125, 129, 148, 159, 198 Buckling length → 100-103, 117, 120, 129, 159 Building authority certificate → 55, 62, 63, 64, 66, 69, 74, 103, 114, 115, 116, 119, 125, 127, 130, 133, 153, 159, 200, 201 Building materials class → 196, 197, 199-201 Burial mounds → 13 Bush hammering → 38 Butt joints → 46, 147, 183 Butt-jointed junction → 147, 156 Calcareous sediment → 37 Calcite → 37 Calcium silicate → 38, 46, 50, 55, 57-59, 6 1 , 62, 67, 73, 74, 78, 94, 103, 106, 107, 110, 131, 138, 156, 158, 164, 166, 167, 180-183, 190, 193-195, 201 Calcium silicate block → 58, 103 Calcium silicate facing brick → 58, 124, 183 Calcium silicate gauged brick → 58 Calcium silicate masonry → 22, 58, 123 Calcium silicate prefabricated brick element → 58 Calcium silicate units → 22, 30, 3 1 , 35, 48, 57, 58-60, 67, 78, 103, 131, 152 Cambered arch → 43, 44, 139 Cantilevered projections → 11 Capillary effect → 39 Capital → 18 Capping → 46, 132, 205, 206, 212-214, 217-219, 227, 234 Capping beam → 98, 111, 138, 141 -143, 159 Carbonation → 115 Cast panel → 119, 120, 121, 159 Cavity wall → 125, 126, 128, 184, 204- 206, 208, 210, 214, 216, 221, 230 Cellular unit → 141 Centering bearing → 97, 98, 101 Ceramic finish → 69 Chaff → 10 Channel block → 75, 100, 134, 138, 142, 143, 148, 200, 222 Charring → 38 Chase → 69, 75, 80, 97, 129, 132. 148, 149 Chemical swelling → 105, 107, 108, 111 Chimney → 47, 79, 148, 159, 204, 207, 220, 221 Chimney jamb → 148 Cladding → 15, 16, 2 1 , 3 5 , 3 7 , 3 8 , 5 1 , 67, 75,93, 124, 130, 137, 146, 149, 167, 182-185, 189, 191, 192, 194, 197, 199-201, 234 Clay → 10, 11, 17, 26, 30, 3 1 , 35, 38, 55-57, 60-62, 64, 65,74, 75, 106, 107, 131, 132, 138, 159, 162, 164, 167, 182, 183, 190, 192, 201, 220, 222 Clay brick → 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 30, 3 1 , 35, 38, 50, 5 1 , 5557, 62, 63, 65, 69, 71, 78, 93, 94, 103, 105, 107, 110, 114, 119-121, 148, 152, 164, 165, 172, 180-183, 190, 201 Clay brickwork → 38, 150, 152 Clay facing brick → 184, 185 Clay hollow pot floor → 121 Clay tablets → 12 Cleaning → 144, 149, 150, 151, 156 Clerestory → 19 Clinker disease → 39 Coarse stuff → 64, 144 Coating material → 67, 68, 70, 71, 181 Coefficient of thermal expansion → 106, 107, 108, 113 Cold weather → 145, 149
Colour scales → 31 Colours → 8, 10, 3 1 , 33, 37-39, 152 Columns → 8, 14, 18, 22, 24, 26, 36, 42, 44, 75, 77,80, 97, 98, 100, 101, 111, 129, 130, 132, 134, 141, 142, 145, 165, 172, 198 Composite panel → 67, 119, 120, 121, 159 Compression zone → 75, 94, 114, 116, 118-120, 138, 146 Compressive failure → 95, 105 Compressive strength → 22, 37, 55-63, 65-69, 79, 92-95, 97, 100-103, 105-108, 112-114, 116, 123, 126, 127, 134, 135, 137, 145, 146, 153 Concentrated load → 80, 118 Concentric compression → 101 Concrete cover → 114, 116, 142 Concrete units → 31, 34, 50, 58-62, 73, 75, 78, 94,107, 110, 131, 132, 152, 164, 165, 190, 192,201 Condensation → 68, 75, 124, 126, 165, 172-174,179-184 Conduction → 161, 163, 168, 172, 173, 177, 179, 202 Conglomerates → 37 Construction joint → 135, 152 Continuous ring kiln → 22 Convection → 163, 168, 174, 184 Coping → 46, 50, 74, 132, 149, 205, 212, 218, 230, 234 Corbel brick → 44 Corbelled → 42 Corrosion → 64, 113-115, 117, 119, 125, 142,147,179,182 Coursed random rubble masonry → 3 7 , 135, 136 Cover strip → 152 Coving → 38 Cownose brick → 74 Crack formation → 105, 106, 107, 109, 111, 113 Cracked cross-section → 101, 104 Cracked section → 133, 134, 135, 139 Creep → 57, 58, 60, 61, 71, 93, 98, 103, 106-108, 110, 111, 131, 151, 152 Creep coefficient → 98, 106, 107 Creep strain → 106 Creep stress → 106 Cromlechs → 13 Cross-knots → 36 Crystalline primary rock → 37 Crystalline structure → 10, 37 Curtain wall → 9, 24, 29, 35, 39, 122-124, 126, 129, 153, 159, 166, 167, 169, 172,200,201 Cylinder press → 22 Damp proof course → 125, 126, 132, 135, 136, 184, 212, 213, 223, 226, 227, 231, 233 Dead load → 139 Dead weight → 10 Decoration → 36, 51 Deformation → 55, 69, 70, 71, 79, 92, 93, 98-100, 103, 105-111, 113, 115, 117, 118, 121, 124, 125, 129-132, 141-143, 146, 148, 151-153, 228 Deformation behaviour → 55, 71, 79, 105, 115, 146 Diabase → 37, 64, 113 Diagonal crack → 79, 80, 94,95, 108, 110, 111, 119 Differential deformation → 110, 111, 118, 124, 142,146, 152, 228 Differential thermal expansion → 110 Diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness → 180, 184,185 Dimensional coordination → 72-77 Dimensional stability → 10, 98, 99, 120, 141 Diorite → 37, 63, 64, 113 Dog-leg brick → 74 Dog-toothing → 27 Dolmens → 13 Dolomite → 63, 64, 113 Dome → 137, 139 Door opening → 74, 130, 153, 226, 227, 232 Drained joint → 152, 185 Drip disc → 125 Drive screw → 153, 155 Driving rain load → 184, 185 Dry gross density → 55, 62, 65-67, 70 Dry walling → 37, 78,93, 112, 119, 135, 136, 159 Dubbing out plaster coat → 71 Ductile failure → 95 Dummy joint → 151, 152 Duplex system → 115 Durability → 39, 63, 67, 113, 117, 149, 151 Dutch bond → 34
Subject index
Dynamic load → 121, 154 Earth brick → 31 Earth pressure → 92-95, 98, 103, 113, 119, 133, 134, 146 Earthquake → 94, 98, 113, 121, 142 Eaves → 97, 149,215, 217-219 Eccentric compression → 97, 98, 101, 104, 105, 132 Eccentricity → 98, 101, 103, 104, 117, 120, 134, 148,200 Efflorescence → 58, 63, 69, 113, 144, 145, 149, 150, 179 Elastic strain → 105, 106 Elasticity → 59, 70, 92, 98, 99, 102, 105-108, 113, 115, 130 Embedded joints → 17 Enclosing wall → 198, 201 Energy conservation → 51 Energy consumption → 163, 171, 175, 177 Energy economy → 160, 174, 175 Energy requirement → 160, 172, 174-178, 202 Engineering brick → 26, 27, 34, 36, 56, 57, 63, 75, 124, 159, 181, 183, 185, 201 English bond → 32-34, 49, 56, 57, 79, 80, 95 English cross bond → 32-34, 43, 55-57, 80 English garden wall bond → 34 Enlightenment → 21 Environmental protection → 28, 160 Epoxy resin coating → 115 Erection → 73, 77, 115, 118-121, 147, 148, 158, 159 Erosion → 10, 13 Erratic block → 37 Expanding agent → 59 Expansion joint → 46, 151, 152, 212, 213 Exposed masonry → 63, 150 External tanking → 135 External wail → 46, 50, 57, 63, 65, 68-70, 75, 79, 92, 9698, 101, 102, 103, 108-111, 122-124, 126-130, 132, 135, 142, 148, 149, 152, 155, 165-168, 170-174, 176, 177, 182-185, 193-195, 198, 199, 201, 228, 233 Extrados → 139 Extrusion press → 22, 31
Fabric → 27, 31, 34, 114, 135, 142 Faced wall → 12, 124, 128, 149, 150 Facing brickwork → 15, 58, 65, 108, 118, 124, 192,212214, 215, 217, 219-223, 225, 227, 229-234 Facing masonry → 22, 3 1 , 32, 35, 38, 40, 46, 50, 63, 72, 75, 109, 113, 114, 118, 123, 124, 126, 128, 129, 138, 139, 144, 149-152, 154, 184, 185, 204, 218, 221 Factor of safety → 101, 109 Failure mechanism → 92, 101 False wall → 149, 174 Falsework → 44 Feldspar → 10, 162 Fibre-reinforced mortar → 47, 220 Filler → 10, 16, 22,68, 129 Filling of concrete → 117 Final coat → 68, 70, 123, 170 Finish coat → 67-71 Fire compartment → 196, 199 Fire protection → 67, 69, 122, 124, 129, 132, 138, 146, 151, 196-201 Fire resistance → 10, 196-201 Fire resistance class → 196-201 Fired brick → 10, 15,22,31,48 Firing chamber → 22 Firing process → 22, 3 1 , 55, 56, 107 Fissures → 39 Fixed-cycle operation → 22 Flanking transmission → 124, 187, 188, 191-193 Flashing → 47, 218, 219, 220 Flat roof → 46, 172,213, 230 Flatness tolerance → 77 Flemish bond → 33, 34,35 Flemish garden wall bond → 34 Flood barrier → 50 Floor load → 98, 138, 159 Floor slab deflection → 111, 118, 131 Flue block → 220, 221 Flue lining → 220, 221 Flush pointing → 39, 124, 125 Flying bond → 32-34, 37, 46 Flying buttress → 48 Foam strip → 132 Folding press → 46
Format → 8, 9, 11, 15, 20, 30-34, 38, 39, 42, 52, 56, 586 1 , 67, 72-74, 76, 79, 138, 148, 156-158, 190, 191, 232 Format code → 61 Foundation → 10, 12, 21,37,45, 99, 121, 132, 133, 135, 143, 151, 152, 182, 191, 193,231,232 Framework → 8, 11, 49, 5 1 , 98, 121, 156, 160, 175, 191 Free-standing wall → 8, 50, 93, 100, 132,204,211,234 Freeze-thaw cycle → 55, 58, 63 Friction coefficient → 104, 105 Friction failure → 94, 95 Frost → 55, 69, 71, 113, 124, 132, 133, 145, 179 Frost protection → 50 Frost resistance → 57, 63, 64, 117, 122, 126 Fuel → 22, 59, 60, 67, 133, 160, 175 Full-fill cavity wall → 126, 171, 183, 184, 201,204-206, 208, 210, 214, 216, 221-223, 227, 230 Gable → 19, 36,40, 47,98, 119, 125, 129, 142, 159, 199, 215 Galvanized reinforcement → 115 Galvanized sheet iron → 46 Gas concrete → 192 Gauge box → 144 Gauged arch → 139 Gauged brickwork → 146, 153, 191,200, 201 Glazed brick → 10, 12,32, 36 Glazing → 167, 168, 169, 177, 193, 198, 200, 202 Gneiss → 10, 63, 64 Gothic bond → 32-34, 36, 50 Grade curve → 187 Graffiti → 150 Granite → 10, 16,37, 46,63, 64, 113, 162 Granulated slag aggregate → 55, 6 1 , 78, 181 Gravel → 16, 39, 230 Gravity retaining wall → 135 "Green" bricks → 22, 56 Grinding → 38, 66 Grip aid → 156, 158, 164 Grip opening → 58, 60-63 Grooves → 20, 3 1 , 56,60,93, 132, 146 Gross density class → 56, 58-62, 192, 193, 200, 201 Grout → 75, 113, 119, 149, 153, 154 Gutter → 48, 145, 214, 215, 217-219 Gypsum (mortar) → 58, 59, 62, 67-69, 113, 123, 180, 181, 192 Half-brick masonry → 33 Half-rounds → 39 Hammer-dressed masonry → 136 Hammered plug → 155 Hand-beading → 11 Hand-moulded brick → 3 1 , 57 Handling device → 156-158 Hardened mortar → 69 Header bond → 32, 33, 55, 79 Header course → 15, 16, 33, 34, 40, 78-80 Header face → 55, 56, 59, 6 1 , 62, 72, 73, 79 Heat flow → 125, 160-165, 170, 171, 173, 202 Heat loss → 122-124, 160, 162, 166-172, 174-177, 202 Heat storage (capacity → 122, 124, 171, 177 Heat transfer → 54, 161, 166, 167, 170, 173, 175, 176 Heating requirement → 161, 171, 172, 175-178, 202 Herringbone bond → 140 High-grade mortar → 93 High-strength engineering brick → 57, 181, 201 Hollow block → 55, 58-61, 75, 114, 119, 164, 190, 201 Hollow calcium silicate block → 58, 103 Hollow concrete block → 60, 122 Hollow masonry → 35, 154 Hollow wall element → 60, 201 Horizontal crack → 108-111 Horizontal force → 92, 95, 98, 99, 110, 113, 121, 129, 132 Horizontal restraint → 141 Horizontal thrust → 42, 63, 131, 134, 138-140 Horizontally perforated brick → 56, 57 Hydrated lime → 58, 65, 66, 68 Hydration → 60, 93, 197 Hydraulic lime → 10, 68, 70, 181 Hygroscopicity → 165, 182, 183 Igneous rock → 37, 63 Impact sound → 186, 187
Imposed load → 92, 97, 98, 105, 109, 130, 133, 139, 140 Incrustation → 51 Infill panel → 49, 93, 104, 111, 118, 119, 127-129, 175 Injected grout → 113 Injection anchor → 153, 154, 155 Internal plaster → 68-71, 167, 174, 182, 185 Internal stress → 108 Internal tanking → 135 Internal wall → 19, 57 lntrados → 139 Iron → 22, 24, 44, 49, 56, 115, 150
Jamb → 38, 43, 44, 69, 148, 204, 209, 227 Jointers → 39 Jointing → 9, 11, 16, 38, 40, 51, 110, 149-151, 159 Keystone → 20, 42, 43, 139 Kiln → 15, 22, 56
L-unit → 75 Laboratory test → 76, 97, 104, 173, 183 Large-format unit → 74, 79,80, 108, 144, 158 Lateral perpend → 48 Lateral restraint → 100, 129, 142, 146, 148 Lateral secant modulus → 63, 65, 67 Levelling unit → 153 Lever pumps → 22 Lightweight aggregate → 60, 65, 67, 69, 93, 164 Lightweight concrete → 55, 60, 61, 62, 74, 75, 78, 131, 138, 167, 180, 181, 183, 190, 192, 201 Lightweight mortar → 59, 65-67, 69, 73,93, 114, 122, 125, 129, 146, 153, 164, 190, 191, 200,201 Lightweight plaster → 69, 70, 123, 181 Lime mortar → 38, 39, 67, 68 Lime staining → 149, 150 Lime wash → 31 Lime-bonded grit → 39 Limestone → 18, 37,47,58,63,64, 113, 162 Limit deviation → 77 Lintel → 8, 22, 34, 42, 43, 44, 46, 50, 75, 79, 80, 109, 114, 118, 119, 126, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 146, 148, 153, 159, 200, 222-228 Lintel block → 75 Load transfer → 44, 98, 111, 113, 131 Loadbearing behaviour → 62, 92, 105, 112, 138, 146-149 Loadbearing leaf → 125, 126, 155, 204, 213, 215, 221, 222, 226, 233, 234 Loadbearing masonry → 57, 58, 60, 78, 80, 116, 122, 129, 130, 213, 214, 217, 219, 221, 222, 225, 227, 229, 231, 232, 234 Loadbearing outer leaf → 65, 137,214 Loadbearing wall → 57, 59, 60, 80, 98, 100, 104, 112, 122, 129, 130, 147-149, 155, 167, 169, 194, 197-199 Loading capacity → 96, 97 Loam → 10, 55, 144 Longitudinal forces → 35 Longitudinal secant modulus → 67 Low-grade mortar → 93 Make-up unit → 148 Manufacture → 8, 10, 14, 17, 22,30,31,38,39,46, 51 55,57, 61, 62, 66, 75,76, 107, 119-121, 145, 150, 158, 159, 162, 193 Marble → 11,37, 162 Margin of safety → 96, 97, 101, 102, 113 Masonry according to suitability test → 102, 103, 145, 146 Masonry anchor → 100, 129 Masonry backing → 20 Masonry cement → 64, 68 Masonry stairs → 232 Masonry vaulting → 140 Mass-related moisture content → 165, 166, 179, 182, 202 Material strength → 97, 105 Maximum crack width → 118 Maximum dimensions → 130, 148 Maximum size → 77 Mechanical damage → 57, 122, 124, 135, 149 Medium-bed mortar → 66, 93, 146 Membrane → 19, 135, 204, 228 Metal capping → 46, 205, 206, 212-214, 217-219, 234 Metal lining → 46, 204, 209, 225-227 Mineral pitch → 10
Subject index
Minimum reinforcement → 117, 118 Minimum wall thickness → 112, 124, 129, 155 Misaligned perpends → 149 Mixing mortar → 144, 156 Mixing water → 56, 145, 149 Modular masonry → 158 Modulus of elasticity → 59, 98, 102, 105-108, 113, 115 Moisture content → 55, 57-61, 71,92,93, 104, 106-108, 162-167, 179-182 Moisture control → 105, 108, 117, 179 Moisture strain → 105-108 Monk's bond → 34 More accurate method of analysis → 96-98, 101, 103105, 117, 129, 132, 134, 141, 155 Mortar group → 65,-68, 70,93, 101, 103, 112, 114, 117, 120, 129-131, 144-146, 151,200, 216, 219, 231 Mortar prism → 67 Mortar sledge → 133, 144, 153, 156, 157 Moss → 45 Mould → 10, 1 8 , 2 2 , 3 1 , 34,39,44, 56, 57,59, 60, 120, 150, 173, 174, 179, 182, 183 Moulded bricks → 18, 3 1 , 39, 57 Movement joint → 109-111, 117, 118, 125, 126, 132, 151153,234 Multi-chamber silo mortar → 64, 144 Multi-layer wall → 122 Muntins → 40, 44 Nagelfluh → 37 Nail anchor → 155 National standard → 163, 174 Natural resonance → 10 Natural stone → 8, 10, 14, 15, 17,20, 2 2 , 3 0 , 3 5 , 3 7 , 3 8 , 40, 51,55,63-66,67, 112, 113, 119, 135-137, 166, 167,212, 218,224,230 Needling → 113, 119 Net density → 62, 63 Node moment → 98, 103 Nominal size → 11 Nominal strength → 103 Non-enclosing wall → 198, 201 Non-frost-resistant masonry unit → 122, 124 Non-hydraulic lime → 68, 70 Non-loadbearing masonry → 57, 58, 60, 130 Non-loadbearing partition → 118, 131 Non-structural reinforcement → 114, 117, 118 Normal-weight mortar → 65-67, 192, 200, 201 Nozzle → 31 Oldenburg format → 374, 377 One-brick masonry → 80 One-hand lift → 3 1 , 158 Open perpend → 222, 224-227, 229-232, 274, 277, 279, 281, 297, 301, 313, 333, 336, 380 Opus caementitium → 16 Oriels → 22, 46 Ornament → 52 Ornamental bonds → 36, 49 Overturning → 100, 101, 125 Oxygen → 22, 56, 115, 180 Packed stone → 10 Parapet → 10, 46,50, 153, 172,204-207,212-215, 218, 230, 234, 382 Partial-fill cavity wall → 126, 204-206, 208, 210, 216, 221 Partial-fill cavity wall → 237, 272, 284, 288, 293, 322, 331,352,360 Partition → 111, 118, 124, 130-132, 155, 173, 178,331, 346, 352 Party wall → 97, 133, 141, 142, 188, 190-193, 198-200, 334 Peat-fired → 308, 309, 374, 377, 378, 380 Pebbled sandstone → 44 Perforated calcium silicate brick → 58 Permissible stress → 96-98, 101, 112, 124, 137, 141 Perpend without mortar → 146 Pier → 8, 17,20,37,44, 46, 77, 79,80, 100, 110, 129, 132, 134, 139, 142, 148, 149, 246, 374 Plasterer's rule → 70, 71 Plastering mix → 67-69, 7 1 , 164, 181, 182 Plastering system → 67-71, 122 Plastic anchor → 154, 155 Plasticity → 11, 14, 18, 20, 26, 34, 37, 56, 92, 127, 149
Plasticizer → 64 Plate shear → 94, 95, 104, 117 Platform → 12, 148, 157 Plinth → 8, 10, 14,20,40,45,46, 67,69, 135,204,211, 219, 228, 231, 242, 255, 272, 290, 303, 304, 306, 314, 316,317,322,342, 357, 373 Plutonic rock → 37 Point load → 138, 141 Pointed arch → 139 Pointing → 38, 65-67, 113, 124, 150, 151, 322 Pointing mortar → 67, 113, 124, 151 Polishing → 38 Porphyry → 37 Position of reinforcement → 115 Precast concrete floor → 100, 272 Pre-chased unit → 75, 148 Prefabricated element → 22, 75, 120, 139, 152, 157, 159, 212, 328 Preformed sealing gasket → 152 Premixed clay → 22 Premixed dry mortar → 64, 66, 70, 144 Prescribed masonry → 96, 101, 102, 145, 146 Prescribed mix → 64-67 Pressure load → 133 Prestressed masonry → 119 Prestressing tendon → 119 Prewetting → 69, 7 1 , 127, 144, 149, 150 Primary rock → 10, 37 Projecting pilasters → 20 Protective layer → 135 Protective organic coating → 115 Prussian Cap → 42, 139 Pulverized fuel ash → 59, 60, 67 Pyramid → 12, 21 Quality control → 55, 57, 59, 64, 67, 145, 146 Quality standard → 22, 144 Quality test → 145, 146 Quartzite → 37, 162 Queen closer → 73 Quicklime → 58, 59 Quoin → 20 Racking → 79, 80, 147, 157, 158 Radiation → 67, 152, 161-164, 168-171, 177, 182 Rain protection → 3 1 , 184, 185 Raking out the joint → 150, 151 Raking stretcher bond → 35, 36, 79, 293, 297 Rammed earth → 11 Rammed earth screed → 10 Random bond → 20, 308 Random rubble masonry → 37, 135, 136 Rationalization → 15, 17, 29, 52, 55, 73,77, 122, 144, 153, 155-158 Ready-mixed mortar → 64, 65, 144 Recess → 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 32-34, 36, 39, 45, 46, 48, 56, 75, 78, 80, 97, 99, 101, 115-117, 119, 129, 132, 148, 149, 220, 230, 334, 336, 346, 364, 369 Recessed columns → 24 Reed matting → 10 Re-entrant corner → 204, 211, 233 Reference size → 76-78 Refurbishment → 69, 124, 139, 176,334 Regional formats → 31 Reinforcement system → 114, 115 Reinforcing bar → 113-117, 119, 121, 142, 143, 172 Relief → 12, 13, 20, 3 1 , 33, 34, 36-38, 182, 361 Relieving lintel → 360 Rendered buildings → 46 Rendering → 65, 68-71, 122-124, 135, 138, 142, 146, 167, 182, 184, 185, 194, 213-217, 219, 221-223, 225, 227-229, 231, 236, 238, 240, 242, 245, 271, 309, 310, 341, 356, 380 Residual stress → 108 Residual wall thickness → 148 Restraint moment → 98, 101 Restraint stress → 108, 110, 118, 151 Return wall → 100, 102, 120, 122, 291 Reverse toothing → 147 Rib pillars → 44 Ribbed panel → 119, 120 Rigid joint → 151, 152
Rigid junction → 132 Ring beam → m, 113, 121, 129, 141-143,212-217,219, 221,227, 229, 231, 240, 380 Rising damp → 126, 132, 165 Risk of cracking → 105-107, 109,-111, 124, 131, 132,146 Roller-blind box → 75, 76 Roman bond → 357 Roof junctions → 47, 174 Roof slab → 47, 98, 110, 111, 141, 148 Roofing felt → 129, 181, 204, 213-217, 219, 220, 221, 231,240,306,316,341 Roofing tile → 47 Rough-hewn ashlar → 20, 51 Roughness → 18, 39, 71, 93, 94 Rubble → 16, 18,37,63, 112, 113, 135, 136 Rubble stone → 63, 135 Rubble-filled masonry wall → 113 Rusticated ashlar → 20 Rustication → 20, 24 Safety concept → 54, 96, 97, 199 Safety factor → 96, 97, 101-103, 132, 134 Sandstone → 37, 44, 63, 64, 113, 162 Saturation → 179, 181-183, 202 Scaffold → 3 1 , 68, 69, 147-149, 156, 157 Sealing compound → 127, 135, 152 Secant modulus → 63, 67, 105 Second plaster undercoat → 68, 71 Security function → 122 Segmental arch → 28, 42, 43, 232 Seismic design → 121 Seismic load → 98, 113, 119, 121 Semicircular arch → 126, 304 Separating membrane → 135, 221 Separating membrane → 245, 248, 255, 266, 271, 290, 297, 303, 355, 358, 366, 377 Service duct unit → 75 Service penetration → 135, 184, 187, 199 Service shaft → 149 Serviceability → 69, 96, 97, 101, 102, 104, 105, 108,116118, 125, 126, 132, 144, 145, 149, 183, 184 Settlement → 10, 118, 135, 142, 151, 152, 163 Settlement joint → 151 Shallow lintel → 75, 114, 118, 119, 138, 146,200,222225, 227, 341 Shape factor → 62 Shear failure → 94, 95 Shear force → 99, 117, 134, 138 Shear strength → 67, 78, 93, 94, 95, 100, 104, 105,108, 111, 119 Shear stress → 94, 95, 104, 108, 110, 111, 117, 120, 121, 141, 146 Shear wall → 92, 94, 99, 104, 120-122, 129, 142, 143, 146, 155 Shell → 11, 1 5 , 3 1 , 3 7 , 5 1 , 113,333 Short wall → 79, 97, 101 Shrinkage → 10, 22, 58, 60,70,93,99, 100, 105-111, 113, 118, 129, 131, 142, 145, 149, 151, 152 Shrinkage crack → 70, 149 Silesian bond → 34 Silica sand → 57, 59 Siliceous sand → 10 Simplified method of analysis → 96-98, 101, 103, 105, 124, 141 Single-leaf external wall → 69, 79, 122, 123, 124, 128, 155, 166, 173, 193,201 Single-leaf faced wall → 124, 128 Single-leaf wall → 122, 166, 172, 177, 183, 190,250 Sintering → 26, 31 Sintering traces → 31 Site-mixed mortar → 64 Skim coat → 156, 349, 351 Skyscrapers → 24 Slab shear → 104, 105, 117, 134 Slag marks → 31 Slate → 37, 56, 63,362,366 Slenderness ratio → 102, 103, 111, 112, 116, 117, 120, 131, 156, 200,201 Sliding bearing → 111, 132, 141, 142 Sliding connection → 129, 132 Slip joint → 213, 214, 227, 229, 231 Soiling → 149
Subject index
Solar heat gain → 168, 170, 176 Solar radiation → 168-171, 177 Soldier course → 34, 45, 46, 78, 118, 138, 139,218,230, 234, 256, 257, 306 Solid block → 60, 6 1 , 74, 232 Solid brick → 56-58, 60, 6 1 , 164, 201 Sound insulation → 10, 55, 67, 69, 122, 124, 129, 132, 133, 146, 151, 155, 174, 186-195,202,221,222,225,227, 229, 232, 245, 297, 322, 355, 358, 361, 377, 380, 382 Sound pressure level → 186-188, 202 Sound reduction index → 187-191, 193, 195, 202 Spalling → 58, 63, 71, 145 Spandrel panel → 75, 109, 110, 126, 134, 141, 145, 288, 306, 311,370,380 Specific heat capacity → 162, 171, 182,202 Spherical vault → 28 Splatterdash → 69-71 Splitting tensile strength → 57-59, 61 Spring stiffness → 99 Springing → 19, 28, 42, 139 Squint → 74 St Andrew's bond → 32, 80 Stability → 9, 11, 15, 32, 35,45, 63, 66,71,94,96,98100, 104, 105, 108, 113, 117, 119, 121, 124, 125, 129, 130, 133-135, 142, 148, 155, 159, 197, 198, 219, 378 Stainless steel → 113-115, 125, 127, 129, 132, 147, 167, 193, 240, 248, 276, 277, 301, 303, 306, 313, 316, 317, 322, 327, 330, 346, 349, 351, 355, 356, 366, 382 Staircase → 42, 142, 188, 198, 199, 242, 258, 276, 278, 308,316,380 Stairway → 12, 13 Statically indeterminate → 98, 99 Steel → construction 49 Steel cores → 24, 35 Stiffening wall → 79, 122, 141 Stocky member → 117 Stop bead → 213, 219, 225 Stratified → rock 37 Straw → 10 Strength class → 56, 58-62,96, 101, 103, 114, 120, 121, 124, 127, 145, 146 Stress concentration → 92, 118, 146 Stress condition → 92-95, 101 Stress distribution → 95, 96, 101, 103, 116 Stretcher bond → 34-37, 55, 79, 95, 268, 272, 278, 288, 314, 328, 331, 338, 346, 352, 360, 369, 373, 378, 380 Stretcher course → 33, 34, 36, 78-80, 112 Stretcher face → 3, 56, 62, 63, 74, 80 Structural fire protection → 196, 199 Structure-borne sound → 186, 187, 189 Stucco vaulting → 20 Subsoil → 98, 99, 122, 142, 151 Substrate → 68, 69-71, 74, 75, 118, 123, 138, 142, 143, 146, 151, 152, 154, 155, 166, 167, 169, 191, 215, 216, 221, 228 Suction rate → 92, 93, 149 Suitability test → 96, 101-103, 106, 108, 145, 189 Support reaction → 98, 109, 117, 120, 129, 137, 140, 143 Surface resistance → 160, 161, 162, 164, 170, 173, 202 Swelling → 14, 60, 71, 105-108, 110, 113 Synthetic resin → 113, 181, 185,370, 371 Tectonic plates → 26 Tectonics → 26, 38, 52 Template → 155-158 Temple → 12-15, 20,21 Tensile bending strength → 59, 60, 92, 94, 120, 134 Tensile failure → 93, 95, 105 Tensile strength → 10, 57-59, 61-63, 66, 7 1 , 79, 92, 9395, 104-106, 108, 110, 111, 113, 116, 129, 141 Tension anchor → 113, 129, 143 Tension failure → 93-95 Tension flange → 75, 114, 118, 119, 138 Tension reinforcement → 75, 118 Terrace → 98, 113, 133, 188,200,204,210,226, 227, 230, 231, 256, 258, 272, 290, 298, 308, 334, 335, 345, 380, 382 Testing → 62, 63, 67, 96, 146, 160, 187, 196 Thermal break → 167, 168, 169, 221, 229, 242, 282, 328 Thermal bridge (catalogue) → 118, 123, 125, 148, 161, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171-177, 179, 212, 228 Thermal conductivity → 55-66, 69,74, 122, 123, 127,
161-169, 171, 172, 175, 182,202,212 Thermal diffusivity → 171 Thermal insulation → 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67-71, 73, 75, 76, 106, 110, 111, 117, 122-129, 133, 135, 138, 142, 146, 149, 153-155, 160-179, 181-185, 191, 193195, 199, 201, 204, 213, 214, 217, 219, 221-224, 227229, 231, 232, 234, 236, 240, 245, 248, 253, 255, 257, 261, 266, 268, 271, 272, 274-277, 279, 282, 287, 290, 291, 296, 297, 301, 303, 304, 306, 309, 310, 313, 314, 316-318, 320, 322, 325, 327, 331, 333, 336, 341, 345, 349, 351, 355, 356, 358, 361, 362, 366, 370, 373, 377, 378, 380, 382 Thermal insulation composite system → 68-71, 123, 153, 154, 166, 172, 177, 182, 184, 185, 193, 194, 201 Thermal insulation plastering system → 69-71, 122, 123 Thermal resistance → 5 1 , 161-164, 166-168, 171-174, 182,202 Thermal storage → 10, 51 Thermal strain → 105, 106 Thermal transmission → 73, 176 Thermal transmittance → 122, 123, 127, 161-163, 166172, 174, 176, 177, 183,202 Thick-bed mortar → 93 Thin-bed mortar → 58, 59, 62, 64-67, 73, 76, 77, 93, 106108, 122, 129-131, 133, 144-146, 153, 156-159, 185, 191, 200, 201, 257,282 Three-quarter bat → 73, 79, 80 Threshold → 63, 65, 66, 123, 153, 168, 174, 175, 177, 178, 187, 226,229,271,358 Through-stone → 135 Tie plate → 113 Tie rod → 113 Tipped and tailed → 146, 200 Tolerance → 55, 58, 59, 65, 66, 77 Tongue and groove → 58-62, 69, 73, 77, 93, 95, 127, 129, 146, 156, 157, 158, 200 Toothed brick → 240 Toothing → 78, 80, 140, 147, 148, 193, 246 Torsion → 95, 99, 111, 121 Tower → 12, 13, 17-19, 22,47,49,51 Tracery → 18, 19, 42 Transfer structure → 99, 121, 125 Translucent thermal insulation → 167, 169-171, 177 Transport → 17, 18,57-59, 119-121, 149, 157-159, 163, 168, 180-183 Transverse bond → 33 Transverse deformability → 67, 92, 93 Transverse tensile stress → 92, 93, 118, 146 Transverse wall → 98, 258 Trass → 16, 60, 64, 66, 67, 309 Travertine → 64, 113 Triaxial stress condition → 92 Tripartite division → 40 Trough-shaped special → 115, 138 Tufa → 37 Tuff → 60, 63 Tunnel kiln → 22 Twin-leaf external wall → 124, 133, 155, 194, 357 Twin-leaf masonry → 124, 129, 135, 154, 163, 177, 181184, 192, 199, 212, 215, 216, 218, 219, 222-226, 229, 230, 231, 234 Twin-leaf masonry → 272, 304 Twin-leaf wall → 22, 65,79, 122, 124, 128, 129, 133, 137, 147, 166, 183, 184, 190, 191, 192,200, 212, 213,227, 231 Two-coat plaster → 123 Two-hand lift → 158 Uncoursed random rubble masonry → 135, 136 Uncracked section → 98, 104 Undercoat → 68-71, 290, 362 Undercutting → 40 Unfired bnck → 11, 14,35 Unit/mortar combination → 101, 102, 118, 134 Unreinforced masonry → 96, 100 Unsupported edge → 102, 148 U-value → 161, 162, 167, 168, 170, 171, 174, 176, 250 Vault → 8, 13-16, 18, 19,20, 28, 31,42-44, 65, 113, 137, 139, 140, 159, 325,331,333 Vault ribs → 19 Verge → 36, 46, 47, 204, 206, 207, 215-218, 238, 240, 279
Vertical crack → 92, 108, 111, 141 Vertical joints → 44, 78, 120, 121, 126 Vertical reinforcement → 113-116, 135 Vertically perforated brick → 56, 57, 66 Vertically perforated unit → 57, 74 Volume-related moisture content → 163, 166, 202 Voussoir → 15, 139 W/C ratio → 115 Wall element → 60, 62, 74, 130, 142, 159, 201 Wall joint → 123, 124, 128, 149, 266 Wall tie → 35, 115, 122, 125-128, 154,213,214,217, 219, 221, 222, 225, 227, 229, 231-234, 313 Washout → 10, 31 Water absorption → 55, 57, 63,67-69, 179, 180, 181, 184, 185, 202 Water retention → 92, 93, 144, 247 Water vapour diffusion → 179-182, 202 Water/cement ratio → 115 Waterproof mortar → 124 Waterproof paint → 132, 135 Waterproofer → 64 Waterproofing → 125, 126, 134, 135, 231, 248, 253, 257, 261, 271, 274, 277, 290, 296, 301, 303, 310, 313, 317, 320, 325, 333, 336, 345, 351, 358, 362, 366, 371, 377, 380, 382 Water-repellent mortar → 69, 132, 185, 234 Water-repellent plaster → 67, 68 Weather-resistant → 26, 112 Wedge-shaped brick → 15 Weep hole → 126, 128, 184 Whitewash → 256, 258, 261 Wind load → 92, 95, 96, 98, 103, 104, 125, 129, 130, 142, 198 Window opening → 43, 75, 118, 134, 225, 226, 246, 250, 258, 328 Window reveal → 20, 43, 74, 168, 170, 223, 224, 304, 352, 374 Window sill → 38, 40, 44, 46, 48, 168, 224, 225, 245, 255, 271, 274, 275, 282, 301, 304, 306, 316, 333, 341, 358, 370, 374, 377, 378, 380 Work size → 76-78 Workability → 10, 30, 55, 63, 64, 66, 67, 144 Workmanship → 71, 92-95, 104, 112, 127, 128, 144, 149, 151, 168, 173, 186, 216,218,234 Woven reed → 31 Yield stress → 118 Yorkshire bond → 34 Ziggurat → 12, 13,22
Index of names Aalto, Alvar → 28 Alberti, Leon Battista → 23 Alberts, Andrew → 276 Aparicio Guisado, Jesus Maria → 342 Baumschlager, Carlo → 346 Bienefeld, Heinz → 262 Behrens, Peter → 24, 32, 45, 49 Beckerath, Verena von → 276 Bloch, Ernst → 29 Boullee, Etienne-Louis → 21 Bramante, Donato → 23 Burkard, Urs → 250 Buttel, Friedrich Wilhelm → 43 Cavadini, Raffaele → 357 Claus, Felix → 272 Clausen, Bruno → 314 De Blacam, Shane → 364 de Klerk, Michel → 26 de Mans, Paul → 29 Dias, Adalberto → 369 Eberle, Dietmar → 346 Eckert, Dieter → 374
Index of names/Picture credits/Acknowledgments
Fink, Dieter → 378 Fischer von Erlach, Johann Bernhard → 21 Frederiksen, Bo → 258 Gisel, Ernst → 304 Gartner, Friedrich von → 39 Gaudi, Antoni → 26, 27, 39 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von → 40 Gropius, Walter → 24-26, 32, 39, 43, 47 Hahn, Ulrich → 352 Haessig, Felix B. und Peter C → 314 Hase, Conrad Wilhelm → 39 Hegger, Manfred → 331 Hegger-Luhnen, Doris → 331 Heide, Tim → 276 Helten, Gunter → 352 Hertlein, Hans → 49 Hertzberger, Herman → 28 Hierl, Rudolf → 288 Hillebrandt, Annette → 308 Hoffmann, E.T.A. → 42 Hoffmann, Friedrich → 22, 58 Hoffmann, Ludwig → 40 Hbger, Fritz → 24, 26, 27, 33-35, 39, 44, 233 Jefferson, Thomas → 34 Jocher, Thomas → 378 Kaag , Werner → 360 Kaan, Kees → 272 Kafka, Franz → 13 Kahlfeldt, Paul und Petra → 33, 237, 318 Kahn, Louis I. → 28, 50 Knudsen,Jan → 258 Koch, Kai-Michael → 37 Kollhoff, Hans → 278 Korff-Laage, Paul → 33 Kramer, Piet → 26, 27 Krausen, Norbert → 293 Kremmer, Martin → 49 Lavington, Richard → 328 Le Corbusier → 28, 37, 42, 43 Lederer, Arno → 298, 322 Lewerentz, Sigurd → 28 Lilienthal, Gustav → 22 Loos, Adolf → 24, 26 Lundgaard, Boje → 338 MacCreanor, Gerard → 328 Mayer, Roland → 267 Meagher, John → 364 Mendelssohn, Erich → 51 Meyer, Adolf → 25, 32, 33, 39, 43, 47 Meyer, Adrian → 250 Meyer, Gabriele → 242 Michelangelo → 23 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig → 25ff, 28, 34, 35, 40, 43, 49 Mohl, Heinz → 311 Muller, Hans Heinrich → 40 Neb uchadnezzar ll → 12 Negwer, Hubertus → 374 Neumann, Johann Balthasar → 42 Novalis → 527 Oei, Marc → 298, 322 Palladio, Andrea → 20, 2 1 , 23 Parler, Peter → 19 Perrault, Claude → 44 Pfeifer, Gunter → 256, 267 PleCnik, Josef → 34, 35 Poelzig, Hans → 33, 49 Popper, Karl → 30 Posener, Julius → 32 Raphael → 23 Ragnarsdottir, Jorunn → 298, 322
Ramcke, Rolf → 7, 45, 47, 49, 50, 246 Rietveld, Gerrit → 26, 27 Schattner, Karljosef → 47, 49, 237, 284, 287 Schinkel, Karl Friedrich → 14, 23, 39 Schleiff, Gunter → 331 Schlickeysen, Carl → 22 Schmitz, Karl-Heinz → 284 Schneider, Hartwig N. → 242 Schulz, Gernot → 308 Schumacher, Fritz → 26, 27, 44, 45, 233 Schunck, Eberhard → 293 Schupp, Fritz → 49 Schwarz, Rudolf → 360 Semper, Gottfried → 38, 51 Sommer, Detlef → 374 Stolz, Walter → 238 Stiller, Friedrch August → 22 Sullivan, Robert Louis → 24 Suselbeek, Wouter → 374 Theoderic → 16 Titz, Wolff, Breune → 35 Tranberg, Lene → 338 Twain, Mark → 22 Ulrich, Dieter → 293 Van der Pol, Lisbeth → 334 van Doesburg, Theo → 26 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene → 14, 15 Vitruvius → 14, 16, 37, 45 Wright, Frank Lloyd → 28 Zeinstra, Herman → 334
Picture credits Part 1 • Masonry in architecture Archiv fur Kunst und Geschichte Berlin:1.1.10, 1.1.25 Atelier Kinold; Munich: 1,1.44 Bildarchiv Foto Marburg: 1.1.21 Bildarchiv Monheim; Meerbusch: 1.1.12, 1.1.13, 1.1.20, 1.1.24, 1.1.73 Blaser, Werner; Basel: 1.1.32, 1.1.37, 1.1.78, 1.1.108 Budeit, Hans Joachim; Dortmund: 1.1.17-19, 1.1.22, 1.1.87, 1.1.106 Burkle, Christoph; Sulgen, Switzerland: 1.1.88 Casals, Lluis; Barcelona: 1.1.118 Citterio, Antonio: 1.1.116 Conrad, Dietrich; Dresden: 1.1.16 Derwig, Jan; Amsterdam: 1.1.40 German Archaeological Institute, Athens: 1.1.9 Enders, Ulrike; Hannover: 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.46, 1.1.47 Fondation Le Corbusier/© VG Bild-Kunst; Bonn: 1.1.89 Frahm, Klaus/artur; Cologne: 1.1.35 Funk, Susanne; Munich: 1.1.56 Gabriel, Andreas; Munich: 1.1.1, 1.1.84 Helle, Jochen/artur; Cologne: 1.1.112 Hirmer Fotoarchiv Munchen: 1.1.5, 1.1.6 Hannover Municipal Building Authority: 1.1,34 Kahlfeldt Architekten; Berlin: 1.1.101 Kaltenbach, Frank; Munich: 1.1.8 Kleiner, S.: Wiener Ansichten, part III, pi. 18: 1.1.27 Muller, Bernd; Hannover: 1.1.64 Berlin State Archives: 1.1.30 Lessing, Erich/Archiv fur Kunst u. Geschichte Berlin: 1.1.10 Oudsten, Frank den; Amsterdam: 1.1.36 Pehnt, Wolfgang; Cologne: 1.1.31 Petersen, Knud; Berlin: 1.1.86 Plunger, Max; S-Saltsjö Durnas: 1.1.43 Ramcke, Rolf; Hannover: 1.1.23, 1.1.26, 1.1.54, 1.1.57, 1.1.65,1.1.66,1.1.72,1.1.74-77,1.1.79,1.1.80-1.1.83, 1.1.85, 1.1.90-95, 1.1.97-100, 1.1.102-105, 1.1.107, 1.1.109-111, 1.1.113-115 Schittich, Christian; Munich: 1.1.2, 1.1.14, 1.1.42 Schumacher, Fritz; Hamburg: 1.1.96 Seewald, Heike; Hemmingen: 1.1.55, 1.1.117
Berlin State Museums, Prussian Culture/Egyptology Museum & Papyrus Collection: 1.1.45 Berlin State Museums, Prussian Culture / Near East Museum/J. Liepe: 1.1.7 Hannover Public Libraries: 1.1.33 Berlin Technical University, Collection of Drawings: 1.1.39 Werner, Heike; Munich: 1.1.41 Part 2 • Fundamentals Foto Kalksandstein-lnformation; Hannover: p. 146 Ziegel Klimaton; Brunnthal: p. 158, 159 left Preton; Switzerland: p. 159 right Part 4 • Built examples in detail Binet, Helene; London: pp. 328-330 Blonk, Arthur/arcasa; Wanneperveen, NL: pp. 272-275 Buttner, Dominic; Zurich: pp. 278, 280, 281, 283 Cook, PeterA/iew; London: pp. 365, 367, 368 Ferreira Alves, Luis Seixas; Porto: pp. 369-373 Frederiksen, Jens; Copenhagen: pp. 258-261 Gabriel, Andreas; Munich: p. 288 Gahl, Christian; Berlin: pp. 276, 277 Giovanelli, Francesca; Weiningen, Switzerland: pp. 267-271 Gisel, Georg; Zurich: pp. 304, 306 Halbe, Roland; Stuttgart: pp. 242, 245, Halbe, Roland/artur; Cologne: pp. 298-303, 322, 323, 325 Henz, Hannes; Zurich: p. 305 Hueber, Eduard/archphoto; New York: pp. 347-351 Job, Roman; Munich: pp. 238, 239 Kaltenbach, Frank; Munich: p. 362 Kandzia, Christian; Esslingen: p. 244 Kinold, Klaus; Munich: pp. 262-266, 284-286, 289, 292-297, 311-313,315-317 Kramer, Luuk; Amsterdam: pp. 334, 335, 337 Kubitza, Manuel; Cologne: pp. 308-310 Lindhe, Jens; Copenhagen: pp. 338-341 Lurman, Wolfgang; Munich: p. 291 Muller, Stefan; Berlin: pp. 319-321 von Quast, Siegfried; Mumau: pp. 247, 249 Richter, Ralph/architekturphoto; Dusseldorf: pp. 324,326-327 Roth, Lukas; Cologne: pp. 243, 378-383 Schldtzer, Gerhard; Bamberg: p. 241 Schmitz, Arjen; Maastricht: pp. 352-356 Schuster, Oliver; Stuttgart: pp. 360, 361, 363 Seewald, Heike; Hemmingen: pp. 246, 248 Simonetti, Filippo; Brunate, Italy: pp. 357-359 Sorgedrager, Bart; Amsterdam: pp. 374-376 Suzuki, Hisao; Premia de Dalt, Barcelona: pp. 342-345 Willebrand, Jens; Cologne: pp. 331-333 Willig, Hajo; Hamburg: pp. 256, 257 Zimmermann, Reinhard; Zurich: pp. 250, 252, 253 Full page plates Page 7 Ornamental masonry on the Samanide Mauso leum in Buchara, Usbekistan, 10th century Photo: Christian Schittlich, Munich Page 53 Northlight roofs to the Aymerich Wool Weaving Works, "Amati i Jover", inTerrassa, Spain, 1907. Photo: Manfred Hamm, Berlin Page 203 Kuhnen House, Kevelaer; architect: Heinz Bienefeld, 1988. Photo: Klaus Kinold, Munich Page 235 Housing complex in Amsterdam; architects: Zeinstra, van der Pol, Amsterdam, 1988. Photo: Luuk Kramer, Amsterdam
Acknowledgements The publishers would like to express their gratitude to the following persons for their suggestions and advice during the production of this book: Prof. Dr.-lng. Walter Haas, Munich Dipl.-lng. Edgar Haupt, Odental Dipl-lng. Christine Peter, Munich Dipl-lng. Christian Peter, Munich Prof. Dr.-lng. Jurgen J. Rasch, Karlsruhe Prof. Eberhard Schunck, Munich