Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (2024)

06.03.2011Helene Dujardin(Senior Editor) 82 Comments

Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (2)

I smiled when I made these tarts. The enticing smell wrapping up the entire house. I smiled when I photographed them. The anticipation of tasting one slowly building up. I smiled when we finally shared one. My toes curling up with happiness. All we needed that day was a bit of dark chocolate and milk jam nestled in macadamia goodness. That day was Valentine’s day folks.

Talk about posting behind schedule! The past three weeks have been a complete blur of editing and reviewing the manuscript for Foodography. Now is ultimate crunch time before going to print in a couple of weeks. I confess I got butterflies in my stomach when the first chapters came out from the designer all laid out and ready for us to comb through, dot our i’s and cross our t’s one more time.

Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (3)

Since this past November that I started writing, B. has been nothing but even more amazing than he already is. We’re not into anything V-Day related but this time I wanted to do something extra special for him. He’s been my rock throughout this whole project. He held me, both literally and figuratively, whether the words were coming in floods or whether I pondered over the same sentence for 30 minutes. So I wanted to make something special.

I remembered a decadent macadamia tart in an issue Elle a Table that I had brought back after my last trip home. I smiled realizing I had no problem finding a magazine but it’s been weeks since I have been able to match a couple pairs of socks. Obvious discombobulated sense or priorities on my part, ehehe!

Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (4)

The base of the tarts is a lovely crust with ground macadamia nuts in it that gets filled with a sweet layer of milk jam and topped with a smooth layer of bittersweet chocolate ganache. Milk jam is very similar in taste to a slow simmered cream and caramel sauce and is super easy to make. It’s simply whole milk, sugar and a pinch of baking soda simmered on the stove until they are reduces to a thick caramel sauce.

The process is as enjoyable and addicting as the end result. It fills the air around you with one of the nicest aromas. It is a specialty of the Normandy region of France, but one so good that it’s been adopted throughout the country. Thank goodness! Being from Provence, I like to add a sprinkle of lavender buds or a little lemon zest once in a while to spice things up a bit. Just like romance…

Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (5)

After sharing one with him, I put the rest in the freezer and in the whirlwind of a shoot I completely forgot about them until one late night last week. We split one, not entirely thawed and he explained it tasted like a really cold ice cream sundae topping. I could definitely see how some pieces of that tart thrown in some vanilla ice cream would be absolutely delicious. And absolutely decadent. Something to share with your honey

Macadamia, Milk Jam and Chocolate Tarts:

Makes six 4-inch tartelettes or one 9-inch tart

For the crust:
5 tablespoons (70gr) unsalted butter, at room temperature
3 egg yolks
pinch salt
1/2 cup (80gr) superfine rice flour
1/2 cup (60gr) millet flour
1/2 cup (45gr) ground macadamia nuts
2 tablespoons to 1/4 cup cold water or milk

For the milk jam:
2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda

For the chocolate ganache:
5 oz bittersweet chocolate (chips or chopped)
pinch of salt
1/2 cup heavy cream

Prepare the crust:
In a mixer, whip the butter on medium speed until light and airy. Add the egg yolks, one at a time and beating well after each addition. Mix until incorporated. Add the salt, and all the rice and millet flours, the ground nuts and mix briefly. Add some water or milk, one tablespoon at a time if the dough feels too dry. Dump the whole mixture onto a lightly floured (use more rice flour) board and gather the dough into a smooth ball. Flatten the dough into a disk, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour.
Preheat oven to 350F and position a rack in the center.
When the dough is nice and cold, roll it out on a lightly floured board or in between two sheets of plastic to fit your prefered pie pan or six 4-inch tart rings. If the dough tears while you roll or/and transfer into the pan, just patch it with your fingertips. Line the dough with a piece of parchment paper, fill with pie weights or dy beans and par bake for 15 minutes until golden brown and completely baked. Remove the weights and parchment paper. At this point you can refrigerate the baked crust for up to 5 days before using. Let cool while you prepare the filling.

Prepare the milk jam:
Place the milk, sugar and baking soda in a heavy bottom saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. When the mixture is boiling, turn the heat down to medium-low and simmer until thick as jam, about 45 minutes to 1 hour. The time will differ depending on the diameter of your pot, (the wider, the less time it will take) and the heat you use (electric stove set on medium low can present some differences).

Prepare the chocolate ganache:
Place the chocolate and salt in a non reactive bowl and set aside. In a heavy bottom saucepan set over high heat, bring the cream to almost boiling (really hot basically!). When hot, pour it over the chocolate and salt. Let stand for 5 minutes before slowly whisking the mixture to bring it together to a smooth and silky ganache. If it’s not completely smooth, return to very low heat for a few seconds to melt the chocolate some more. Brands vary so this step may be necessary if the chocolate is not completely melted.

To assemble:
Pour 2 tablespoons of milk jam at the bottom of each tartlet. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Spoon some chocolate ganache over the milk jam until you reach close to the top. Refrigerate a couple of hours before serving to let the ganache and milk jam set.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (9)

LynetteMarch 6, 2011 um 11:12 pm

Yay, it's gluten-free 🙂 Looks beautiful, as your photos always do.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (10)

AnonymousMarch 6, 2011 um 11:19 pm

Wow— this looks amazing! Milk Jam sounds like pure heaven. Never before have I imagined how lovely something could possibly taste. My 4 year old request that we make your Macaroons almost daily, and at least once a month we do. I can't wait to make these tarts with her next!

Thank you for sharing your recipe with us!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (11)

muppyMarch 6, 2011 um 11:29 pm

This looks an sounds amazing! I have never heard of milk jam, it sounds really yummy, i love caramel.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (12)

IvyMarch 6, 2011 um 11:51 pm

Those tarts look so elegant. You are a true artist!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (13)

sophieMarch 7, 2011 um 12:10 am

milk jam? sounds yum!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (14)

pickyin @ LifeIsGreatMarch 7, 2011 um 1:05 am

Milk jam is new to me, I think I will prefer it to dulce de leche. Thank you for the recipe and it's never too late to celebrate love.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (15)

UnknownMarch 7, 2011 um 1:52 am

I have never thought of making milk jam. That looks so cool

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (16)

Jennifer (Delicieux)March 7, 2011 um 2:30 am

I've not made milk jam yet, but have read about it a few times. After seeing your post I definitely have to try it. Your tarts sinfully delicious!!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (17)

JohnnyMarch 7, 2011 um 3:22 am

Beautiful! Looks incredibly delicious. Thanks for explaining the milk jam, sounds like its rather easy to make?

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (18)

JanMarch 7, 2011 um 3:26 am

So that's how you make milk jam! Thanks for the recipe; I can't wait to make this 🙂

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (19)

JanMarch 7, 2011 um 3:28 am

P.S. The milk jam is reminiscent of dulce de leche, no?

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (20)

Vimitha DuraiMarch 7, 2011 um 3:42 am

Perfect and wonderful Tart filled with love… Any man would fall for this…

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (21)

HeleneMarch 7, 2011 um 4:27 am

Jan: it's closer to salidou than dulce de leche. I've never ha d traditional dulce de leche, just the ones with the sweetened condensed milk (in which case, this is different since it has whole milk)

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (22)

Banana WonderMarch 7, 2011 um 4:28 am

Love the idea of milk jam… oh wow these tarts are beauties!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (23)

Delicious ShotsMarch 7, 2011 um 4:33 am

It looks sooo yummy, and the pictures are great as always

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (24)

Maria @ Scandi FoodieMarch 7, 2011 um 5:55 am

Such delicious flavours, I'd love to try some!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (25)

NehaMarch 7, 2011 um 6:24 am

You had me at milk jam : P

I'm so excited for the book!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (26)

Patricia AnnMarch 7, 2011 um 6:39 am

I'm just wondering, with all of the time you put into all of the food you make, which seems to be a lot, who eats them all? I for one am single and despite how much I love to cook, I would be making more desserts if it weren't so bad for me to eat a dozen cupcakes (with frosting) if I might add. Do you give most of your food away, such as your desserts, to neighbors? Or do you freeze most of the stuff and grab one when you're craving?

Patricia Ann

P.S. Whenever I see a chocolate ganache in a tart, I almost always want to layer pears on top of it. 🙂

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (27)

HeleneMarch 7, 2011 um 6:45 am

Patricia Ann: I don't put much time into making them as making dinner or making a cake or a pan of brownies so that's really time consuming. I wish I had more time for it than what I do now actually.
As far as what we do with it, well, it all depends but it's all that you have cited. Sharing, freezing, giving, keeping for a few days, etc…

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (28)

notyet100March 7, 2011 um 6:51 am

jam sounds so yum,,

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (29)

ChihiroMarch 7, 2011 um 6:58 am

I might not have the patience for a tart, but I might just manage the milk jam on short bread. This sounds amazing.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (30)

TineMarch 7, 2011 um 7:01 am

One word: Yum!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (31)

rahelMarch 7, 2011 um 7:03 am

That looks so delicious.I would love to try them- I even have loads of macadamia nuts in the freezer. Just need to find some time. Great pictures as always!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (32)

SilviaMarch 7, 2011 um 9:21 am

Helene, why is baking soda added to the milk jam? What is its role?

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (33)

flowers on my tableMarch 7, 2011 um 10:22 am

Oooh scrumptious! I shall certainly be making these for my 2 honeys. Thanks Helene. Have a happy day, Linda

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (34)

Nina TimmMarch 7, 2011 um 12:09 pm

Just when I thought those tartlettes do not get any better, I see that themilk jam on the inside and all my resistance crumbled to nothing!!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (35)

Caroline @ chocolate and carrotsMarch 7, 2011 um 1:58 pm

Those look absolutely amazing! I'm going to have to make these. 😀 Mmmmmm!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (36)

HeleneMarch 7, 2011 um 2:42 pm

Silvia: it helps make it last longer refrigerated to prevent getting a sour sauce too fast because of the dairy in it.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (37)

UnknownMarch 7, 2011 um 3:53 pm

Every time my inbox says Tartelette I get excited to see what tasty num nums you are going to make! You never disappoint!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (38)

Heather BrandtMarch 7, 2011 um 4:44 pm

any substitute for the heavy cream b/c I am dairy free?


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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (39)

HeleneMarch 7, 2011 um 4:56 pm

Heather: sorry but I am not proficient in dairy free substitutes. If there is a dairy free cream out there, by all means try with it.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (40)

SMITH BITESMarch 7, 2011 um 5:49 pm

oh gawd Helene . . . i was hooked waayyyy before you said tossing chunks of this into ice cream . . . now it's like a scratch that can't be itched until i have some of this loveliness – WOW!!!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (41)

Anne @ Baking MeMarch 7, 2011 um 6:01 pm

Just the name milk jam sounds delicious and these tarts are beautiful.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (42)

marlaMarch 7, 2011 um 6:07 pm

ohhhhh, curled toes and milk jam. love that!
Nuts in crusts are my favorite. Great texture & flavor.
Bet you were thrilled stumbling on these for a late night treat 🙂 xo

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (43)

ChocolateCentral.comMarch 7, 2011 um 7:53 pm

There are 3 different parts to this recipe, but I like the simplicity of the ingredients. This tartlette looks so fancy, but reading through it, it is doable. As always, nice photographs too. I'll let you know if it curls my toes!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (44)

ClaudiaMarch 7, 2011 um 8:07 pm

Oooh!!! I am definitely going to try and make these.

One question if you have a two seconds. For the crust can I replace all those flours w/just regular? If so, would the rest of the ingredients remain the same?

Great post, thank you!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (45)

Kelly-JaneMarch 7, 2011 um 8:10 pm

They are so gorgeous, I'm off to print the recipe 🙂 Thanks.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (46)

AshMarch 7, 2011 um 8:50 pm

Woah!! This looks totally amazing!! I must must try this one out!!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (47)

Rocky Mountain WomanMarch 7, 2011 um 9:05 pm

They look so lovely..and would make the perfect late night treat at my house tonight….

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (48)

NenouMarch 7, 2011 um 9:50 pm

milk jam! great taste,
thank you for this recipe.
your photos are amazing, as always.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (49)

Holly @ Recipes from a Normal MumMarch 7, 2011 um 11:25 pm

My little boy would love a toddler sized version of this. Perfect for freezing and even better if slummy mummy Holly can forget to defrost in tie for tea…

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (50)

MindiMarch 8, 2011 um 12:04 am

Hi Helene, yum! Being from Australia (Macadamia heaven!) and being gluten free I love this recipe!

Could you also share where the divine linen napery is from? I love the white printing on it.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (51)

The InTolerant Chef ™March 8, 2011 um 2:27 am

How lovely! I'll try this milk jam with lactose free milk, and the base is already gluten free, win-win for me!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (52)

DanaMarch 8, 2011 um 2:45 am

Milk jam sounds really intriguing! I'm going to have to give it a try.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (53)

JulieMarch 8, 2011 um 3:38 am

So stunning – as always! Love the idea of milk jam…

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (54)

Baking MonsterMarch 8, 2011 um 3:54 am

These look amazing, I have been looking for a good tart recipe.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (55)

ChichaJoMarch 8, 2011 um 4:39 am

You had me at milk jam…and chocolate. What a divine tart this is!

So excited for your book…do hope to get it here!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (56)

emigliaMarch 8, 2011 um 11:18 am

I've seen jars of Bonne Maman milk jam, but I never had any idea it was so easy to make at home! This could be very dangerous knowledge for me…

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (57)

Quay Po CooksMarch 8, 2011 um 12:39 pm

Fabulous tart and stunning photos!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (58)

The Galley GourmetMarch 8, 2011 um 12:44 pm

I adore milk jam, but have only spread it on toast. I will have to give these tarts a try–they look lovely. Thank you and thank you for stopping by my blog:)

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (59)

shazMarch 8, 2011 um 1:18 pm

Oooh, this looks like a dessert from my favourite bakery, now I can have a go at making it, yay! Haven't tasted milk jam before but it sounds very similar to dulce de leche (are they the same thing?).

Very excited about the book.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (60)

shazMarch 8, 2011 um 1:19 pm

Oops, sorry, just read the previous comments and you've already answered the dulce question, thanks.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (61)

jane maynardMarch 8, 2011 um 5:52 pm

oh helene, I might have to make the milk jam. I had some for the first time a month or so ago, French of course. that stuff is soooooooooo yummy. in fact, might have to make it today! thank you! 🙂

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (62)

GenMarch 8, 2011 um 8:33 pm

Hum ça a l'air divin et bien fondant!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (63)

GenMarch 8, 2011 um 8:33 pm

Hum ça a l'air divin et bien fondant!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (64)

AnonymousMarch 9, 2011 um 12:19 am

This looks absolutely delectable! I can't wait to try it. You have a beautiful site – I look forward to your book!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (65)

ErikaMarch 9, 2011 um 12:21 am

Just found your site for the first time today! I am new to gluten free! (from SC too!!!) Your site is amazing, and draws me in… Just spent an hour combing through!!!! I am so excited to find QUALITY, AMAZING, HEAVENLY GLUTEN FREE GOODIES!
I can't wait to try this one!!!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (66)

NutellaLoveAffairMarch 9, 2011 um 6:19 am

Delicious! I will definitely have to try them soon.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (67)

FragolinaMarch 9, 2011 um 7:59 am

These great chocolate tarts are perfect for sharing with our beloved on Valentine's Day.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (68)

book cheap flights to aucklandMarch 9, 2011 um 8:00 am

Looks great! will give it a shot

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (69)

SimoneMarch 9, 2011 um 9:38 pm

oh my .. how good look these? how good sound these? want some! need to bake … soooon! grettings from hamburg, germany 🙂

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (70)

Meagan @ Scarletta BakesMarch 10, 2011 um 5:06 pm

Gorgeous as always.

Thanks so much for the lovely recipe – any time I can work with macadamia nuts I do.

And I just read about your upcoming workshop in Santa Fe and I am SO excited!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (71)

Super MommieMarch 10, 2011 um 9:56 pm

OMG – that looks beautifully delicious!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (72)

SammieMarch 11, 2011 um 8:22 pm

Milk Jam? I've never heard of it but it looks amazing! Macadamia nuts are my favorite and I bet they made for a great crust!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (73)

OscareMarch 11, 2011 um 10:36 pm

un petit Bonjour made in France,
super site , j'adore surtout la recette des macarons qui est ma préférée de toutes celles testées.
est il possible de vous contacter par mail pour des conseils ?

à bientôt

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (74)

A Canadian FoodieMarch 11, 2011 um 11:24 pm

Milk Jam, hmmm? This, I will try. Coincidentally, just had a French Tart Cooking Class yesterday (My business is called Taste Tripping and I hire a variety of teachers) and I just pulled 3 22cm pate sable shells out of the oven this am – so… milk jam here we come.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (75)

SusanMarch 12, 2011 um 3:44 am

Interesting and so charming in "mini" size

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (76)

CatherineMarch 12, 2011 um 4:54 pm

This looks so beautiful & exquisite!
Gorgeous photos! You have a beautiful site!
Have a wonderful weekend,

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (77)

AnonymousMarch 12, 2011 um 7:20 pm

Ugh, this looks like heaven in a dessert! Definitely something I need to make sometime. Though I'm sure it won't turn out that pretty, I bet it will taste delicious. Beautiful pictures btw.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (78)

LiMarch 14, 2011 um 2:26 am

I've never heard of milk jam – but it looks amazing! And chocolate ganache tarts, who could resist?

I'm new on the blogging scene, so check out my blog if you have the time.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (79)

JanineMarch 14, 2011 um 5:15 am

ooh you just solved one of life's mysteries for me! I had the yummiest chocolate tarts while I was in Caen and was never able to tell what was the dulce-like substance in it. Now I know it was milk jam 😀 Am definitely trying this recipe soon!!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (80)

JulieMarch 14, 2011 um 9:52 pm

I made these on Friday night for a Saturday get-together, and they were awesome! I left my Hun in charge of the milk jam while I was doing my daily workout, though, and he accidentally set the heat too high while thickening, so there wasn't as much jam as we needed. I sprinkled a layer of chopped pecans over the milk jam and poured the ganache over the top, and it worked out fine. Everyone loved them!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (81)

féenoménaleMarch 16, 2011 um 7:00 pm

whooah your tartelette looks so beautiful. I think it's very delicious!
I take a portion 😉

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (82)

Swee SanMarch 17, 2011 um 7:11 am

Hi Helene, where did you get the small bottles? they are so dainty and cute.. I'm going to try making this tart this weekend.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (83)

Georgia PellegriniMarch 19, 2011 um 5:17 pm

This tart is really lovely. I'm dreaming about that milk jam and chocolate ganache has a special place in my heart.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (84)

UnknownMarch 20, 2011 um 2:09 am

lovely photos & tarts look delightful!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (85)

Hena TayebMarch 24, 2011 um 10:17 pm

Oh this is just sinfully delish

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (86)

rchlMarch 24, 2011 um 10:36 pm

I just went out to buy the ingredients for these because they look so delicious but I was unable to find millet flour. Is there anything I can use to substitute for this?

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (87)

HeleneMarch 24, 2011 um 11:50 pm

rchl: yes, you can use rice flour or brown rice flour, sorghum flour, teff flour potato flour, almond flour, quinoa, amaranth and gf oat flour. Any will work here instead of millet.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (88)

HamburchBackblechMarch 25, 2011 um 2:43 pm

tartelette, mine didn't turn out as beautiful as yours and i have to confess that i used a much easier dough and ready-out-of-the-jar caramel … but thanks for your inspiration 🙂
sweet greetings from hamburg/germany!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (89)

AnonymousMay 6, 2011 um 10:46 pm

I'm trying to find a 4" tart ring, but most are about a half inch tall, is that tall enough on the sides for tartelettes? What do you recommend for the height of the sides? Thank you!

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (90)

HeleneMay 7, 2011 um 2:08 pm

Vanessa:1 inch tall rings would be best.

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Macadamia, Milk Jam & Chocolate Ganache Tarts - Tartelette (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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